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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. i'd say a Metal Slug fighter would be the most likely one, if they were to pick another SNK character, despite the fact that some Metal Slug tracks are already in Terry's KoF stage in particular, i'd love said Metal Slug fighter to keep his/her 2d appearance, but i think it would be uselessly hard to create original animations for a sprite and make it work as a Smash fighter
  2. @Glennstavos @NegativeExponents- @Jotari you all are right in saying that mastering all of his moves is not easy, but the point i was trying to convey is, you don't have to some of my friends are tekken fans, and they told me that it doesn't really matter how many moves tekken characters have, because in order to be effective you just need to learn a character's fundamentals and the moves/combos you like to use/you think fit well in your playstile (and also, dare i say, because it's basically impossible to perform all of them in a single match) also, after some practice, i think everyone would be able to play Kazuya decently so IMO Kazuya's many moves are there to give players more option, rather than to confuse them with all of their weird inputs, and again, unless you really want to go and play competitively, you should probably use joker or pikachu not feel that bothered by Kazuya's moves and inputs
  3. you can always play Kazuya (just like Ryu, Ken and Terry), not use special inputs and still have a great time and be at least decent at the game, if you know what you're doing Smash Ultimate is not as hardcore as Tekken, so unless you're a competitive player, nothing about Kazuya's shticks should really bother you, and i could add that the 10 hit combo is actually nothing special since you just have to hold A, same goes for a few other moves to be completely honest, Kazuya seems like the least complex "fighting game" character in Smash, if we only look at how his moves are executed like the only special inputs you need to learn are the same as the ones you need to do for the Shoryuken
  4. well, i guess i'll have fun trying to make all of kazuya's moves work into a combo can't wait to play him, and honestly surprised by the mii costumes this time around
  5. i like FE games better when the roster isn't absurdly huge, because writing automatically becomes a secondary aspect and most characters become mere sprites with no other purpose
  6. Fallen Edelgard used cream and ham to make Carbonara pasta
  7. if i did, i wouldn't have complained
  8. i think you're not completely sure what "fanservice" actually means "fanservice" is not just shoving overly-sexualized characters down the consumers' throats, it literally means and is "a service for fans" just take DragonBall, it's full of fanservice, but it's not the "sexual" kind of fanservice, it's more about giving fans what they want or have always dreamt about: DB Heroes is the perfect example, what with all of its whacky transformations such as SSJ4 Gohan, Broly and the likes now, about your opinion, i don't like it when it ends up being the most predominant element of an anime, a manga, a videogame or any other form of media whose main purpose is not, or is not perceived to be, fanservice that's why i didn't like fanservice in FE Fates but didn't complain about it when i was reading Fairy Tail or Prison School
  9. as always, pokemon has its own pokemon direct it's basically 99.99% granted that a pokemon direct will come out in a week or two
  10. very excited for Kazuya, although i would've preferred they added Jin or Heihachi, but i'm happy with Kazuya nonetheless never been a huge Tekken fan, but i've been waiting for a Tekken rep for a while (since Smash 4), and i think i'll most likely enjoy playing as him
  11. mmh interesting, i'm giving it a try Monk from Afar Mike Lance Infantry HP: 41 + Atk: 38 - Spd: 38 + Def: 36 - Res: 24 + = superboon - = superbane (don't know how they work, sorry if they don't make sense) Weapon: Spiritual Spear 16 Mt, +3 Res. If unit's HP is equal to/higher than 50%, grants +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res to unit during combat, and also if unit is exactly 2 spaces away from an ally, grants Dodge to unit during combat. If unit's HP is equal to/higher than 25% and is adjacent to an ally, grants +3 Atk/Spd/Def/Res to adjacent allies during combat: if an ally engages combat, unit takes 4 damage after ally's combat. Special Skill: Glacies A Skill: Spd/Res Unity B Skill (Personal): Protect what Matters Reduces damage from foe's first attack by X during combat. (X = 25% x number of allies within 2 spaces, max 75%) If unit's HP is lower than 25% and is not adjacent to an ally, unit recovers 50% HP at start of turn. C Skill: Rouse Spd/Res maybe this would end up being broken, maybe it wouldn't, but i had fun trying to come up with how i would work as a FEH character anyway
  12. mmh, i'd say my favorite food is pizza (carbonara is a close second); tomato, mozzarella and smoked salmon in particular as for drinks, i don't like sparkling water nor any kind of fizzy drink, and i can't stand beer, wine, champagne and other low-alcohol drinks, so i must go with iced lemon tea
  13. well i can't but agree, they should make AT LEAST ONE SINGLE male mythic unit i'm still waiting for our first new book-inaugurating male free unit and Mythic Forseti, but knowing IS, they will most likely never happen
  14. my first FE ever was Blazing Sword, and i can't deny that's also probably the reason why i like it a lot
  15. yeah i'd love to, although that would probably only result in yet another obscenely powercreep-based banner with no demote unit as for what franchise i'd like to see collaborating with FEH, i'd say Trails, Bravely and NieR
