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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Getting the skill on LegAlm during the HoF reminded me of something I haven't thought about since LegYuri's release: how is Atk/Spd Hexblade as an A passive compared to other offensive A passives? The condition of having a bonus is pretty laughably easy to achieve especially on most modern units, but the big seller of it is the ability to get the Hexblade bonus when near a Tome unit at the start of the turn. I guess that's the part I'm most curious about, since it's pretty common these days for a unit to not have that huge a difference between their Def and Res stats, either having really high of both or not that great of both but having damage reduction to make up the difference.
  2. Another month gone, and a new batch of weapons to refine. Guardian's Bow, for Red Bow Infantry Igrene: Nabata Protector Thorn Lance, for seasonal Lance Armor Rudolf: Emperor of Rigel Fimbulvetr, for grail Blue Tome Infantry Brunnya: Devoted General Ethereal Breath, for Green Manakete Armor Nagi: Dragon Avatar Violdrake Bow, a new weapon for Colorless Bow Infantry Tanya: Dagdar's Kid
  3. Is there any better feeling than watching 3 units who should not have any business in an Abyssal Hero Battle clearing so easily? ...well, maybe doing it with 4 units who have no business in such, but that'd require me to build a different dancer... Nina is a bow user. Hinoka couldn't be more obvious about her strategy of Charged Fliers if she had been shouting it as loud as she-oh wait she was... Spring Triandra I personally believe is currently one of the best dancers available right now, or at least she is in my army, if only because of Firestorm Dance 3. That thing is strong. That Infantry Archer on turn 3 would have done her a nasty amount of damage had Nina not had the Desperation effect in play. Leif and Peri... gonna be honest, I just wanted to see how well they'd do. They delivered. Leif took basically no damage at all, and Peri was quite strong. I truly believe Arcane Weapons are what brought back to life every unit from earlier versions of the game. Not bumping their stats up with Dragonflowers or stronger and better skills, nonono, Arcane weapons. Do you think Peri would have any place here without Arcane Luin. Oh dear, these weapons are corrupting me with their power...
  4. Nah grants the same effect plus Def/Res +6, and given she's in the 4* special pool she's technically easier to get for it, though giving Charge to fliers is still a powerful effect.
  5. Was typing up my lengthy explaination of Hinoka's skills when you responded. Knew I should have been faster x.x
  6. A version of Hinoka from the Conquest path of Fire Emblem: Fates descends onto the battlefield, Raijinto at her side and Fujin Yumi in her hands. Fujin-Raijin Yumi grants her Canto 1, special cooldown -1, and flying/armor effectiveness at all times. When she's above 25% HP, Hinoka gets Atk/Spd +6, additional 20% of her Spd as extra damage, neutralizes effects that deny her follow-ups, and blocks the counterattacks of any units she has a triangle advantage against or just generally outspeed, so Green enemies beware especially. Rallying Cry's start of turn effects, if an ally is within 2 spaces of Hinoka, grant herself and nearby allies acceletated special charge, as well as the Charge bonus to herself and flier allies, enabling an aerial assault. She also inflicts a Spd/Def/Res -5 penalty on non-flier enemies within 3 rows or 3 columns centered on herself. Hinoka's special of choice is Deadeye, doubling her damage and ignoring non-special damage reduction effects when triggered. Atk/Spd Catch 4 triggers if her enemy has a Penalty or is at 100% HP, and Wings of Mercy 4 lets her move adjacent to an ally within 3 spaces with less than perfect HP, or to any space within 2 spaces of an ally with 60% or less HP, so it's in your best interest to make sure her allies are dead before EP begins. Also inflicts a Def/Res -3 penalty. On Abyssal difficulty, don't expect to be able to take her out with Bows, because Iotes Shield removes her Flier weakness. The skies of Hoshido are ready to rain radiant vengeance upon her enemies...
