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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Not really. The rapier only has 5 might, and with Roy's horrible strength, we're looking at might in the 20-25 range for the earlygame. And don't forget, Roy suffers WTD against most cavaliers and knights. He will deal very mediocre damage against them and take a crapton of hurt in return, which I guess is more than what Shanna can manage, but you compare him to Dieck with like a steel sword and it's not even a contest. And without the rapier? Don't even bother, he won't do anything. Heck, the one time you probably would love the rapier is against chapter 4's nomads... Except the game trolls you by going "nope, these guys ain't riding horses." The one time Roy would've been legitimately useful, and the game just doesn't let it happen for some reason. What a shame. As for the Western Isles... That's not really true, actually. There's plenty of swordies and lancers in the Western Isles, not to mention the one berserker that you really don't want Roy to face off against. It's really only chapter 9 where he can do some shit, due to the pirate spam. But he's still worse than everyone else at it, and you'd prefer to give all that easy pirate experience to people who can actually promote. Everywhere else he's completely useless. He does best in the earlygame, period. And his "best" is really just the worst sword infantry in the game. Even Ogier would be better than him if he were to replace him, and with folks like Alance, Dieck and Rutger running around in the earlygame, Roy doesn't have much he can do. In the final couple of chapters the binding blade sort of carries him, but his super low stats hold it back significantly. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's not Wendy. He doesn't get one-rounded by archers in his join map. But he's still one of the worst units in the game and a worthless liability once you leave the earlygame's axeland. Heck, even there he's not much more than mediocre. Ergh... No, I don't think so. Swords only look good because Rutger and Dieck have swords. Swords still suffer WTD from a lot of enemies, have low might and have really shitty ranged options (as in, literally just the weird-ass light brand that is locked to 10 damage at range). Being swordlocked is not good, it just so happens that the main FE6 swordies everyone remembers have ridiculous stats to make up for it. Roy suffers greatly from his swordlock. Yeah, and they all suck, but Roy pushes it even further by having either three or literally just one chapter left to play around with his minor stat gains. And Roy isn't likely to reach his unpromoted caps, quite the opposite. Leif doesn't need much more than that because in his game all stats cap at 20, and his experience gains after promotion are huge, so he'll be gaining levels in no time to make up for the difference. Not to mention, he can use scrolls to improve his chances of not being worthless, he can use magical swords to get stuff done, he carries Manster, he supports half the army and he can use the kingsmaker for even more support. Thracia is a fickle game.
  2. I dunno, even in normal mode he's a swordlocked infantry unit with horrible bases, bad growths and the worst early prf of any lord in the series (seriously Roy's rapier is so bad) that can't promote until the end of chapter 21. That's not what I'd describe as "fine", even on normal mode he's worthless, you'd rather use even Ogier. Giving him the boots just turns him into the worst cavalier in the game, you'd rather use even Treck. Better give the boots to the dancer or the knight and let a paladin carry Roy around. The fact that this adds up scares me.
  3. Yeah, Roy is by far the worst lord in the series. It's not even a contest. Guy is very mediocre for about 5 chapters, and then he becomes a liability until he gets his super sword that carries him in the third-to-last map in the game (assuming you get the good ending, if not he's only semi-useful in the final map and that's it).
  4. Ehhh. I'd say they're about even. Eirika benefits from getting a horse on promotion and from being in an even easier game, but they're both pretty garbage, honestly.
  5. I am so happy for him. Team Rocket's still way cooler than him, though. Oh, she is fast. She capped speed before promotion. The problem is that, being a lord and all, she promoted later than everyone else, and because this game mostly uses FE7's awful garbage promotion bonuses she stayed at 20 speed. Which would've been enough to keep her from getting doubled... but the only bows I had in the convoy were steel bows, and her con is 6. Also, she has 9 strength, which is just all sorts of wonderful. She's literally just Lyn, honestly. Which isn't good, because Lyn is a garbage unit. I wish I'd gotten Eliwood's son instead-- Oh, wait, right. That'd be even worse somehow...
  6. Pfft... Hey, dude, I'm sorry, but that was kind of a lame pun OH GOD, CALM DOWN JESUS, IT'S NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL And then the lord died because she sucks and gets doubled by heroes. Lyn lord as the main lord was such a mistake... Do have fun!
  7. This is where I'd like to share some images, but I can't because Serenes keeps giving me that "you're blocked" shit for no reason. I hate that. Also, this would make for some great reaction image. So it seems. Not only that, with her 9 strength after promotion, she couldn't win any tournaments. She really is just like Ash! ...No, seriously, my 12-year-old thief whoops her sorry behind ten times over. It's hilarious.
  8. It's a dream sequence, so jury's still out on Hector. I'm thinking it's probably going to be Eliwood. Or, maybe it's nobody. Maybe Lyn is a hermaphrodite organism.
  9. What? I only see one post. Perhaps it's a glitch on your end?
  10. The translator somehow ported the whole game from the Japanese version to the American version. It caused some minor shenanigans, like weapon rank names remaining untranslated and character affinities having a Japanese symbol next to the icon. I imagine this is something similar. Eh, it's not at all important.
  11. Once again, I am impressed by Sword of Heaven and Earth. So there's this chapter where we have to save Lyn from evil possession shenanigans. Since she doesn't join as a playable character, but continues to appear in cutscenes, I assumed killing her would result in a game over. ...Nope. Here as well, the game lets me fail spectacularly at my objective and the game carries on. And this would have some massive ramifications, she appears in quite a few scenes after this chapter. Kudos to the creator for taking the effort to do something that like, two people would ever see. I have to remember to try killing her in a future run and see how much changes. Incidentally I think the game heard our conversation from yesterday.
