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False Prophet

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Everything posted by False Prophet

  1. So what is your opinion on any schism? Anyone here is a Restorationist? Anyway, the situation in Vietnam is pretty bizarre. I wouldn't say that it's purely Historical Revisionist, but the common history books skim a number of events that make the Communist Party looks bad (for example, there is not a single word about the 1964 Brinks Hotel Bombing even thought there is a tablet of memorial at the site.) The Geneva convention was implied as being violated by both side, however.) That, and the personal-cult of Uncle Ho, which had decreased in the last few years. I don't know if things are the same in China. Also, why we are at it, are there any philosophical aim to history revisionist - I means, not to make a specific thought system look bad?
  2. A song worth to die for being sang by a voice worth to live for - That is all I can say.
  3. Since the contest is over, I posted this story on Fanfiction.net with minor changes due to the localization.
  4. Congratulation comes first! It's glad to see that the winners get what they truly deserved for all the hard work! And the forum staff, too, for light up the whole community! Oh, if you're done with the Hall of Fame, when shall the "Hall of Shame" be posted - A.K.A good works that did not make it?
  5. My work is "For the Living", and like everyone else here, I have a lot to gripe about. 1. It's too cryptic: It's a problem with all of my shorts. I always want to convey a bit of symbolism and mystic into my work, but the result ends up as too incomprehensible every time. I'd say that I have a problem with distribution: I give too much description but too little explanation; and even so, I couldn't evoke much of the imagination of the readers to "fill the void". Also, like I has said before, because this work is extracted and modified from a bigger story of mine (basically chronicallized and merged all three routes into a coherence story), its context is left much in the shadow, To sum it up, I wanted an equivocal work, and instead got an abstruse one. 2. It's too prolix: I write this story, like many other of mine, in a "snapshot" style - that is, individual scenes that would only be linked together in the last part of the story. However, as said earlier, the story is very much connected to my unfinished epic, so many parts of this structure are quite redundant from the standpoint of a standalone story. For example, Meldorn's comment points out that the conversation between Soleil, Caeldori and Ophelia is a major distraction and doesn't make much sense; a point which I agree wholeheartedly - I have to rewritten the talk two time, each of them would had led to extremely different courses of the story. My desire to include everything is largely to be blamed. On the writing itself (and I'm surprised that no one has pointed it out yet), it's too monotonous and too rosy. For some paragraphs, like the fight between Ryoma and Xander, the purple prose works just fine; however, others require to be very clear and colloquial, something that I failed. 3. It was written without the audience in mind: I admit it, I has high hope for the story and intend to participate into the competition for the prize; however, because I was very much writing for myself, it failed. (You may recognize this is the real culprit to the above two flaws.) No, it doesn't mean that I'm criticizing the voters, but this failure gives a lot of food for thought. The fact that not many of us are familiar with the story of Fates and avoiding the spoilers by all mean possible should had been taken into account; as well as how a lengthy (6000 words) story might discourage the members who had little time to check out dozens of entries. I believe in the merits of "Art for the People", and if I want my future projects to make an impact on the readers, I should really get to know them first. On the other hand, I'm extremely happy with how the event as a whole has been going on. Everyone is so polite, honest and helpful - If you have wandered between so many game forums, you would extremely appreciate those qualities. It means that we are a mature fandom. Maybe I should try my luck for the next year. How much does everyone want to know what happened to Azel and Tailto after the Battle of Belhalla?
  6. Can anyone please explain to me the important of this year's Super Tuesday? I kind of get the general idea, but fail to see how critical it's really be, especially for this particular race.
  7. That sounds really harsh, especially to ears of a hopeful-writer like me. But hey, why should you or me stop writing? At the very least, like Anne Frank had said: "I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn." I can not say that literature is either more important to the author or the reader, but I do know that the act itself is a soothing and meaningful experience. And, you do have someone to receive advice from! P/S: Now my story ("For the Living") has five votes! Bye-bye the dream of the 3DS, but I'm nevertheless graceful for your supports! Maybe I should plan for next year. If they organize something like this again.
  8. You're spot on! I also don't like the part with Soleil, Matoi and Ophelia - I'd have removed it if not for the end of the story calls for an explanation on how did Soleil get pregnant. (In the original, Shigure asked Hana - Corrin's concubine/second wife to take the throne, while he himself traveled to the realm of the divine dragon. But going with that ending would make the work an even bigger quagmire.) Oh, and the praises shouldn't fall solely on me. I did asked two of my good friends from the fanfiction.net community to proofread it, both of them are highly accomplished writers of their own: SuperiorDimwit and Wavehawk00
  9. In fact, I'd be extremely graceful if you do that! Can you tell me where is the problem? I'm also not very satisfy with the quality of the work (it was written down in less than a day, too haste for my pace). Thank you! The short version: After the battle with Anakos, Corrin was killed in a moment of carelessness by the dragon in his last breath. By his request, he was put on a leaked boat and left to be submerged into a certain lake (where Aqua should had suicided there) The story deals mainly with how his comrades and family deal with the death of a close one. In the end, everyone moves on, with different levels of difficulty - especially his children. The italic part on the start of the story is when everybody surrounded Corrin's body, while Kanna went berserk. Shigure used Yato to stop his sister, and succeeded; however, the sword rejected him outright. (It's the Lunar New Year in Vietnam, so what is better to write about the triumphant of life? Specifically, it was written around the date of the Vernal Commences/beginning of spring in the lunar calendar.) There are some parts (e.g Aqua and Flora live, the latter even married Jakob, e.t.c) that may come as unfamiliar to you. That is because this work is extracted and modified from a bigger story of mine (basically chronicallized and merged all three routes into a coherence story). So yes, the story has another layer of inherent cryptic beside the author's intention,
  10. ...No vote for me... (Crushed by despair) ...Anyway, there seems to be a huge gap between the contestants: There are those over 30 or 40, and others less than 10.
