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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Save Tanks often do not want to be using the Save skill that does not match their range type (Near Save for Melee, Far Save for Ranged) unless their Prf weapon, if one exists, has Distant Counter built into it. This is because in order to bring their bulk up to the nastily unbreakable levels seen, they need the A slot to pack a skill such as Sturdy Stance 3 or Close Def 4. Very few units are otherwise able to get away with packing the opposite Save skill (Ascended Fjorm being specifically made to work with the opposite Save skill) Since all of the armor units in the summonable 3/4 star pool are exclusively melee units, you are not likely to find a good candidate in there, also meaning your Effie and Flame Emperor will not make great Far Save tanks. They would be able to make for Near Save tanks, but a story for another day. As such, you will need to look at the Grail shop for the best candidate. Winter Cecilia has the lowest overall stats of them all, but her overall bulk is still higher than Jaffar. Being a Dagger unit also means she will trigger the [Dagger 7] effect as long as she attacks. Jaffar has alright Atk and Spd, but his bulk is lower than the other options. Same [Dagger 7] effect as above. Valentine Lissa has the highest overall bulk of the lot, but that comes at the cost of being a Staff unit, whose SI options are worse than what would normally be available to a Save unit and who sacrifices the extra stats that a weapon refine normally brings for the sake of being able to deal normal damage. Winter Felix has the highest Atk of the lot, as well as good Spd, but not the best bulk. Being a Blue unit may also ruin some matchups. Winter Ignatz has higher Spd and Res than Felix and slightly lower Atk and Def, and his being a colorless bow may work better in his favor than Felix's color. Ignatz would probably be the best option, with Lissa being an alternative option.
  2. So I wanna +10 merge Young Ilyana, and I'm currently only 1 total copy of her short of being able to eventually attain that (the other copies are 4* and I don't have the feathers for such right now) I have not claimed the Unlikely Friends spark unit yet, as I cancelled my Feh Pass a while back. If I used my spark on her, I'd be able to +10 merge Ilyana without having to continue summoning on the banner. A few cons that I have noted: Using the spark on a 4* unit may be considered a waste compared to one of the 3 other units (though in fairness to that I have no need for any of the other 3 units fodder or merges, so it's not like I would be considering it a waste) I would be receiving a Resplendent Hero for whom I have absolutely no plans to use (Saber is so utterly... middle of the road... though his art is good, and Faye is following him who I already plan to sub for anyway) So... any input?
  3. Ack, I hate my obligation to Resplendent my existing +10 heroes. They almost never have good skill fodder... ...is not the case this time though. Man I was wondering when I'd get a new Firesweep Bow fodder!
  4. Kind of a topic that goes in General discussion, and also River didn't "sneak in", he was the voice of Summer Ogma from last year. I'd still like to weigh in that... I dunno, I'm not really a person who cares about the VA. I mean if they do a good job then great! If they don't then they're the reason I wish this game had a voice language button that didn't change the games entire language of use (which at least for FEH there hasn't really been any stinkers) The last time I "freaked out" over a VA was Elimine as played by AmaLee, if and only because I had earlier watched her fangirl over Thanatos from Hades and somehow that was the person playing this goddess figure.
