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Everything posted by Ertrick36

  1. Oh wow, I actually just finished the Thabes Labyrinth today with a DF looped Bow Knight!Jesse, DF looped DF Gray, Harrier God!Thwomptria, standard Mathilda, standard Tatiana, reclassed Saint!Faye, standard Valbar, standard Mae, and Alm and Celica. It was Alm who landed the final blow on "The Creation" (does anyone on this board not know who he is?), but my supremely buffed Catria and Jesse were the ones who did most of the damage to him. I didn't know if I needed to have Alm land the final blow or not, but by the time I got to him I had, like, two resets available and really didn't wanna lose someone and have to do everything all over. My Python wasn't really all that great. He was already neck and neck with Tobin, but then I had a DF looped Atlas (and then later Jesse) reclassed to Bow Knight, and obviously they vastly outperformed all natural archers. Though I had a really hard time deciding between Mathilda, Zeke, and Conrad because they were all about neck and neck and I pretty much liked all of them. I would've loved to bring Clair along, but I only had room for one pega pony, and Catria took precedence.
  2. You can recognize a story has flaws and still enjoy or appreciate it, and it doesn't sound like you got into any fights with forum members. You just keep doing you; no one's here to force you to hate the game. Though on the topic of story, I personally feel that what really carries a story in a FE game is the characters, at least in the later games. It's what I find draws me back to some of the games. And this game has some of my favorites from the series. And I think most here have criticisms for every game's story, but other than some LPs, I haven't seen much mud slung at Genealogy of the Holy War. I personally like Mystery's story because of its antagonist and the fact that Marth's essentially forced to do f*** all for a year as the enemy screws everyone over. Though I've only beaten the last five games, so my experience is limited...
  3. The way I, as someone who doesn't really play Musou games, was challenged would often be in juggling objectives while being mindful of the time. For example, I might have to take the enemy's base within fifteen minutes, but make sure that A) none of the other ally commanders fell in battle and B) my own base isn't taken. Sometimes even simple objectives could be made difficult. For example, on a level where you have to KO 500 hundred enemies, they might throw in, like, three boss enemies that pursue you relentlessly and four commanders who significantly buff all the enemies (including themselves and the bosses), making it hard for you to focus on simply taking out all the generic foes. There were also random surprises like this level where Gorons would send boulders down to damage the ally base. So I had to take the boulder keeps while trying to push for the objective, which was tricky because the enemies were really good at taking those boulder keeps back really quickly, so I had to move even quicker for that objective. I would compare this sort of strategising to your typical defense or escape missions in FE. You'd be surprised how much actual strategy goes into these games. Maybe Jedi or another Warriors fan could describe it in more detail or pull up some good videos to help demonstrate how those games can be challenging. And if nothing else, it might still be fun for you if you're invested in the worlds and characters of Awakening, Fates, or Archanea (among maybe other possible FE worlds).
  4. I made some FE characters in SC 3, and I've made some FE Miis, including Hardin, Lucina, and Oboro (yes, actually made them; I didn't download a QR code or nothin'). Other than that, I've also made some Tekken characters look like FE characters, and have made them in the Elder Scrolls or Fallout games.
  5. inb4 this turns into another debate thread about the usage of the term "Oifey" And yeah, this is pretty much how he's supposed to be used, even if they don't necessarily convey that in Awakening. Alternatively, you use him as a shield to protect weaker units and have him hold chokepoints for that purpose. Or you could just try to solo the entire game with him, since he's actually a pretty decent unit.
  6. I'd say she's as popular as she is hated, which I suppose is more a symptom of her popularity. It seems that for the top three males and females of FE Fates, you've got people who either love or hate them. Awakening I suppose is sort of the same way; like, people either love or hate Gaius, and the same goes for the game's poster child Lucina. The only examples I can recall of popular characters only having "meh" reactions at worst are, like, Chrom and Leo. I still think design is the biggest reason she's so popular, followed by her being a pretty good unit. I personally don't care for her design; the armor is nice and I can even ignore pointlessly exposed cleavage, but battle panties for a wyvern rider is simply stupid. Though I also think I'm swayed by my opinion of their personality, as the characters whose designs I find the most appealing are also the ones I genuinely like the most.