  11. No, not really. Just the tidbits that you can read pretty much everywhere online.
  12. The premise is simple, but if you put it in the context, it makes an impact for the story..
  13. The writing shows potential, but I think there are more that could had been done with the arrangement and the pacing.
  14. Glad you like it! But the "Labyrinth of Life" thing isn't a reference to Persona Q, if anyone come to think like that.
  15. Like I said before, this idea is still very vague. In the case it becomes an initiative, we will have to make a poll to decide which blade to recommend,
  16. The decision doesn't rest solely on me. If Serene Forest members are into this together, I think we'll have to make a poll. However, you're partly correct. I'm kind of afraid that Omega Yato is too intricate for they to make in a short period of time, and they post a new video in every two weeks.
  17. Some of us must be familiar with Man at Arms: Reforged, an Internet show about forging replica of exotic fictional weapons. They are the one who forged Falchion back in 2013. So, IMHO, why shouldn't we request him to forge Yato? Given, I'm not really sure how to do it (they seem to count the number of comment on their youtube videos and facebook page, and some have made requests through videos); but if a lot of us write a request at about the same time, there is a chance that our voice will be heard. The idea is still very vague in my head, so I want to hear all of your opinions of this!
  18. Why haven't I recognized this sooner? Corrin's dragonstone is given to him by Azura, right? So first, where did she get that? Or Kanna's stone? And more importantly, if memory serves me right, isn't FE6 hinted that Dragonstone is a crystallized form of individual Manakete's unique power - a self (the process that Lilth and Anakos "heart" were born can be described as similar)? So does that make Corrin's power simply "borrowed", just like Tiki with any other dragonstone beside her divine one? (However, In the video of chapter 5 released a few days ago, Aqua said "... This Dragonstone is attuned to you..." That may denies my above theory.) Also, since this continent only has one type of Divine Dragon, so it doesn't matter that much? Then how did many dragonstones show up here? Does this mean this land was once roamed by a lot more Manakete than today? Finally, a penny for the thought: If Manakete in this continent can not craft their own dragonstone, then in the case when all "natural" stone is lost and a "plague" similar to the one in Akenia (the same that infected Anakos) that makes all dragon goes mad, what will happen? Since there aren't none "pure" blooded Manakete any more beside Lilth after Anakos is killed, there maybe a silver chance that Corrin's descendant will have enough human blood to make them unable to transform, or at least keeping them sane (for a longer period of time).
  19. Don't know if anyone has posted about this, but when I played Eliwood's tale (I paired him with Fiora), this is what I came across: And this isn't the only one. In Raven's tale, part 2, Heath said in his conversation with Priscilla: "garantee" instead of "guarantee"
  20. Haven't we already got Lodestar and Great Lord already ? (Which, I admit, are the least favorite of mine.) I'm still waiting for anyone, I mean, ANYONE, who has the bright idea of making a Halberdier DLC. Anyway, if Lucina is included, Robin will definitely tag along - which isn't that great unless they take their time and flesh out a lot of the materials.
  21. Makes sense. And I suppose that I'm an aerial player now, thanks to Awakening. Usually an arrowhead formation with Dark Flier (Gale Force) and Wyvern Lord. Also, is it me or do Pair up and stacked Rally also push the pace?
  22. One thing I notice during my playthrough of Fates is that it feel a lot less restrained compare to older titles. I admit that I'm a very cautious and orthordox - moving the army as a big mass, baiting, etc. It's no wonder my turn count of 6, 7 and 8 all exceeded 300. But with Fates, the pace is much more faster. I usually divided my army into two for princer attack and moving them all around the map, something that I'd had never done. Does this mean the game now focused on individual, powerful units? To me, it isn't - I care even less for stats than I used to (which was already minimal). Not to mention that there is no weapon durability. I don't have to worry about sequence of attack anymore. So why did this happen? Is it because of the map (I did the same in FE4), world map, calculation, reclassing, or?
  23. Continue Rank and file: Organized into provisional regiments, each station in a specific domain. Every village is expected to provide a specific number of young men (in feudal Vietnam, it's usually 1-in-5. Don't know about the other countries, though.) It's like modern compulsary duty, but the men spend most of their life still working on the fields - combat drill courses are organized regularly after a specific number of time. As Hoshido military itself can't and don't want to cross the border (extended marching and long periods away from home can dwindled any conscript). That means it's a fully defesive forces, fighting on its own ground. Guerilla warfare always favors those of the natives that can supply themselves, organized into irregular (but not unorganized) forces that can be set up as easily as to disperse. An arguable point, because of Birthright scenario. I'd say that their resistace failed after a short time is, not because that they didn't know how to fight as guerillars, but because most of they don't have good leadership to begin with. Cordinating, while very important with an unified army, is crucial between various small groups. That is because of the imperial Japanese military structure has, unlike very few and elite officers - the top tail of the ability distribution (cognitively and physically), and trained in an extremely demanding academy. First- and second-line leaders were invariably NCOs, promoted into leadership positions (and trained for those positions) based on ability and proven performance. This mean the government couldn't made an organized resistance by dispersing its officers into the rural areas, because their aren't enough. If you're lucky, there will be one or two retired soldiers in your village. But putting the responsibility solely on the hands of the farmers isn't good enough, as between villages there will always be bad blood (for example, Ninja originated from Iga because various conflcts between villages fighting for the sparse flatlands between the mountains.)
  24. It's confimed to me: The story pace is going to be even slower than P4. Expect a lot of romcom.
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