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Caliban of Sycorax

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Everything posted by Caliban of Sycorax

  1. Riiight, see, I'm a theatre major, we don't have lives as is because rehearsal owns us. And when I wasn't there, I was in class, eating, sleeping, doing work, or relaxing with the precious free time I had. Only on weekends did I actually have a decent amount of free time. I don't know Arch's major so he could very well have more time than me.
  2. Nailah, Elincia, Sanaki, and Ashera all have three or more Authority Stars. Not really, no.
  3. Lucretia "Lucretia. Bleh, I don't really know how to put it, but I've liked you for a little while now... yeah. That's probably all I've got figured out." She smiled at him and allowed herself to get close to Aurelio. "I don't care if you don't give me an answer now, I'm not going to tell you if I love you until I mean it for myself." She chuckled. "I am glad, though, that I got that kiss out of the way~" Adano He went back to the pair of lovers, hoping they'd gotten everything they needed out of the way. "Are we ready to go?" He asked with a big grin on his face. ((I'mma not post any timeskippy things until Doku replies to this stuff. Julius will be timeskipped)) -- Julius He awoke, with the sun on his face. How long was I asleep? Looking around, he was still under the tree he slept under. He had slept for a long time, but he was no longer exhausted. He checked around him to see if anything of his was missing; thankfully none of it was. His mind kept drifting to the kid he'd hit on almost a week ago. He still felt a bit embarassed about the moment, to say the least. He figured his return to the nobility would change that feeling. Maybe he'd be able to find a young man who enjoyed nobles and money. He could easily seduce someone his age; the other male nobles were older. It would be a nice change to be in the bed of a younger, more attractive noble. Part of him wanted it badly. The other part of him kept him focused on his true reasons for returning. This is my way back, this is my way to find what I need in life... He continued on the path, hoping that he'd reach his destination soon.
  4. Never even played Black or White, so I don't know what that is~ Milotic?
  5. Jill/Mist A is possible but Jill/Lethe B is the most possible by that point. I remember Jill having a "Talk" convo with Shiraham one point where she didn't defect, IIRC it was Normal Mode and she had the aformentioned supports. It's been forever since I played PoR so I'm not sure if I'm even correct.
  6. It's not that he's not going to finish it in college; it's doable with proper time management. says the guy who sucks at that and was up to midnight/1 AM with homework and class at 8 AM
  7. Didn't FEGirls do the same thing with Mage Knight's Linoan sprites, yet nobody had their eggs in a basket about that? IIRC they mentioned they couldn't contact him due to language issues yet they credit him in the readme, yet FE7if basically does the same thing, unless I missed something here.
  8. This coming from a college student, you won't have time to work on this as much as you want to, unless you want no social life. And, from experience, that isn't good. College is supposed to be the time of your life; don't waste it holing yourself up pleasing a bunch of anonymous faces over the internet. You'll regret it if you do. Maybe not immediately after EN's release, you'll be proud for releasing the hack, and, I can say this, it's arguably the best FE Hack made to date. But eventually that pride will die away, and you'll be sitting in your dorm room while your friends are all out having a good time. Get a social life in college, have fun, party hard, you'll regret it if you don't. Come party with theatre kids, we'll show you the time of your life
  9. Certainly, I'd enjoy to have you. Also, I'm going to spend tomorrow (hopefully) writing my first character and a few NPC's, so maybe some better examples of profiles can be referenced because the two I made are so fucking rushed
  10. Like I said on Skype, here's my character stats on C3, after I went through the arena: [spoiler=Lots of images gogogo~] Lachesis and Beowulf were never recruited, and Dew died and my frustration prevented me from restarting C2 the hundredth time.
  11. Technically speaking Prime's is the most well-done out of the bunch so I'm voting for him. It's also interesting compared to the other healing items in-game, aka "DRINK ME" bottles that restore HP. Props to Scott and 13th for their concepts, they were quite hilarious. If they had better execution I may have switched my vote. However, Prime's is the best one here.
