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Everything posted by Yexin

  1. another NHB without Rhea --> another NHB without spending orbs also the powercreep is strong with this banner and i'd really like to know if Dimitri and Edelgard fans are happy with these alts or are even remotely annoyed, and for what reasons, but i fear this would only lead to pointless discussions, so forget i said anything
  2. @Redpack007 it's not loke you NEED to play certain games in order to label yourself as a Fire Emblem fan, just play the ones you feel like playing about the SNES games, i strongly suggest you to play them, because they're very unique, but it must be said that Genealogy and Thracia are generally either loved or hated, it's really hard to find someone who doesn't thing strongly about them on either sides
  3. i'd gladly buy one or more costume packs, but i mean actual costumes, not just different palettes
  4. i tend to love basically anything that involves RPG elements: JRPGs, normal RPGs, Action RPGs, pure Action games, Hack 'n Slash games, Strategy and Tactical RPGs i also love Rhythm Games, Metroidvanias and Fighting Games
  5. i don't think i actively dislike any videogame genre in particular, aside from Simulator games, which i find incredibly boring i don't play horror games because i get scared super easily, and i don't play shooter games à la Call of Duty, Battlefield and so on because they all look the same to my eyes, but it's not like i dislike them, i just prefer to spend my money on other things i kinda agree with this, i never trust people who say those things what you're complaining about, though, isn't the game's fault at all: in fact IMO this is a thing that's usually said by people who have never played a single Dark Souls game, because if they did they'd know the DKS games aren't as hard as some claim they are, and i could also add that reviewers tend to follow this trend quite a lot (do you guys remember when the Crash N.Sane Trilogy was released? sadly, i do) sure, being hard to beat can be a selling point for a game, but when i read things such as "it's the new Dark Souls" or "the Dark Souls of the genre" i immediately lose all of my interest in said game
  6. incredible luck in a bit more than 50 orbs 2 LSigurds (one is +atk -spd, the other +spd -atk, kinda ironic), a +hp -res LChrom (meh, i'd have preferred Seiros) and the last normal Sigurd i needed to +10 him
  7. definitely i want to get Bravely Default 2, NEO TWEWY and NieR:Replicant: these are the games i'm most interested in ATM as for games i already got but still haven't touched, there are Persona 5 Royal and Persona 3 FES, but i'll most likely play them after the Fromsoftware games i've been playing lately
  8. welcome, dude! anyway, yes, i do have an opinion about 3H, and it's overall decenty positive IMO 3H is a game with lots of very good aspects and just as many bad aspects: there are some flaws that i just can't overlook, but as i said my opinion on the game is positive overall, i just think it's very overrated, but even then, "overrated" is an extremely personal thing
  9. i'd change Lucius to either green or blue tome, and Valentine Ike to anything that isn't a sword, most likely a lance
  10. as long as it gets an official italian localisation (which the trilogy on Switch for some definitely stupid reason lacks, despite the first 3 games having already been localised in italian back in the days), i'm surely gonna get it in the future
  11. no, unless it's something you need to do in order to survive, just like in Thracia
  12. Trails) Emma is the best candidate as Rean's partner. Dark Souls 1) All of the hollow enemies you fight throughout the game are actually characters created by other players who abandoned the game due to it being "too hard", causing their characters to lose any purpose and motivation. Bravely) Bravely Third actually exists in a parallel universe and my purpose in life is to find that universe and move there
  13. as much as i liked Madam M and Kyrie, and as much as i love Aerith's character in general, i must go with Tifa not only she's my favorite character to play as in FFVIIR, but i also really like both her personality and her body i must also say that i'm not really into muscular girls, but Tifa is the exception (and tbh Tifa isn't even THAT muscular)
  14. i know it's very Square-centric, but that's just the way i am oh, and they're in completely random placements: the Chosen Undead isn't my first most wanted just like Rean isn't the 10th
  15. i mean you're technically right, but IMO battalions in 3H were handled extremely poorly and lazily, from a purely gameplay perspective so yeah, unless they completely revamp how battalions work, i wouldn't like them at all also, i could argue that since PoR and RD weren't made with battalions in mind, it would only result in an excessive and pointless amount of time and money spent in adjusting level design, balancing and a lot of other stuff, something i don't think too many people are really asking for i would personally prefer for that money to be spend in adding support conversations in RD
  16. even if this leaker had actual informations about a potential PoR/RD remake, i'd not lose my mind about it i'm with those who think PoR and RD don't need a remake as much as they need a Switch re-release, or even a remaster, if they really feel like spending money in """improving""" a GC game and a Wii game's graphics but, assuming there's actually a PoR/RD remake releasing this year, i'd absolutely NOT want it to add a main character, an explorable base à la Garreg Mach, battalions and basically anything 3H added/removed
  17. i don't think i can list 10 characters i would actively dislike, so here are the ones i can think of right now Doomguy/Doomslayer Master Chief Any other space marine or whatever Doomguy and Master Chief are Any other Fire Emblem character whose name isn't Levin, Sigurd or Rhea Waluigi Waddle Dee Lloyd Irving (don't like the Tales Of series, and i'd like Luke Fon Fabre better anyway) Any Fortnite character oh god, you just made me realize how cool the Chosen Undead in Smash would be
  18. Mark because they're the only avatar i can actually forget they're a thing
  19. I'd genuinely love that. Still hoping for at least one between 2B, Sora and Rean.
  20. of course, just like last year, one of 3H's CYL winners gets added a mere month after the event, and i just can't believe that they aren't doing it intentionally anyway, more units i want in the blue pool is always good, as i have now at least 3 of them (Marianne, Fury, Seteth) don't really care about Ingrid, Dedue and Lynhardt, as i don't need them, and since seiros will appear in the AHR banner, i can't really waste too many orbs, but at least i'll try to get one copy of Marianne pretty nice banner overall, it's just that it's been revealed at the worst possible timing for me as for Solon... no. just no.
  21. why is it that so many people (not here) in 2021 still don't know the difference between "remaster" and "remake" these games are remakes, plain and simple, no doubt about this if we want to be more specific, these games are "shot-for-shot" remakes, which means that these are completely new games but try to be as faithful to the original games as possible another example of shot-for-shot remake is the Crash N.Sane Trilogy
  22. it definitely looks interesting, about time they started exploring the pokemon world's ancient times and lore i don't like that many pokemon seem to have 3fps animations, and i doubt they'll fix it to a decent degree in time
  23. really nice moveset, i like the idea of having Haste as his personal mechanic (i don't even want to imagine how someone fighting Tidus must feel when caught by Slowgan and Tidus is at max Haste level), and his side smash sounds really good for stopping various recovery options
  24. well i did what i could to try and implement FFX's main mechanic into Tidus's moveset, it probably was an impossible task to begin with, and i don't expect he'd play like this at all, if he were to be added in Smash in a very distant future please Sakurai cut Cloud and add Tidus instead i agree that his overdrives should've been in his moveset aside from his final smash, but what i tried to do with this idea was an "anime sword character"-looking dude who doesn't play as what one would guess just by looking at him. maybe it's just a dumb idea, and i'd agree with that, but this was the goal i tried to achieve it would be cool if you created your own moveset for Tidus, so that we can compare them and maybe mix some of our ideas that's why i specified that using Cheer or Haste negates any other character-generated buff Tidus and allies might have ex. DQ's hero can't have both Acceleratle's speed buff and Cheer's atk and def buff
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