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Everything posted by Locke087

  1. First off Nintendo would never work with Sony they are mortal enemies... like seriously unless Nintendo goes third-party you will never see that happen and even then the more likely the team with Microsoft because of the ongoing bad blood between the two companies. Secondly Nvidia already has the technology in place. They've been working on technology like this for a long time with their shields, and Nvidia's technology is also a lot easier to develop for. So Nintendo is far more likely to receive third-party support if they work with a company like Nvidia. There is no reason to work with any other company especially since Nvidia it is the only company this kind of technology in already in place. This all fits into Nintendos patterns of working with existing hardware, using a custom terga chip should come as a surprise to no one.
  2. It got pretty close I was a little lazy so it messed up in some places so I fixed it in Elise and Takumi case...
  3. I'm always learning new things when comes to majora (this is also what I get for skimming over the bankers dialogue) just makes me imagine in the eventual super HD remake of majora to obtain the upmost realism you'll have to show everybody is worth in rupees on their fore heads... because I think I can't be the only customer the bank has. Wonder how the banker erases the the first stamp before replacing it...
  4. I'm not sure how make in the first two easier (yeah they kind of spiced up the pattern on the first boss but he is overall easier so what does it matter) and making Gyorg yet another boss that sucks in bombs (but this time in water) makes him more interesting, But i'll give you that Twinmold was definitely harder even if the losing the sword in giant form is paramount to sin to me... Man if they just gave me the sword not had the Giant Mask required contextual button press throw I could say it was a better boss sadly it was not twas to be... You know I never thought of doing the bank in that way I just basically thought of the bank teller as omniscient and that for whatever reason he just remembers however much money you put in the bank. Or that he has a time safe stand that somehow accumulates money regardless of the flow of time I mean if I was coming in the town every day just to trick the bank teller into thinking I have way more money then I am supposed to why don't I just tell him I have 9,000 rupees every time. Clearly the only logical explanation is that the banker is some kind of time traveling deity.
  5. Best Buy is Selling for Black Friday is doing a rare 3DS sale. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/promo/black-friday-video-game-virtual-reality-deals-2?cp=1&searchType=promo&st=black-friday-video-game-virtual-reality-deals-2&qp=platform_facet%3DPlatform~Nintendo%203DS Pokemon X & Y for 19.99$ Fire Emblem: Fates Conquest & Birthright for 25$ and Bravely Second for 19.99$
  6. Heads up's Best Buy is selling Fates both versions for 15$ off (25$) along with a couple other games this is rare so get on this! http://www.bestbuy.com/site/promo/black-friday-video-game-virtual-reality-deals-2?cp=1&searchType=promo&st=black-friday-video-game-virtual-reality-deals-2&qp=platform_facet%3DPlatform~Nintendo%203DS
  7. Awakening is for sale for 20$ digitally this Black Friday so if want the game pick it up this week. My personal advice is take advantage of this sale and pick up Conquest when you got cash again (then the other routes after it). If you only ever plan to play one of these games or digital copies of games make you puke out your insides, then yeah just go for Fates: Conquest it's the better game by a longshot at least for me, that being said awakening is on sale it's so a no-brainer. Now I think you mentioned that you were find a by conquest and another path it was case that means you have $60 and spent it which case I suggest you buy Awakening on sale and buy a physical copy of Fates: Conquest (because if you buy these games digitally they will each your SD card space like nothing else as the other two paths are for the most part on the cart already) best of both worlds.
  8. It's just as canon as Federation Force is to Metroid... regardless if you want to count, 4 Swords, 4 Swords Aventures, and Tri Force Heroes they are fine game as well... Though I consider them spin offs as they are very materially and structurally different to the mainline series just as much as Federation Force is. I know Nintendo doesn't consider them spin offs, but they routinely refuse to call some games spin offs.
  9. Here mine Zelda is absolutely incredible series that has ZERO bad mainline (ie no crossbow, warriors, 4 swords, cdi etc.) entires every game has it own merits and is great in it's own right. I may like some of them more and some of them less, but every single game is worthy of the Zelda moniker. Keep in mine boy and girls Zelda is such a divisive series that there are not many actually unpopular opinions about it, just different opinions.