  12. Lucretia When the kiss finally broke, Lucretia found herself in a position she'd never been in before. She grew up surrounded by women; she never really felt the love for another man before. It was exhilarating, to say the least. She had never been on such a high before. "Sorry, that was sudden, but..." her lips tingled, her body was in a state that she'd never experienced. It was amazing. "I... I think I'm falling for you, Aurelio."
  13. David dove into the university's olympic-standard pool, letting the feel of the water along his body give him an idea as to where the water was. He became familiar with its contours, its way of moving, and how he distorted its rhythm when he swam through it. He didn't know why he was doing this, he couldn't manipulate the water. His magic ability allowed him to create water, but he couldn't manipulate it. It was quite the opposite of some other people he knew; they couldn't create water but they could manipulate it. To David, it didn't really matter; the idea of manipulating something he knew and understood so well was strange to him. Better to create it than to distort it. As he swam his laps, he considered his finals approaching. He had his Fist Combat exam first, he figured he'd pass it. He'd been training twice a week with his punches and strikes, and his gauntlets would help him a lot if he ever got into a real battle. His Basic Summoning class would be tough. He knew he'd do well, he was passing the class so far, but he had a strict professor. Arcana Magic also wasn't to be taken lightly. He made a mental note to practice some of the Intermediate techniques he'd learned in class the other day; they weren't on the exam but it would help him with his final nonetheless. Swordplay would be easy, he figured. He was a firm fighter with the katana, and he'd dueled most of the people in his class already and won or drawn. His only losses came from Rick; the English boy with a stellar fencing reputation. He figured he'd still pass anyway, not like losing to one person would fail him. His swimming over, he hopped out of the pool and headed to the locker room to dry off and change. Afterward he headed back to his room to relax a bit before he would meet some friends for dinner. He placed his bag with his clothes that he'd have to go and launder later, and sat on his bed with the book he'd been reading.
  14. This post is reserved for RP characters and NPC's. [spoiler=Celia, NPC]Name: Celia Diane Sawyers-Hoverson Age: 48 Gender: Female DNA: Human Origin: Sacramento, California Current Residence: Washington, DC Appearance: This photo with a bit longer hair and less bangs. Celia stands at around 5'9" so she's fairly tall for a woman. Her appearance screams "power" and "determination". Fashion trends aren't her thing, but she's president of the United States, who cares? Powers: None. Weapons: None. History: Celia was born and raised in California to parents who were businesspeople and successful entrepeneurs. Celia grew up the eldest of three children of which she was the only girl. Intelligent and ambitious, she graduated third in her high school class of 780, and studied Political Science at Yale University. After graduating Magna Cum Laude from Yale she went on to Williams College to receive her master's in Political Science and Social Justice. Quickly rising through the ranks, Celia was soon working in the Capital Building in Washington, DC. Her decision to never marry kept her focused on her goals, which became her spouse, in a sense. Her final and penultimate goal was to become the president of the United States. When the Discovery of 2015 happened, Celia was one of the first to suggest the action of separating Humans and Mutated, but she never had the backing to do so. She remained a staunch supporter of it in the hopes of protecting humankind from these "invaders". Not too long after the Great Rebellion, Celia was elected President of the United States, and seemed to be the promising beacon of hope that humanity has wished for. She's been leading the efforts to eradicate the Mutated ever since, and many people look to her as a hero for humankind. Her term is almost over, but with no successor, Celia may be able to continue in her reign of presidency. That is, if she can defeat an amendment to the Constitution that is almost a hundred years old. [spoiler=Evan, NPC]Name: Evan Lennon Age: 34 Gender: Male DNA: Mutated Origin: Athens, Greece Current Residence: Brasilia, Brazil Appearance: I find really awesome pictures on Deviantart The picture above, a bit more muscular. Evan stands