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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. How about you just follow the game and do what pairings you want and screw the "cannon" because in the end you make your own "cannon". Put whoever you feel works best for YOU.

    On that note I am going to second Not_The_NSA with Olivia being one of Robin's worst wives.

    Go for Lucina instead of Olivia it'll make F!Morgan stronger and Lucina'll benefit from M!Robin's support bonuses more than Olivia.

  2. So after what has been a lot of effort and though I have decided that for the sake of all that is holy I am going to update with another part of the playthrough. And Vaike is now a hero after much level growth and Maribelle growing a lot more as well. Brady won't be top of the pack like Lucina, but Severa will have her training partner at last. So yes I am going for Brady.

    [spoiler=Chloey's Awakening Rules]Now I know that a lot of people who may or may not be following my plathrough will be asking questions. And I have some important answers for you all as well. A lot of people are probably guessing at classes etc but I'll lay it out here so we're all on the same page. This simply ties into my personal rules for Fire Emblem Awakening. Here is the list of rules that I have for myself I've found:

    1~Only use a master seal once. Second seal as much as you like to get all base classes before going to a promoted class

    2~Chrom and his wife take second and master seal priority, everyone else must wait

    3~Achieve S-Rank as fast as possible

    4~DO NOT MARRY CHROM TO SUMIA in any playthrough

    5~Try not to have anyone (allies included) die

    6~Anyone on spotpass who says "You'd better run!" must be fought and killed by the Avatar, Chrom, Lucina or Morgan.

    7~Always marry MaMu to Lucina

    8~DLC is your best friend

    9~Always go cavalier for characters that can to pick up discipline

    10~Everyone who can get galeforce must have said skill learnt/equiped

    So this is how I playing currently. I will be doing a normal classic run in the future if and when I stop losing units on DLC, the main game and risen skirmishes (not happening unless I can improve). Then and only then will I go to hard mode...and that will be a different Chloey by that time. At least I hope so.

    [spoiler=Story notes]So I have deicded that Brady will get pass and galeforce. Given that there was not straight answer and because a healer might need pass to escape their enemies, which of course can help them get saved in the long run.
    Nice to see what fun I can have with those then :XD:

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:
    ~Lucina (Dark Knight)

    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Donnel with Nah
    ~Pair up Henry with Tharja
    ~Pair up Morgan with Noire
    ~Pair up Nowi with Vaike
    ~Moved Maribelle 2 squares right 1 square down to talk to Brady
    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey
    ~Moved Lucina 7 squares left1 square up
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square left
    ~Moved Noire/Morgan 1 square down 1 square right
    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 1 square right
    ~Moved Vaike/Nowi 1 square left 5 squares down

    Turn 2:
    ~Piar up Brady with Maribelle had Maribelle heal Anna

    ~Lucina attacked the hero

    ~Moved Lucina 1 square left

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square left

    ~Had Chloey/Chrom attack the paladin

    ~Moved Noire/Morgan 1 square right

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 1 square right attacked the hero

    ~Moved Anna 1 square down

    ~Moved Vaike/Nowi 1 square down

    ~Moved Nah/Donnel 1 square down

    Turn 3:

    ~Had Chloey attack longbow wielding sniper

    ~Had Lucina take out the paladin

    ~Moved Noire/Morgan 3 squares right

    ~Moved Vaike/Nowi 3 squares down

    ~Had Lucina attack the swordmaster

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 5 squares up switched for a Chrom lead

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 4 squares up

    ~Moved Nah/Donnel 4 squares up

    ~Moved Anna 6 squares up

    ~Moved Maribelle 1 square left 2 squares up

    Chrom ended the map and Morgan and Noire are the heroes of the map

    And now we have Brady added to the sheperhds :XD:

  3. I'd suggest Lucky Seven, myself. Brady has little need for Acrobat, and L7 is a nice skill to have on hand early on. There's little he can really get from Thief, Assassin, or Trickster other than that, so you can skip that entire line of classes.

    Axefaire is also a decent choice--Vaike can get it very easily, and it's useful for all of Brady's (non-Thief) physically-oriented classes (Barb line, Fighter line, War Monk and Great Knight).