  7. Well, it's all subjective obviously. From all the FE I've played thus far, I've yet to come across a character that I had a huge disdain for. There are characters I don't like very much, such as Camilla, but none I've outright hated. The main thing I hate is when the tone of a character contradicts how I feel about them. What I mean by this is that the game is trying to make me feel one thing, but I feel completely different (usually negatively so). So like, a character like Jar Jar from Star Wars is supposed to make me laugh (I say "me", but I mean "children", but for the sake of the example, just roll with "me"), but instead I just find him grating. And I suppose they're also bad if they aren't all that interesting. So in that sense, a lot of characters in the series are pretty bad, but none of them are to the point I legitimately hate them. Like Setsuna... she's kinda boring to me, but I hardly hate her. And if you're asking about what makes a bad unit... I'd say either if they're not useful at all or if they're too useful. The former is obvious... and by the way, doesn't necessarily refer to Jeigans, for those who are on that "Jeigans are entirely useless" train. But as for the latter, they're "bad" because they make the game too easy. I don't like having a mindless safety net like that. I don't like that I can just throw Seth at a bunch of enemies and complete the whole chapter like that. That's boring as hell, and thus makes them a bad unit to me. I get that you can make a lot of characters OP if you want to, but the ones I'm referring to start OP and stay OP as long as you use them, so you can't even have fun leveling them, really. Well, I guess you'd consider Gheb an early game boss, and he has a whole character arc...
  8. The best part of this was clearly making Mycen run in the trees away from the battlefield while the children duked it out with all these experienced soldiers. I guess now Alm has no excuse not to believe that Sir Mycen is craven. This also further solidifies Slayde as one of the most pathetic villains in the series. First he's getting sliced and diced by an old man, and now he's getting his ass handed to him by a bunch of kids.
  9. Well, I mean... you can solo the entire game with Alm if you really wanted. He's pretty OP, even on Hard. After that canyon area, you start gaining more troops. Though none of them are healers until way later in the game, so I pray to Mila that you made Faye a healer or have yet to promote her... or you otherwise are well stocked on provisions. Otherwise you'll get everything but possibly a merc if you didn't make Tobin one; you'll even get two mages. Though not all of the units you get will be ideal... And there are some important takeaways from that battle with the leather shield dude. If you used a mage to fight him (or possibly even a durable cleric), and fought on the mountainside, you could've had a much easier time. The important things to keep in mind are that terrain bonuses grant ridiculous avoid, and that magic essentially ignores those bonuses, thus offering your mage on the mountain an outrageous advantage. This goes for both your units and the enemies, which will be invaluable knowledge later on when you have to fight archanists and cantors in forests and forts. I'm not sure what your history is with the series, but I doubt it's that you aren't cut out for an ironman run. It's just that Echoes operates so differently from other entries that you likely just got caught horribly off-guard by its bizarre rules. I'm sure a lot of people going from traditional or even newer FE games to Echoes got thrown off by it.
  10. I feel the only character development they'd have left with another war would be them literally going insane and developing serious psychological problems, forcing them to reach out for help. It doesn't help that they'd have to stay away from their homeworld and parents for an even longer amount of time. They've been through three wars at this point, all of them horrible and traumatic in their own rights. I'd prefer if they never did this again and have the "recurring characters" happen only within their own worlds (e.g. the Whitewings and Camus reappearing in Gaiden and Book 2 of Mystery), or... you know, stick with just Anna. Though if they did decide to continue this as a sort of trend, then it should just be that they bring characters from the previous game into the next. So for FE Switch, they'd bring Fates characters (preferably non-royal first gen units) to that world. That way no characters become way too stale, and there isn't an obvious bias. Not to trample on your fun or anything, but I honestly just think their stories are kind of a done deal at this point. Laslow's grown into a thoughtful and somewhat respectful man, Selena has come to terms with her inferiority complex and negative feelings for her mother (which are honestly her biggest personal conflicts), and Odin shows no signs that he'll ever really change so he's more or less a lost cause.