  5. I got a few units to share today: two nerds, a bunny, a brick wall, and a powerhungry tyrant corrupted further by the energy of a god sealed within a medallion. You know, the typical crowd. Fun fact, Miriel was my first ever FE love! In that when I first played Awakening (which was my first FE game) I didn't know S support meant marriage, and that just so happened to be who my Robin wound up hitting that rank first with. I reset the game once I realized what was going on. ...well anyway, Miriel has high stats. You can thank the Fury SS for inspiring me to go through with +10ing her. That much post-combat damage cannot be healthy though... Lute... I was sitting on needing 2 more copies of her for a while, AND THEN I GOT 2 COPIES OF HER. Real close to each other too, I was caught off guard. I'll probably refine her weapon at some point. Spring Marisa was a unit that now that I think about it it makes sense that I accidentally had a lot of copies of her: she shared her banner with Spring Palla, who I was trying to get a +Atk copy of and +10ed before achieving that. Between that, her HoF appearance giving me a chance to load her up with skills, and also being a limited time manual at some point, all I was missing was one more copy of her to let her into the club... which I did. Brave Hector, or Brector as I call him. Not much to say there, he was on a revival banner and I went for it. Didn't even take that long. Is he using the best Far Save, probably not, but heck I don't care. Ashnard it was surprisingly easy to get copies of him. He has a good weapon, he can make for a good Rein beacon, and his HoF appearance just made it easy to get him some good skills. What the heck, full merging him can only help after all. Still sitting on that one other unit I could +10 whenever I wanted too. I'm still waiting to see what refine they give them.
  6. It should be noted that the first post has not been updated in almost two years. I'm not going through two years of posts just to prove you wrong, but I am saying that it's very unlikely that's true. (unless you're joking, in which case let's pretend this never happened)
  7. WALHART. Man I sure do promote this guy quite a bit... anyway: Quite large Threaten range with a frankly huge debuff effect, notably inflicting Null Counterattack. Makes him pretty good as a support unit too, since Null C-Disrupt is still not as common as it could be. Surprisingly fast. At +10m +15df +Spd asset and with refined Wolf Berg, AScatch4, SDnear trace, and Swift Sparrow he hits 57 Spd, not counting the field buff he gets to Spd. It is not the fastest, no, but he's still outspeeding more threats than he would be otherwise (and as a PP Cav unit, it's not like he needs his Def built up when the enemy can't even counterattack...) ...yeah Walhart is pretty much my main contribution. As for a few others... Ashnard, outside of just being bulky, can serve as a solid Rein beacon by inflicting Atk/Def -9 on the enemy. If you want a Furyball, Miriel can get some pretty high stats with Spooky Censer and two stacks of Fury. Boey continues to be the easiest answer to Hegemon and other physical damage blue/colorless units, but honestly I only bring it up because where most other answers are simple win buttons, Boey may as well just be a "f*ck you I got better things to do" button. I highly doubt you'd desperately need him anytime soon. Young Innes is of course a Special nuke. There's not a whole lot of room for discussion there. If all else fails, you can always invest in an old bald guy.
  8. ...welp, I got pity broken by Hegemon. That is the last unit I would ever want pity from... But I did get +Atk -Res Tine very soon after, so I'll be considering myself done with this banner.
  9. Sorry I just wanna mention the Forging Bonds accessories for this batch real fast: Tine: ribbons like the ones she wears Ishtar: flowers (and a teddy bear) from the children she saved Arthur: an accessory reminisce of his late mother Scathach: bandaids. ...someone here got a little more screwed than the others...
  10. I don't have any attachment to any of these characters outside of +10ing Ishtar, so you can expect an outsider's perspective on these characters! (And also some unit analysis junk that gets ignored/picked apart) Tine's colorless nature confuses me. They were clearly okay with color overlap in previous banners, and as far as I know Tine is a Thunder Mage like her mom is, but they went and made her colorless because... she seems kinda moody I guess? Thunderer Tome seems set up to be active at all times except when stalling. Unless Tine has garbage for defenses, she might not even need a skill like Fury to get under 100% hp, and in fact she can just go under if she's on the same team as Winter Bernadetta. Shame she doesn't have Desperation and would be giving up NFU for it, but surely we're due for that sacred seal this year...? Someone at Intsys got confused clearly, because Arthur got very unlucky despite the actual unlucky Arthur currently being buried alive in someone elses grave right now. Gronnvulture brings the Plegian Torch to the summoning pool, and this I believe is the first Menace skill that does not target Atk? Honestly I think ASmenace would still be preferred anyway. ...hey... does Scathach give anyone else some anime protag vibes...? Pledged Blade enters the 4* pool now. I honestly can't help but wonder why though, sure the stat bonus is technically lower but the special charge effect is pretty neat. ...I can't say I like the plushes in her hand... I know she did not support the child hunt, but she still didn't stop it, so... I dunno, kinda wish she would have stopped supporting Julius, not even join the player army just STOP SUPPORTING HIM. Can't really say I'm interested in Ascended Ishtar. I have like 7 fast Blue Mage Infantry at this point, and one of them is regular Ishtar herself. It's not really like this version of her is doing anything different except having a conditional Brave effect on her weapon, yet assuming she is strong enough she may as well have just had a permanent Desperation/NFU effect. Tempo is different too I guess, but only barely. Hilda... Hilda... wasn't she the lazy girl with the giant pseudo-ASsolo axe? THIS IS A SARCASTIC STATEMENT, I know who Hilda is... vaguely... if you'll excuse my trip to the wiki later... So... kind of an easy pass. I'll summon a bit of course, but probably just to my first 5* unit, not even a focus unit. Tine and Ishtar seem like the premier units to target, Arthur doesn't even have that amazing skill fodder imo, and Scathach is an anime protag-I mean demote so I'll have him sooner or later anyway.