    I was going to give Brady pass since I want to make sure that he's gone through all his class options (and I'd assume that Brady can get axefaire himself). I have decided on Vaike!Brady being a dread fighter to support Gregor!Severa as a hero. I hope that the stat bonus' are worth it.

  4. Side Story 15: A Shot from the Dark

    That's right, we're getting Noire today and boy will this map be fun watch out for the blood and thunder!

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:

    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey moved Chloey/Chrom 3 squares up to rescue Noire
    ~Moved Morgan 3 squares up 1 square right

    ~Pair up Henry with Tharja

    ~Pair up Lissa with Lon'qu

    ~Pair up Owain with Cynthia

    ~Moved Virion 5 squares up

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 3 squares left

    ~Pair up Maribelle with Gregor

    ~Pair up Lucina with Virion

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 6 squares up

    ~Moved Gregor/Maribelle 5 squares up

    ~Moved Cynthia/Owain 5 squares up

    Turn 2:

    ~ Reclassed Noire into the knight class

    ~Pair up Morgan with Noire

    ~Had Virion rescue Chloey/Chrom

    ~Moved Cynthia/Owain 3 squares left 1 square up

    ~Moved Gregor/Maribelle 4 squares left 2 squares up

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 4 squares left

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 2 squares down 5 squares right

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 2 squares left 4 squares up

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 1 square left

    Turn 3:

    ~Moved Cynthia/Owain 1 square left to heal Virion

    ~Moved Noire/Morgan 4 squares down 1 square left switched for a Morgan lead

    ~Had Chloey/Chrom take out the the falcon knight that attacked Chloey in the last turn for a 315 damage shot (Chloey is a bow weilding bride :XD:)

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom up 2 squares

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 2 squares left

    ~Moved Virion 3 squares down 4 squares left rescued Morgan/Noire

    ~Moved Gregor/Maribelle 6 squares down 3 squares left

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 5 squares up 2 squares left

    Turn 5:

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 3 squares up 2 squares left

    ~Moved Cynthia/Owain 4 squares down 2 sqaures left healed Lon'qu

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 8 squares right

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 5 squares up

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 3 squares up

    ~Moved Virion/Lucina 2 squares left 4 sqaures up

    ~Moved Gregor/Maribelle 3 sqaures left 6 squares up

    Turn 6:

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 2 squares up

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 1 square up

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square right 4 squares up rescued Morgan/Noire

    ~Moved Cynthia/Owain 4 sqaures left 2 squares up

    ~Moved Virion/Lucina 6 squares up

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 4 squares up

    ~Moved Gregor/Maribelle 7 squares up

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 9 squares up 2 squares right

    Turn 7:

    ~Moved Cynthia/Owain 2 squares down 4 squares right

    ~Moved Virion/Lucina 7 squares up rescued Lon'qu/Lissa

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom to heal Lon'qu/Lissa

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 6 squares up 5 squares right

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry up 5 squares

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 6 squares up

    ~Moved Gregor/Maribelle 1 square left 8 squares up

    Map ended with Lon'qu/Lissa taking on the last enemy Griffon rider during the enemy phase via Lissa getting a critical dual strike to the tune of 186

    Lissa and Lon'qu are the heroes of this map :XD: and now we have Noire. Next we'll pick up someone who didn't want to follow in their mother's footsteps too much...and that's all for tonight folks!

  5. @graves Libra!Inigo > Fred!Inigo

    Asset/Flaw: +Spd/-Def since it looks like you're going to grind ad nauseum to get all the kids so -Def doesn't matter, especialy since Male Robin is hard support (aka not in the front) for the gale girls.

    And meh, if you're grinding and only plan to crush Lunatic/Classic with DLC, I assume, then you can run whatever classes you want.

    @silentchloey Grandmaster has great S-rank bonuses.

    And doubtless strength would be wasted though. Still that is an option I can consider.

  6. Galeforce would be more abused than Noire in the future. Literally EVERY unit would have it.

    I doubt that every unit would have it there are some main male units that don't pass down the pegasus knight line to their daughters at all (Frederick, Henry, Vaike and Gregor for example) and not every team would have that much galeforce...at least I don't think that they would. Mostly I'd have Chrom, Male Morgan and Male Robin have it because they would likely need it to keep up with the girls. Other than that I think it would be fun to see who would and who wouldn't be a pegasus knight (if it's not gender locked).

