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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Don't forget to vote every day for your favorite heroes! The Top 8 will battle it out for one of the four spots in the banner, and the top winner will be handed out for free to all players! Feel free to discuss your picks in this thread. Maybe win some people over to your side as to why we should vote for... I dunno, Thorr.
  2. I am 24 years old and I know what that is. ...wait what does that say about me? I don't think that would have mattered. Greil, Rudolph, and Gustav are all dead as well, and the dialogue from each respective paralogue shows that the living characters are all post-death, yet they were still able to be reunited with... their fathers I guess is the case here. This applies to the very first Valentine banner as well, though the time difference between Eliwood/Hector/Lyn and Roy/Lilina is far further than the time difference between the three dead dads above. Point being, Emmeryn could have joined the festival even if she were still "dead" to Chrom and the others.
  3. ...ack, I completely forgot I +10ed New Year Lethe. Not a whole lot to say about her. I randomly summoned a bunch of her, decided to finish the job, and she also happened to be in the Limited Time manual shop so that was just extra convenient. I hope she gets a good refine. ...why do I have BOTH versions of Lethe merged up, I don't even know her that well...
  4. If CYL wasn't split by gender, then we would have a few different Brave Hero alts... Tharja received more overall votes than Roy in CYL1. Roy almost wasn't our boy. Marth would have received his Brave alt a year earlier, while Lysithea would have been shafted in CYL4, as Marth received more votes than her. Chrom actually received more votes than BOTH the girls in CYL5, but still less than Gatekeeper and Marth. Eirika would have been dropped without gender splitting. It would have been interesting to see how the lack of gender splitting would have affected the future of CYL... after all, Tharja, who was #4, has since dropped to the lower 20s in the following years. Would Roy have been a high-listed unit had he been in more than just the first CYL, after we knew what being a CYL unit meant? Thanks for reminding me this game exists. Extra special thanks for pulling up the image. Now if you will excuse me, I need to go bleach my brain again, because I do NOT need this to live rent-free in my head.
  5. I wonder if it might be because the Prf skills of Legendary units have a chance to be shared with other versions of the same character, but Mythic units prf skills aren't since they're technically the original versions of each skill? It's a large stretch, and doesn't make much sense why they would do it this way, but that's really the only difference between Legendary prf skills and Mythic prf skills I can think of...
  6. If I were to guess, that would be Fates. The land mass which make up Hoshido and Nohr does not have an official name. and according to wikipedia, the Moirai are known in english as the "Fates," which would make the name apply. Looking at the chart, it does also match the results of CYL1, which had a large Fates representation.
  7. Free Red special hero is... uh... wait what's the title given to the Jugdral Festival units? Cause it's Julia from that. +Spd -Def isn't bad at all. And hey if I decide I don't want her, she has an inheritable tome! Also got Yuri and HarmonicCatria in the same session with a ticket. Not good assets mind you, but they do have some fodder skill options...
  8. I mean that's fine and all, I'm not gonna dispute the results of the vote, but that doesn't tell me WHY. What is the appeal of Byleth, the female one especially, that would make people want her to be a Brave Hero in Heroes? Is it a meme that I'm not getting? And on a side note, I still don't have an answer to WHERE MY BANDIT BROS ARE. Easily the most doable Duo hero behind... basically all of them I guess, but bottom of the list is still on the list! My point of view below.
  9. I actually don't mind it. +7 is currently the highest that Field buffs can be, and it is hard to get onto most units. The only methods that come to mind are- Hone/Fortify stat 4 skills (very strict placement required, as such it cannot be guaranteed that the unit who wants all stat +7 will even have the boost) Defiant skills (I mean... come on) Legendary Female Byleth's Prf C passive (already boosts her two most important stats) And of the above, the only one that Azura herself can grant is Hone/Fortify stat 4. The closest you can get to having LegAzura grant the same boost as DuoAzura is giving her one of the defensive Dance skills (which will become +5 all stats to whoever she dances) or just using the many existing ways of granting a unit a +6 boost (which kind of ruins the point of comparing the two.) But even then DuoAzura is still able to grant her boost to any ally she is next to regardless of who she actually dances. I know that doesn't SOUND like it'd be that important, but I actually have already been helped greatly by the effect in the Abyssal Hero Battle for Elimine. Plus it frees up the B/C/SS slots for whatever you want to put in them. Also worth noting is that native 3 movement is great for offensive Cav teams, since now the dancer can keep up with them outside of WoM/ER play.
