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Everything posted by Locke087

  1. What chapter is better in your opinion? I'm not saying it's a good idea to train Nino, I just usually find this best place to start if it's something you want to do, as I usually have quite a few units that will not kill everything in one round by equipping them with iron or slim weapons...
  2. ?????? I don't understand what these two things have to do with anything, you can still get Nino a lot of levels if that something that you feel like doing, because there's a ton of choke points for Nino to take pot shots at people and kill them.... I never said it was a good thing to do, it's just something you can do for varieties sake. I think training Ests is kind of fun sometimes in the challenge run kind of way. If you're crazy like me and you want to do this for the sake of a unique run with a different unit this is the best place to train her that's all I was saying.
  3. It might be annoying but on the bright side this chapter is absolutely incredible for training Nino if that's a thing you want to do, and it doesn't have quite as much siege tome spam... its also cool story wise, I have a soft spot for this chapter for that reason (I also unironically love Battle Before Dawn, so I'm weird...)
  4. Meg: in my opinion worth less than nothing suppose you can give her sword away other than that she's all forms of wrong. She gets up one for being a good joke character and that steel sword. 1/10 Volug: in the top four members of the Dawn Brigade is reliably good and extremely helpful through part 1 & 3 especially because he has half-shift. 8.5/10
  5. Ilyana: would be good if she didn't defect to the greil mercenaries but she defects and is immediately made a irrelevant by Soren, this in my opinions by the games biggest mistakes taking one of the Dawn Brigade best members and giving it to the greil mercenaries, who do not need any more units. Overall she should be generally ignored as she just steals experience from the Dawn Brigade and will never be up to snuff for the greil mercenaries without hurting the Dawn Brigade. Her only uses in the game as it is is as a convoy and the loan holder of Rexbolt, but I'm not sure that spell is worth suffering with the Dawn Brigade for. 4.5/10 Aran: to be honest I never really used him because he doesn't get a legendary weapon, but really it's just him and Leonardo fighting for The last spot in the team of people who will actually get experience. But I hear he's Overall decent 5.5/10.
  6. I think it goes Sage->Mage Knight->Druid->Summoner->Bishop->Priestess(they made a distinction for male and female bishops for some reason)->Valkyrie.
  7. Sothe: is great for part 1 and part 3 and absolutely invaluable to the dawn brigade having high survivability, and pretty good damage, throughout these parts as well as the ability to steal and pick locks, I would rate him higher but he's forced into part 4 where he doesn't belong. Overall third-best member of the Dawn Brigade 8.5/10 Laura: is a okay Heal-Bot, promoter early and you can get some weak light magic in as well but her main job is to heal and that's what she will do and she does it okay. 6/10
  8. If Fates: Conquest didn't exist there might be a chance I wouldn't buy FE:15 but because it does exist I'll probably buy it, even if it is only out of morbid curiosity. FE is my second favorite series so the mere thought of not wanting the next FE entry depresses me and it depressed me when Fates was coming out when I thought to myself I might not want it. I was so happy to be proven wrong by Conquest, it was the most fun I've had with a new FE game since the release of FE 9 (I didn't like FE 10 initially I do now though, 11 almost killed my love of the series, 13 semi restored it but I had a lot of problems with it even early on and it only increased over time, especially after going back to other FE games). Because the quality of Conquest I am willing to give the next game a chance no matter what, if it is somehow of abject quality then I would approach the next entry with heavy skepticism yet again and only buy if it showed notable improvements, who knows though I'm a sheep I'd probably buy it anyways...
  9. As much as I'd like to think of myself as a wise consumer of video games no matter how crappy it is, curiosity will drive me to buy it anyways, if they kept that crap quality after that I wouldn't buy the sequel though.I'd like to see them move the series forward so I would like to see a new entry no remakes please. Coolest thing I think they could do is to increase dynamism of the series. Basically taking what FE 6 & 7 did with alternate chapters and Gaiden chapters and taking it to the next level. Basically imagine if in one map you failed to complete a certain optional objective you get a alternate version of a different map. I could also have optional objectives that are not mutually completable in the map and you have to choose one or the other to allowing you to branch paths and take different maps in different ways. This would result in an overall shorter game but I think it's worth it for a more dynamic game. One thing I do want to make sure of though is unlike 6 & 7 how things change should not be based on something that is very nebulous and hard to read such as unit levels it would be best if these are decided by things you actually do in the prior map, rather than things that happened over the course of the game. This would necessitate the removal of children as Gaiden chapters would all have to be optional side ventures that you earn as the story progresses possibly leading into each other or connected in someway allowing for alternate routes. As far as keeping a cohesive story goes just by making them all basically lead to the same conclusion, but offering different insights like 6 & 7 should work. I'd also like things like height mechanics and magic triangle back but those take a backseat to the above suggestion.