    From a story perspective it would mean that there are men and women who were pegasus knights and that would be awesome!


    But yes having an entire team of Galeforce users would be very OP :XD:

  7. ok, in total disregard to my previous posts, i will be running a lunatic / classic

    my planned pairs are:

    sumia x chrom

    sully x donnel

    tharja x gaius

    lissa x ricken

    miriel x gregr

    olivia x frederick

    panne x stahl

    cordelia x lon'qu

    maribelle x virion

    nowi x vaike

    cherche x henry

    i'm probably going to marry lucina as a mamu, but what should my asset/flaw be? also, what should be the end classes/skills for the children?

    Here's the asset and Flaws I used for one of my MaMu runs that might be able to help here:

    +mag -str

    I did that on a Chrom x Maribelle run but it should work just as well as Chrom x Sumia if you're going that way.

    Also looking to pair off my Chrom!Morgan (+def -lck) to Henry!Noire (Sorcercer/Sniper) What class would be the best support for her? (I'm thinking of going magical with both kids btw)

  8. I'd say that one of the best epilogues is Chrom X F!Robin:

    "Many wrote of Robin's legendary expoilts, but accounts of her origins and character varied. Scholars, poets and bards agreed on one thing alone- she loved her husband, Chrom, above all else"

    Henry's is for me one of the sadest if he's not married so I always get him hitched if I can.

  9. Is there a "worship" button?

    *laughs* Well I guess it's fair to say that even though I married him I am not that obsessed :o:. That said I do like Chrom and prefer to marry him hands down if I'm doing an F!Robin run. MaMu's not as fun but at least they are really good friends.

  10. Side Story 13

    Well I hope that my last post had the hints needed to see this one coming. Wool is of course another word for yarn...and who do we have here but Yarne...ok joking aside this will be about as fun as we can make it. This is also the chapter where galeforce, lots of movement and Chloey with her dread fighter husband tome weilding Chrom will actually have some fun. Did I mention that Chrom can use tomes? I wonder what he'd be like with galeforce?

    Anyway we have to deal with a couple of issues:

    1. I need to get Chrom as close to Yarne as quickly as possible so that we can just talk to him. And gain a bunny on our side

    2. Chloey is all out of Mire shenanigans so I'll have to get some more as quickly as I can!

    Aside from that today is a good day to get Yarne and fingers crossed he won't die on me!

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:






    ~Lucina (Reclassed into Dark Knight and Limit Broken)

    ~Erryn (Street pass avatar that we handily beat)







    Choice: Fight them both...god I had to make it hard didn't I?

    Turn 1:

    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey

    ~Pair up Tharja with Henry

    ~Moved Panne up 3 squares right 2 squares to talk with Yarne

    ~Pair up Yarne with Panne

    ~Pair up Maribelle with Lissa

    ~Pair up Lucina with Morgan

    ~Moved Erryn 2 squares left 1 square up rescued Panne

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 3 squares left square up

    ~Pair up Gaius with Cordelia

    ~Moved Lissa/Maribelle 2 squares up

    ~Moved Henry/Tharja 1 square right

    ~Moved Kellam 3 squares up 1 square right

    ~Moved Morgan/Lucina 8 squares up 1 square right

    ~Moved Cordelia/Gaius 3 squares left 5 squares up

    ~Moved Cordelia/Gaius 2 squares up 3 squares left

    Turn 2:

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom up 4 squares

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 2 squares left 1 square up

    ~Moved Morgan/Lucina 4 squares left 3 squares up

    ~Moved Morgan/Lucina 3 squares up 3 squares right

    ~Moved Cordelia/Gaius 6 squares up

    ~Pair up Erryn with Kellam

    ~Moved Henry/Tharja 5 squares right

    ~Moved Lissa/Maribelle 3 squares right

    ~Switched for a Maribelle lead

    ~Maribelle attacked the paladin that was near her

    ~Moved Panne/Yarne 6 squares right

    ~Moved Kellam/Erryn 4 squares right

    Turn 3:

