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Everything posted by Xenomata

  1. Opinions on the Dark Delthea and Sonya I have built in HoF? Neither one was ever given their refine prior, so they both have their refined Prf weapons. Delthea: Ruptured Sky, Remote Sparrow (seems like the best A slot for PP offensive ranged units), Escape Route 4 (works in tandem with Death to give her the otherwise elusive Canto effect, even if it does somewhat clash with her existing refined teleport), A/S Menace (haven't gotten D/R Smoke on her yet) Sonya: Blue Flame, A/R Finish (seems the better option on her to maximize Iceberg damage), Special Spiral 4, Time's Pulse 4 (between her weapon, SS4, and TP4 she can have any 3-cooldown special fully charged at all times. Iceberg triggers at +10 merge alone will be dealing 36 damage) I'm still deciding if I should get Sonya, since she's not very premium anymore, but at the same time she'd be almost fully merged up and I would not otherwise be able to get her such premium skills otherwise. I do have 2 Forma Souls, but the units in non-revival HoF are getting so much stronger that it may be better to save it for when one of them become available.
  2. What a coincidence, those two are ALSO very common.
  3. Is it just me or is Kinshi Hinoka VERY common in Hall of Forms? It's not just this HoF, but many past ones as well that she feels like one of the most commonly appearing units in such.
  4. Weapon: If you haven't already refined her weapon previously, then Beloved Zofia will let you save 200 Divine Dews. Otherwise this is entirely up to you how to handle it. Assist: Honestly if you forget to replace Reposition, it's not that big a deal. Special: Ruptured Skies A. Distant Stance isn't a horrible choice since her maximum Spd is 43, but if you want to replace it and lean more into Celica's melee combat the best option would be Atk/Spd Finish 4 (don't worry about how it looks like it wouldn't sync with Beloved Zofia, with how the HP recovery works Celica will still always be below 100% HP) B. Frenzy is alright, but Velocity is objectably better because you won't be seeing the Desperation effect of Frenzy all the time, and Tempo is a good effect that all units like, especially given the huge number of Guard effects in the game... c. Atk/Spd Oath 4 is my recommendation, since it not only gives stats and a Guidance status to the unit, but also some in-combat stats.
  5. Whatever could you mean??? Such a banner would provide canonical answers to an age-old question: How big would a dude's chest be if he were a girl? I, for one, think anyone drawn by Okuma Yugo as a dude could put Camilla out of a job! THIS IS A SARCASTIC COMMENT.
  6. My concerns with such a banner would be twofold: We only get genderbent lords or other major character We only get genderbent males, ergo all-females banner. Another concern would be picking the wrong characters: someone like Eirika or Marth would have siblings or lookalikes, so how much would genderbending them just make them Ephraim but a little girly, or Lucina but more legitimately masculine? And as much as it would be a fun idea, I feel like it doesn't allow for much freedom of unit type: say Ryoma were genderbent, they're still likely to be a Sword Infantry unit, maybe Sword Flier if you want to look at all of his alts.
  7. Hm, Azura had a somewhat similar conundrum go on with her, but her Resplendent looks completely different from her regular outfit by virtue of the replacement of the primary color of her clothes going from white to blue. A Nifl outfit that's primarily white wouldn't have been that bad a thing, if you ask me... ...as for being a unit, Ninian a Dancer and she's the easiest to obtain 5* dancer dragon. Also she was free from that Heroes Path/"congratulations for knowing how to open the game, here's a free 5* Reinhardt" thing that all mobile games seem to require, so if all you wanted was an easy dancer then you don't even need to buy her here...
  8. Well that explains why Lif replaced Time's Pulse with Even Tempest, dunnit? I guess also explains why Edelgard didn't get something like Heavy Blade...
  9. Well, the Arcane Weapon went back to being evil as hell. Strange they're not ALL Arcane weapons, lol. I've got no love for fallen units these days, not gonna lie...
