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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. What are you talking about? You're insanely good, man. You make it impossible to justify Candace and I'm pretty sure you beat Mitama as well. And I thought you were good in Conquest... Well, I suppose you do have better availability there. Unless you're exchanged for boots, but only noobs and folks with poor taste do that.
  2. Ahhh, mmm, yeah, very nice. Ohh, yeah. Now that's great. Attacking the boss covers the entire final area with lava without warning. If Hinoka hadn't been standing in the right spot that would've been a reset, right at the boss. Thanks, Birthright, for this annoying map. It wasn't that terrible, certainly nowhere near Kitsune Hell or Takumi's Fun Castle, but that thing with the boss was such a huge dickmove.
  3. This would be a fun map if I didn't have to sit on damaging, movement-impairing terrain for four turns every time I fail the die roll. Well, that's better, at any rate. As Shrimpy said, consider finding a psychologist.
  4. All right, Birthright 21. No faceless in sight, which is good. There are some stoneborn, though... Gives me bad memories. It's really weird, because it really is only the faceless. Human enemies are still fine, it's just the faceless that are hilarious. I wonder what's up with that. Awww. Does she have availability in this game though
  5. I think it's more that we confront him directly here, so he gets to be sassy at us, whereas in Conquest he only ever spoke to Garon or as Garon's messenger, so he could only be Mr. "Haha I am Evil." Meh. Try not to worry too much. Surely it's not a big deal. Have you had them for long?
  6. I mean, it's not that he's threatening. In Conquest he was like "mwahaha I am evil and I will kill Lord Avatar for my liege", full stop. Here he's dropped some sassy lines that would make Gangrel proud. I don't get it, he's behaving like a completely different person. Heck, he's, dare I say, kinda competent here. What happened? Of course, that's what happened. Fates happened. Hah! Ahh, who cares. I've got my generic strategist. That's all I need.
  7. Wow, chapter 20 was super easy. Then again, so was Leo's map. I feel like something went horribly wrong with the level scaling on the faceless in this route, because they're pathetically weak compared to even unpromoted human troops and they give no experience. It feels like they've sent me to fight prologue-tier enemies. Heck, I'm fairly certain those assholes from chapter 5 could probably do more than these dummies if I were to fight them now. It's honestly really weird, because when the enemies are human the difficulty is pretty fine. It's just the faceless that have Sacred Stones stats. Huh... Only exception is the boss, who has actually decent stats and every single breaker skill in the game, just to make the fight more tedious. Great.
  8. Gotta say, I know this is sinful to say, but... Shit, in this route Iago is being legit entertaining. The guy's got a very Gangrel-ish charm to him. Where was all this sass in Conquest, man? Why did you never go "ohhh, the blue-haired one is being MEAN to me! No matter. I can ignore a minor affront like that... since you're about to die and all" in Conquest? I would've liked you so much better if you did...
  9. Okay, forget Rinkah, forget Hinoka, forget Reina, forget Charlotte, forget Izana... Forget all of them. And all the generic ones that other people like. Forget them too. Generic strategist best waifu. Look at her. She's beautiful. Look at that smug face! I love it. I am so ready to bench an actual character for that. Especially with levels like those! She's already better than Daniela, 3 levels below, and the only thing she loses is Savage Blow. Which, I mean, kinda meh, that skill is great, but... Fuck it, I like this woman's hat better.
  10. Nooooooooooooooooooo I was doing time-travelling shenanigans to get a generic from prison, and then Izana decided to join. Izana no, I have no room...!
  11. All right, chapter 19 time. Looks like pretty much free training: The chapter. I have discovered something really strange: Reina's EXP gains are, for some reason, way, way better than Candace's. No idea why, she just gains way more experience even though she's one level higher. Damnit, game, stop bullying the best character!
