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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Good. Do yourself a favor. Use Haitaka. Very true.
  2. Right. Fine, then. I'd say Niles can probably afford to go for now, since you're using Mozu. Do try to use him though, for Kumagera.
  3. Yeah, that's fair enough. I just feel that it's something one has to accept when going into the indie market. Indies with outstanding graphics are rare, but graphics ultimately matter very little. You have to look at what lies underneath.
  4. I was going to do another map, but my poor sleep last night is catching up with me. I can't handle this chokepoint hell like this. I'll give it the "do it tomorrow" treatment. Also, finally remembered to take Gamble off of Wolfgang. I kept forgetting.
  5. Meanwhile my favorite FE6 character is Raigh. Oof... Though I've used Sophia a couple times. She's horrible, but she can be made to work with a billion resources and patience. That's because indies don't have the budget or the people to produce good 3D graphics, though. Pixel art is way easier to pull off than most artstyles, so most indie devs go for that because it's the only feasible option for them. Of course, some of them go above and beyond with the pixel art, and some go in different directions entirely. Shoutouts to Banner Saga and its hand-drawn graphics, that game is beautiful.
  6. Mozu Who is in your team? I'll help you decide.
  7. All this talk about Mozu is reminding me I've yet to do her paralogue. I wanted to wait till I had some more generics to train, but now I'm wondering if the map's enemies even scale depending of how far into the game you are. ...Maybe I'll just save it till Fuga arrives so I can marry him to Corrin faster. It's the one marriage I'm allowed to make, after all. Might as well make sure it happens. In any case, it's time for another chapter. I spy, with my little eye, knights. I want a knight, mostly because I love their sprite, they look hilarious. Yeah, we should probably just stop. We've all said what we had to say, any more would just be going in circles. Yeah, steel lance is what she wants for that last bit of might she needs. Lightroosmo. There we go. Kinda works. Virgil is better than him. Generics for the win. Ehhh not really. I don't know where you've been looking for indie games, but there's plenty of variety there as far as I can see.
  8. It's her introduction and her animations. Girl loses literally everything, even watched her own mother get eviscerated in front of her, and in her base class she looks absolutely terrified. Buuut that's then shoved to the side, as all sensitive matters are in this game. I don't know, I remember in my first run I was ready to go full meme child soldier, but then I saw her animations and it just... Subconsciously killed the whole idea of her character for me. Then Haitaka joined and it was all over for her. From like, her second chapter? I really don't get how you guys haven't had it happen, it has been really consistent for me. Actually, defense stance boosts work just as well. Her strength is just that high. Yeah, Sarah good. Though she hardly qualifies as an Est, her bases are great outside of bulk.
  9. Yeah, that's what I should've said too about five posts ago. Sorry, guys. I don't know, there's something about Mozu that makes me go ballistic every time. I really, really don't like her. Haitaka is legit better than like half the proper characters, it's ridiculous.
  10. I'd rather give the deployment slot to Haitaka, who can fight and also has unique utility Mozu wishes she could have.
  11. YES Exactly, goddamnit. He acts as a walking pair of boots you can slap on anybody anytime you need, and on top of that he can fight, heal and debuff. He's super great. Big McThankies from McSpankies! This just in: Yubello best New Mystery unit according to Shrimpy. Now, as for the reason I'm constantly memeing every other child soldier but act like a jerk towards Mozu... To be honest, I'm not sure. There's something about her I really don't like. I think it's her animations. As much as I like to joke about turning kids into mass murderers, Mozu having very blatantly displayed PTSD and it being played for laughs just... Doesn't sit right with me. At least you admit that Shura good. It's something. Okay, this is just straight up wrong. What are you talking about? My Effies always one-shot everything but the tankiest of enemies! A generic villager girl with severe PTSD played for laughs. Yes, I know, just the other day I said it's pointless to be outraged about Fates's morality issues. Well, I'm sorry, I cannot control how I feel. I did. Thrice. And yes, I didn't reclass her, but... Bleh. Hey Shrimpy. PEMN
  12. Corrin is absurdly overpowered unless you're me and Effie isn't too far behind. I will have to put a big "citation needed" on that until I try it out for myself. If I can even be bothered.