  16. no matter in what form they appear, be it PoR's bands, Thracia's scrolls or Genealogy's rings, including things like Grani, Fili and the likes, as well as 3H's other accessories, namely the shileds, i generally always love them: i adore playing around with the many secondary effects, and even hidden values such as Growth Rates, that they grant, and nromal equipments can't always let me do that
  17. my idea for a KH stage would have a similar concept to that of Garreg Mach or Northern Cave, meaning that it would transform into certain phases while also telling a story 1st phase) Station of Waking 2nd phase) Destiny Island 3rd phase) Destiny Island in the Realm of Darkness 4th phase) Realm of Darkness, in front of the door to Kingdom Hearts don't know if it would make sense, much less be possible to make to begin with, but IMO it would be nice
  18. i kinda agree, but i accept it since they're just doing what the FF series has been doing since ages: Final Fantasy II isn't a sequel to FFI, for example i'd have loved to see a sequel to Bravely Second though, and i seriously can't get why the japanese audience disliked it so much to the point Square Enix was forced to throw that plotline in the trash can and make a completely unrelated Bravely game anyway, i'm adding Xenogears, Tactics Ogre and FF Tactics to my 2021 Gaming Resolutions
  19. basically the laziest mii costume Smash's team could ever make i'd love it though
  20. as far as i know, enemies don't get the usual extra stats thing for being bouns units in arena, only your bonus units do but it's also entirely possible that it's as you say and i never noticed it, i wouldn't be surprised
  21. ok, i got it then let me change my previous sentence in: "no rule in this world implies that adding Sora's character to a crossover game without Disney elements equals to not really adding Sora's character." again, if that's your opinion, it's perfectly fine, but not necessarily right, no matter how many people share the same sentiment
  22. i said potentially unconventional what i meant is that Sora has a lot of moves and abilities whose originality is not common in Smash, as most swordfighters generally have really basic moves such as slash.jpg and thrust.jpg Abilities such as Ragnarok, Strike Raid, Finishing Leap, Explosion, Aerial Finish, Magnet Burst and many others (not even mentioning reaction commands, Keyblade transformations, Attractions, Flowmotion, Fusions and whatnot) IMO are things that might help Sora stand out compared to the sword characters we already have in Ultimate, and also make him not look like yet another anime swordfighter to those who hate them (which i don't) ok i guess...? i mean if that's your opinion it's perfectly fine, but "I'm in this world and I say that" isn't really a counterargument (assuming counterarguing was your intention) and no, of course you aren't the only one with that sentiment, but that doesn't necessarily make it the right one lastly, Sora being in WoFF absolutely matters, because Disney had to say yes to a different company handling one of their copyrights, which is the same thing that they would do with Nintendo a good argument suggesting Sora won't be in Smash is that Square Enix wanted to make a KH Dissidia game with only KH's original characters, except Disney didn't want them to appear in a fighting game, but even then one could argue that was like 10 years ago, and now things might be different
  23. yes i do. because Sora's the one i want to see in Smash, not anyone else from KH. his flashy and potentially unconventional moveset while Sora is undoubtedly Disney's property, nothing in this world says that adding Sora's character to a crossover game without Disney elements equals to not really adding Sora's character. World of Final Fantasy features Sora as a DLC summon IIRC (might be wrong, but the point is that Sora appears in WoFF), but since there's no other Disney content in that game, then Sora isn't really in WoFF? is Sora the new Schrödinger's cat? this said, IMO the main reason why Sora isn't gonna be in SSB Ultimate is money: i fear Disney would demand absurdly high prices to let Nintendo touch Sora's copyright
  24. my wishes: -Bride Rhea (although i would complain about her 1.5 seasonal alts while her base version would still be missing (no, THAT one doesn't count)), ugh... Sword Flier? -Duo Elena-Greil, Staff Flier -Harmonic Elena-RD Ike, Colorless Tome Cavalry -Harmonic RD Mist-Greil, Axe Cavalry (with Greil helping Mist wielding the axe, this is extremely important) -None of the above, as i'm out of orbs (as always) and i don't intend to spend a single cent on this game anymore my expectations: -Duo F!Byleth-Any other popular 3H character because that's what makes IS live another month apparently -Duo Female Fates character-Male Fates character
  25. honestly? i never thought for a second that she's so incredibly broken yeah she has a lot of super duper amazing effects, but she'll still probably die by Micaiah, a 2017 unit, and any decent physical tank will most likely be able to easily take her two hits (BIke, BHector and the likes), or one hit if your tank runs NFU, and i think glass cannon mages like Levin (with NFU) or Windsweep Duo Rhea/Byleth, who can negate her Wary Fighter effect and double attack before Fallengard can counterattack/without worrying about counterattacks, could do well against her sure, we still have to see her stats, and she'll probably be very minmaxed, but unless she has 250 BST, i don't see her being an unstoppable force so yeah, lots of big walls of text, but at the end of the day she's nothing out of this world
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