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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. I'd say that telling the ages of the characters is difficult at the very least. We can guess at them sure, but asside from Chrom being 19 pre timeskip (assumed based on the reading I have done on the subject) before Lucina is born there isn't much else that we have to go on. I would assume that Ricken would be at least 16 but he's physically small for his age perhaps, or he could be as old as Lissa (but still small for his age the poor bloke).

  2. Gerome: DSup+ is your natural choice from Cherche, as that's the only valuable skill she gets that he can't. Stahl can pass anything you like, but Dual Guard+ and Discipline are both good choices to speed up levelling.

    Gaius!Noire: Sol and Counter are your main choices. If you don't care about Apo, Counter can be marginally useful, otherwise Sol is the clear winner.

    Mari!Luci!Morgan: Despoil is definitely an option, esp. if you hate grinding for cash. However, especially if you plan to go Sorcerer, a better long-term plan might be Wrath, taking advantage of the VVW combo. Not required, but if you definitely don't care about Axefaire, Wrath is probably the next-most-valuable skill from a pure numbers standpoint.


    The thing is I would never use wrath/vantage/vengence because I would hate to have Morgan (or anyone else for that matter) in a low HP position. There is too much of a risk that they could get killed, even if all goes to plan. Still it is a viable set, just not what I would use as it doesn't suit my playstyle. I'm a bit more of a cautious tactician by nature.

    I believe that dual support+ is the only skill that's worth while to get for Gerome for memory. Which means that there will be some more grinding for Cherche and Gaius. At least I won't have to do too much grinding for what it's worth.

    Yeah, Priam has decent modifiers for a first-gen Str unit (3,-2,1,0,0,2,-2); the 0 Spd/2 Def is meh, but not bad. The thing is, though, if you use Vaike!Gerome, you get (effectively) the child of Vaike, Cherche, and the Avatar, plus the usual +1 to all stats for being a child (note that this part is NOT doubled for being a "3rd gen" unit). So Vaike!Gerome!Morgan, if you have a +Str Avatar, is by far the highest Str cap you can get: 3+3+4+1 = 11 Str, which is borderline ridiculous. You can get something similar for (say) Spd by doing Lon'qu!Yarne!Morgan with a +Spd asset, getting an 11 Spd cap (though this may be wasteful in the end).

    By the way, if you want to play around with numbers for modifiers and such on child characters, just go to here: http://serenesforest...stats/complete/ It's a calculator with full modifier values for all characters. Lets you clearly see exactly what you get for any given (valid) combo of characters. That way, you don't have to brute force the stuff!

    I pretty much used the serenes calculator to get an idea of what numbers to expect for the children.

    Yeah, Chrom!Cynthia comes across a little....yeah. She means well. I sort of get the feeling that she was one of the youngest of the children, young enough that she doesn't really remember her parents at all, and that this may have been compounded by arriving relatively "late" compared to the rest of the kids. (See, for example, how Lucina was originally the oldest of the children by multiple years, but Laurent surpasses her because he arrived 2-3 years before she did and has thus been waiting around for like five years.) If she had only arrived a couple of weeks prior, for example, she may now be five years or more younger than Lucina or Laurent. We also don't know precisely how the time-travel process works; it seems to have given Morgan permanent amnesia, so it's possible that it messed with Cynthia's head as well.

    Your first reason is absolutely why I love FeMU!Lucina. I already think Lucina is a fantastic character narratively, so making her literally the best, most versatile unit in the army is wonderful. (If more authors would write awesome female characters like her, I would be 110% in favor of that.) I do quite like Ignis on her, as well. Part of the reason you see it proc more often is that it uses Skl% instead of (Skl/2)% like Aether does--Aether happens half as often but is twice the boost so it evens out.

    Well now, that is something I didn't consider, it might actually be true...O.O

    I had forgotten about the pecentage activation for aether and ignus. It makes sense then that one would be used more than the other and with limitbreaker applied...well, get ready for the awesome shenanigans :XD:

    Honestly, the difference between S and A rank supports really isn't particularly dramatic: 5% hit rate. Doesn't even affect the pair-up stat bonuses because those improve at A rank but not S. It matters more if you get DSup+ in there, which doubles support value; going from 8 support ranks to 10 is a difference of 5% hit and 5% avo. Obviously, if you can get the bigger bonus you should, but it's small time stuff for optimization purposes. (Of course, "small time" can still matter in Apo, especially if one is making other sub-optimal choices, but this is not the end of the world.)

    You can check Sumia's mods on the "Complete" stats link from above. They are: -2, 0, 2, 3, 0, -2, 1. The Avatar is the only character, AFAICT, who can get a +4 to any attribute, and I don't think the other characters neatly fall into categories of "asset" and "flaw" the way the Avatar does. The closest you can get to matching Sumia's mods is +Spd/-Mag or -Res, but even those don't line up for anything but Spd and Skl (both have approximately the same root mean square difference--1.89 vs. 2.03, meaning both are just about "two points off" on average from each stat, which is a crappy fit).

    Yeah I know I tried using the calculator to get as close as I could. Not easy I can tell you. It's almost like the IS wanted Robin to be the best 1st gen character just to make us have a headache about pairings! I suppose though it can make for some interesting combos.