at 6'2". Powers: Telekinesis: Evan is a powerful telekinetic with the ability to move objects up to two tons (4,000 lbs). Beyond that his mind will begin to strain, and if he lifts something too heavy it can shut his mind down. He can move objects, launch them with fairly powerful force, and also he can stop objects in midair as long as he has enough time to react. Weapons: None, his power is his weapon. History: Evan was born in Greece to a wealthy and well-off family. He and his younger twin--by two minutes--were two of six children and two very loving parents. They spent their time between Greece, their home, and lavish and fun vacations across the globe. His family was fun and loving; every child was treated with equal fairness and love. The family also took efforts to help the less fortunate as much as possible. They were a family that many people looked to and adored. When the news of the "invasion" was released, Evan had just turned 21 and was one of the few who'd already discovered their powers. Similar to the others who'd discovered them, Evan kept them secret. When the Mutated persons began to be rounded up, Evan and his family were placed in a containment area on Sicily. While there they suffered much abuse at the hands of the facility's guards. When the Rebellion began Evan was the first to break open the gates of the facility. While he and a few others were able to escape to South America, his family was caught behind and later massacred. When he learned of his family's massacre he was too late to go and fix it; he was already living in Brazil. He instead hoped he would one day get revenge on those who killed his beloved family. While in Brazil he worked closely with the leaders of the Mutated, since he was one of the first to discover their powers, he was one of the more powerful. When Elden was killed Evan was one of the three who were slated to be in line to take his place. Coincidentally, the other two were also killed shortly after, leaving Evan to become the new leader of the Mutated. Under his leadership and guidance he's been amassing his army of Mutated people, ready to fight for survival. [spoiler=Jean, NPC]Name: Jean Endworst Age: 37 Gender: Female DNA: Mutated Origin: Tampa, Florida Current Residence: Brasilia, Brazil Appearance: Jean is 5'6" tall. Powers: Healing: Jean has the ability to heal all wounds that are non-fatal on both herself and others. The more grievous the wound, the longer it takes. Small cuts and wounds take around thirty seconds to heal. She cannot use her powers to remove objects, i.e. a bullet from someone, but she can heal the wound around where the object created. Weapons: Jean carries a small pistol with her, because her powers aren't offensively used. It's an average pistol she only uses when necessary. History: Jean was born and raised in sunny Florida, to a small but loving family that taught her early on the virtues of respect and courage, two things that she would take with her for her years ahead. She was an intelligent girl, certainly not the smartest of her class, but she had a desire for learning and this pursued her to attend university abroad in Paris, where she met her soon-to-be husband, Elden. Like her, Elden had strange things happening to him, and both of them were confused as to why they were developing these strange abilities. Jean and Elden were married a year after they graduated college, which was only a few years before the discovery of the mutations was leaked to the world. Jean and Elden, upon hearing the news of the mutations, immediately fled for a more remote area of France, but they were discovered nonetheless and imprisoned. Elden, who graduated with a B.A. in Communications, thus, a terrific orator and speaker, decided that the captivity was enough, and decided to break free. Elden and Jean, along with the others in their camp, made their way to Brazil and overthrew the government, claiming it as their own. As more Mutated people found about their feat, they also moved to Brazil, and soon enough, they had conquered most of South America, calling it the "New World". Everything came to a halt the year after, when Elden was killed in a raid. Jean, lost and afraid, turned to Evan for help, and helped him ascend to power. Some say she had a hand in the deaths of the other two candidates, but no one can confirm or deny that fact. She became a loyal advisor to him, and helps the resistance in every way. Her face is the face of the movement. She has inspired many with her story, male and female, young and old. She is the modern day Eva Peron to many.