  10. there are various reasons a product will be console or PC exclusive or not appear on a particular product. Here are the three big ones.1. Cost & Hardware: while it's relatively easy to port between Xbox one and PS4 they do have Simerly PC architectures, Console to PC ports aren't always so simple as you can see from some development house is regularly outsourcing their PC ports, same with some low-budget indie games who can't escape the PC platform for similar reasons whether they don't want to pay licensing fees that consoles often have or don't have the manpower or time to port it to console or other platforms, usually these are small team so every port does require a lot of effort and some time for them to do it it's really a balancing for the developer as they think about wither it's worth the effort to port. And in some cases the game is just incompatible with other systems whether it's 3DS game very much made for 3DS hardware, or a PC game very much steeped in mouse and keyboard some games are don't translate well to other platforms. 2. Exclusivity deals: yes these are still happening yes they're usually timed, but Companies still are paying for the rights to have games exclusive to their platforms this is to drive sales and particular platform. In some cases the platforms fund the game in the first place (like Nintendo did if with Bayonetta 2) so they can have more exclusives. Platform holders value exclusive's so they'll still put down money to keep certain games exclusive, as they can off and drive sells of a certain product. This is usually the case at all singular console exclusivity as if you ask any game maker they want to get there games into the hands as many people as possible, but if Sony or Microsoft paid the big bucks to make it exclusive for a time or if it's a lot forever. For PC exclusives pretty much exclusively only apply to reason 1, developers either just don't have the time/money to port it or the game is too steeped in mouse and keyboard to be able to be ported. 3. Japan hate Xbox this is when the biggest reasons you will not see that many Japanese centric games on Xbox because it sells like trash in Japan. Microsoft has put a valiant effort into trying but they have failed and they continue to fail hard in that market they just have zero traction in Japan. If they don't appear on PC see reason one, and PS4 is really the most popular thing they're still for Japan so if Japan centric games come out they will likely to be for PS4, Vita, and 3DS ( as handhelds are very strong there). I'm not too sure about Japans relationship with PCs though so don't quote me on that.
  11. The one save every five turns is pretty good, but I would be more for a set amount of save you can use though, like maybe two-three saves per map (preferably two). I am always for more options so the option to turn off I'll saves if you would like should maybe be there, but I think it would be good to have the feature in a limited capacity in classic.
  12. (I follow a one game per series rule btw) 1. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask N64 version (WW, SS, OoT, TP, ALBW) 2. Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword (9, 14(conquest), 4) 3. Mother 3 4. Bioshock 5. Shadow of the Colossus 6. Okami 7. Halo 3 (2, 1, ODST, me and Reach have a interesting relationship...) 8. Fallout 3 (I never played new vegas... 4 is okay) 9. Portal 2/ Mass Effect 2/Last Guardian 10. Knights of the Old Republic/Journey I have yet to have a game that permanently stays in spots 9 & 10 It switch's depending on my mood....
  13. Leonardo: Not a very good archer but he gets a 5 for his personal bow of and that's it... it is his only upside but it's a pretty decent upside. 5/10 Nolan: 4th Best member of the Dawn Brigand (behind Jill, Sothe, and Volug, I supposed 2nd if are only talking about the original members). Because he can tank and actually take a hit or two which is nice and has a legendary weapon allowing him to do some pretty good damage. 8/10
  14. If you want to play an awesome but like one of the weirdest games on earth, play Catherine it's a hard-core puzzle climbing game/dating sim. It's hard as balls if you're not good at puzzles you're going to hate it but I love it well at least the puzzle part of it, it's dating sim half is kind of just okay.
  15. Micaiah Your stuck with her so you might as well use her overall she has Thani (thank goodness for this tome) bomb, and a Staff which gives her some utility which is not too shabby, yeah if she likely to die if she sees combat up close, but overall I give 6.5/10. (I voted earlier btw.) Edward Gets a legendary weapon is and legendarily ignored by this game just like the entire dawn brigade. But he is one of the few competent members of the Dawn brigade so using him is recommended 6/10.