  11. The oddest thing is if they actually have both the objective popups and level up popups tied to the same option. Then again, if there's a way we can see level gains without the level up popups, I'd greatly prefer that. Even if it's for FE flair, it's still jarring to have the game pause randomly while you're fighting in a game like this. At least for me.
  12. Jedi did a whole video on that, and I suspect we'll get a mode kind of like what was shown in that. Short answer, there are modes in the Warriors franchise that incorporate strategy-based gameplay. I suspect the FE flavored mode we'll get will have us moving units around a broad map like traditional FE, but when you engage in a fight, you'll be brought to a narrower field for Warriors-style combat. The specific details beyond that are anyone's game, but it'd be cool if we got varied objectives for this mode. There might also be a challenge mode. Not necessarily specific to FE, but just generally a mode where you're given specific tasks to complete within tight time frames or conditions. Stuff like "defeat 700 enemies within 10 minutes" or "capture this keep before this happens". Though I suspect the bulk of the focus would be in the more unique modes. Beyond that all, I'm not sure. Maybe we could expect a "Creature Campaign" DLC if we get some Sacred Stones representation, or something of an Adventure mode if we get Echoes stuff. And on a smaller scope, maybe we'd get little themed challenges that force us to use different characters or fight at a disadvantage.
  13. Why no choice for Anna? We all know that nothing beats those profit margins. I'm gonna say Marth just because his fighting style reminds me of Zelda's, and I essentially "mained" her in HW. Though I haven't watched too much of the gameplay. I mean, I watched the whole GameXPlain video, but didn't get around to watching the original Treehouse footage. I think Chrom might be fun, too. And gut kicks are goddamn hilarious.
  14. Nice to see Link the Goron finally grow into a great warrior. It's like, now we're reaching fanfic levels of ridiculousness with these kinds of stories. It's even better because Volga seems to be like a humanoid incarnation of Volvagia. Next thing we know, some generic soldiers are gonna band together to kill Gangrel and Aversa. Or a ninja captain's gonna kill Corrin and Hans. Or a certain Hoshidan lancer with rally defense will kill Azura. Now I'm looking forward to this game just for the stupid stories.
  15. Does this mean the villains will stop being absolutely mental for no good reason from this point on? The mechanic existed in HW Legends, which was the 3DS version. According to interviews, that implementation was what gave the devs the idea to do a Warriors x FE crossover. I think I'd probably prefer the FE approach to it over the Zelda one. People say the game looks similar to HW, and maybe that's true, but there are some little things that are different. Like, it doesn't seem like you're gonna be hunting for skulltulas, nabbing treasures from keeps, or using gimmicky items during battle. And while that stuff works in Zelda and feels rewarding, here it just interrupts what I feel is supposed to be the proper flow of these games. FE just seems to work better here. I dunno. I get the feeling that it's gonna be more strategy oriented. Yeah, I like that, too. I don't particularly enjoy games where my allies feel entirely useless. I know that keeps send raid captains to cause problems for enemy keeps, but it hardly felt like the allies ever made too much of a dent outside of scripted story events. At the very least I'll feel like I have better control over how things play out, even if ally captains still might suck. It'd be nice... Though I have to wonder just how aware they are of potential customers who are unsure of whether or not they'd want to get it. I'd advocate for a demo, whether it's a pre-release demo or a limited trial. I think I already know quite a bit about how the game'll play, but I'd play the demo regardless.