  13. Ehhh... I don't know, guys. I have to doubt the "easily" part when she's going to be stuck with bronze bows forever, this being Fire Emblem "slower weapon ranks than Binding Blade" Fates, not to mention characters like Corrin and Effie exist. She might beat Niles, and if you're a horrible person with awful taste and pick the boots over Shura she might not ever have competition, but from there to "easily the best offense in your team..." Yeah, I don't think so. I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't think she's unusable, but... yeah, I don't think she's quite that good. And I also don't really like her, so... Pfeh. Why bother, is my assessment. I'd rather use a generic, to be honest. Generics are better looking and have bases that exist. Leave it to Ruben to lash out at the first sight of positivity I needed to train my generics. Also, no flying generics yet, so I could not do that even if I wanted to. I thought I was the only one here who liked Niles and Shura and disliked Mozu and early boots. Glad to see someone else with actual taste. I agree with this. Believe it. My first Niles was wonderful. On par with Shura, he was. Good times. Shame I could not finish that run.
  14. Very well, Sven the dark mage and Roderick the outlaw have joined our merry band of generics that are probably better people than the royals. I'd like to know why generic dark mages are so fabulous. Like, prepromoted sorcerers look like middle-aged clerks with a severe case of sleep deprivation, but these dudes are positively pretty for basically no reason. Then again, they went all out on every generic for no reason. They look better than a lot of the friggin' proper playables... Anyway, Rody's actually way better than Saburo in every stat other than defense. Saburo has a ton of defense for some undiscernible reason. As for Sven, he's a better Orochi. Enough power for a nice nuke, though at base level he can hardly compare to... Trained Suzume. Look at that. Who needs proper characters? She's way cuter than Sakura too, it's all advantages! No, no, let's not start. We've been over this a million times, and I know the others here are sick of it. How do you replace Silas with Mozu? Mozu is hilariously horrible for a long time. You kinda need Silas's high movement and solid bases for at least a few chapters. Mozu can't do any of the things Silas does. O O F Another disagreement for the pile. Weren't you concerned a little while back that you were too harsh on games? Pffft watch the rest of us Hurray for no life! It was just Setsuna sniping her. Probably posted it a little while back.
  15. Wew, that map was kinda long. And good, surprisingly enough. But we're almost done now. Just gotta kill a few prepromotes for experience, whack Flora and then we can welcome Roderick and Sven into the group. I actually had the choice between Hubert and Roderick for my outlaw that I'm not sure I'll use, but I thought Hubert might warp out of prison, so I went for Rody instead. Acacia no! Cease! Too bad for you. If you ever wanted to know the reason I put Three Houses above those two in spite of my much more vocal hatred for it... well, there you go. Sure, Three Houses is possibly the most disappointing game I have ever played, but... well, I felt something about it. For a time I enjoyed it, even. I hate it because I want to like it and I can't. Those two are just... I'd rather watch paint dry, frankly, because at least I don't have to bother pressing A a bunch of times when watching paint dry. I should probably get around to changing the FE3 ranking to FE3 book 1 in my signature, though. If Spara is right, book 2 should be an entirely different beast.
  16. I fucking hate you, Camilla. I kill you with the meme. Crawl in a ditch where you belong and bleed out. Fun fact: I wanted to name this image "screw you Camilla", but I found out that I already had a picture called "screw you Camilla" in my folder of cursed Fates images. Huh. Go figure. It's all right. Nobody will judge you for this, Armagon. We are all entitled to our own view on the world. ...Even one who is always wrong and ugly such as yourself-- Jokes aside, now you know what I felt playing FE3 book 1 and Path of Radiance. The feeling you described was exactly what I felt when playing those games, word by word.