  10. Sorry gotta say it: WHAT FANS??? She's a complete blank slate of an avatar, and you don't even get to customize her. Please someone tell me the appeal of Byleth themselves, beyond just being a character from Three Houses??? This is honestly just... maaaaan, I would have preferred a meme pick over Byleth. I mean Gatekeeper was kinda weird to see, but at least he's an actual CHARACTER. Come on, where's... I dunno, the big chick from Midori's paralogue? Is she a meme? She seems like a meme. What about Fab Bandit Bros, Is there a pair of Fab Bandit Bros chicks? WHY IS THERE NO FAB BANDIT BROS IN MY FIRE EMBLEM GACHA GAME YET??? ...oh yeah the other 3 are good.
  11. To repeat what I said before about the CYL6 winners, Seliph will be interesting to see the alt of, I honestly thought Awakening Tiki just didn't exist anymore, Chrom isn't surprising but also not unwelcome, Byleth is a paper bag with a neutral face drawn on it (that sometimes is frowning instead) 5 years of Feh! Have all the free stuff! No Florets though... which is a bit of a shame, but maybe next year. Among the GHB heroes we will be getting a 5* copy of, the only ones that are a miss for me are Walhart and Naesala (since I already +10ed the two of them), and oddly I'm most excited to see Panne? She's grown on me since her addition to the game, I don't know what to say otherwise... Welp, if this years HeroFest banner doesn't bring in the big bucks, I don't know what will. Two of these heroes absolutely everyone uses... I think for the Seasonal Freebie summon, I'll take red. It seems the least likely to disappoint me. I do not look forward to this years Hero Rises... I'll save my thoughts on the Valentine units for when we actually get their banner trailer dropped, though I think Chrom/Robin are getting the Close Atk variant of Distant Pressure... Wow, I already hate Summoner Duels S based on the name alone. Please just drop this direct PvP nonsense... Three Houses has breached the Weekly Revival/4* Special Summon pool. Good to see all those faces not being summonable anymore, a good few of them are just... not worth summoning anymore. Also putting some good fodder into the 4* special pool. I think I would like the 4* Seasonal Special pool more if it were just put on ALL seasonal banners, not just revivals. I already like it a fair bit, don't get me wrong, but it's already rare that I want to summon off some of the older seasonal banners... Eir was LITERALLY my first 5* +10 hero! It was kind of expected for her to be getting the remix treatment to be honest... but I'm still happy to see her getting it! Oooh, that also puts Duma, Yune, Naga, among others in the running... maybe they'll finally become the gods they were meant to be. As for what Hrid and Eir are actually getting, I'm not sure how to feel about the overlap of Freezing Seal II and Atk/Def Menace's debuff effects, though I guess Hrid is more in it for the self-buffing. Still helpful though. I don't know why Eir is getting Atk/Res Unity though... her Res is alright I guess, but she only had Atk and Spd boosting effects on her skill set??? Sparkling Boost+ makes her an even better pseudo-healer, but an almost unconditional +5 Res boost to all allies is... huh. That's just cool. ...really does make me wonder what they're gonna do to Lyfjaberg... @MagicCanonBalls To be fair to Owain, he's more or less guaranteed to be the demote unit. Demote units NEVER have anything heavily desirable for inheriting outside of the weapons. Also they totally could give Hrid Distant Stance. I'm sure he would much prefer a theoretical Distant Reversal, but nothing wrong with boosting a tanks Res if he doesn't have much of that in the first place.