  10. I've taken advantage of that summoning feature where if you summon 3 off-focus heroes, you're next 5* summon will be on-focus. Except since the results of a banner are pre-determined, I got two on-focus heroes with a full charge... and 10.5% chance of summoning an on-focus hero. Seriously, sniping sucks... all for an Arcane Lance.
  11. Ready for Seer's Snare? Maybe these refines will help you along! Freeblade's Edge, a new weapon for Sword Infantry Eyvel: Mistress of Fiana Sokvabekkr, being remixed alongside Mythic Sword Infantry Lif: Lethal Swordsman Pupil's Tome, a new weapon for Red Tome Infantry Ewan: Eager Student Valbar's Lance, a new weapon for 4* Lance Armor Valbar: Open and Honest Revenger Lance, a new weapon for grail Lance Flier Cormag: Aloof Lanceman Aymr, being remixed alongside Legendary Axe Armor Edelgard: Flame Emperor Scepter of Love, held by seasonal Axe Infantry Alm w/ Celica: Lovebird Duo ...wait does that opener check out? Isn't the bonus for the first Seer's Snare gonna be Archanea and Ylisse? Ah whatever, I tried...
  12. Wow... Little Lucius is scary when he is allowed to be. Yune I'm only now remembering is kind of useless against Nerbuz, at least in terms of forcing her Atk down greatly like I intended, but that didn't really affect her ability to take out other units all that much, so she's forgiven. Santa Ephraim is easy mode. Seriously, all it took was stacking on the Atk and he had Nerbie down FIRST. Flame Muspell was taken over regular Muspell for having an actual offensive presence. Little Lucius was taken because... honestly it was just in case I needed healing or needed to bait one of the many magic users on the map. I didn't realize he was a miniature atomic nuke as well... This is a weird thing to say, but I think this is the first time the boss of a Hero Battle has been in the thumbnail of my video. Probably because Nerbie threw herself into a meat grinder immediately...
  13. The aunt of Freyr and Freya, a Goddess of Vanaheimr, and Mythic Hero from Fire Emblem: Heroes is your foe this battle. Horn of the Land has the Slaying effect and a number of effects that trigger while her HP remains above 25%: All Stats equal to 2 x her Special's max special cooldown (in this case Galeforce grants +8) + 5, accelerated Special Charge per attack, and a full Null Follow-Up effect. Remember that as a Beast weapon, she also inflicts an Atk/Def -4 and follow-up denial effect while transformed. Fruit of Life also triggers when her HP is above 25%: inflicting Spd/Def -5 on her target, reducing the damage of her foes first attack by 40%, and boosting her own damage by the amount reduced. She also gains a Tempo effect and inflicts Gravity on her target and foes adjacent to target if the number of adjacent allies to herself is 1 or less. As stated, Galeforce is her Special of choice, enabling her another action when it is fully charged after combat. With Atk/Spd Clash 4 she boosts those two stats as long as someone has moved to initiate combat, as well as neutralizing all penalties inflicted on those stats. Alarm Atk/Spd only asks for 2 or less allies be next to her to give her an Atk/Spd +6 bonus and the [Canto (1)] effect, as well as giving her an extra Atk/Spd +3 if 1 or 0 allies are next to her during combat. On Abyssal, the Deflect Magic sacred seal ensures that any magical attacks after the first one will be rendered useless with 80% damage reduction. This lady is not going to make it easy to take her out...
  14. Basically have higher Res than the enemy for massive gains, and a one-per-map Miracle built into her Prf version of 2-cooldown Iceberg. On top of the usual murder-all-dragons effects.