  12. Oh boy! Another Berwick reference! This map also features a female knight singlehandedly protecting a group of civilians, actually. Neat. I wonder what the boss of this map will look like-- ...Well. I can say with absolute certainty that this is not what I was expecting.
  13. If only. Yes. C'mon, can you blame me? I had the perfect chance to end the war! Around the same time as chapter 8 of FE6! That means we don't have to deal with 14x, or Douglas, or 21, or 21x, for a few examples! Honestly, I could hardly believe it myself. I was expecting it to go awry halfway and I'd have to do some editing shenanigans, but... nope. Everything just worked out. The only semi-questionable thing I did was rewind when Rabi landed that eclipse hit, so I could start the recording on a good note. The RNG stays the same, so I basically changed nothing. I am so fucking happy. I got Bootleg Bantu to kill Bootleg Hardin and I didn't even have to RNG-abuse it. Wow.
  14. That was so fucking good. I didn't even know Zephiel had a battle quote with him. He has no regular battle quote and his death quote is bugged. I shall consider it my reward for being such a peerless tactician. Roy, you can go back home now, it's over.
  15. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YES YEEESSS THAT WAS PERFECT That was so good that I'm actually going to upload the video of it.
  16. Horseborn and dredge attack the town at the same time, and you get a whole bunch of choices.
  17. In this chapter, we're defending Eliwood from Bern's invasion. This chapter's theme is sons of FE7 characters. Here we have Harken and Isadora's son. Eugh. Must've taken after his mom... Guy can't even double mages. This is Erik's son. He breaks the family tradition of being treacherous assholes by not being a treacherous asshole, and instead being very recruitable. I like his portrait. This is the son of Desmond. He's-- ...You know, it'd be really funny if I killed him here. Roy finishes suppressing the revolt at Ostia and then he just receives a letter from his dad saying "hey there sonny boy, the King of Bern came to Pherae and then an army led by your auntie Lyn's daughter came out of nowhere and killed him. Sooo uhhh yeah, war's over, come home, I'll have Lowen prepare some cookies." Yeah, that one too. There's also one battle that you can do at Bindal that you absolutely have to win, though that one is optional. Those three are the ones I know of, though I believe there may be a couple more. Still, pretty good effort, considering the friggin' final battle isn't among them. Actually, he's probably more like 1 month old. He's a defective war dragon. Defective as in, he developed emotions and refused to kill innocents. I don't think war dragons are too old, considering it's implied Idoun just shits them out on demand. Hah! I know the feeling. I've had a friend like this, too. Ended up cutting all ties after high school. No real fallout, I just stopped contacting him. It's the best thing you can do with people like this. If they show no signs of trying to make amends and is merely asking for favors, my advice would be to just ignore them. It's not worth it. Hey, don't worry about it. I don't think anybody minds.
  18. That's true, but this is a story defeat. In the gameplay, you still wipe out the enemy units, or kill the boss - you accomplish the goal and win the map. It's the cutscene that undoes it as far as the plot is concerned. What I'm saying is a map where you fail the gameplay objective. Time runs out, the critical NPC dies, your throne is taken in a defense map, etc. and the game keeps going regardless. I can't think of any aside from this one map in SoHaE.
  19. Funnily enough, my favorite would survive. There is one battle where he dies if you lose, but his presence can be avoided.
  20. The only one I can think of is Banner Saga. Except for a handful of battles, the game lets you keep going even if you lose, though usually there are consequences for it.
  21. That's close, but you still complete the main objective of the map, which is to wipe out the bandits. In this one you just outright fail to capture the place you're assaulting and go "meh, we tried, let's go visit Eliwood everyone."
  22. Relatable I am tempted. I am really tempted. ...Fuck it, literally everyone in my team has all of the speed and lesser strength. He's the only slowpoke. He gets it. I changed my mind, I'll give it to the Wrys lookalike instead. He can actually use it.
  23. Shoot, this hack is more advanced than I thought! So I just had a gaiden map with a time limit. The setup was that we had to capture the place in a limited amount of time, otherwise we'd have to retreat because we have more important places to go to. I assumed this meant game over. But no, actually. If time runs out, we escape and the game continues as normal. I even get to keep Feeler and the sage woman if I freed them beforehand. Capturing the throne does allow us to get to the boss's bank account, though, netting us a fine amount of cash. That's... really interesting. Have there been any official FE maps that let you fail like that, and the game goes on? I can't remember any off the top of my head. Jikes... The universe is against Arden. But don't let that deter you. Arden deserves the world. Actually, I don't know about Eliwood. Up to this point, all of my playthroughs were in Japanese, since the translation was only released recently. Eliwood gets a cutscene with Lyn with sappy music in the background at the very end of the game. That gives him some chances, but I'll have to get to them to find out what's up. Come to think about it, he too gets a scene with Lyn with sappy music in the background. Hm. We'll see. Jajajajajajaja... Resulta que al final Papá es Sain.
  24. A A A A A H Fine, kill Reptor with him and I'll forgive you. Yeah, 'fraid Hector got the short end of the stick here. Lyn gets to be slightly more important than she is in FE7 and Eliwood gets to appear in more than one cutscene unlike in FE6. Hector dies offscreen and doesn't even show up at any point. Kent got more out of this game than he did. Oof. Dayan has a big-ish role in the story and he's never refered to as Saya's grandfather, so no, most likely. As far as I know, the game takes the same approach as FE6 did with Roy's mom: dad doesn't exist.
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