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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Hah! Touche. Well, in Sigurd's case, touche. In Chrom's case it... kinda has no effect whatsoever. When it comes to his screentime and importance, I mean. Was gonna already. I will pick female Corrin and marry Izana instead. Yes. This is exactly who I am talking about. Great. That was just what I fucking needed. Lil' dipshit... perhaps it's a good thing I could never get into Trails. I can't imagine the Trails fans here would've been too happy to endure hundreds of hours of Ruben ranting about Joshua. Inb4 I end up enjoying Birthright more than Conquest and have to turn in my Kaga Elitist card.
  2. I mean, yeah, but at least they don't get kidnapped and/or replaced as the protagonist on top of that. Edelgard is the only one who doesn't suffer from one or the other. She's pretty great, leaving aside her route being an unfinished mess. The rest, though... they have issues, unfortunately. Well, it's okay. To be honest, the only main characters in FE that I truly like are Shadow Dragon Marth and Leif. Everyone else is like... eh, yeah, whatever. They exist. I far prefer the secondaries.
  3. Put Nergal in Heroes but it's his Sword of Heaven and Earth form. Yeah, they probably should add the remaining final villains while they're at it. Y'know, anything but frigging background characters. Veld deserves it. No other final boss is as funny as him. A fucking generic that can be captured. Even the recolors from past chapters couldn't be captured. He's that amazing. Plus, you gotta give it to him, he may be shit, but Veld's boss theme is the shit.
  4. Probably because watching IntSys try to write a compelling female protagonist is even more unpleasant than having no female protagonists
  5. We'll see. I still have a handful of SoHaE maps to get through before I can get to it. However, by the power of beard, we shall prevail. People really should accept that there's no love or care put into FE Heroes. It's IntSys's cash cow, nothing more, nothing less. They'll do whatever makes more money. Boobs make more money. It's as simple as that. Heroes is not worth freaking out over.
  6. That's all right, I don't mind. Lonely Mirror kinda drained me of want for uber difficult FEs for the time being. ...That being said, I'm going to play it on lunatic. I've read that until like chapter 20 it's a bit easier than Conquest hard, and afterwards it's a bit harder than Conquest hard. Sooooo basically around the same level of difficulty. Sounds acceptable to me.
  7. I think I'll play Birthright once I'm done with Sword of Heaven and Earth. Any tips and tidbits I should know? It will never cease to amuse me how Heroes happily adds background characters, alts of existing characters and OCs before the like 300 playable characters that have yet to get in. At least she's got a cool design, I guess. Even if he looks like a bootleg Briggid. She picked up the bow because all the cool people use bows. Think about it. Sylvis Berwick Saga, Raquel TRS, Igrene, bETraYaL, every archer in Banner Saga, Luigi... Bows are way cool. Not like swords. Swords are the edgelord's weapon. And double swords? Double the edge. The question I ask myself every day Yeah, that's what I was thinking!
  8. Ah yeah, doesn't look great... Too bad about your trip. And, y'know, the country being on fire.
  9. He looks absolutely hilarious. Look at that dumb shit-eating grin. Fantastic. Is that even a grin actually? I'm not sure, I could be seeing things, but I swear he's just grinning away. Also, he's fat and he looks derp-eyed from this angle. Wonderful.
  10. Best wishes to your mom. And hey, surprise vacation, amirite? Unless you're not getting paid for this, then that kinda sucks...
  11. Hah! That really does sound like Gorzevalus 2.0. I can't get a translation for that game soon enough. Also Fawkes is kinda funny but I'm more of a fan of Fuchs, myself. Beat them to shit. In the game, of course-
  12. Huh, hadn't think about it. So, dare I ask? What is Gorzevalus 2.0? Is it Lyle? I have no fond memories of that bastard... Well, his experience did get Adel to promote in my LP, but that's it.