  7. My memory is seeing Xray and maaaaaaybe Ice Dragon (they both answer a lot of questions in the questions thread, so I might just have ID posts mistaken for more Xray) recommend M!Corrin as a support. Of course now we have several far better support units... Ah Anacy... they were certainly a person who posted enough in General Discussion to be one of the top posters despite having left SF a few years ago.
  8. I think we can blame the prominence of Swords as the "heroes" weapon in literally EVERYTHING. Heck, even the legend of King Arthur has him use the legendary Excalibur sword. Once the Sword became established as "the" weapon of choice for the MC in the early Fire Emblem games (to the point where using anything else was either not an option or not encouraged, and to where the FE emblem in Smash Bros is just a sword), they probably kept doing it for the same reason we have things like christmas cavaliers, triattacking pegasus sisters, experienced mercenaries down to the class, the lone wolf "taste my blade" myrmidon, etc etc etc in basically every FE game: tradition. Even when an MC does use something else (Hector's axes, Ephraim's lances, Micaiah's light magic, Robin's more prominent use of magic, the House Leader's Axes/Lances/Bows) they're never not the sole main character, and what else does the other MC use but the 2-3.5 foot one-handed blade.
  9. Honestly I'd be alright with SwordInfantry Male Corrin just so someone can give the Yato some justice. Right now the only version of that sword that exists is the original/refined versions (most other legendary swords on the same level as Yato have at least one other alt), and those things frankly suck. Darting Blow 2? All stat +2 and all stat +4 to a support ally? I remember people saying Corrin was a good support, but I don't think anyone has bothered to say that in years...
  10. Because I was under the impression LegRyoma also came from Conquest.
  11. Well story-wise this version of Hinoka shouldn't exist... unless she's the version of Hinoka from Conquest where both Raijinto and the Fujin Yumi are left ownerless, and given Sakura's pacifist nature Hinoka is the only one left who can wield either weapon, so she just... uses them both? I was under the impression the real Fujin Yumi died alongside Takumi in that path, but it's not like they talk about it that much... Also makes me wonder what Legendary Takumi would look like, since if the above is true then that means the Hoshidan Legendaries are coming from the Conquest path, and Takumi kinda came down with a case of "corrupted and euthanized"... As a unit, I guess Hinoka's thing is gaining powerful effects if she has a color advantage, which is neat. Rallying Cry I have to assume references the prominence of fliers in her battle chapter, but still makes for a frightening unit who gets the Charge status basically for free while still having access to a Rein effect (that doesn't affect fliers, but she already kills most of them anyway so whatever) WoM4 is definitely an upgrade. Do Dancers benefit from it, oh yes they do. And as usual, the prominent color is Red, with Legendary Nanna (definitely still effective in this world where defensive specials are prominent) and Rearmed Ophelia (arcane weapons oh my) also on offering.
  12. Wonder what Legendary Corrin's remix will bring for her? Her gameplay of using a defensive special has evolved a fair amount since her original inception, but she's remained pretty much the same... Anyway, I'm gonna support Mininerva.
  13. Honestly sparks aren't really appealing to me on anything other than Harmonic banners and Arcane weapon banners these days (since Harmonics expand the unit pool for Harmonic Battles, and Arcane weapons are... well, Arcane weapons) The featured characters on all those banners would need to be characters that I specifically like, and honestly I'm not holding a lot of hope in that regard...
  14. The juxtaposition of Sigurd the Holy Knight being put in an outfit from Hel... hm. Also makes quite the interesting family dynamic. Hel Sigurd, Dream Fairy Deirdre, Askrian Seliph, and Nifl Julia... what next, muspellian Arvis? Also wonder if this means Quan, if or when he gets a Resplendent, will also be Hel since he, Sigurd, and Eldigan make up a trio of brothers in arms... or something? Anyway, my Sigurd is +9 merge and somehow he hasn't appeared to me in the many red 4* special pool freebies I've done, so I'll bite and give Feh Pass another go I guess. Just have to decide if I want Ninian too or take a risk and gamble on getting two unknown Resplendents who I might not care about...
  15. Well guess I have some game purchases to think about in maybe a month. Hopefully by then I'll be satisfied with Tears of the Kingdom...