  11. I mean what I listed were just a few examples of the units who I literally have nothing I can do with their manuals. It's one thing when I just have a bunch of manuals doing nothing, it's another when there are so many manuals that it is cluttering my... bookshelf? I'm not asking to justify the existence of all my manuals (because frankly most of them are just units I keep in the reserve barracks and have been too lazy to take out for the sake of a few merges), but I am trying to figure out what the hell I'm supposed to do with... why the goddamn do I have a Lukas manual???
  12. Cordelia was never allowed to have nice things (Chrom), makes sense her fans would get the same treatment (a reason to use her in Arena)
  13. This is not a question related to the building of a unit, let me say that first. What do you believe are the odds that the merge limit will be increased at any point in the lifespan of FEH, and what should I do with all of these 5* manuals which I have not ever used in years? Explanation below.
  14. Eliwood provides All Stat +6, Bonus Doubler status, and a possible Feint/Ruse trigger on enemies through his default kit, which admittedly is not bad. Granted he has to be on a team with a Beast/Dragon ally to grant half of those stat bonuses, and the boosts are only granted to the unit or units with the highest Atk stat, but what becomes All Stat +12 is not to be underestimated, especially if run on a unit who operates off Bonuses anyway. Worth keeping in mind, however, is that his boosts become worthless when Lulls and Panic are taken into account, and Astrid functions very similarly if you happen to already have her.
  15. CYL could theoretically make the 1st place winners Ascended Heroes, since all of last years winners got new non-weapon Prf skills rather than just the two 1st place winners. ...theoretically of course. I myself also don't know what they could do for the Fallen banner...
  16. We uh... seem to keep forgetting to update this thread. Hm I see, the last comic posted was the one where Kiran became sexy... got it. And then the newest one If she learns what it's like at Garreg Mach, Azura is very likely to abandon her own world... What a cute shop vendor! Who even needs Anna at that point? Kagero really does have an interesting take on art and flowers... I never thought about the dread and despair leaking into the physical form of beauty as one uses beauty to mask the utter ugliness of-wait what do you mean they're just flowers and a kitty picture? I believe we can all agree, as these two Kirans did, that Ash is yes. Those two I get, but why does Kiran need protection from the elements? He/She is completely covered up...? ...I dunno, I think if I saw a hairball taller than myself, I might sooner gag and run away... I like the two Wolfskin well enough, but there's a limit before I go back to the two pretty Kitsune... Maybe his valentine alt can take the praise better... Ahaha, they do say the bestest of friends are made on the Battlefield where Life and Death interweave in the same breath and moment of time! ...what do you mean they're playing tag?