    ~Moved Panne/Yarne 6 squares up

    ~Had Henry attack the bow knight that was a little too close for comfort (no movement)

    ~Kellam attacked another bow knight (no movement)

    ~Maribelle took out the valkyrie (no movement)

    ~Moved Maribelle/Lissa 1 square up switched for a Lissa lead attacked the other valkyrie

    ~Switched for a Maribelle lead

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 4 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 5 squares left switched for a Chrom lead (Chrom is using elthunder of course :XD:)

    ~Moved Cordelia/Gaius 1 square down

    ~Moved Cordelia/Gauis 4 squares right switched for a Gaius lead

    ~Moved Morgan/Lucina 1 square down

    ~Switched for a Lucina lead

    ~Moved Lucina/Morgan 2 squares right switched for a Morgan lead

    Turn 4:

    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 2 squares right switched for a Chloey lead

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 6 squares right

    ~Moved Kellam/Erryn 4 squares up

    ~Moved Henry/Tharja 6 squares up

    ~Moved Maribelle/Lissa 1 square right 7 squares up

    ~Moved Morgan/Lucina 1 square right

    ~Moved Gaius/Cordelia 1 square up 4 squares right

    ~Moved Morgan/Lucina 4 squares right

    ~Moved Panne/Yarne 4 squares up

    Turn 5:

    ~Moved Panne/Yarne 4 squares up Panne and Yarne end the map with a dual strike

    Lucina and Morgan were the heroes of this map :XD: and that ladies and gentlemen is a TSC record! Next we'll have to watch out for blood and thunder and hope like all heck that all will continue to go well. In other news Morgan has someone he can S-Support with...but I think I'd rather that he stay friends with this one. I'm going for a different Morgan pairing, one that I used in my first playthrough.

  11. Side Story 5...

    [spoiler=Chapter Notes]This opens up with Lissa and Lucina having a polite chat about Lissa being "around" in Lucina's future. Lissa asks what she's like and Lucina says that Lissa was warm and kind despite the dark times that they lived in. Lucina adds that Lissa's smile was a beacon of hope for others around her. Lissa states that she'd better get to work if she wants to live up to that. She then asks if she has any children and Lucina reveals that she has a son named Owain. Lissa thinks that's cute and asks Lucina what "Owain" is like. Lucina's expression here is more than enough to convince me that what "Owain" is like is either not something she wants to think about or that he's different and she doesn't know how best to cope with that difference. Lissa then goes to ask something else but then decides that it's best for her not to know.

    Of course there are bandits and lo and behold there is a strange guy with Lon'qu coloured hair running around and fighting them! One goes down and then the other...well not so much. But we do find out that the young man is none other than Owain, so I guess that he seems to be alright. Of course Chrom and Chloey both look a little confused about the situation and so I would be too!

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:
    ~Kaleb (Yes I misspelled his name last time)
    ~Robin (purchased much earlier but due to some training being needed we haven't see her until now). She's a dark flier @level 5

    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Lucina with Kaleb, Moved Kaleb 3 squares left 2 squares down switched for a Lucina lead to mire out a ruffian myrmidon.
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 2 squares left and 4 squares down.
    ~Pair up Chloey with Chrom moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square down 5 squares right switched for a Chloey lead
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 2 squares left 1 square down 3 squares left 1 square up to talk with the sage and got an elxir
    ~Pair up Lon'qu with Lissa, moved Lissa 3 squares left 1 square down.
    ~Robin "Rally" Movement
    ~Pair up Severa with Cordelia
    ~Pair up Amelia with Morgan
    ~Pair up Ricken with Miriel. Moved Miriel/Ricken 1 square left 4 squares down
    ~Moved Morgan/Amelia down 5 squares.
    ~Moved Morgan/Amelia 1 square right 7 squares down
    ~Moved Cordelia/Severa 2 squares up 7 squares left
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 6 squares down "Rescued" Owain
    ~Moved Cordelia/Severa 3 squares up 6 squares left

    Turn 2:
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom down 1 square 2 squares left
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 2 squares left 5 squares down switched for a Chrom lead
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 3 squares down 1 square left
    ~Moved Morgan/Amelia 1 square left
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 4 squares down
    ~Moved Cordelia/Severa 4 squares right 4 squares down
    ~Moved Robin 3 squares down 5 squares "Rally"
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 7 squares left
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb2 squares down
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 2 squares left 6 squares down "rescued" Chrom/Chloey
    ~Moved Morgan/Amelia 3 squares left 3 squares up 1 square left

    Turn 3:
    ~Had Lissa "Rescue" Owain
    ~Had Chrom/Chloey Talk to Owain
    ~Moved Owain 3 squares right 1 square down
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 1 square left
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 5 squares left got a spirit dust and finished the last of the enemies.