  15. Something I'm kind of surprised they haven't implemented yet: an effect for explicit Galeforce units that, if the units special is not fully charged, will not be fully charged from the current attack, and their first attack would kill, it would instead leave the target with 1 HP, ergo avoiding the possibility that the first attack just kills and leaving the unit in the middle of a pack of enemies. With how common damage reduction has become for most PP units as well as how much stronger they've become, it's not like letting the enemy get one attack in will always spell doom anymore outside of units that ignore damage reduction. ...oh right goat milf the aunt. Uhhhhh nothing too out of the ordinary, Alarm Atk/Spd is cool and lets a unit pack a better B passive without giving up the Canto effect (even if it is reduced to [Canto 1] from [Canto Rem. +1]), none of the other units on offer interest me besides Ganglot (and she only gets a pass because of Arcane Downfall) gonna skip because I want Arcane Luin more.
  16. Okay this is nothing all that amazing, but I've been pulling Red every week from the free 4* special hero banner, and I've gotten Igrene like 3 or 4 times in the last month alone. I'm seriously starting to wonder what the heck is going on, because before I was getting frankly garbage version 1 heroes...
  17. I still think Surtr should be eligible for a Remix-like reworking. The fact that his Prf weapon and skill are both very much underwhelming in comparison to the current standard of Prf weapon/skills as well as the fact that he's still the only (released) Book Villain to not be a Legendary or Mythic hero should be enough to warrant such. Heck, make Vengeful Fighter 4 easier to get through him, or maybe Bracing Stance 3.
  18. Why stop at summer? Lets give her easter and halloween and christmas and whatever else can give us super-fanservice-y outfits!
  19. Does that check out? Seiros was the one to introduce Dragon Wall in the first place, but she just has regular Dragon Wall. Maybe for the other dragons it's fake, but for Seiros?
  20. Getting Rhea reminds me of a minor nitpick I have about her and True Dragon Wall: it doesn't require the ACTUAL Dragon Wall skills to learn True Dragon Wall, so instead of having Dragon Walls 1, 2, and 3, she just has True Dragon Wall, also meaning she is purely Atk/Res Scowl 4 fodder (which isn't a bad thing I guess, since that means no SI confusion) Kinda wish they'd change the name... there really aren't any other Prf skills like this.
  21. We know from Thrasir's refine that Lif won't be losing the effect of hacking off 20 HP off the nearest ally, but the interesting thing about this is that while there's been more units who appreciate having debuffs inflicted on them, there's actually fewer units released these days who want to be losing HP, since the condition of being over 25% HP is becoming more and more the default trigger condition and almost no units have been released with skills that require being under a certain HP%. Bernadetta is pretty much the only one, but she only needs to be under 99% HP and she already self-inflicts the needed 1 HP. I know the refine of one unit won't upset an entire meta, but I truly wonder if they intend for Lif's HP hacking-off effect to have any place in the current game...
  22. Until the latter half of the video, this Feh Channel didn't feel like it needed to exist. Golden Week stuff, Nerbuz (Nerthuz?) is being released, getting a good weapon/special will be easier in HoF, Archanea HoF features the first Legendary Hero in a HoF, and then not-Alfonse and not-Hegemon are getting remixed. Seer's Snare looks cool. Kind of looks like what Tempest Trials should have been like instead of the 3-7 map gauntlet it actually is.
  23. Curiously, the two Corrins are the only ones willing to participate. Wonder why 🤔
  24. IMO the worst thing you could do as a Harmonized Hero is not have a good Player Phase presence in a mode that really doesn't favor defensive play, and Myrrh/Nah are virtually the only ones who are completely defensive. I think it says something that the only Armored Harmonic hero also comes with Assault Troop to completely bypass the otherwise horrid movement that Armors are known for, especially considering every other Harmonic besides Altina/Sanaki and the aformentioned Myrrh/Nah is either a Cavalry unit or a Flier with something to make their 2-movement less of an issue (Guidance, warp, or just being able to cast a Refresh whenever)
  25. Yep... consider me very unamused by Cornelia. She's going straight to the grinder along with that faceless grunt from the Ascended Elincia banner's GHB.
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