  10. I love Weight but I do hate CON, I think the best would be the Tellius System shoved into the GBA games as that would fix the Mage problem.
  11. Remember that binding blade is a game for veterans not beginners it's tutorial is even hidden away in menus though you can access it. What you're describing here is called balance issues, what's interesting though is binding blade has the least over powered units in any fire emblem game (from what I have observed), because mabye with the sole exception of Percival I can't think of anyone that's really OP maybe Milady & Rutger? Anyways you'll find that most of the good units or is good as they would be on a higher difficulty setting another fire emblem. Dieck is a monster from beginning to end, if you don't truly appreciate Rutger may I ask who's killing your bosses? Because Rutger is the only one they can hit them with consistency. Also Sue is good in normal she has fine growths and she has a horse, Shin is usually better though. Lance & Allen are awesome, Lugh and Lilina are really good, Clarine & Saul are great healers, Astor is a free lv 10 theif, Shanna is great as well though Milady will totally eclipse her. So that's about 10 or so early game units that are okay I think that's enough and we get as more go along. The good people are good you just got to get used to the fact that at lot of the people you recruit will be fodder that are there for challenge playthoughs. By the way as far as Birthright is concerned if you took Birthright characters and shoved them into blinding blade they would do pretty badly actually Birthright only has as many good units as it does because the game is so fetching easy, really only ones were having are the ninjas, the servants, and the Royals, the rest are just decent to bad or are Pre-promotes. Really you just need to know to appreciate each game for what they are as you move for though then because they're all very different from one another. It's only once I did that was able to actually like Binding Blade.
  12. Use all three the maps are huge in this game you want Cavaliers, Drop Geese or Fir there's not enough hero crests to go around
  13. Percival is a God what are you smoking... no seriously he will be better didn't really most cavalier you can train only Lance and Alan have a chance to be as good even then they're not as good because of weapon levels hecomes with a free A in Lance and Sword and a C and axes. Anyways personal bias I recommend Igrene over Klein, Karel is a God but he'll probably have a spot stolen and by Rutger in the final chapter. Oh and by the way good luck getting the third Hero Crest.Your team be plenty full I assume your using Astor as your thief (there are many maps I recommend two theifs though Chad or Cath), then you get Lalum/Elphin, and Fae, and sometimes having Merlinus on map is nice. But anyways most of them areusable I recommend Cecilia because free mounted healer, Niime, Yoder, Dayan/Juno is decent, Echidna/Batre are pretty good, Garret is not bad, and Douglas is the best armor knight (that is not saying much though). Only one I'd recommend avoiding is Douglas the rest do their job fine enough, also Marcus and Jerrot (Jerrot can be used but I wouldn't really say you should, but I suppose he do a decent job) are Jagens in their purest form so I wouldn't use them.
  14. This is the reason I'm afraid of this idea for a remake because if you think that IS is to respectfull their old work to not retcon the heck out of everything to provide more children options, you really need to play FE 12. You can sure bet that more of FE 6 characters are suddenly going be related to someone, who knows mabye they will add entirely new characters I make them their relatives (which will lead to massive character bloat for FE 7). People that were married him during the course of the game sure are not going to be married anymore, it's not like Canas, Hawkeye, Batre & Karla, or Pent & Loiuse's characters are at all affected by the fact that they're already married. They might have enough integrity to keep Pent & Louise, and Barte & Karla married, but you can sure bet they will make Hawkeye and Canas single and not care about the consequences.I am surprised that this this topic comes up so much the GBA games have aged perfectly fine, IS in their current state is more than likely to add crap into the games that were never meant to be there then anything else. Look I want an official English copy of FE 6 as much the next man but IS lack of artistic integrity makes it really hard to trust that they will do a remake well.
