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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Oh no. The scariest foe of all. An atheist. You know, now I have to wonder Bloodstained indeed. Been playing it for a while, hard mode, no damage on all bosses. I'm actually up to the end now, only got traitor and the final boss to go... Well, when it comes to mandatory fights, at any rate. I do have to go back and do the optional ones.
  2. Oh. Well, that was surprisingly simple. I mostly just kept butting my head against her until I got lucky with the moons, then I overwhelmed her with tits rift or whatever that attack is called before she could move on from her death laser to her unavoidable attacks. But-- Wait, hold up a moment! Shit, that sucks... Hang in there, man.
  3. I can't believe it took me 1 minute to notice that Gremory is just Death. And just like Death, she has that wonderful, wonderful attack where she just spawns infinite scythes that appear in random spots, which may or may not include right inside me. This is gonna be a fun medal to get.
  4. Okay, after a bunch of statboosters and a promotion, I am no longer garbage. I'm still worse than both of my fellow magicians of the team, let alone the prepromote sage I just got, but I'm not... ENTIRELY worthless, at least. Also, the game just gave me a manakete and a female halberdier. I can't keep trying to fit people into the team. At some point I have to give up and accept that I won't be able to use every cool person I come across. Plus, I kinda need someone with a higher staff rank than D and light magic... Ahh, damnit, decisions, decisions...
  5. The BSFE chapters are fun. Well, not Rickard's, but the rest are cool. Though the best way to play them is in FE12, I'd say.
  6. Well, I have described Berwick before as the Kaga game that doesn't feel like a Kaga game. The man had some restraint in that one, for the most part, which is wonderful. Have a better night than me.
  7. Oh, well, that's really nice. Sure hope you enjoy it when you get to it! C'mon, Sooks. Have you forgotten who you're talking to?
  8. Screw this. I'm getting up two hours ahead of time. I can take a nap later. Hey, I'm still a main medic in tf2. I got experience. And it's not like there's children in your team to murder/corrupt. You woulda been fine. I... Honestly have no idea. I am almost certain it's impossible. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO This is all anime's fault.
  9. Oh great, and that's just what I frigging needed-- I didn't properly shut the blinds, so now my room is dimly lit just enough to make it even more impossible to fall asleep for at least an hour. Jesus, I haven't slept this poorly in a really long time. I dig maces. Shame I missed my chance. Oh well, it's probably for the best. If I were in your team I'd somehow get us all killed. Nope. You suck. Sooks, more like Suckes.
  10. What? Where did you hear that? That's not true at all. There are no forced deaths in any of the returns. Damnit Sooks, have some mercy, I'm sleep deprived. You were right about one thing, Armagon: Your attention span is short.
  11. Goddamnit, Ohseex. That does not help at all. I'm a bit torn on that, yeah. On the one hand the mechanic is brilliant and helps make the final strech more intense, but on the other hand, those parts are so badass it's a shame you can miss them. Well, that's a fair opinion, even though it's wrong because I'm always right.
  12. I actually think it's the best one. It goes 3 > 2 > 1 for me. Maybe. 2 and 1 are really, really close, and I definitely think they're best enjoyed as one package. But if I had to pick one, 3 takes the cake. I love 3 the most because the story reaches the peak of insanity, the gameplay is at its most fun and unique and, contrary to popular opinion, I think the endings are perfectly fine. Oh, and 3's soundtrack is the best one. Also yeah I'm still awake. Starting to lose hope I'll fall asleep again.
  13. I don't think so, but I appreciate the attempt. Gonna be a fun day, though.
  14. Hey, it's me. I was dreaming... Something, and then for some reason I dreamed that I was on my phone at 4 in morning and accidentally clicked on a bot link. In my spook, I dropped my phone and my sleep, and then I looked for my phone for a solid 10 secs before realizing it was still on my desk where I left it. And now I can't find asleep again either, so I'm actually on my phone at 4 in the morning nagging you guys about it. That's all. Hopefully you won't hear from me again till 9.
  15. Not really, it's Olivier. It's not even a contest, especially considering Joshua is there. Come now, look at the cute kitty. Since when are cute kitties not the pinnacle of wholesomeness?
  16. Oh, thank you, thank you, Dark Lord and the Maiden of Light. Deployment slots. Now I can deploy my healer again. ...Or, you know, my myrmidon, my monk and the worthless Est nomad. Which one do you think I should grab?
  17. About time someone said something nice to me. I mean, sure, it's the ratfaced thief, but hey. I'll take the victory.
  18. Mansion de Luis Mansion de Luis: Luna Oscura Mansion del Luis Tres
  19. Ludin was more griefstricken than angry at anyone. It'll be fine.
  20. Damnit, Francine stole the boss kill from me with a crit. Damnit, woman! You don't need the experience! I do, desperately! ...Oh right. I hadn't realized he's called Sanchez, too. It should be entertaining at least.
  21. Of course. Now the garbage bags that have Spanish names too. How do they want me to take this mofo seriously when he's called Sanchez?!
  22. Absolutamente increible. Debí esperar esto de tí, Armagon. Eres despreciable. No sé ni por qué me molesto.
  23. Ooohhh... But then Ludin should still be around. In fact, losing Yrsa there prevented a possible death for Ludin! No te atreverias.
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