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Everything posted by TheInternetExplorer

  1. I think all my votes will go to Hrid. I'd vote for L!Lucina, but I doubt she stands a chance against L!Azura.
  2. Don't really care for Duma, but wow his art is great. Hopefully this means Idunn for March's Mythic.
  3. It's the only gacha I play without long ass load times and is playable in portrait mode Seeing my favorite characters in different outfits Simple and mostly satisfying gameplay A story with decent potential (even if they're not taking full advantage of it) Fandom
  4. Mainly voting for Micaiah. Brave Micaiah wielding Alondite or Ragnell and Alondite plz. I'll probably drop some votes for Alfonse too. Sadly, he has no chance getting anywhere near top 10. On the other hand, Thrasir has a scarily good chance of placing high despite having no actual character yet.
  5. Calling it now: Nailah will offer to make Summoner-kun king of Hatari. plz don't IS
  6. All the Legendary Heroes (minus Ryoma and Lyn) Book 2 finally ending 10/12 summer units (sorry Innes and Cordelia?) Helbindi, Laegjarn, and Ylgr being interesting/fun characters Brave Veronica Hel, Lif, and Thrasir's designs Tempest Trials being the only interesting storyline Lewyn Heroic Grails The potential Book 3 is bringing (watch IS ruin it)
  7. Going to be totally honest here, I'm kind of okay with Helbindi dying. Remember he was apparently enthusiastic killing Niflians during the invasion, so there was basically no way he was going to be forgiven if he survived, even if he did save Ylgr and Veronica. Laegjarn's death was pointless. The whole "giving herself to the flames" thing should at least given her a power boost, or some new artwork. Her sacrifice for Laevatein is meh, as of right now. Obviously they can remedy this a little by bringing Laevatein back in a future story arc so we see her growth. totally not biased because her design is tied with Helbindi as my favorite and I want to see her character grow One of the biggest narrative disappointments of this chapter was how Veronica didn't really learn anything. I was so excited to see what else she would do when she showed her growth and opposed Surtr, but even though her interactions with Ylgr were cute, she didn't really gain anything from these last few chapters.
  8. 1. Official Academy 2. Royal Witchcraft 3. Water Supply 4. Royal Dormitory 5. No (5 mil is tempting though)
  9. Yo those stats have 3 digits! Looks like we're going to statcreep RD and Awakening.
  10. Looks good imo. MU can run around the base. (hopefully it works better than SoV dungeon crawling) Soldiers fighting with you make it seem more like a war instead of your elite 10 man team. Worldbuilding. If they can keep kids out and make S-supports work well with the characters/story, this could be my favorite FE.
  11. Been playing Tales of the Rays. It's not perfect [glares at WW ignoring reruns] but I really like that it implements the crossover characters into the main story. Wish IS would at least learn that.
  12. Oh wow, I haven't looked at this thread in forever. @Sire I dropped F/GO NA and gave my account to someone on Reddit.
  13. I'm still proud of Alfonse for not only staying in top 20 males, but for beating Fjorm and Sharena in total votes. I hope we'll get more frequent story updates so that the writers can get Veronica on our side before August.
  14. Anyone should be able to deal the final blow, and then Ike can get the last hit in the cutscene.
  15. Boots. Maybe with something like "can only be used by non-dancer infantry"
  16. Never? That's disappointing. I still expect them to get in, but I hope they're not competing with their elder brothers.
  17. @Jedi Have the Warriors games ever had a "two characters in one" kind of thing? I was thinking about how Sakura and Elise could get in, and this came to my mind. It would make them different from Takumi and Leo as well.
  18. I'm gonna be the weird one and main Rowan and Lianna as much as possible in story mode. After the first playthrough, I'll check out the others.
  19. I dropped a 10 roll and 6 tickets on the Gil gacha and got a K-scope for my efforts. Sorry Gil, you're not really worth it in the long run.
  20. Yup. Planning on joining the train unless.... Anyone know if Lachesis won her match?
  21. Team Elise pulled through wtf. And those 500 feathers could've gotten me to 20k dammit!
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