  16. I wasn't thinking about rescue staff abuse, because I actually banned that from my runs (meaning that I was only able to use what I found and I couldn't buy anymore) once I found that rescue was readily available and cheap. So yeah I guess that would be a solid way to use the Falcon Knight, as far as your comment of not having enough people for Galeforce I beat chapter the final chapter in 2 to 3 turn in a no re-class, no-grind run and with only one person that I did in spot pass (it was Jaffar I couldn't help myself) all thanks to Galeforce, and you need 3 people to do Galeforce passing (Olivia makes up for number four), one kid and the two peggy's (or in my case one spot pass and two Peggy's). But now that I think about it yeah If don't ban additional rescue staffs like I did that is definitely thats the better way to do it. They still can't heal for crap though so healing is a small bonus. I meant to OHKO in the sense of one round, yes they double but they killed in a single round of combat, I should've just said that sorry for the confusion. Being a good pair bot but does not mean being a good unit at least to me... yeah he has uses especialty in lunatic, but I made the mistake of concentrating on him and making him a main unit which is not good as he's a pair-up bot to the end. I think that he eventually grows out his use because his bonuses are only really good for early game, after certain point you're just killing everything and you don't really need defense the only stat that really matters is speed and attack, so I tend to ditch him at that point. But I just usually don't count that for much I guess that is more use then Donnel, Ricken or Virion will ever have so that is something. I stand by my statement about the Knight/General class it's perfectly functional just not very helpful like Knights in most Fire Emblems. I find good knights to be the exception rather than the rule so unless they are very good like Effie (Conquest only), Oswin, or Gatrie I think they're not worth using.
  17. Yeah there's no problem with Libra, but you should never promote into War Monk...As far as falcon knights are concerned, you don't need yet another staff user so many Awakening classes have staves already, you just won't need anymore then that, and they get crap for magic so they heal like nothing (they should have swords in my opinion). It's definitely not worth losing Galeforce over IMO. Killam low movement and inability to ohko are deal breakers in this game, which has tanks that can do both things do to the broken nature of pair up. Basically what I'm saying is every character (that's not Donnel or Ricken) does Killams job better than Killam and Killam is pointless, there's no reason the deal with low movement early on for this character he's just not worth it. For genetic purposes you can use Frederick or Stahl (though I prefer a paladin for him). Knights and Generals in general are horrible in this game due to it's aggressive nature IMO, I don't have time for a general lugging behind me while I'm Galeforcing my way through half the map.
  18. Oh yeah it's totally easy to do no re-classing, no grind, on hard mode, I would know I've done it, in fact it was my first play though... just note that certain units will be trash forever because of it... avoid the following classes if you're doing no re-class, War Monk, General/Knight, Dark Knight, and Falcon Knight (because you need/want Galeforce so that should never be chosen instead of Dark Flier)). Avoid the following units Kellam, Donnel, Ricken, and Virion (wind magic replaces bows and assassins get Bows, so no need for Virion). Awakenings easy enough that all these are not absolute no-no's you could really do any of these but I wouldn't recommend it.
  19. What's the point of remaking something if you're going to make it identical to the newer games? I for one am not for homogenizing the series into the same game. At the point of adding all this stuff isn't it just better to make a new game? I don't think the Pokémon example particularly applies since is Pokémon is a very iterative series with games that are hardly different for the most part. They are also games with a continuing kind of continuity so when you update a particular game in series you bring it back up to speed with the meta-game. So there's a need to update these Pokémon because of the continual power creep, Pokémon games are games that build on each other like the annual sports franchise of RPG's. Fire Emblem not so much... Ideas are picked up and abandoned (Third Tiers, Trainees, Magic Triangle, FE 4 in it's entirety, etc.) with almost every entry, with the iterative entries being the exception rather than the rule, (6 & 7, 11 & 12, 13 & 14, ie. 6 out of 14, and no being built off of simlar framework doesn't count 5, 8, and 10 are very different games and you know it) cause so far the series has never been iterative for more than two entries at a time and those two entries are only ever iterative of each other. So I don't know why people insist the newest games suddenly be applied to all the other games. In some ways I wish Fire Emblem built on each entry... but in others I am actually glad that each entry is it's own unique thing, it makes replaying the series as a whole quite fun. The kind a remake I think would be best a thing that fixes the problems of the orignal while leaving the rest well enough alone. So fixing the support system, adding higher difficulty modes, removing the lock on difficulty modes, updating graphics, and music. Mabye updating the Gaiden requiment to be slightly more sensible in the case of 19xx, but they better not make them easy I like that they require actual effort to unlock, part of the fun is completing optional objectives. In short I am against the homogenization of a largely a non-iterative series.