    So that is the end of the chapter. Cordelia and Severa were the map heroes. Lissa got to see her son and we find out that Owain has the Mark of Naga. And Lissa cries because she's so happy. I quite like the ending and now we must travel on to get the next child...which will be a whole lot more fun with a harder map than Owain's...let the wool be made into a jumper!

  12. So now onto Side Story 10. Severa here we come.

    [spoiler=Chapter notes]So the shepherds are arriving in what is a little island not too far from Plegia's coast that is actually a sizible island. No idea who lives there, but it is clear that all hell will be breaing loose soon. We see that the villagers that live on said island are struggling. Chrom arrives just as the word Valmese is mentioned and asks the men what they were talking about. Of course the younger of the two asks who Chrom is and he responds as calmly as he can. The men have a little chat and Chrom offers to help them, which the leader offers thanks for.

    We then cut to the person in question. Nelson is just a nasty piece of work and to be quite the idiot. Not sure who I'll have to end his miserable existance, but for script's sake I think Chrom should be the one to take this man out. Capped Chrom makes for some real fun and games :XD:

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Unit's deployed
    ~Kaleb (Purchased from my Avatar Logbook)

    Turn 1:
    ~Moved Cynthia 6 squares right and used rescue on Severa
    ~Pair up Kaleb with Lucina, moved Lucina/Kaleb 6 squares right
    ~Moved Morgan 8 squares right
    ~Pair up Chloey with Chrom moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares right to talk to Severa
    ~Pair up Lissa with Lon'qu
    ~Moved Maribelle 6 squares right
    ~Pair up Amelia with Olivia
    ~Pair up Gregor with Cordelia
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 3 squares up 3 squares right
    ~Moved Cordelia/Gregor 4 squares right
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 3 squares up
    ~Moved Olivia/Amelia 2 squares right 4 squares up

    Turn 2:
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 3 squares right 3 squares up
    ~Moved Olivia/Amelia 4 squares right 2 squares up
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 3 squares right 3 squares up 4 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 3 squares left 3 squares up
    ~Moved Cynthia 6 squares right and rescued Severa
    ~Moved Morgan 6 squares up 2 squares right
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 3 squares right 3 squares up
    ~Moved Cordelia/Gregor 1 square right 4 squares up rescuing Maribelle
    ~Had Maribelle heal Cynthia

    Turn 3:
    ~Lucina attacked the barbarian on the right of the map near Holland
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 3 squares right 3 squares up
    ~Moved Morgan 2 squares right 3 squares up 3 squares left
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 5 squares left
    ~Moved Codelia/Gregor 7 squares right 2 squares up
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 5 squares right 3 squares up
    ~Moved Olivia/Amelia 4 squares up
    ~Moved Maribelle 5 squares right 1 square up
    ~Moved Cynthia 6 squares up

    Turn 4:
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 2 squares up 4 squares left
    ~Mogan attacked a sage
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 1 square left 4 squares up
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 4 squares up
    ~Moved Morgan 3 squares left 5 squares up
    ~Moved Cordelia/Gregor 6 squares left 2 squares up rescued Lucina/Caleb
    ~Pair up Cynthia with Maribelle Moved Maribelle 2 squares up 4 squares left switched for a Cynthia lead and rescued Morgan
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 8 squares up Lon'qu gets a critical hit
    ~Moved Olivia/Amelia 7 squares up switched for an Amelia lead

    Turn 5:
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 6 squares up
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 2 squares up 3 squares right
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 2 squares right 2 squares down
    ~Moved Cordelia 7 squares up to heal Lon'qu
    ~Moved Morgan 3 squares left 5 squares up
    ~Moved Cynthia 2 squares right 4 squares up and rescued Severa
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares left 1 square up

