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Everything posted by Locke087

  1. Before looking at this thread I beat the map in Lunny with 4 recommed units 5* Effie (LV 38), 5* Kagero (LV 40), 4* Olivia (LV 38+), 4* F Robin (LV 38). It took me 2 stamina potions to figure it out but thanks to Olivia I finally beat it as it allow Effie to kill the horse almost kill the second ninja that I finished off with Kagero. Then Effie tanked a Axe hit and Robin killed it with Olivia help, I was bringing in 5* Marth/M Corrin in before and the problem was the Threaten Def allowed the knife user to kill Effie on second turn, Olivia allowed me to get at the second knife user and kill the Knight. Ursula and Knife user one where dead in the first turn so they were never a problem.
  2. Klein? That's a weird way to spell Kagero. Who is OP is all heck and S on the tier list (also speaking from personal experience the girl is a monster and can one shot almost every single infantry unit with one attack buff including Takumi, she basically guarantees I win almost every arena battle) while Klein is a A+. But to answer your question depends on the colored units, really all you want is the largest amount of high tier five stars and hopefully ones that synergize. If you're going for a single colorless unit make sure it is Takumi, Kagero is great but need support to take down some armors, horses, and flyers, and a attack buffer.
  3. I only have 3 Knights, a 5* Effie (who I just got in my latest pull, I have only had 2 for the longest time), 4* Sheena, and a 3* Draug who I never bothered to train. I just need need one more... is a Hector to much to ask for?
  4. Oh yeah if you have to buy the DLC piecemeal for whatever reason I also only recommend Broken Steel, Point Lookout, and mabye the Pitt but it's way cheaper to just get the Game of the Year edition which includes all the DLC so just do that.
  5. What ever you do make sure you get the game of the year edition Fallout 3 is nothing without its DLC. The DLC is better than the base game, there's a reason this game is considered as having some of the best DLC in the bussiness. Same goes for New Vegas except the main game is of the same quality.
  6. There is a major difference between Fallouts 1 and 2, and 3 forward. 1 and 2 are in the style of classic CRPG's like Baldurs Gate (because their are). Where as Fallout 3 and forward are Elder Scrolls with guns. So yes unless you're interested in a classic style CRPG start with 3. Now onto your concerns for 3 is absolutely nothing like a shooter, in fact you will spend 200% of the time in VATS (if you don't know what that is please look up footage of the game). This is because aiming in the standard way is crap so you'll either abuse VATS for easy head shots (aimer stays at the same place after you exit VATS so you can just VATS someone's head then exit VATS that shoot them for better hit chances sometimes), or just use VATS pure and simple. This remains mostly true for New Vegas but aiming is a little bit better. In 4 they nerfed VATS a little but aiming is significantly better so the game ends up playing a lot more like a shooter. Choice and Consequence are only a heavy factor in 3 and New Vegas, 4 tones this down a lot, there's no karma system and speech and role-playing choices are heavily paired down, some choices and consequences remain but it is a lot less than previous entries. 3 and new Vegas though you actually have quite a bit, you can do everything from kill every person that walks and take everything that's not nailed down (a staple of Bethesda games), their everything you could expect from an elder scrolls game lockpicking/hacking, stealing, crafting, crappy stealth, on top of things unique to this game such as radiation poisoning, and repairing weapons/weapon degradation. This game and New Vegas also features Karma system where you can make good and bad decisions, good decisions will see you saving communities and so forth and bad ones will see you things like blowing up entire towns.
  7. I put 250+ hours into the game and I still launch for a minute or two occasionally but I think I put more than enough time into it. I have other games to play namely Pokémon Sun and the upcoming Shadows of Valentia and many more Console games. The game is fun but I have limited time and a Infinite backlog of games I need to get to. A couple years from i'll likely do a full replay of conquest. But for now I have other things I need to get to. This poll needs I moved on because I have a lot of games I need to play option on it.
