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Thor Odinson

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Status Updates posted by Thor Odinson

  1. mebbe but now that you pointed it out...

    should I link to DoF/OT?

  2. You can change it in Profiles. It's selectable now.

  3. :O

    you are so awesome <3

  4. Well yes, she is a pegasus knight~

    I'm using her too since I love Sumia's armour design. Looks so good.

  5. Yeah, and I don't even care that I've only seen her on the boxart and a clip I am /so using her/

  6. I wish I had the money asdf

    Where do I get 200 bucks I want the special edition pack

  7. Yeah

    Except I don't have a 3DS

    ; n;

  8. I was? Goddamn

    Then again my score is a 10 anyway so~

  9. I think there's a third speedwings on eph route somewhere. Maybe deploy colm just for that o 3o?

    if you do eph route that is. Which I haven't done yet but will at some point.

  10. *derp I had to edit out that part about instapromo cormag due to text limits, but if you do eir route, go instapromote him for grabbing things. Eph route, well, you got Syrene. I'd also recommend Audhulma over Vidofnir due to 3 more mt and res being incredbly useful against Lyon and in the gorgons chapter.

  11. Allow a unarmed mounted unit (preferably promoted) to charge through to the C19 Speedwings if he has <23 speed with Amelia's wing. The enemies are likely to prioritise over killing the knights. Syrene might also work.

    That way Seth will only require 19 speed to double DK before Amelia's wing and the C19 wing and he can get the chapter done in 3 turns. He could grab it himself,...

  12. Yeah, I noticed. I've replaced it, dunno why tinypic screwed up and deleted it though :/

    But thanks for telling me :3

  13. Merry Christmas to you, too~~~<3

  14. Thanks~ Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to you, as well.

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