  15. That's why I originally I fell in love with forging when it was first introduced, it came of all these cool combinations that you could do and drove weapon variety through the roof. Sadly now with no weapon durability forging is actually having the opposite affect, forging now drives what I like to call weapon investment as it is far better idea to pick a weapon and continue to invest in that one weapon. It drives the question well I could buy a silver weapon or I could continue my investment with my steel weapon and have zero negatives. IS's stated goal with this weapon system was to create niches for weapons, beyond the usual price to power ratio that the old games worked on. Forging was originally built to expand on this price to power ratio which allows you to really expand your arsenal with weapons playing within the games existing systems by using the price and use ratios of the weapons. Fates is using Forging while pretending to carry the same system as the old games, Fate system is not built off a price to power ratio as much as it is built on a foundation of positives and negatives. Fates forge was likely sparked from the question why would you ever buy another weapon of the same type? This is not a bad question to ask and they were on to the right kind of idea, the problem is that they thought basing forge entirely off a price to power ratio would be okay for this. It fundamentally is not because at the end of the day each swing is not a loss in gold, whatever weapon you forge will pay you back tenfold. Therefore forge must play with the balance system that fates has in place and negatives must come with positives, if Forge does stay, Forge must be adapted to Fates systems properly therefore Forging cannot be an entirely positive ordeal, for example what you forward your iron sword enough that starts getting close to the power of a steel one it should start getting minus speed, as steel nears the power of silver it starts receiving negatives. This would actual up weapon variety instead of driving it down and discouraging purchases of other weapons as you could really get creative with the minuses that different weapons receive. Sorry for the long rant... just venting a little. Forging is entirely possible to be balanced in the system IS just has to be willing to bring Fates system to there logical extreme and let Forge inhabit the same system their weapons do it cannot exist outside of it.
  16. I use suspend to do what the word says suspend because I don't have time at the moment to play, If I'm frustrated I usually don't suspend ( because if I'm frustrated I have I already lost, I don't get frustrated when I win) so I just turn it off/reset.
  17. Well you should play it then...Anyways it should be kept in mind as I forgot to mention that FE 4 is not balanced in the slightest, just the idea could be used to balance it in theory, you're not gonna see it in practice if you play the game. Though the second-generation isn't really that much more broken than the first. That being said by necessity of the game has to be completable with the worst possible combinations so this makes it so the game can become unbalanced by nature if parents give their children a strong variability in stats.
  18. Because it would be all kinds of broken, combos for some these personal skills could be absolutely devastating, if the avatar (or Jakob) and Felicia had a kid that kid could pair up with the avatar and make him pretty much invincible my goodness the bonuses, or if Xander and Effie had a kid suddenly that kid now has the possibility of dealing even more insane the amounts of damage. If you're trying to make a game with even a modicum of balance you have to make the parents personal skills almost pointless if you want to make the kids even slightly balanced. Unless you pull an FE 4 and make the second-generation accessible only after you can no longer use the first, then buff up the enemies the deal with the stronger children could you make it work.
  19. Believe you me I am all for the removal of bronze weapons I thought their existence was stupid in Awakening let alone Fates (Radiant Dawn was somewhat forgivable as if you had very limited cash they were something to spend it on and you were never forced to use them). With the new weapon system in place they need to think of a strategic niche for bronze weapons or lose them all together. So yeah I told agree if you're there and definitely we need decent weapon levels for promotions. For forging that system seems like it has even more chance for abuse as now you could just buy the cheapest weapons of the shop for material if you need it, this system could mabye work if there was initial price to forge... at the end the day forged iron and steel weapons can't make silver weapons irrelevant that's the goal. Frankly I'm for the foundation of removing forge all together as it is in conflict with the current weapon system, by removing it altogether they would have more freedom to add a greater variety of difference weapons each weapon to be properly balanced in rarity and price, and some of these weapons would be only findable interests and could not be bought. Completely agree with you on personal skills, there was a lot of good examples of personal skills in Fates (Like Elise's or Effie's) but there was way more bad ones and kind of okay ones that didn't complement there play style, or rewarded bad play (Like Azama skill which becomes pointless once he promoted and only activates if you're using your healer wrong). If intelligent systems can think of someway to further expand the depth of pair up beyond what is presented here then yes it could be present for one more entry. Personally I think pair up has been perfected in fates and for that very reason it needs to be dropped. If it is not then this series will become iterative rather than innovative as it has been for almost every entry. The only entries that I could think that are very similar to one another are the DS games, even FE 6 & 7 which are very similar mechanically could not be more different games due to their map design, weapon, and unit balance. I want IS to show that they are bold enough to subvert the expectations of their new audience, yes it will be sad to see it go but wasn't just as sad to see 3rd tiers go away after Radiant Dawn and now that it hasn't appeared again doesn't make that game feel all the more unique that this feature is unique to it? I don't want the next entry to make the 3DS games irrelevant I want to feel like it's own thing.
