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Saint Rubenio

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Everything posted by Saint Rubenio

  1. Oh my God this clocktower area is so annoying. Everywhere I go it's narrow passes and those weird plates on the walls and ceiling that require an ability I don't have yet. All of the shortcuts require these abilities. All of them. But I found a boss, so I have to get back to it and finish it before I can go and drain the fountain. You don't just leave a boss door unanswered. It's unprofessional.
  2. It's always the ones you least expect. Too late to play innocent, Twilit. Your true colors have shown. Draggy is now the protagonist of Teehee. You're the deuteragonist who is revealed to be a traitor halfway through the plot.
  3. Twilit is the secret villain of the thread. If you're the big bad emperor guy, he's the leader of the cult!
  4. AH! ANIME OVERLOAD! TAKE COVER! Oh wait, Shrimpy is suffering instead of me for once. Good. Keep it up @twilitfalchion
  5. Can you not read? What did I say apart from "anime" and "awakened"!? I suppose it rather is, but it's a bit... unfaithful, to the canon. The canon that they were both gurgling blood on the ground before their recruitment chapters ended. That's the only canon I have of them and of 98% of Awakening's cast.
  6. It'd be an instant buy for me. Here, have another one. I've got plenty. Just found like 10 doing a quick google search. I've seen awesome songs without nearly this amount of remixes. Truly, memes are the DNA of the soul.
  7. Probably because that song is also a jumble of notes that barely makes any sense. Just... you know, less so than Crazybus. Gonna be honest, I never liked the OSTs for Radiant Dawn and Days of Ruin. There's some songs in them that I like, but overall they feel too messy to me. I'm no musical expert, of course, but... yeah. Nothing can stand against Crazybus. Nothing. ...Except maybe Crazybus remixes. Because I just love the notion that Crazybus remixes exist. Here, have another one. I think FE12 would beat Berwick Saga if that was the case.
  8. FIFY I remember the first time I heard it fondly. One of the best laughs of my life, right there. Still makes me chuckle every time. I don't know why, I just find it hysterical.
  9. Maerchen for Smash. Now that, that would be too epic for words.
  10. At this point I have no hope that they'll add a DLC character I give half a flying fuck about. They peaked with Pirahna Plant for me. So really, anything would be fine by me. Might as well add some more meme songs while we're at it.
  11. If Waluigi is added to Smash I hope they play that theme in the background of his announcement trailer. Either that or his theme from Strikers. Anything else would be unacceptable.
  12. Fuckin' amazing. Now I know there's a chance my pipe dream will come true and we'll get Crazybus on Smash Bros.
  13. Avert your animes. I have awakened. Eyy, glad things are looking up for you!
  14. Well... As it turns out, the game was a colorful, humorous puzzle platformer called Boppin'. The developer just happened to have a rather dark sense of humor, and for this reason (I can only assume), they made their logo a gory teddy bear with a dagger in the gut - The image that scared me so much. The logo showed up upon booting the game. My friend or his parents must've found the game online in some obscure shareware site and missed or ignored the teddy bear. That dude pobably didn't even mind it, but unfortunately for me, I wasn't quite so tough. The kind folks over at r/tipofthetongue (or, well, folk, it only took one person) directed me to the dev's website. I found the image, and underneath, the subtitle "determined to disturb." Oh, you absolute bastard, if only you knew... It all adds up. I actually vaguely remembered the gameplay and the main characters, but they were such a far cry from the image that had caused me so much fright, I assumed it had to be unrelated. Damn, I can hardly believe it was real at all. What a strange find this is.
  15. Oh my God they found it. It didn't even take them thirty minutes minutes to find it. By "them", I mean the tip of the tongue subreddit, and by "it", I mean the source of my childhood fear that I described earlier today. @Armagon Thanks for suggesting that I try going there. After all these years, I now know exactly what happened that day.
  16. Get your ears checked. I'm actually yelling "how dare you speak of Three Houses over Best Game, I'll kill you."
  17. Oh. Right. Makes sense! Nah, I was talking about FE12. In FE11 he's a much more reasonable pick. Niiiice... D E W I T Ward
  18. Do you guys think I'm the one and only person on planet Earth that has used Roshea? ...Nah, that'd be silly. But do you think I'm the only one who's used Roshea multiple times? Because I believe I might be. Something that happens sometimes is that people find jokes in my posts that I didn't mean to make. What I'm trying to say is, what? Oh boy. ...Ahh, I'm sure some mathematician out there would find a way to rout them.
  19. All right, fog map done. No casualties, somehow. I'd like to meet whoever thought it was a good idea to make a fog of war map with longbow snipers and a meteor boss. At least Kabage was able to get her hands on one of her own, so she and nosferatu Katarina led the charge and it went smoothly enough. Well, Katarina did get crit by a sniper at one point, but fuck that noise, I'm not accepting that. Anyway, Look guys look, The Thing™ I'm pretty sure I threw more Miriams at Bloodless than that puny number.
  20. When it comes to me, I beat the boss I was stuck on since yesterday and nearly suffered a stroke in the process, finished the Hardinmap without casualties, and now I'm considering leaving the fog map for tomorrow because it sucks ass. So, overall, pretty good on my end.
  21. God damnit, even Samson's support with Kabage revolves around how he's head over heels for the dead princess of Gra. I didn't need more sadness in this run. Hmph. We'll see about that. I shall see to it that the thread incurs in debt!
  22. Well, that was a really fun 83 turns. Now, on to the game's second fog of war map, and the only gaiden where I might actually let myself lose someone, because god damn this map is awful. Cheater! I haven't died yet! They cheat, the cheating cheats!
  23. FE12 time. I will clean up the reinforcements for experience, loot the remaining chests, and then with any luck I'll have enough time to play 20x tonight, so all that will be left is the overly long endgame.
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