  16. So hey weird question, is Engage worth playing? Or can I just wikipedia the story so I'm caught up on who characters are when they're released in Heroes? Honestly while I did kind of enjoy Three Houses and the Abyss DLC, I got turned off eventually by how much time it felt like I was spending not playing a Fire Emblem game (basically all the Garreg Mach stuff between story maps is what I mean), and the characters of TH I eventually grew to not really like that much, so I'd rather avoid Engage if it's just more of not playing a FE game to be with characters I don't like... Good musical showing so far tho.
  17. 45 polls on the Fallen Heroes banner got me 3 unfocused heroes (Catherine, Priam, and Chloe), a Rearmed Chrom, and Fallen Maria (she was the result of the focus chsrges), as well as a sparked ReChrom. Overall? Not a bad result for someone with my wants. Maria is a good supporter, two Arcane Devourers is nice (already gave one to original Leif, you'd be surprised how fast and strong he is post-merges/dragonflowers) and I guess I'm not one to complain about getting heroes I don't have yet.
  18. Technically it was Dragon's Wrath 3 and Dragon's Wrath 4, but they're honestly so similar that it may as well be the same skill (the difference being the trigger of 3 being enemy phase and 5% less on both percentage numbers) Probably could have done something like Special Spiral 3 and 4 at the same time too (since those two I also picked up), but Glimmer's only 2 cooldown so I wouldn't have been able to test it out properly (Panne and Walhart both had Galeforce going in). But you know what, if someone went in with such equipped already and had that skill slot unlocked, it might be possible to stack the same skill 3 times...? Seeing as how Seer's Snare's pool of skills seems to only contain common Tier 3 and Tier 4 skills minus skills like AR and Duel skills, and since I don't believe it's possible to have multiple of the same skill literally (see me having Dragon's Wrath 3 and Dragon's Wrath 4), I think you're theoretical nightmare/fetish scenario is little more than something Plumeria thought up...
  19. Seer's Snare complete! Turns out having 3 stacks of Finish, Special Spiral 4, two Dragon's Wraths, Mystic Boost 4, and ADbulwark (and a few other skills) makes for an immortal Nah who rends the land with her permanent Glimmer triggers. Panne and Walhart helped. Wrys... honestly should have been someone else, but the healing helped occasionally.
  20. Have you seen this guy clear Abyssal Hero Battles? Dude will pull Rearmed Heroes for as many dancers as he has who needs Arcane weapons. Dancers are his whole thing.
  21. Wow, they somehow made a Harmonic Hero worse than Myrrh/Nah for Harmonized Battles! Anna's been future-proofed for when she's allowed to go up to +10 dragonflowers. That's almost funny if it didn't mean she'll be able to get a +15 bonus to all stats for basically free, before anything her other skills give... Say'ri isn't doing anything all that exciting with her weapon, just a bunch of effects that make her fast and resist some incoming damage, but hey we finally have an ACTUAL upgrade to Rein skills in Rein Snap. Shame dancers don't get the Movement +1 effect (actually a good thing, imagine the hellish meta that would open up...) I know Distant Counter (D) exists, but that's really no excuse to give us a Far Save unit who doesn't have a way to actually counterattack ranged attacks. Tikis would only serve to completely wall ranged attacks rather than do anything about their continued existence unlike most other Far Save units with just her base kit... And then Flavia and Boy Robin exist. Both on horses, Flavia with a sword Robin with a Red Tome.
  22. Anna and... a small tree are my guesses. Sorry, but that neck and hair make it look like a tree propped on a human body.
  23. Problem for me is that there's only two modes where I could conceivably use Sonya consistently in Arena Assault and Legendary/Mythic Hero Battles. I don't consistently do AA anymore (even when I do feel like doing it it's almost always closed by Summoner Duels) and it's not consistent for Sonya to be of any use inside of Hero Battles. It'd almost certainly lead to her being little more than a symbolic trophy if I don't shoehorn into a Hero Battle clear.
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