    Turn 6:
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 5 squares right 5 squares down
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 2 squares up

    Turn 7:
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 6 squares up 5 squares right
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares up

    Turn 8:
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares up
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 3 squares right

    Turn 9:
    ~Lon'qu opened the door after Severa talked with Holland
    ~Lucina attacked the barbarian that appeared
    ~Moved Amelia/Olivia 2 squares left 1 square up
    ~Moved Amelia/Olivia 3 squares up
    ~Moved Morgan 8 squares up
    ~Moved Cordelia/Gregor 8 squares left
    ~Moved Cynthia/Maribelle 3 squares up 3 squares left
    ~Moved Lucina/Kaleb 5 squares left
    ~Moved Severa 3 squares left 1 square down
    ~Moved Morgan 5 squares left

    Turn 10:
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 5 squares up
    ~Moved Chrom 2 squares right to end the map

    [spoiler=Post Map Notes]With all that Chloey and Chrom won the map which was a nice change of pace. 10 Turns though trying to let Severa to talk to Holland was a bit tedious, but worth it in the end. Given that now I've finished this map I suppose that means you'll have to tune in for the glorious hero of light who has travelled through time and space to join our legion of mighty warriors or the stern healer with a heart of gold...*laughs* we'll see how I go!

    So that is the end of the chapter. For those who have been wonding what I've been doing I think it's only fair to give the run down. Most of this has been growing my units to the point of around 170 hours (at least by my guess) worth of grinding and leveling up with roughly 4 hours of pure story game play (again guessing). As to how I got that number, well DLC certainly is the use here. I have a rule that I grow units to about level 10 for those base classes before using a single master seal (although I'ved used more than that on Chloey) on their last base class to the bottom most class of their promotion list. Using Sumia as an example:

    Sumia has the knight and cleric reclass options. I reclassed her into a knight then a cleric. So when it came time to use a master seal on her I reclassed into the war cleric first, then reclassed into the sage class. Of course I reclassed Sumia into her other options saving her pegasus rider promotions for last (Falcon Knight being the first class that I put Sumia into before her final reclass into a dark flier), so I hope that explains what I've been up to since completing Nah's side story. And how I've been able to rack up those hours as well!! :XD:

    Of course I misspelled the Kaleb I bought :/ Sorry everyone!

  13. You're spreading a lot of misinformation:

    -Gerome can never inherit Galeforce. I thought you it was a mistypo, but you actually believe Male Robin passes Peg Knight lmao. Male Robin, Gerome, Yarne, and Laurent can never learn/inherit Galeforce without hacking.

    -Fred/Kellam!Gerome is bad because he doesn't contribute in Apo. If you have bad kids (Kellam!Nah, Fred!Gerome, Donnel!Owain, etc) just bench them and deploy more Rallybots/Rescuebots. You should only be deploying good units, bots, and Olivia. Fred!Gerome isn't valid, he sucks with average bonuses and no Axefaire to increase his attack. He's only high on the OUTDATED UNOFFICIAL gamefaqs list because some trolls tried very hard to get Donnel!Owain and Fred!Gerome to S and Lucina to F.

    It's more efficient to pair Libra and Olivia and deploy a Rallybot/Rescuebot then it's to compromise Inigo and Gerome and failing at both.

    -Your opinion is wrong. Magic > sword Inigo if your pairings allow it and magic is overpowered in Awakening.

    -Again, misinfo. Luna is slightly better on the Galeforce units in the back and Vengeance is slightly better on the Galeforce unit in the front. Also, Severa doesn't need Luna when she has access to Vengeance

    Not everyone is perfect, I'm sure that depending on how you look at it, those pairs are viable; just not in the sense of apo.

    That said here is what I would make of it:

    Frederick is not as good a father for Gerome because of some classes overlap with Cherche and Kellam is better for the bench as we well know. MaMu is Gerome's best father but I don't like a pink/red haired Morgan, so I wouldn't do that pairing. I guess from what I understand it is better for Gerome to have access to classes that improve his strength. In the end though I always go for Virion because bowbreaker on Wyvern Lord is something that I need.

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