  17. I wouldn't say Oath is necessary to have on him, since all it provides is an Atk/Spd field buff that can be supplied from other sources (he himself can get Atk+6 from his prf assist), and other skills can provide better effects (Time's Pulse, Menace skills, Drives, even rouseAS4 is overall better due to the additional Null Panic effect) But if Oath is all you can afford, then it does do a good enough job at helping Chrom out. ASideal4 and LullSD both check out as well.
  18. Let me tell you about a young lad with hopes and ambitions for something better: WALHART THE CONQUEROR. Hegemon has no way to counter Sweep effects or Flash, and Walhart just inflicts it for daring to be in the same continent as him (after his weapon is refined.) Great way to make sure Corrin (or anyone really) can safely attack that abomination of humanity. All he would need after that is G Duel Cav 4 and merges to maximize score. And hey, inflicting Flash on literally everyone near him is pretty great as a support effect. ...why yes I am a licensed advocate of Walhart, what gave it away? ...hm, that reminds me, it's usually around this time that the Fallen banner gets launched, isn't it? Wonder if they're gonna make an Ascended Fallen hero? How would that even work from a lore standpoint...
  19. After Lachesis has run her course in the Resplendent circle, we now know the Resplendent after her will be Saber: Driven Mercenary. And not gonna lie, the art here is pretty freakin cool (and notably drops the original Valentian Brave Sword so Saber can use the Golden Dagger he actually uses) Saber's statline is so remarkably average with a base of 40-31-33-32-22 (of course low Res, that's pretty normal for early-release units) and no superboons. At max potential (+10m, +20df, Resp. bonus, and with a Spd asset) we are looking at a statline of 50/41/46/42/32, which HP and Def aside is about where most modern units are sitting at. His personal weapon, the Golden Dagger (it's a sword), has the Slaying effect and, with its special refine, grants a Spectrum +3 and Distant Counter effect as long as Saber's special is ready when combat begins. While the intended playstyle usually means defensive specials, as synergized with his default Shield Pulse and Aegis, it is theoretically possible to use any special in tandem with effects that grant Special Charge, such as Time's Pulse, as unlike many modern skills no requirements are specified for his equipped Special. Saber overall doesn't have too much to his name, and would require a fair bit of attention to bring him to the levels of modern Sword Infantry units (in some cases even taking directly from other Sword Inf units), but his weapon does have an interesting effect to it that can open up the A slot to stronger A passives. As far as Resplendents go, he does appreciate the boost, and as far as art goes, he appreciates the coolness I'm sure.
  20. After midnight reset: oh boy new child units! They sure do all look strong, even the demote! I'd be fine even getting one of them... SO JUST GIVE ME ONE PLEASE I'M $100usd DEEP ALREADY ohey child Soren! +Def -Res... not good whatsoever, but I do have one of the Tellius Tots now, so... okay. Also young Ilyana in the same session. Just now: ...I'm bored. I'm gonna do a quick single session and see what i get. Okay that's adult Tiki, and another Young Ilyana, oh cool DuoIke! Alright that's Kaze, and then we have Young Mia to cap off the session. And nobody has any notable assets or flaws. Cool, cool session. I need to go punch a wall with my head now, if you will excuse me...
  21. ...you don't mean literally right? Even a Drive Atk or Drive Spd can sometimes help?
  22. ...ah hell, I forgot to use all my HoF torches. Well uh... I was aiming to build Marth and Merric, and I... guess they were adequately gifted? The skills aren't that amazing though... Marth: Rapier, Rally up Atk+, Hero's Blood, Sturdy Stance 3, Special Spiral, Joint Dist. Guard Merric: Amity Blooms, Rally up Spd+, Aether, Life and Death 4, Lull Spd/Res, Joint Drive Spd I would have liked to give Marth Distant Counter and Time's Pulse, and Merric ASideal4 and ASmenace, but... oh well.