  20. Alternatively remember you can use those rings on one of your healers as well, but yeah if you don't want to use any magic for whatever inexplicable reason, sell what you don't need (remember those rings apply to all magic units not just mages, just to clarify).
  21. This is really my only problem with casual mode it can teach bad habits. perma-death is a very serious part of why I love fire emblem, could it be implemented even better sure... Really I just think the play style that says you must reset every single time someone dies is somewhat misguided it is actually quite fun to play semi Iron Man. No death runs are fun don't give me wrong, but it would be cool with all the options there are for lower difficulties if maybe they could you do some options for higher ones like an Iron Man mode. You're fully in your right to enjoy whatever you enjoy but don't try to say that perma-death is pointless because you refuse to actually let it happen. This is a totally optional play style choice and should not come on the head a perma-death itself because people choose to play this way. If intelligent systems just would introduce an Iron Man mode I think a lot of people's complaints about perma-death being pointless would be revealed to be stupid. On another possibly unrelated note, I don't know why people keep saying that casual mode does not promote different tactics... just because you place rules on yourself not to use suicidal tactics while playing casual mode does not mean that casual mode doesn't promote different tactics. If you played casual mode without a classic mindset it's gonna look very different than someone learning through casual mode, believe it or not suicide tactics are legitimate and sometimes superior, especially in casual.
  22. Oh yeah I got a bunch This one I'm not technically finishes with just haven't beat the final boss, but whatever I basically finished it I'll be the final boss whenever I dang well want to... Dragon Quest 7: Game is pretty good I think five is better though but I guess this remake makes 7 kind of better just by the sheer existence of no random encounters but if five had not random encounters I would consider a better whole hog. This is for a couple reasons why didn't joy saw the kind a cool situations could get into the class system was born a practice of getting hundreds of movies that are literally pointless The game weighs you down with way too many moves that are massively situational or truly worthless in practice. And to be brutally honest moves like thin air, scorch, and boulder toss basically make all enemy encounters pointless as they now go away in five seconds thanks to those OP moves (to be honest I kind of enjoy this makes enemy encounters faster but it does completely destroy any meaning to enemy variety). I also just like the last game I really really don't appreciate when bosses have way too much Health and take 10 years to freaking kill that's why I haven't beat the final boss yet he has five forms I wasted all my mana trying to beat me fast and got tired of fighting him so I don't know when I'll re-pick up the game... Paper Mario: Color Splash I actually enjoyed this game quite a bit I think it's just below Paper Mario 64 because of the inherent weakness of its battle system. But a lot of the levels are really creative and fun and of like five the boss fights (Ludwig, Roy, Larry, Bowser, Kamek) were actually really good. The story is about the same level as it was in Paper Mario 64, the characters really do have a lot of personality I just wish they might put more effort into designing them to reflect that. I also like its usage of the world map and how basically it feels like it doesn't have one due to how it's structured and how uses the paint stars in a cool way to open up new areas, it was one of a few times where the thing I was collecting felt like it was actually opening up the areas in the sensible way. And I'm currently playing Last Guardian my thoughts will be put on that's when I finish it... ( I might just start a thread ).
  23. 18x is a pretty cool chapter, though it does not matter as much on Eliwood's campaign as it will matter when you do Hector's (there's two gaiden chapters related to this that are not available for Eliwood) as If you do a complete gaiden run through of Hector's campaign you'll get a better view of the story of this game. You have more playthoughs to go through so if you plan on doing this map later you can do it later but do make sure you do it eventually...
  24. We talking just remakes or does this include remasters? Unless there's some major laziness in the making remaster, remasters are usually positive....For remakes some are divisive but most are received fairly well, there is stuff like Pokémon HGSS, Ocarina of Time 3D, and Twilight Princess HD (didn't live up to peoples expectations of what it could be, but few would argue it's worse than the original). Then you got things are kind of more like a reboot like the new Ratchet and Clank game that people seem to like. Of course there's always that person that I want to breathe learn reason or another even if the changes are super minor prefers the original I for one usually like remake better unless they messed everything up like Majora 3D did.
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