  16. It's been a slow year in gaming for me, but here's what I've been up to regardless. Finished: FE: Echoes (beat Act 5, anyway; in fact, just yesterday I beat it) Miitopia Demo Dragon Ball Fusions (I think I beat the story in 2017, anyway) Tekken 7 (story and all character episodes) Currently working through: FE: Echoes Act 6 Fallout 4 (I swear I'll get the other endings besides the Railroad one...) Some Fates challenge runs Hyrule Warriors (mostly just 'cuz I'm waiting for FE Warriors at this point) Stopped playing: TES V: Skyrim (stopped before the Bethesda E3, but that conference really soured it for me) Saints Row IV (I don't know why I keep coming and going with this one; I guess the lack of challenge or something like that) Zelda: Breath of the Wild (great game, but I beat it too quickly) Might come back to: Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 (just to play the DLC I've yet to even touch) Older Fallout games (I feel nostalgia sort of creeping; might at least go back to New Vegas, even if the gunplay will be jarring after playing Fallout 4) Valkyria Chronicles (one of the first strategy games I've played; got a great mod that makes it tactically challenging) XCOM: Enemy Within Super Mario Galaxy Mario Kart 8 (not Deluxe, sad to say) Plan to get and play eventually: A Switch Agents of Mayhem FE Warriors Miitopia FE PoR/RD (maybe for the Virtual Console if they're reasonably priced) XCOM 2 Mario Odyssey Mass Effect: Andromeda Samus Returns Far Cry 5 South Park: TFBW Star Wars: Battlefront II
  17. Well there goes my "approximate knowledge of everything", as if I haven't already proven enough that I know approximately nothing Still though, those who think it's no big deal creating such a big cast as 50 or even 40 from the get-go are fooling themselves. It could be possible, I suppose, but I'd assume they'd have to cut a lot of corners. They might go the route of making "classes" which all have the same movesets (e.g. Cain and Able would have the same movesets as Xander), but I'm not sure. I just think unless we're shown otherwise, people shouldn't be shooting for such big numbers. Yeah, they said the cast will be "tremendous", but these days you can't trust PR, what with all the big words and empty promises. Heck, being reasonably cynical during the development cycle of Echoes helped me enjoy the game more; I recognized the flaws of Gaiden's map design and even the faults of the story, and tempered my expectations for that game, and I wound up enjoying it plenty. And I chose to believe them when they talked big about Conquest's story, and it bit me in the arse. Sometimes it's hard to tell the tone some people try to take on the internet, and I always just assume I'm receiving the worst possible tone. And I in response tend to get perhaps a little harsh or presumptuous. I can understand that sentiment. I'll admit that I'd probably be a bit disappointed if some of my favorites don't get in, like Takumi, Oboro, Frederick, or the pega ponies of Archanea (if they for some reason can Caeda and the Whitewings). Everyone's got their favorites out of a pool of about half a thousand throughout the series, so it isn't like it's uncommon or shameful to be disappointed about not seeing them in a cool, fun game like this.
  18. Well, a lot of the financial consideration actually comes from voicework, at least if they're actually doing full voice work. And also legal work... and they gotta get the actors/agencies to actually agree to it. The point is that the real trial with getting those 50 characters comes from hiring the actors and having them speak probably about 50 to 100 lines per character. I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume the big reason they're able to build megalith rosters for Musou games is they reuse a lot of lines for the older characters (like how Yoshi hasn't been given new vocal sounds since, like, Yoshi's Story) and they probably use ad-libs like in FE Awakening/Fates for in-battle dialogue. Also, people treat this like the devs are obligated to make it outstanding. It sounds like the idea for the game came on a whim, at least if you're to believe the interviews. But beyond that, it's just supposed to be a fun little crossover title. I get wanting quality in your games and all that, but I also feel like people put way too much pressure on this game to be just the way they want, and all it's doing is setting themselves up for disappointment and frustration.
  19. I like defense/survival objectives most, but I think it's good to bear in mind that an objective is nothing without good map/enemy troop design. The poorest defense chapters will be all about sending stat walls to chokepoints with no thought put into them, while the best (like Chapter 10 CQ) may have you thinking about risk versus reward and fliers bypassing chokepoints. I think escape, arrive, and defeat the boss chapters can also be good if designed right. Endgame bosses sometimes are really anti-climactic, though. But damn was it satisfying when Marth's second hit on Medeus in my first playthrough of New Mystery was a crit. Rout the enemy chapters get dull after a while, but in the beginning chapters they can work well to ease you into the rest of the game. In the late game, it can just turn into "push stat wall into enemy until enemy is no more" and then it's a wrap. Seize chapters are fine because they give incentive for you to use the lord characters. At least, in the games where the lord is the one who has to seize. Though even the best seize chapters aren't all that tactically challenging when compared to the best defense or survival chapters. A great FE game would have a mix of different objectives to keep the experience fresh and to challenge you in various different ways. All objective types would get dull after 26 back-to-back repeats, especially if the map designs don't change all that much.