  23. Hm... that would theoretically make her pretty alright as a Save beacon, being able to debuff enemies with -6 to all stats if she manages to get as many buffs beforehand. She would be competing with Witchy Nowi (who targets Atk/Spd/Res), Kinshi Hinoka (targeting Atk/Spd/Def), and Ashnard (targeting Atk/Def), but unlike them she can potentially target every single stat. The issue, therefore, is getting every stat bonus on her... but a unit like Titania or Seth could do it if given all the correct Tactics skills, and Fae can just flatout do that. ...maybe I'm overthinking it though. She would be just fine taking Atk/Spd Menace and getting a Def bonus from elsewhere to get the Atk/Spd/Def -6 she ultimately wants. I think I'll stick with Courtly Fan for now though, that hasn't failed me yet (and I wanna refine Selkie first)
  24. Huh, PM1 included the units base stats in the image. That's nice. Tibarn gets far more forgiving trigger conditions (BE TRANSFORMED AND DON'T BE NEARLY DEAD yeah I think I can hack it) for Atk/Def +10, guaranteed follow-up, and special charge +1 per units attack. Honestly the biggest criticizm is that he's now so possibly strong (especially now that he doesn't need to carry Heavy Blade anymore) that he might not be able to get Galeforce fully charged in just one round of combat. Otherwise not a whole lot to complain about. Veronica wasn't a supportive unit before, hell she didn't even care about nearby allies, but wow now she does. A total of Atk/Spd/Def/Res +9/9/4/4 for being healthy (the condition being more forgiving was expected) and being within 3 spaces of an ally is great, the ally-based Bladetome effect was not at all expected but also nice, but having the ability to grant allies (and herself) Guidance and Atk/Spd +6 was probably not on anyones predictions... like at all. ...dang. They sure do give some nice perks to seasonal refines. Aversa's base effect was... only slightly improved. A whole one extra point of debuffs, woo. Didn't even change the HP requirement or change the Res boost to an HP boost. Also Atk/Spd/Res debuff during combat. The refine...looks like a Res version of LegLucina's refine. So... all combat improvements and nothing to improve her support game? But... I already very reliably can avoid her debuff, so... yeah I'm not sweating not caring about this refine, so she can go back in the coma ward. Okay that's the refines I wasn't invested in, what did Ylgr and Selkie get? Ylgr got the 15% Spd bonus damage boost, that's appreciated. Base effect is also a little less demanding and slightly better, so... yeah that's alright. Refine... uh... mhm... so... hm... and also Atk/Spd +4. ...sorry, I'm not quite sure how to interpret Ylgr's refine effect. If it's calculating each stat bonus independently, that means that if she has Atk +4 and Def +6, then any nearby enemies are inflicted Atk -4 and Def -6 right? Or does that mean the enemy is inflicted with All Stat -6 because the Def bonus on Ylgr is the highest? Well... whatever I guess, it's still overall better than a slightly weird Swift Sparrow. Selkie's refine already starting strong by removing the Melee-only requirement. Seriously, that alone is great. The max bonus from the Res comparison is slightly more achievable (or basically unchanged depending on how high your Selkie's Res is), and the extra +4 to all stats is nice too. The refine is an extra +4 all stats and even more Res comparisons for a Guard effect and player-NFU. (for initiating or for being near an ally) Getting both effects should be stupid easy, I mean my Selkie is sitting at 44 Res at +10m +10df. So... yeah, Tibarn got straight upgrades that might have accidentally made him TOO strong, Veronica became surprisingly demanding for companionship, Aversa can go seduce an armadillo for all I care, Ylgr is a little confusing but could theoretically be nice (though runs into the issue of not being Courtly Fan + Windsweep), and Selkie is just straight better. I've stopped caring about who is the "winner", because to be honest the refines lately have been straight good upgrades for the units who get them, unlike a lot of past refines which were questionable at best. If anything I'd say Aversa got the most counterproductive refine just because she's not a combat unit and she never was, so giving her nothing but upgrades to her combat doesn't make me want to go for her refine (and putting her in combat just lowers her HP so why would i do that). Ylgr was slightly underwhelming since she didn't get quite as much as demote daggers got, but she's still better than before.
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