  13. We're... extremely slow. And my region in particular is even slower, so that doesn't help things.
  14. Congratulations. I am still waiting. That he is! His name is Wallage. Yeah, with a g. Inspecting his original Japanese name, it's ワロージ (waroji), which seems to me like a slight corruption of the second half of Gorzevalus's name (ゴーゼワロス Gozewarosu). So yeah, that's neat. I find it kinda funny how there's all these bosses that are references to other games in the series and I missed all of them because I played this hack before pretty much every other game in the series. Pretty sure I only had the GBA games and 12 back then...
  15. For fuck's sake, Saya. You can't even one-round an unpromoted armor with the Mani Katti. You truly are your mother's daughter... Incidentally, Even before I played Berwick Saga I thought this guy's portrait was amazing. I knew I liked it for a reason! Seems to be going well, then. I hope Arden's getting his healthy dose of bosses and rings!
  16. I just got A+ in every level in Hotline Miami. It was easier than I remembered it, only took me like three hours. The sequel, though. I don't want to even think about it. I don't think my skin is thick enough to S rank Dead Ahead on hard mode. So yeah, that's a thing I just did. How's everyone else doing?
  17. I find them entertaining to read through sometimes, but I don't think I've ever followed them. Being told what units to use is boring. Heck, nowadays I don't even bother looking for units' growths anymore. I just grab a face I like and run with it. It's more fun that way, I believe.
  18. The good thing about refusing to adhere to the metas out of misplaced pride is that I have more fond memories than I can remember. Every run is an adventure when you're too stubborn to use all of the guaranteed good units every single time.
  19. One time I saw someone, I don't remember where, saying something along the lines of "we spend way more time arguing about optimal play than we do playing optimally." People love to talk about who's better, who's worse, what's the best strats, yada yada... But then we actually go ahead and play and anyone who isn't speedrunning or LTCing is just going to do whatever and give the meta the middle finger. It's just human nature. We love our memes. They're the DNA of the soul, after all. Besides, I can tell you that my fondest FE memories are not using the top tier units to perform the same juggernauting as everyone else. It's always so much more fun when some scrub becomes a war hero. Or, y'know, the 12 year old becomes an axe murderer.
  20. Eh, Micaiah can do some staffbotting and chip from range with magic. That's more than what Roy can do. Yeah, people back in the day thought growths were everything that mattered. Those were silly days. Arguing about units being bad is something that never gets old.
  21. You know, one thing I've been appreciating about SoHaE is its difficulty. I know it's going to sound out of character, but compared to all the ball-crushing, unforgiving hacks out there, it's a really refreshing change of pace to play something like this, with very moderate difficulty. It's not quite boring like PoR, but it's not so difficult that I find myself struggling. Pretty nice. ...Well, except for the last chapter. Last chapter was super fucking intense, oh my God. Took me a bunch of tries! I think I know the problem here: The beard power of my team is inexcusably low. The Jeigan's goatee and the wyvern lord's beautiful stache are the only contributors. This is simply unacceptable. I must find a proper beard! ...There it is. Look at that thing! You can't even see his mouth! Magnificent, absolutely fucking magnificent! 10/10, goddamnit! Who cares if he's a meh prepromote general when my team is already full? I'm definitely booting someone for that beard. I'm also probably gonna give the boots to that beard. Because fuck it. Beard. Thanks, Kent. Really appreciate it. I mean, I would've taken you too, you grew a very nice moustache in the past 20 years, but this is something else! For many years the general consensus was that 99% of prepromotes were automatically useless garbage and any growth unit would be extremely better than them. So yeah. Neimi > Innes was a common opinion. It took stuff like Wendy and Sophia for people to begrudgingly admit that the prepromote was better.
  22. Yeah, if he promoted at a reasonable time it'd be fine. The problem is that he promotes in the potentially final chapter, and by then his stats are horrible. He'd need to cap every single stat before promotion to remain adequate.
  23. Yeah, this. Honestly, I struggle to see how people thought Leif vs Roy was a reasonable discussion for so many years. Like, the light brand already makes Leif better. I know we used to think stuff like "Neimi > Innes", but this is one hell of a stretch!
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