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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. And here I thought it was obvious that I was being serious. However it doesn't excuse the treatment I have recieved, even if by my own actions I am percieved as less than my actual age by others who are likely supposed to be my age or older that are themselves acting much younger than they should be.

    Why is it that no one reads sarcasm properly?

  2. In that regard, no. And frankly I don't care because people tend to say whatever they want about me regardless of what I say or how I act.

    And to the effect of how Walheart and Cervantes treat the bloke, I saw it as putting an underling in their place, not what you're implying. Same with Aversa. It really didn't come to my attention because I was busy focusing on other things, like defeating said cahracters. Not focusing on throw away lines like that.

  3. Which leave Stahl!Kjelle looking for her final class. I think I've yet to work out Lon'qu!Owain's final class as well, although his paired up with Frederick!Cynthia who will be a lancefaire falcon knight, so I'll assume that she'll need either a speed boost or something that will dish out a lot of damage.

  4. I believe what he means is:

    Stahl as Sniper, Sully as whatever you prefer (presumably BK or WL, as high-Mov strong classes), with Sully leading and having Deliverer. Gets you a very high-Mov unit when Sully leads, with the option of switching to Stahl and sniping when you have them in a good position.

    Ah, I see, although Sully doesn't have Bow Knight, she has Great Knight as a reclass option.

  5. One game that really handled a silent protagonist avatar character well, and that a lot of people have said the next FE should mimic if Avatars continue to be a thing, is Xenoblade Chronicles X. The Avatar character in that game is silent and completely inconsequential to the main plotline, but is still effectively used as a placeholder that the player can insert into, kind of like a mix of Mark from FE7 and Kris from FE12.

    That's one issue I've had with both Robin and Corrin. They're supposed to be player avatars to insert into, but I can't insert myself into either Robin or Corrin's shoes because they're both too much of their own characters with their own established personalities.

    I kind of wished that they'd done that now...or potentially used the "pokemon trainer" like character; while they do have some impact on the plot (stopping the evil team of the game with the help of other characters) they don't have any dialogue what so ever. I think that would have worked best. It would have made Corrin seem less stupid by a long shot.

  6. I'm not sure if I said this before but Corrin/Kamui is the worst player character compared to Robin. I'm sure that's been said before and by others...

    Anyway to me at least, Robin has the least player worship; better customization (in some cases and even if Robin can't be fully customisable, you can still make your own avatar using them as a base which is what I did ironically enough) and doesn't have to be in every chapter if you don't want them to. Of course they're not entirely perfect and could have done with even less character worship then what we saw in Awakening and some better supports (Chrom and F!Robin, Lon'qu and F!Robin come to mind for the english version at least).

    Corrin however ruins everything Robin set out to achieve and then some. The amount of player worship is too much and I would have rathered a second Robin...not...whatever Kamui is because it ain't Robin.

  7. Metagame's loosest definition is the game outside the game. Ideas planned in advance before doing anything (in your listed examples, LoL lane setups, picks and bans, etc.).

    Apo can be seen as a similar structure. Top/Jungle/Mid/ADC/Support relative to Combat Pairs/Snipers/Rally/Rescue Bots. We use knowledge outside the game to apply what we think to be the best solution to something. In LoL terms for lane setups, it would be the best solution for 5 players having only access to 4 [good] sources of income.

    For in game? I like keeping Sully in her high movement classes. I don't particularly like Myrmidon on her even though the skills from there can be really nice. If it's for L+, you can disregard that;I don't think there's a reasonable answer.

    Normal casual and I have already done a fair bit of grinding with them, Stahl and Sully are ready to finish up while Kjelle has a fair bit to go.

  8. Your posts imply otherwise of your opinion of Fates.

    Source? Unless you can provide a link or something, and it's reliable, Nintendo's Australian Fates site will remain the most reliable source on the price tag, and it says ~112 Australian dollars for all three versions.

    I'm just going to say having a conversation between people with some form of animosity between them without a mod/third party present to prevent any form of escalation is incredibly risky. I've had to be a third party to keep people calm multiple times, and have seen logs of conversation escalation without one (for the sake of the privacy of the individuals in question, these won't be shard here).

    Well it was a while ago on EB Games (which ironically enough is the only game store in town for me) and they quoted 200+ AUD, that has since changed because Fates has been released as well as dropping as the release date came closer.

    Yeah it can be a risk, but it was how I sorted out an issue with someone else previously, but I can see where it can go wrong.

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