  8. Actually Nino quite good especially at 5* (even at 4* she's pretty good) most Tier Lists put her at A rank while is Odin is at C. This for a couple reasons A. Nino has really good utility, Odin has literally zero all his moves are all self boosting. B. Nino has a far higher attack (read 10 points on average higher, even with defiant attack he can't match her base attack, that's a problem, my Healers do more damage than he does) and speed stat she has a lower defense stat but what would you need that for that's not her job. Difference im trying to point out here is Nino needs boosts to be a God, Odin needs a boosts to do anything at all... They both have a similar weapon yes but the problem is that Odin's attack stat is just too low to be competitive in the arena in my experience.
  9. Okay I get it what where saying Odin could be a back up if Narcian get screwed, as it stands though I actually don't need any blue units I can reliably kill all red units (unless Xander is as OP as he is in the campaign when he's released) with Marth and Kagero, Sharena entire existence up to this point was for bonus points and to be a rally bot but I actually was going to replace her to begin with because she's not useful as she has to waste her turn to buff and often gets doubled by sword units of all things at 4*. I'm replacing her with my 4* Olivia who I forgot can buff attack and never thought a pair of Kagero for whatever inexplicable reason it would have really helped me last season can't believe I didn't think of using her because she fixes a large number of Kagero's weaknesses (which is that she has to put herself in danger to kill people as she has no enemy phase). Narcian does actually fit a very important niche for me as my current teams main counters are Lance wielding Horse/Flying/Armors units. Kagero has zero problems killing the Horseback magic units thanks to Warding Blow and since there are no blue horseback units available to players Marth also gets them. It's just the Lance welders that give me issues. The biggest problem with Odin is he hasn't a chance in heck against Lance wielding flying units the attack is already low he won't do any damage. I just can't really imagine the situation were Odin would ever be more valuable than Narcian his levels been bad at all he is not the best unit but he should fill is Niche which is the only thing I need him to do as long as he kills at least stalls Cordelia, Able, and Effie i'm happy. If he's able to kill I might consider actually upgrading him just because this is a niche I desperately need, a killer non foot Lances. Of course once I do that I'll probably finally pull a Merric which is what I really want. I am training both though and I'm going to attempt to chain through the arena this team first, 5* Marth, 4* Narcian, 4* Olivia, 5* Kagero. Then I'll try this team 5* Marth, 5* Lyn, 4* Odin, 4* Narcian, I mean it when I say Kagero is pretty much worthless without a booster and short of me discovering that 4* Alfonse is not crap I don't see what other combinations I could do. This team should be able to kill most things, Linde, Takumi and Robin are still annoying with this team hopefully Odin can help... but I can handle them, the only thing this team can't handle is 3+ Takumi's it can handle two max and I still might get a death. Lances shouldn't be a problem if Narcian can kill even if it takes a tagteam with Odin, if he can't this entire team is bust and I'm stuck with doing team one. But I will be running though team one first so so I'll know ahead of time whether or not it's possible. Honestly this is not all directed at you just my stream of thought as I've been trying to figure out what I want my new team to be...
  10. FE 10 for sure could've hands-down been the best story if executed correctly sadly 'twas not to be. FE 7 Runner-up and then Conquest. I'm just gonna have to go with the crowd and say Revelations because it really is just as bad in practice as it was in theory... truly a bad to be an idea to begin with
  11. Well replacing Narcian won't do me any good the entire point of this exercise is to get Odin and Narcian on the same team if I'm doing just one of them it is going to be Narcian as he actually slots pretty nicely into my current team. But yeah I hope Odin attack gets better but at the moment it's so bad that I'm not sure he can kill anything in the arena. Odin's main gimmick are that he's not super squishy for Mage therefore defiant attack will actually activate, but he mainly suppose to counter the highly uncommon red mage. Currently my only hope for sloting Odin and Narcian into my team is to abuse the ever loving crap out of Savage Blow as that should put Kagero in killing range as Odin can only replace Sharena meaning I have to live without boosts. I suppose there is one other solution I could put Lilina back on the team (Lilina used to take Sharena's spot) and have her replace Marth as Kagero is a good dragon counter (just not as good as Marth) the problem with that though is Hector (in all truth this is the real reason for Marth's place on the team, i have no idea if Narcian can I actually hurt him enough, he needs at least get him halfway so Lilina can finish him off). To recap the this team would be 4* Narcian, 4* Odin, 4* Lilina, 5* Kagero. In the end no matter of the composition Odin and will add nothing to it as his niche is an incredibly rare in the arena (and I have Kagero which destroys all mages and foot unit general), and Robin and Linde severely out class him. So in the end I may be stuck just running Narcian do to how bad Odin is. Edit: I could also just lose Kagero and make the Team 5* Marth, 5* Lyn, 4* Narcian, 4* Odin. Marth and Lyn can counter Takumi by working together and since he is no longer a bonus unit I shouldn't see as many multiples of him which is the main place where their tagteam struggles. I actually might end up going with this team now that I think about it as much as I love Kagero she needs set up to do anything.