  15. This particular RP is based on two RP's I was in years ago; one from a now-defunct forum that is no longer that a friend of mine created, another from my own creation where the name "Ace of Spades" is located. It's based off of Marvel comics somewhat with my own personal twist. [spoiler=Backstory]In the year 1945 the United States became the first country in the world to use atomic weaponry when the Atomic Bomb was dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, obliterating the two cities into virtual thin air. In 1952 the United States then began to experiment with the Hydrogen Bomb, setting it off in isolated test sites. In 1986 in the Ukraine, the Chernobyl power plant had a meltdown, causing radiation to poison the lands for miles. These are just some of the many examples of radiation being used in the modern day. No one really knows, however, what happened to the radiation afterward. Where did it go? Did it disappear? Or did it go elsewhere? In the year 2000 a discovery was made in Italy regarding a man who appeared at the steps of the Vatican and then fell dead. Scientists believed it at first to be the return of the Bubonic Plague. Upon further inspection it became known that, instead, the man's DNA was radically different from human DNA. There were traces of human DNA but what existed was different than human DNA. To prevent mass panic this information was locked away and forgotten by the few who saw it. Fifteen years later the information was found and leaked to the top news stations in the world, immediately rumors of an "alien invasion" began to circulate. Governments invested their time and money into alien research. In the year 2020 a worldwide regulation ordered by the United Nations required all citizens of the world to receive a test to determine a difference in DNA. Those with different DNA from human DNA were rounded up and shipped to various areas across the world where they would be contained and experimented on, to garner a better understanding of these "people" and what threat, if any, would be posed. It was around the year 2010 that these mutated people began to see their mutations manifest themselves into various "powers", as they'd soon be called, but no one really knew what they were or what they meant. By 2020 when the mutated people began to be rounded up, the governments failed to recognize the powers that existed. Within two years of oppression in these containment areas, the mutated people used their powers to rebel and break free from the oppression. Led by a charismatic young leader named Elden, the mutated people took over the former South America and renamed it the "New World". The rest of the world, led by the United States, began arming themselves to fight what they believed to be was an invasion. The "New World", with its capital located in the former city of Brasilia, Brazil, also began to amass an army to fight off what they believed to be an invasion by the United States. Diplomatic efforts have failed; Elden was killed in the year 2023 by a raid from French special agents. In the "New World", although they are heavily armed and equipped, there are many raids that happen, specifically on less protected areas. An army is closing in on the northern border via Mexico and Central America, and there are naval ships stationed near the ocean borders, in the hopes of catching these "freaks" by surprise. The last stand of the mutated peoples is approaching. [spoiler=Signup Sheet] [b]Name:[/b] Fairly obvious. [b]Age:[/b] Again. [b]Gender:[/b] If there are any questions, you need help. [b]DNA:[/b] Human or Mutated. [b]Origin:[/b] Where your character is from. [b]Current Residence:[/b] Where your character lives now. Make sure that if they're Mutated, they should be somewhere in the New World, aka South America. I will only grant exceptions if you PM me with a good enough explanation. Humans can live basically anywhere, barring South America for the same reason. Similarly I will grant an exception if there's a good explanation. [b]Appearance:[/b] A bit of text is fine, a picture's great too, but I'd love both. Not gonna be too picky, just keep it realistic. [b]Powers:[/b] This applies only to Mutated characters only. See the special note below for a better explanation. I also request that the power be described as best as possible. You should include things like their limitations, what their powers can do, et cetera. [b]Weapons:[/b] This mostly applies to Humans but Mutated characters may also carry weapons. Nothing too ridiculous, please. [b]History:[/b] How they got to where they are today. What defines them. Basic stuff. I'm looking for a fairly detailed paragraph at the minimum, but more would be amazing. Use your best judgement here. [spoiler=Special Note on Powers]Powers apply to Mutated persons only. There's a nearly unlimited range of powers and power potential. They can range to elemental control to control of the mind to flight, really there's no limit. However, we're not looking for a bunch of godmodded invincible characters here. There's got to be a possibility they can somehow die. Their powers aren't gonna keep them alive forever. So below is a list of banned powers and whatnot. [spoiler=Banned Powers]1) Complete and total invincibility 2) Having a weakness that is nearly impossible to find/recreate/come upon 3) The ability to take total control of another. There has to be something of the person still remaining. 4) Obnoxious super strength/speed/endurance/et cetera 5) Control over all elements at the same time. Control over similar elements is allowed but, for example, one character cannot control fire, water, earth, and all of their properties at the same time. Everything else should be fine, I will be sure to inform you if your character is too powerful. [spoiler=RP Rules]1) I expect well-thought out and detailed posts. I'm not looking for Pulitzer-worthy posts but I expect effort. 2) I also expect frequency in posts, if you'll be away for a while please inform me. 3) Character control of other characters is not allowed. NPC characters are allowed to be controlled by any RPer within reason. 4) I, as GM, reserve the right to control other characters as necessary. I will only use this when necessary. 5) All other Serenes Forest rules apply as well. 6) There is no character limit, but I expect all characters to be mentioned whenever possible, even if it's a few things, just to make sure they're alive. And that's it. Signups away! I'll be keeping a list of characters in the next post for reference. One final note: This RP takes place in the year 2030, ten years after the roundup began.
