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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. As someone who has only played Awakening and Fates I don't have much nouse on the older Fire Emblem games. I will say this though:

    What I saw in Fates was Severa get more character development which she desperately needed, Inigo was made tolerable and Owain...well he didn't get as lucky as the other two but we got to see him be a father which was nice. The out right copy characters, Rhajat, Asugi and Caeldori while seemingly their own characters recycle a lot of their awakening counter parts gimmicks which while Rhajat isn't anywhere near as annoying as Tharja, Asugi and Caeldori are the more annoying ones to me at least...(haven't read enough supports of those two yet).

    To be honest Rhajat sort of makes some sense because she has a reason to stalk the Avatar now (as the Avatar saved her life) and if her classic death quote is anything to go by gives a very good reasoning to Tharja's obcession with Robin (however Robin doubtless had nothing to do with earning that obcession).

    I don't mind recurring characters as long as they get either more character development or have a very good reason for being in the story in the first place.

  2. Friend, I hate to tell you this, but when it was used, I (from the outside perspective of this entire... "debate") felt as though it was used in a demeaning context. For future reference, I'd suggest either not using it, or instead considering every possible way your words may be perceived. I know I personally have a habit of jumping the gun a bit in a heated conversation. Just try to be more considerate with what you're saying and ideally provide reasons and examples for your opinions right off the bat. Otherwise conversations like this will arise time and again and people will ultimately come to hate one-another on differing opinions for very little reason.

    Alright then, I will. Thanks :D:

  3. From personal experience the terms can either be meant sincerely, which is usually the case for friends, a significant other or from parents to their children. Alternatively it's used sarcastically which appears to be the context she's used when addressing you.

    No it's not sarcasm in the way I intended it. I was trying to be nice actually, but hey since when was that a good idea?

  4. Here's the thing: You went on a full on ship war by calling characters bitches for theoretical things.

    You called Cynthia a bitch for being Sumia's daughter. On something as insignificant as a story inconsistency. The same thing Morgan is guilty of as Lucina's sister. That's extreme. It is nothing short of childish.

    Not to mention having the need to paint other potential partners of a person as a cheating, uncaring choice.

    What I said weren't personal attacks. It's a description of what you were doing during those posts.

    I will apologize for being harsh. However, you seem to have the idea that your hatemongering behavior is somehow encouraged in the fandom.

    If you took the time to read stuff you put in spoilers, the things you say over *pairings* of all things, are more extreme than anything I said that insulted you.

    You have a right to your opinions. But I also have the right to call out those opinions when its basis is something extremely petty. You're insulting a character for daring to exist. You're insulting a character as a bitch for daring to be a character's possible daughter. You were insulted at the thought of a character having Chrom's blue hair. You hated her for being called "Pega-Pony Princess".

    Like, how big of an offense is that? Is that really so grave a sin?

    Unfortunately, I can't make you see that. You'll just have to see it on your own.

    And I hasten to point out you were the one insulting me sweetie. And I will repeat my point. I don't mind Cynthia or Sumia, I don't hate the whole "Pega Pony Princess" thing, what I don't like about it is that Cynthia uses it to prove who her father is specifically when it's Chrom, which if you swallowed your fucking pride you would have seen what I had to say about it in detail (mostly that there are other more reliable methods she could have used). Way to put words into my mouth much.

    If you can't take someone giving their opinions and result to petty name calling then you only have yourself to blame dear when they decide to put you in your place. White knight Sumia and Cynthia all you like, I don't care because I am past the point of caring about what you say since the disagreement over my opinions on Fates. You have drawn this out with every oppertunity that you've had and now you're just looking to milk it for what it's worth. Sorry darling, but this is indeed the end of the argument. A shame that you couldn't be civil and leave me to my own opinion instead of being so childish because I "insulted" your waifus.

  5. *snip*

    Are you looking for an arguement dear? Because that was just plain insulting *shakes head* and really makes you look horrible.