  12. Luckily I already have a four star Narcian and Odin both around level 26 to 25 I have a lot of training to do, and just as a note Odin is a horrible unit (least at four stars) I will update again when he's about 40 but right now he is kind of a horrifically bad he's at level 25 and still only has 21 attack, he hurts almost nothing, he has defiant attack but that's the only time he actually does damage it's ridiculous. Narcian on the other hand is perfectly decent and should sign into my team five as a lance killer which actually something I need because the major fronts to my current team (5* Marth, 4* Gordin/Narcian, 4* Sharena, 5* Kagero) are indeed Flying & Knight Lance users as Kagero can't kill them (hence Gordin's inclusion, it used to be Lyn but in the Flyers where a problem) but Narcian actually should be able to be a better counter as he can also I think challenge Effie. Another big thing I'm trying to debate is who the crap Odin gonna replace cause I can't replace Sharena because Kagero needs a attack buffer to oneshot Takumi (which is her entire purpose in life). Any old Attack buffer will do, but I can't get rid of Marth because I lose my dragon bain and my best sword. Kagero is way too useful to get rid of she kills like everything on foot in one hit as long as she has a buff. Perhaps I could just try abusing the Narcian's savage blow as that could get me the couple points more damage I need to do the job... hmm.
  13. Take a wild guess, I'll give you a hint starts with an F and ends with a 7. Who knew that my second favorite game of all time would be the one i'd pick, I certainly would not. In all seriousness I actually do like Conquest a lot from gameplay perspective, I believe it's number 4 right now on my top FE games (7, 9, 4, then 14 C, 10 = 6, 8 >> 14 R (by virtue of being slightly harder), 14 B, 12, 13, 11). But it has quite the hill to climb for me and it didn't quite reach it's story and characters are simply horrible and many since systems that are highly flawed. Also it doesn't help that I do not really like Birthright and Revelation even close to as much as Conquest. I would love it if anything could top 7 for me but nothing has, and until they hire competent writers nothing ever will because if the story is garbage then it can never be better than 7, 9, and 4 imo.
  14. 1. The Legend of Zelda I love Zelda.. I love puzzles, I love adventure, I love the combat, I love the bosses, I love the dungeons, Majora's Mask is my favorite game of all time, there is just nothing on this Earth that gets me more hyped than Zelda. My interest in many series has wained and rised throughout the years but my interest in Zelda is constant (as long as it's not a multiplayer spin-off, normal spin-off, or a 2-D game not in the style of ALTTP/ALBW the only two really good ones, imo). 2. Fire Emblem My relationship with the series has been rocky but I love it anyways, there's entries I loved, there's entries I hated and over time I come to appreciate them all for what they are even Shadow Dragon. It really is just kind of my comfort food it's something I know, it's something I'm good at, it is something I enjoy playing, I just like it's style. 3. Bioshock I may like the first one several times more than the other entries, but I will continue to this day to defend the second game as it was really enjoyable from a gameplay perspective (better than the first) and Bioshock Infinite isn't too bad either it's not quite as fun as the first two but it still fun and frankly better than the bulk of shooters released. I just really love the theming and the story telling of the Bioshock series, also the combat is really good. 4. Halo (1-Reach) Halo may be dead to me now but I cannot deny the effect it's had on me, Halo 1 - Reach mean a lot to me as a whole and quite literally changed my life (let's say my career path was heavily influenced by my days matchmaking line Forger in Reach, I am now a programmer and also looking into the game industry). From it's incredible local & online multiplayer, to its awesome campaigns, Halo was truly a hallmark of the industry during its glory days. 5. Mass Effect Honestly this just as easily been any of the other Honorable mentions as I don't love this series that much more than any of the other ones I mentioned. But it's incredible characters and fun combat really stick out to me I always enjoy the games I might pick up the new one as well. Honorable Mentions: Prince of Persia, Mega Man/X/ZX, Paper Mario, Pokémon, KOTOR, Fallout, Metroid, and 3D Mario Plaformers. Just some notes: I would put the Mother series if it wasn't for the fact that I only really love Mother 3, Earthbound is just okay and I have zero plans to ever play 1, Okami is technically a franchise but even as much as I like the DS game I feel kind of guilty putting it as a "franchise I love". Also all of team ICO's games are technically connected but I would be cheating if I called them a franchise, though I'd be lying if I wasn't tempted to do it anyways.
