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Everything posted by Tolvir

  1. Im surprised we haven't heard any news from Nintendo. We have February coming up with the Smash Bros DLC, Fire Emblem Fates releasing, and whatever else they have and there hasn't been a single word from them regarding any of it. Not even the announcement of a Direct.
  2. My only problem with the idea that the VAs wouldn't want to do those lines is that it is no different than what other actors do in movies. I just can't see it as more embarrassing than having to film a sex scene or extremely sappy love scene in a movie on the big screen. If they are that uncomfortable with it then maybe they need to rethink their job as an actor. I think removing it then adding it with a price tag on the eshop would only make it worst. Possibly the worst thing Nintendo could do at that point. It would guarantee a boycott of their games, or some kind of huge backlash for them at that point.
  3. Most likely it will be a "conversation" with them. Probably what ever lines they are supposed to say, and then your support raises, the end. Or no replacement at all, which I fear might be the likely result because I don't trust any company anymore to NOT be lazy with their work. So many companies like Blizzard and EA are so lazy with their work that either features that were promise never get implemented (Blizzard with World of Warcraft) or put out a half baked game to add the rest in later with a $15 price tag (EA). To be honest what I think the best feature would be is some sort of conversation. It makes sense for both romantic and non romantic supports, and would be something like going to the tavern with said person. Makes sense for the time period, and is perfect for using live 2d models. Go a step further and be able to implement the ability to ask questions, things like where they are from, how they grew up, why they are the class they are, etc. Give us more background information to make us feel more attached to the characters.
  4. That is really cool. Better than awakening's In my opinion. Am I the only one that thinks those flat faced golems look like something from Dark Souls?
  5. i am hoping Nintendo addresses this in the next few days. Its a little weird they haven't' already though. You would think something creating this much attention right now to the point that it is showing up on sites like Yahoo would warrant the attention of someone from Nintendo.
  6. That could be true. I didn't watch all the way through but I don't think he won the battle. which would make sense so that whatever happens later or after the fight isn't spoiled. I think Takumi is supposed to show up in that fight.
  7. While it was cool to hear some of the voices and to see a defense level again, who ever was playing was bugging the hell out of me. I couldn't' watch. The entire time I was trying to figure out why he was putting units like Elise and Nyx so close to front lines, and they got so many characters killed that I just couldn't watch.
  8. You know, I really like what Sakurai said on the matter a few months back. For those who don't know he is a pretty big Fire Emblem fan. He has played since the first one came out. It is a bit of a long one, but what he says is very relevant.
  9. Hope they replace it with something. I didn't like the feature, but the problem is it still needs to be replaced because there are still things attached to the feature that will have to be removed too. And to completely remove a feature to a game without replacement is really lazy, I don't care how bad the feature was if it doesn't have a replacement then at least lower prices since we are getting less content.
  10. My only problem with this is the fact that there is no replacement if it's true. It is an entire feature of the game with things that can be unlocked from it, and it's being removed with NO replacement? I did not like the feature either, and found it creepy like everyone else. But removing it without a replacement is not what I would of wanted. They could of easily added some kind of feature to talk to the characters using the models. I will say that the quote doesn't fully confirm its removal so I will wait to see if IGN covers this since they have been doing the gameplay videos for my castle and the first few chapters.
  11. That and they wouldn't remove the same sex S supports in the North America release since we were the real reason its in there. We were the ones that wanted it in so bad, I don't think Japan gave a shit either way.
  12. Since I am doing Nohr I will likely go Normal first so I can see the maps, get used to all the new features, etc. Second play through will be hard, and then the last being lunatic. Though I will probably have at least 6 playthroughs on each version. This game is going to provide me with a solid 2 years worth of entertainment or more. One of the reasons I am looking so forward to this.
  13. I am in Awakening. But that is because I have played through enough times to try out the classes I wanted, and the pairings I wanted so there isnt really much left for me. I did one last play through using Severa, Inigo, and Owain because of them reappearing in Fates. I had never used them before and wanted to get to know the characters before Fates. I am really looking forward to Fates though. Off of the fact that there are three games, each just as long as Awakening means years and years of entertainment from this one release.
  14. No, I like the stone mechanic. The transform gauge made them too unreliable unless they were a royal. They reverted back at the worst times, and were useless until at least 5 rounds in. The stone mechanic makes them useful for the entire match.
  15. no I didn't notice that. Makes sense with his past of doing voices in games and for Nintendo specifically.
  16. Take back my statement, didn't read the rules of the original thread. Though there are tons of characters I can think of, a lot of them would be considered NPCs.
  17. Ok, that was actually funny. Was prepared for something pretty stupid, but the animation was smooth, and it was funny to watch.
  18. How good is Luna/Selena's support with Corrin? I am interested to know because she is the one I will probably pair with in first playthough.
  19. Did anyone notice the Princess Bride reference in Inigo's Paralogue? The girl he is talking to he calls Buttercup. Don't know if it was intentional or not but it sounds like it was meant as a reference to Princess Buttercup from Princess Bride because of Inigo using the same name as Inigo Montoya. Makes me wish they would of had a good "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die" reference in the game somewhere.
  20. It sucks they didn't get the Voice Actor for Cloud. I think Steve Burton does great as him, and in a way even looks like Cloud. I can't wait to see who exactly is doing Corrin's voice. It sounds like Cam Clarke, which would be awesome. I imagine his release will be between 1st week of February. They will probably have a Nintendo Direct, and release Corrin on the same day as the direct like they did for the others.
  21. Nohr I really don't like Zero/Niles. Part of it is because of the over hype for the character just because he is bi. Yes I understand, its great they are putting in more options for people, but at the same time I get annoyed when people start falling head over heels for a character just because they are outside the norm. The other part is overall I find him to be an annoying character. I will have to use him though for his capture feature, which I am looking forward too. No Nohrian version of Lance Fighter. It was perfect to bring back Sentinels and their really cool design, but they really dropped the ball on this one in my opinion. Not getting all the siblings until later levels. That really bugs me because they are supposed to be the main characters next to Corrin, yet you don't get all of them until chapter 12 or later. Little annoying. Story wise I have tried not to spoil myself too much on the events so I can judge myself what I thought the story was like, though I am also not excited for it either. I am going in with no expectations hoping that it might surprise me.
  22. Aran, definately. One of my best units and saved me in the final fight. I liked all of the knights so its hard for me with that one. Bastian was definitely my favorite mage. He was my favorite personality wise, and at least for me he was good. Volke, for both his character, and being one of my best units endgame. Out of the Sword users, it is hard to choose between Zihark, Stefan, and Mia. I took both Mia and Stefan into the endgame, and both were really good. Gatrie, no contest. Though personality wise I really liked Tauroneo. Nasir out of the dragons. I liked him in PoR, and my main objective in Radiant Dawn was to use my main team from Path of Radiance. Tibarn, though I really liked Naesala. I also really liked Rafiel. He was effective for me, and definately better personality wise in my opinion. Sigrun was a really suprising unit, and wish I used her more to bring her into endgame. A lot of the others are the same answers as everyone else. Shinon, Jill, I really wasn't big on the fighters, but if I had to choose it would be Nolan. Unfortunately he didn't make it to the end. Ike killed him in the last round of the fight, and I didn't feel like restarting for my 50th time.
  23. What do you mean by that? I know blizzard has a habit of turning the good characters evil through corruption, but that is more all of their games than just Warcraft.
  24. It would be the best line in the entire game, lol. IS needs to make this happen in some kind of dlc.
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