    Especially since what I've mostly put here is first playthrough bias/first thoughts I get about the characters in general. And to be truthful I don't mind Sumia, I just don't like the fact that she constanly belittles herself in most of her supports (With Robin, Frederick and Henry if I remember correctly, not counting Gaius and Chrom because she doesn't do it in those two) and that is the same reason that I don't particularly like Olivia, although in Olivia's case it was in game and in supports and she only got better once I got to the supports where she wasn't insulting herself and reclassed her a bit before making her a dancer again but even so, I don't use her that much.

    Mosly due to the fact that I was terrible at Fire Emblem to begin with and most of the characters I ended up using were the ones that had the jump on others (Cordelia, Henry, F!Robin, Lucina, Chrom and maybe Frederick), plus I kinda killed Tharja in my first run as well as Gaius. If you want my full and honest answers about where each character stands feel free to ask that, but I would actually need some time to get it all down properly because I am kind of a special needs person myself :(:.

    I know that I am treading on a lot of toes but I'm one to do that on occassion and can't really help it again because I'm a little special.

    Although in this case it is because no one is calling Cynthia on the stupidity of working out if Chrom's her father or not. Other than that Cynthia is fine and without the self belittling of Sumia I can apreciate why people like her.

  6. Chrom

    I think it's pretty obvious, but I will say it here, Chrom is my husbando...and while I HATE his supports with F!Robin, they do make the best in game couple (Robin having more screen time than any other wife that Chrom may have). Chrom is litterally one of my most used units and rarely fails me when I need him the most. He does seem flat to some people but overall I love Chrom. He's a good father for Morgan and Lucina :D:


    How Corrin/Kamui should have been done, perhaps toned down a bit, but still. Robin and Morgan are litterally the best units in Awakening, so there is that going for them.


    Kill the fucking thing with fire. I hate Grima with a passion...at least until Annakos took his place as most hated, but that's just how it is for the bad guys.

  7. Hmm... that could explain it, but I thought Sumia died along with Chrom and the others fighting Grima? Maybe it's not explicetly stated, although Cynthia must've been at least like 5 when Sumia died since she remembers being given her mother's Pegasus (Cynthia/Sumia A Support).

    Which makes Cynthia even WORSE to not remember her father!!

    Yeah but that still doesn't excuse the fact that even with your hate for Sumia, her having an affair is extremely out of character.

    I don't hate Sumia, I dislike her. Please do not put words into my mouth.

  8. I'll post my opinion later but I have to say something

    What the fuck? Are you really letting your otp bias get in the way and imply, without backup, that Sumia had an affair on Chrom?

    What the fuck? That's pretty heavy handed with no backup, and you can say "oh headcanon" but that doesn't excuse the fact you're implying, again, Sumia cheated on Chrom for Cynthia making a mistake.

    Hey I said what I thought might have happened, not that it actually did. You must realise that it was only a thought, besides if Chrom is Cynthia's father one would think she'd be at the very least told what he looked like.

  9. Lon'qu

    As a unit Lon'qu is usually one of my best units in the game. He's decent as a character and does have some aright supports.


    Most of what I feel about her is bland. Her death was made cheep by the fact that she was recruitable.


    I hated this guy at first, but then I ended up feeling sorry for him enough to recruit him. He's a fairly decent unit.


    A good solid unit with nice supports I don't mind him


    [spoiler=Read at your own peril because it's going to hurt!]

    While I don't mind Cynthia, there are a few things that need to be said about this little bitch.

    First is that she looks HIDEOUS with Chrom's hair to me. No ifs buts or maybes it makes her look terrible. Second is that if she is Chrom's daughter she doesn't even know who her father is and ANYONE can call her "Pega Pony Princess" so that is no way to tell if he's her father or not, (personally I think that Sumia went and had an affair with someone else when Chrom left Ylisse to deal with Grima)! Now if Cynthia had have asked to see Chrom's Mark of Naga that would have made sense, and I could have accepted that but that she says for him to call her "Pega Pony Princess" just doesn't work out.


    She's a good unit has nice supports and makes me laugh at times.


    Where's my Mire tome?! Seriously this guy pissed me off and not in the right way.


    The most pathetic villian that ever existed he was the man I'd love to crit to death...he has no redeeming qualities at all.

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