  15. Glac already covered this but here is a comprehensive list of them if your curious https://serenesforest.net/general/localisation-changes/issues/ Glac and Sophie already kindly responded to the rest your points for me so I will just cover this little bit. While yes it is obvious I would love the crap out of a remaster soundtrack for FE 7 and for the art changes imagine a art style something like Ori and the Blind Forest or Shantae: Half Genie Hero applied to the game, a nice clean 2D art style it would look awesome, the animations could stay in all their glory, and it would be cheaper to make. The FE 9 and 10 menus are also better then the GBA games and there many improvements to menus in the 3DS games that have nothing to do with duel screens or can be replicated without them, people give way to much credit to the duel screens. The menus can totally be improved and the improvements would awesome.
  16. Yeah it's really not a good idea to do that really if they wanted to do it they wouldn't add so many characters as they would retcon the crap out of existing characters you can expect everything from the 6 conically married characters being no longer so (their marriage is totally not core to the characters of Hawkeye, Batre & Karla, Pent & Loiuse, and Canas), to sudden relationships existing. This while keeping in mind that Binding Blades cast several times larger then Blazing Blade and with FE 7's low deployment rates and small maps, bloating it's roster would not be good. Also adding to FE 6 roster is also out of the question considering how bloated it already is.
  17. Just some notes and something to consider when talk about this. The PC and console audiences are considered disparate audiences in a lot of ways they are, especially in the pre Steam era. The PC audience was seen as being able to handle more complex strategic & RPG games like XCOM the console audience wasn't seen as being able to handle that. Consol games by and large are far more simple then PC games of the same era play something like System Shock 2, The original Theif, original Deus Ex and tell me how freaking complex those games are. Some of this is due to the fact that keyboard and mouse just has more buttons, but PC was viewed as having them a higher adult audience. The thing is even if FE was launched on a PC something that would never happen cause Nintendo owns intelligent systems, if it wasn't FE 5 or mabye 4 it would've been viewed is way too simplistic and basic when compaired with its competition so it likely wouldn't have succeeded. Now I don't think it was wise that they chose not to bring FE to the west earlier I think they should've started with the SNES games and the games would've gained a reputation and been a far more successful now and not needed resurrection imo.
  18. Really the only reason I'd want a remake is for these four reasons One Translation: fix the translation FE 7's translation is rough around the edges it contains quite a few errors it would be nice to see it polished up a bit. Two Supports: make supports the less of a pain to get in game, their don't need to be more supports just make them less of a pain to get in game. Three Difficulty: remove the difficulty locks and include a higher difficulty mode for all campaigns (I would love to play a Lyn actually hard mode, and for people to stop complaining about the difficulty even though it's the hardest of the easy FE games). There's also some errors like in the defend chapters reinforcements will stop coming which makes since in lower difficulties but would be good to add to higher ones. The requirements for 19xx could be toned down a notch but I'd be afraid that they would mess with the other Gaidens which are perfectly fine. Four Updates: they could update the music, GBA music is nice and all but could be improved quite a bit, and regardless of intelligence system messing up the remake I would enjoy a remastered soundtrack for the game quite a bit. The visuals have aged well but could still be updated it be really awesome if they didn't make it a 3-D style and chose to do it as stylized updated 2-D style so they could preserve the animations, but I wouldn't mind them going all out in 3-D. There's also various convenience updates they could make to menus and so forth, FE 7 menus are pretty good but they're not as good as the 3DS entries and the menus are constantly improving over the games so those would definitely be nice. Really if FE 7 gets the same treatment that they are giving to Gaiden (which looks incredibly faithful) right now I wouldn't mind a remake at all the quality-of-life updates would be awesome. That being said I want FE 4, 5, and 6 before any of the US released games get a remake. They need it a lot more and I would love to be able to legitimately purchase any of them.