  20. Okay, so regarding the Fates royals... Takumi, Xander, and Leo are the top favorites according to a few polls conducted, and the younger brothers use fairly unique weapon-types (and have their own special weapons to boot). I wouldn't trust just one, but when they're consistently voted as the most popular, particularly with polls directed specifically at the game (and without multiple votes per person like CYL), I think you can be sure that they're the most popular. I'd be surprised if they didn't make it in. Of the Fates sisters, I think Camilla's the only one to have a real shot at getting in. Maybe Elise as well, though if they're going that route they'd have to include the Hoshidan sisters as well so as to not unbalance the Nohrian:Hoshidan ratio too much. But by a purely popularity and uniqueness standpoint, you've got characters like Felicia who are more appealing outwardly (and by that, I mean she's more "iconic" as a mascot), and within the Fates fanbase there are the likes of Oboro, Jakob, and Kaze who are talked about more, appreciated more, and generally are more unique fighters. Now, I know I said they'd try to keep an even balance between Nohrians and Hoshidans... Well, actually I more meant that they'd try to keep from making it super lopsided. I don't think Camilla's inclusion in the cast would disrupt that enough to warrant a Hoshidan sister to even out the balance... especially if they included another almost as (if not more) popular Hoshidan character ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And Azura... I think we all know she's pretty damn likely, so let's just put that one to rest.
  21. I'm not gonna be placing my bets on there being more than 30 unless I'm shown otherwise. But they are insistent on there being a larger amount of characters than usual, so I do at least genuinely believe them when they say that. And I do agree with Jedi in that I think the "lesser" Fates royal sisters might get cut in favor of unit diversity. That comes down to the interview, where they said "this won't be a gathering of all the protagonists". What would it say about them if they then filled ten "slots" with what some would argue are protagonists from Fates? Plus, they're similar enough to other likely characters. Yes, though it's a third of the initial cast, which is still a fairly significant portion. If you scale that up to the average predictions for this game, that'd be around six to ten OCs.
  22. I wonder how they'll spread out character reveals, assuming they follow through with their word. I'm with a lot of folks in wanting to see more than just the obvious, and it's a little grating that they keep saying "oh don't worry, there's more than just sword users" but keep showing only sword users. I know they've got an agenda for revealing this stuff, but damn if they can't show someone who doesn't primarily use a sword. It isn't exactly a vote of confidence when they simply say it is so; another case of showing being better than telling. I have a strong feeling we'll be getting more than our fill of jokes and memes in this game, don't you worry.
  23. "Simulation" is a much more general term than "strategy". It's commonplace for people to refer to turn-based strategy games as "Simulation RPGs". Anyway, I don't know anything about Sakura Wars. I just know that a lot of games and visual novels that use "Sakura" in their titles are weeaboo as hell and sometimes chock full of... barely legal stuff. I see multiple FE games up there, so it's hardly just "one" of their favorites; it's five of them. And oddly enough, Genealogy is their top pick instead of Mystery or Awakening.
  24. Honestly, I'm gonna hold off on making prediction lists. I've already done my share of lists, and the E3/Treehouse hardly changed my predictions as of yet. I think it's kind of unavoidable, since it has so many characters. I'm placing my bets that they'll either do most royals and one retainer for each, or they'll just do every royal and save the others for DLC. I highly doubt it'll be like how you said, where you had three Nohrian retainers (the Awakening Trio) but no Hoshidan retainers. That would make the Fates segment of the story feel very odd, and leave BR fans feeling cheated. Heck, even the Conquest fans might feel cheated if it's specifically those three. Except Laslow, 'cuz he's the best in Fates. This list seems agreeable enough. Though is there a reason you omitted Tharja?
  25. The only other partner who can give Rhajat the Dark Mage class line via inheritance is Nyx, who only shows up in Conquest/Revelation. So she can't inherit it in your case. And the only support partner who can give her Dark Mage via buddy seal is Ophelia, who is also Conquest/Revelation exclusive. So it isn't possible for Rhajat to become a Dark Mage at all in your game.
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