  12. Hey, Leo. Go to hell. Oh, but of course, Leo doesn't die. He gets talked down by Fishtail, and then he claims that he lied and that he never hated him. Naaah, of course not, how could Leo ever hate his dearest older brother? Naaaaaaah, he just hates his son because he doesn't like the way his son dresses. I'll never get over that. Fuck this asshole. Run along while the powers of cutscene allow you...
  13. My logic is the same as with Forrest: Just because his dad is a dick doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to exist. Besides, Jakob's not as bad as Leo. He came close for one second, but then I reached chapter 18 and Leo reminded me that he's the worst Nohrian by acting like a jealous little dipshit and being more evil than Hans. He literally beats people with a fishtail. It's perfect! He rocks the red hair, too.
  14. I like how Leo's sounding more villainous than Hans right now. If only I didn't know that he survives, I could've enjoyed this... Oh, well. At least I get to beat him up.
  15. I have found the perfect weapon for Fishtail. Also, paladin Dwyer is surprisingly good. I have no room for Selkie or Oboro. Hopefully they'll let me squeeze Selkie in sooner than later. Oboro might have to sit on the bench, unfortunately. That's all for now.
  16. Well. I see Leo's got some competition. I like how Jakob is so angry at his son for deciding to become a doctor. You know, every real life parent's dream? Jesus fucking Christ, Nohrian scum...
  17. Birthright time. I only have to get Dwyer and Shigure and then it's finally time to get back to the campaign. Damnit, not again... Her face is funny, okay? There's no point in looking at the morality of people in Fates, half of them are psychopaths. Fine. Pfft. Well, fine, then. I still wanted Dwyer more than another swordie I wasn't going to use. And it was you that told me not to waste Hinoka on a kid I wasn't going to use, wasn't it? Just following your advice here! So he's a bad unit, huh. I definitely should've used him... Pffft. Hilarious.
  18. I like how everyone is in shock that I'm liking Birthright lol He was... Kinda cheerful I think? And blunt? I don't know, he had like two lines and I was more interested in Oboro. Not for the reason you're thinking, get your mind outta the gutter.
  19. Eh. Maybe. But at some point I have to make decisions based on first impressions. I don't have infinite deloyment slots, y'know. I hear you, though. Past experience (read, Charlotte) proves appearances can be deceiving. Maybe in another run.
  20. Oboro. Got Selkie a couple levels and she seems to be growing well. I'll keep her around. Thankfully Birthright is slightly more generous with the slots than Conquest. What's with the obsession with Hinata? I wasn't even using the guy! I didn't like his design or his personality or his class! What could I possibly want that guy for? ...wait, is he like, your favorite character and I just trashed him? If so, well... Sorry. But still, I wanted Dwyer, goddamnit! What's so wrong with Dwyer!?
  21. Birthright good. ...that is all. Pretty sure it fits the thread name.
  22. Yaaay Jakob and Hinoka have fucked even though they hardly had any chemistry together. Also, Tarba joins us. I might use him, berserkers are fun and his design is gorgeous. And now I get Dwyer. Holy shit, Hinoka's hair color looks amazing on this dude. I'm definitely using him, for that if nothing else. With Hinoka as his mom, he's definitely gonna be more of a combat guy. Hopefully he'll have good reclassing options for that... At any rate, I can already see that his personal skill might as well not exist. But still, I dig. Maybe he can hook up with Mitama, and they can compete to see which one of them can sleep the longest. Tomorrow, though. Too late for another chapter. Thanks! Strikers is too good, honestly.
  23. Oooohhh so I see. That's why you guys were telling me to do Shiro's paralogue early - it's because I have, and even then the guy's managed to get himself killed on the enemies that deal 5 damage to him. Nice. And people complained about Ignatius? At least Ignatius didn't charge like a moron... EDIT: OH! HE DIDN'T TURN BLUE WHEN RYOMA TALKED TO HIM! NICE! BEAUTIFUL! I am so gonna send you to the bench right behind your dad... EDIT 2: never mind, I'm blind. Great.
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