  12. Well then, some negatives from my experience using her: Her Duo skill can be hard to use in AR-O. Even if you manage to break through the enemies Duo/Harmonic units or destroy their Duo's Hinderance building, the one-tile range makes it slightly harder to take good advantage of. You would need to be using a ranged unit in a tile that lets them target multiple enemies or, easier to accomplish, be using a unit with Canto. This would technically also apply to... any map I guess, but AR maps are always harder to navigate within. Regular Peony is very similar to NY Peony and she was free, albeit minus the Duo skill and a weaker Atk buff. Point is, if all you want is a unit who has Cross Spur Atk in their weapon, regular Peony gets Cross Spur Atk/Spd. The lack of Duo skill of course won't matter in cases where Duo skills are just disabled. Her offensive stats are indeed good for a Dancer, but her defensive stats took a major blow to make up for it. 38 base HP with 18 Def and 23 Res is not fantastic at all, most units easily beat those defenses with a stick/bubble blower. 13 In-combat Atk is nice, but that is if her allies are within 2 spaces of her AND in a cardinal direction from her. That can be tricky to set up if map space is strict. Overall I think the negatives of Duo Peony can be summed up as "her unique features are limited to units who are able to remain in a cardinal direction from her", because otherwise you're just using a regular flying dancer... one who also grants spectrum +3 and Guidance status, but again regular Peony exists. I'd still vouch for pulling for her though. Peony is just a unit whose positives are impossible to be enough to deter one from ever being able to say "no, I don't need this unit", especially if you can get Cross Spur Atk onto her for 11 Atk to anyone in a cardinal direction from her. Of the three seasonal fairies, she is easily the best.
  13. Fair is fair, all there is left to do now is wait for the results. It feels especially hard to find anything to talk about CYL outside of voting when the results feel set in stone thanks to the midterm results. Kind of hard to change those results by the end of voting.
  14. The rein of man has no need for any gods, not even one considered a saint. Cavalry might not have been the best choice, considering how cramped their movement is in this map... but screw the rules, I have Walhart! Walhart continues to be the MBP, Most Bloodthirsty Player, except now he is built for Speed. And as it turns out, his speed is pretty good all things considered... but having LegLucina to give him a guaranteed follow-up still helps. Blade Session might not have been the best choice of seal, especially considering he immediately went down to below 50% so BrazenAS would have been better, but I highly doubt changing the seal will alter the results THAT much. Legendary Lucina enters the spotlight post-remix. Perhaps having some better ways to lower enemy Spd would have helped a bit, but in the end Lucy still managed to help. Future Vision II and Thogn are just too good... Duo Azura is very much a green unit (heh heh, get it?), but her weapons Special Dance effect helped. That, right now, is the big difference between LegAzura and Azura with a bird. Brave Marianne was largely brought along for Requiem Dance, but to be honest I completely forgot the reason why she isn't a proper dancer is because she traded that for some good offenses. In earlier versions of this run she didn't have an A/S boosting SS, and barely missed the kill on that Red Flier, but even just the +3 boost from ASform was enough to secure an entire kill and probably more. So between that and REFRESHING MY DANCER, yeah she very much helped. Hm... usually I don't like using so many premium units in my runs, and in this case a +10 grail unit with premium skills, a +10 legendary hero who JUST got remixed, a duo dancer, and a Brave Hero seem pretty premium... but on the other hand, this was definitely a fun run, so... I think it balances out 🙂 (also fun fact, all of the provided thumbnails from YT featured Walhart)
  15. From the well-known Fire Emblem game Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disk, Elimine provides defensive boosts to her nearby allies while shutting down most effects that trigger at the start of combat. Break through the followers of Saint Elimine! Map (Abyssal) Enemy units (Abyssal stats)