  3. To TheSilentChloey. Well this is just me and what I would pass.

    For Stahl to Gerome, probably either Aegis or Astra if you're planning to make Gerome attack every now and then. Otherwise, if he's supporting, either Hit +20 or just anything is fine.

    For Gaius to Noire, this is just what I do... I'd just pass down Sol because Noire can't go to Hero Class.

    Lastly, uh I'm not sure you mean by Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan so I'm just going to guess. Maribelle should always pass down Galeforce even if you don't plan to use Brady as an attacker. Galeforce just nice to have otherwise Dual Support+ cause female only skill. Dual Support+ just gives you the extra Hit, Crit, Ddg and Avoid which is always nice to have. Same reason for Lucina is to just pass down Galeforce (assuming your Maribelle is married to Chrom). Any skill you give to your Morgan should be fine but Despoil only works if you kill them on your turn I think. If you're not lazy, give your female Morgan with Counter. It's pretty fun using Counter but otherwise, it's not necessary.

    Well those are what I would pass down to the children so hope this help you a little.

    Thanks for that :D:

    A side note, Lucina will always give F!Morgan aether regardless of who Lucina's mother is. I wanted Lucina to have reasonable magic and Galeforce so that's why I went with Maribelle as her mother. So Morgan would only be able to "get" a skill from her father. I was thinking of counter, axefaire or despoil, but given that Morgan won't have the best strength I decided that it was a toss up between counter or despoil. And I don't like using DLC to grind that much, so I think I'll go with despoil. At least for Morgan.

  4. What skills should I pass down for the following children



    and Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan

    I'm think of giving Morgan despoil (so I don't have to spend as much time on Golden Gaffe) simply because she's going to end up either DF or Sorcerer. Not sure about the other two children yet.

    Well sure. Lord+Archer+Cavalier is a great kit all by itself, GF just lets you make the most of it. Add in that you get either Sage or Myrmidon from the three non-Avatar GF moms, and you have a strong, versatile Lucina pretty much no matter what you do. And Chrom/Sumia is a common choice for good reasons, not simply because they have few spouse options; the fact that Cynthia gets Aether is among those reasons.

    I agree that it's not necessary to have Lucina as a second Morgan. The comment was technically made a little obliquely; I was more commenting on the use of FeMU x Priam, which doesn't give two Morgans. But since only Chrom can give you two Morgans with a female Avatar, it's kind of the only path if you prefer playing a female. And if you aren't going to go for two Morgans with a female Avatar, you almost certainly should go for marrying one of the male children to accrue more mods.

    It is probably better for Morgan to be the child of a second gen unit than Priam because more than likely the child character is going to have much better mods than Priam has which in turn will lead to a better Morgan. Depending of course on your avatar's asset and flaw of course. I did a test assuming a strength asset so take what I am saying with a grain of salt. Also I used Vaike because Radiant Head didn't have him listed as taken for this test on Gerome. I then compared Priam!Morgan to Vaike!Gerome!Morgan and the strength cap was in the double digits for Vaike!Gerome!Morgan. Plus Gerome is available much sooner than Priam which makes Morgan much easier to get/use. I then did a magic asset Ricken!Owain!Morgan and got a +9 cap for magic, but that was more out of curiousity than anything else.

    well in my experience, the only thing lucina needs that she's not getting from chrom is gaeforce, so i don't need her as a second morgan. cynthia having aether to me is way more valuable than morgan with rightful king. also lucina being able to s-support with morgan is hilariously game breaking.

    I tend to lean towards two "Morgans" than a Cynthia with aether for a few reasons, some of which might not apply so please take what I'm saying with a grain of salt.

    1. Lucina gets all of the skills she needs and more. Mostly Robin's main selling point is that she gives Lucina all gender permitting classes. Including Tactician, dark mage and mercenary (for Ignus shenanigans which my Lucina is very good at activating, more so than aether which I found to be uneccessary for my runs despite what it does) which none of Lucina's potential mothers can give (although Cordelia would have been able to give the latter two but that's with hacking)

    2. Chrom!Cynthia is a real idiot in a story sense. Anyone with half a brain in their head knows what I mean here and it doesn't help Cynthia's character

    3. Lucina/Morgan shenanigans are still just as game breaking even without the S-Supoort. To my knowledge and having experence with several runs with the pair as siblings I can make a fairly accurate call here.

    4. I don't like Cythia with blue hair. (Purely on asethics for this reason so anyone can disagree on that but this is a deal breaker for me)

    5. Lucina's lines have more impact and meaning in a story sense to me with Robin as Lucina's mother. (I read the script for all of Lucina's potential mothers and Robin's impacted me more)

    6. Lucina can gain better mods from the avatar than Sumia. I tested that. With each potential flaw and asset applied. Including my more common choices. (I still haven't worked out Sumia's flaw just yet, but even with a -skl avatar with +spd gives Lucina a 1 point advantage over Sumia!Lucina)

    They're just a few of the reasons. I didn't want want to make the post too long.

  5. I'll answer this. ;):

    Lon'qu starts off without his amazing sword rank, and instead of inheriting Astra, gets Deliverer (which is more for support than anything) and Lancebreaker (would be great if he didn't already have WTA). The Strength +2 is okay, and maybe Tantivity? Still, he's got better class options. I just chose the funniest one.

    I see. Thank you! :D:

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