  19. My last two sessions have been flipping repeats in their entirety, the only new thing I got was one 4 star Oboro. So infuriating especially since orbs of become even rarer.
  20. Azura: "How did he get out of that alive?" Corrin: "Because I Support him I've been caring magical grip creators with me just in Kaze." Matthew: "I hate to be that Guy but you Lowen me, I know that might Erk you but I want you to Harken unto me and remember that one time I Serra with you. Now I know that you like to Kent to yourself and that's and that it's Vaida to your Health and keeps you Sain, but you're coming with me. You might think this is blackmail but I assure you this is all perfectly Legault and for this we Nino court. So before you Dart Farina away and say to Hector with this I am going to Florina (sounds a bit like Florida), know their Wil always be the same Renault my Hawkeyes Wil always see you, I will Geitz you, you'll never be able to Wallace, and will never get Jaffar. Now Nils before me and let go your Pent up rage before you make yourself look like a Dorcas lest you invoke my Rath upon you and I hit you with my Batre. So on my Marcus Louise the kraken because I Oswin" I fit at more then half of the FE 7 cast in there (I missing like seven characters whose name is don't do well with puns). I may try to find a way to get the rest in lol.
  21. If you want to break the game If you don't want to break the game Don't over-rely on pre-promotes but do use them they're very useful in every FE game, it is a common fallacy they you should never use them don't fall into this trap. In awakening especially if you're using second seals there's absolutely no reason not to use them as they allow for infinite level ups. The rest of my opinion is best learned by experience mostly just positioning and so forth. Since you seem to be doing grinding I don't need to give you a unit advice you can use whoever the heck you want, just make sure you concentrate on a single team of people do not level up everyone.
  22. I think I'll add it again because you missed it 8-1 is definitely the prologue of awakening The Verge of History.
  23. No idea but I hope we get more than the current pathetic number of Blazing Blade characters we have... of course I want the developers to include other continents like Judgral and Tellius first but I would appreciate it if they come back and add a couple more Blazing Blade characters (making sure none of them are Sain just to annoy Anna) so we at least close same amount as Binding Blade. Though I really just want more Elibe characters in general because I'm greedy. so even more Blinding Blade would work me.
  24. Well we can get people like Athos for Forblaze, I also I wonder if they plan on putting people like Briammond and St. Elimine in the game otherwise why not give Sophia or Raigh Apocalypse or are they just saving it for when they add Niime, also there's no light magic at least that I've seen (besides technically Aura) in the game as of yet so I do wonder what they'll do if things like the Book of Naga and Aureola? I know none of the Elibe legendary weapons are assigned to anyone but they do have likely holders Parthia isn't assigned to Jeorge yet he still has it. So I think it's a missed opportunity if they avoid all the non assigned legend weapon for this stupid reason. Because only like 5 of them are assigned (Eliwood, Hector, Roy, and Athos, I suppose Lyn if Sol Katti counts have actual assigned ones) outside of including actual legends like Braimmond we would lose the legendary Bow, Lance and Dark & Light magic.
  25. Chapter 5-2 is Chapter 10 of Shadow Dragon titled Princess Minerva. I think at least just the interior portion if it is. She joins in Chapter 18 The Sable Order Edit: Chapter 8-2 is Chapter 13 of Awakening titled Of Sacred Blood Chapter 8-4 is Paralogue 17 of Awakening titled The Threat of Silence. Edit 2: Chapter 8-1 is the Prologue of Awakening, Verge of History (it took side by comparisons to figure that one out).
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