  17. Actually, I'm liking it too. Best Rev map so far, even. The first couple of turns were a bit woozy in terms of hitrates that I absolutely needed to hit, but it's been smooth sailing since. And yeah, I did do that to reinforce Protagonist's ship, since it was by far the one that came under the most heat. The lower right ship straight up didn't get attacked lol. I did, however, leave some troops in the upper and left ships. Wolfgang and Virgil handled themselves well, but eventually they had to run because the RNGoddess was after them.
  18. Yeah, that's right, miss some more. See if I care. I got my ice bridges built already. I can just run, regroup, and then unleash the full force of our might upon these fools. Berwick is designed around low hitrates, this isn't
  19. Oh my God I can't stop missing. I just lost the run because the avatar missed a 94. Can we please stop. I'd like to make progress this millenium. ...Never mind, the guy was weak enough that he went on "panic and flee" AI and didn't murder Kenshi. Excellent.
  20. Ah, so I really am not supposed to leave the boats. Well, that's... not the dumbest concept for a map I've seen so far in this route. I've been wondering about Heirs of Fate for a while, actually. At some point I'll play it. Right now, though, it's not the kids' time to shine.
  21. Hey, next map is brand new! Outrageous! I can't see a way to exit the boats, which is dumb, but I'm sure they'll give me a way sooner than later, right? The Rainbow Sage, though. That's the most fascinating part of that. Why the nobody NPC who appears once per route...? I know dreams make little sense most of the time, but surely there's got to be a reason your mind decided to show that character of all characters... She dies before they can even move lol. First there's player phase, then there's enemy phase, and she doesn't make it to ally phase. I mean, it was as simple as killing that ninja immediately. It was just a bit of a shock the first time. I wasn't expecting that. Yeah, I have a similar problem. He's one of those characters who's just... really boring, and then as a unit he's not outrageously bad or good or have any fun gimmicks. He just... exists. I use him for a while in Conquest and then drop him like a brick.
  22. There were two lancers in that challenge. Captured them both. One of them wasn't the boss, and thus his stats are lesser, but he's named gerald, which is cool, whereas the better guy is... Bernd. It's like the ugly cousin of Bernard. You know what, for the joke unit, I dig it. You can go free, Gerald. I need all the room I can get in the prison, can't have you living there for free. Maybe Bernd grow to be a tough boy at least near the level of Derrick, and may he defeat the final boss and prove that lancers can be useful too.
  23. Saburo the archer and (Qui Gon) Jin the Ninja join the team. Next I will... go and grind? Yeah, grind! It is against my nature, but... truth is, I'm not grinding for the sake of grinding. I'm grinding because as far as I can see, there aren't any lancers to be captured any time soon. This challenge I just found, however, happens to have a lancer boss! So yeah. Obviously I want the meme enemy-only class in my team, I mean, duh. I think I'll have Reina solo the rest of the map so that this isn't an unfair experience advantage. I'm basically hiring this lancer for a little over a thousand gold. Not a bad exchange. ...Or better yet, Logbook Orochi can solo the entire map and then I get absolutely nothing other than the lancer. Yeah, that's perfect. Well, fair enough, I suppose. I am so happy for him that he's better in the route where I straight up can't use him.
  24. Orochi and Kenshi missed a high 70% and an 80% and then Orochi died. My luck is great. No I meant Siegfried from The Last Promise. Pff. Implying I care enough about that guy.
  25. Oh. Orochi dies instantly to the ninja next to her. Like, literally, instantly. She gets one-rounded, with a 98% accuracy, on turn 1 enemy phase. I have to kill that guy or else she dies. You know, the one character that I need to get. Nice. Kenshi is pretty good already. Remains to be seen for the rest. I probably will pick up a few prepromotes from future chapters, but I'm hoping I'll have at least a few growth generics in the main team. I am envious. I've never, ever had a good Silas. Every single time, his speed has remained in the single digits forever and I've had to drop him.
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