  20. Rebalancing weapons again IS, did a commendable job in trying to balance out the weapons for no durability, but it didn't really work, Knifes are a bit to OP, E weapons add annoyance rather than strategic depth, and forged iron/steel weapons break the whole system. But i'm a real man I have no illusions that IS is going to backpedal and bring back durability, so they to go to there rooms and think long and hard about how to nerf Forge (they were on to the right idea a duel Currency but they need to make that second Currency actually rare and hard to obtain), rebalance knives and fix E weapon and the poor weapon EX system. Keep fixing skills in Fates IS has gone a long way in making skills more skill oriented, so I need to keep going down this path and add more reliable predictable skills that actually add strategic depth. There's still some outliers skills that do not add strategic depth or are half baked in the game. Personal skills are a great idea with horrible execution IS next time you do this don't waste your time coding that something that has little to no in game effect make the skills matter. And since the next ones likely going to be on Console bring in Radiant Dawn's height mechanics. Also I'm weird and I unironically want Fog of War back. Also I'd like a new mechanic that's not pair up that adds to the gameplay because I like each generational switch of Fire Emblem to feel different, nothing against pair up it's a good mechanic I just think it should stay unique to the Awakening/Fates though.
  21. FE 4: The barbecue, or Dances in the sky. FE 6: Zephiel & Guinevere in general (it's hard to point out specific plot points as it is all dumped at you at once). FE 7: The Black Fang (really this is the entire reason this one's my favorite story in FE). For specific story beats Battle Before Dawn/Night of Farewells is my favorite. FE 8: Orson's chapter FE 9: Shiharam's chapter, Mia recruitment chapter (Sorens characterization here is awesome), and Ike's first meeting with Sanaki. FE 10: The Dawn Brigades first chapter in part three ( as much as I love part two it doesn't belong in this game I stand by that the game should've been entirely about the Dawn Brigade) as well as the second chapter I think they're both conceptually great chapters story wise and have strong atmosphere and bring out a parts of their points well even if they are not as deafly handled as they could've or should've been. FE 11: I want to say something but I just honestly don't remember much about this game's plot but I did like the moments with Tiki I guess. FE 12: The entire Gra chapter (the one with Sheema) is definitely the best part of its story imo. FE 13: The rain chapter after Emmeryn's death is is the best point of the story and the story promptly takes a nosedive after the fact. FE 14 B: The chapter where Elise takes you through the Nohr underground is the best part of the story. C: The communal dinner where Royals meet and have to be passive aggressive was my favorite part of the story, also Chapter 6. R: Chapter 6, and the final battle is pretty cool.
  22. I voted for GBA but you should add the rest the eras as well namely NES, SNES, and DS.
  23. Well I mean okay unlike Lyon there is in no literal prophecy, but like Anakin it is fear that starts his problem because that's when his wife goes missing that he puts his children in the Dragon gate... Also Nergal gets corrupted while heavily researching bringing things back to life (or more correctly reanimating people). Starts getting power to get back his children he lost after his wife was gone so he has more familiar motivations unlikely Lyon who wants to save his country in general. Negral gets corrupted purely by the magic and not is not possessed, and his obsession with gaining more and more power is the cause ("I will be the greatest Jedi ever"), eventually forgetting why he did so in the first place. He finds many of his actions to be rejected by other magicians around him, even losing one of his closest friends when he starts going down this path (just imagine it Athos in the final battle with Nergal "you were the choosin one".) So yeah I would argue Nergal as a lot more common with Anakin.
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