  16. Well looking over the participants, I can really only see one unit who I am very down for supporting... MEAT BOY.
  17. ...right, I guess there is a unit here, not just a VA who... REALLY does not fit the image of Saint Elimine otherwise. Definitely a very support-focused unit. Def/Res +6 at the start of the turn plus an extra Def/Res +4 and 30% damage reduction from Holy Ground means most allies won't be taking much damage when near her, and being a Staff unit means whatever damage they DO take is just immediately recovered. She actually seems like a decent user of Heavenly Light in that regard, since then she can spread HP recovery to all of her allies. Disabling start-of-turn effects is great as well. As an Astra mythic who grants a Spd bonus, her only real competition in that regard is Plumeria, and all she offers is a special dance. As far as skill fodder... meh. A/S Far Trace is neat, but ARpush4 is underwhelming, and personally I don't use any of the healing/positioning assists enough to consider one of them a good fodder skill. And as far as the rest of the banner, Red is okay (Constance is alright with some good fodder options, Volke provides Lethality on top of being a good unit, and LegSeliph remains a pretty powerful EP force), Blue is... meh for me personally (Peony was free for everyone and has very limited fodder options, LegJulia is a good dragon killer but I already +10 merged her, and Hapi, while a good dragon/beast nuke if used right, has to share with Peony and Julia), Green actually looks pretty good (Otr has alright fodder options, Eitri is strong and one of few ranged units with Canto built into her weapon, and Ascended Fjorm is the definition of a Far Save unit), and Colorless is the big focus here (Elimine, Leg Claude remains strong and annoyingly bulky, Ashera is... well, she is able to freely grant Null Panic, which is pretty nifty). ...yeah pretty good overall. Not one of the best, but definitely up there in terms of banner quality. But seriously, amalee???
  18. Up to now, Elimine has not had any important depiction in any Fire Emblem media, not even in Cipher. She instead only appears when linking Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade to the Mario Kart: Double Dash!! bonus disk to receive bonus items. More here.
  19. WHAT. I'm sorry, earlier today I was watching her fangirl over Thanatos from the Hades game. THAT'S WHO IS VOICING SAINT ELIMINE??? Goddamnit, I can't take this release seriously anymore... I completely glossed over the VA until you brought it up.
  20. I don't even remember the last time I checked my Platinum Point balance... I think I'm good.
  21. I... well, didn't vote at all. Didn't really know who to vote for, it's not like any currently missing characters are particularly desired by me. What'll I have missed out on otherwise, phone wallpapers that I can just get off the wiki?
  22. Moulder! I was gonna say Kellam, but I fear he may not even be on the ballot (THIS IS A JOKE)
  23. ...hm, now that I think about it, I think the three faces of Byleth, both male and female, are that face, ☚ī¸, and 😮 And no, there's really no difference in the two Byleths faces. Really all the differences you get with Byleth is, to put it PG, if Sylvain is attracted to you (and classes I guess)
  24. Hm... good artwork at least. Compared to her daughter at least, Deirdre is sporting 2 less HP and Atk and 2 more Spd and Res and Divine Naga, which Julia has exclusive use of Naga. Original Naga sporting Def/Res +4 and enabling Dragon-Close Counter when most all dragons do not do well on PP feels a lot better than Divine Naga getting Dull and all stat +3 if her Res is greater than the foes Res. Gonna pass on Deirdre for now... maybe I'll consider it if my copy of her gets to be +9, but for now I don't have a reason to resub.
  25. Awakening Tiki is a legit surprise. I thought people just forgot Tiki was an adult now with how many TinyTiki alts we have compared to BigTiki alts, especially since her one alt isn't even a dragonstone user. Seliph, if he wins a slot, will be an interesting alt to see. To this day I don't know a lot about Jugdral, so I have no idea where they could possibly pull an alt outfit from. Chrom exists. I know he's pretty popular overall, and that's okay. ...oh... so does Byleth... um yep she certainly indeed does exist... um... yep. They wouldn't try to pull that dancer crap with us again, would they...? So... yeah about the only issue I have here is Byleth. Hey, I know she's a wet blanket of an Avatar, but Corrin still has more personality than the paper bag with a smily face drawn on that Byleth is! Plus we still only have one version of the Yato...
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