  16. From what I remember, in Easy Mode, no matter if she has supports or not, she won't defect. I haven't played PoR in forever so I could be very wrong on that.
  17. Lucretia It's now or never, Lucretia. She wanted to say more, but she figured that there was nothing left to say, so instead she let her actions speak for her. She pulled Aurelio close to her, and embraced him in a kiss. In it she poured all of the words she couldn't bring herself to say. I love you. Julius His eyes fluttered open. He was on the ground, sore and exhausted. His body was telling him to stop and rest, his mind was telling him to keep going. "Just... A few minutes of rest won't hurt..." He found a fairly large tree nearby that he sat under, pulling his hat over him, and nodded off. Adano He found Lucretia and Aurelio, but when he saw Lucretia kiss him, he knew he wanted to leave them for a moment, so he walked around town a bit more.
  18. Finally made something for this one. Made a healing crystal. Heals up to half of the user's max HP and cures whatever status ailment they have, if any.
  19. Lucretia "Thanks, it's really something special. I wouldn't mind you showing me to how to use it later. Here's a little something for you... It took a little bargaining but the moment I saw them... well... I wanted you to have them..." The present in question was a pair of boots. Lucretia looked them over, then looked to her own boots. They were getting older and worn, and it was the perfect time to swap. The boots Aurelio had gotten for her were well-made and practical, but they were also attractive and well-thought out. She hoped that the bargaining he did wasn't too much. "Thanks so much, I really like them," she said as she took the older boots off and put the new ones on, "wow, they're really comfortable." Part of her wanted to speak from her heart; tell him why she got the gift. Is it too soon, Lucretia? You've known each other, what, a few weeks? Sure, he's done a lot for you, but...
  20. This, times a thousand. Although I do fear how awful NoA's gonna tear it up with the whole Alvis/Diadora thing...
  21. Nominate: Best/Worst Parent Best: [spoiler=FE4]Battle of Barhara. Worst: [spoiler=FE10]Micaiah is Sanaki's sister. Just the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae of bad and generic plot twists that involve our Favorite Micky Sue. Honorable and Dishonorable Mentions:
  22. Lucretia With the new sword wrapped up, she searched the area for Aurelio, hoping she'd find him soon. Her wishes were answered when she saw him leaving one of the shops. "Aurelio!" She called to him and quickly ran over, feeling like a little schoolgirl again. "I... I wanted to get you something, and, well..." She handed him the sword. "This is for you!" She smiled brightly. Adano Figuring it was almost time to move on, Adano began to head over to where the three said they'd meet. The supplies were ready, the journey was set. Soon enough, they'd be heading into Lushira. He was excited at the thought. Julius (Still passed out. Yep.)
  23. Pennsylvania California ----------------------------------- Connecticut - 50 Delaware - 50 District of Columbia - 50 Florida - 35 Hawaii - 149 Idaho - 20 Illinois - 116 Indiana - 53 Iowa - 50 Louisiana - 25 Maine - 50 Maryland - 50 Massachusetts - 89 Minnesota - 50 Montana - 30 Nebraska - 45 Nevada - 50 New Hampshire - 46 New Jersey - 18 New Mexico - 50 New York - 55 Oregon - 62 South Carolina - 45 Tennessee - 128 Vermont - 50 Virginia - 56 Washington - 116 Wisconsin - 50 Wyoming - 45
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