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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. Thanks Amiabletemplar. I'll have to see which skill will work to help Owain to do minimal grinding.

    What skill should Henry hand down to Noire? I am thinking of despoil simply because I want to have minimal time spent in Golden Gaffe to get extra gold and the more units that have it the better (except for Severa because axfaire!hero might be better than despoil or is despoil a good option for the goal in mind?). He already has counter so there's that as an option as well.

  2. Side Story 9: Wings of Justice

    Today we go for Cynthia, Sumia's adorable little girl who will only add to the shenanigans of fun. I have decided that for my sanity at least I'll save her having to promote to great knight with Sumia having Luna and Frederick giving dual guard + so Cythina will have a good head start.

    [spoiler=Story Notes]So today's effort is to get Cynthia. Now for those of us who've done this side story before we all know the drill. Cynthia is tricked into thinking that some idiot claiming to be Chrom is actually Chrom despite the fact that this imposter has no resemblence to Chrom at all. Obviously Cynitha doesn't think of that. Adding insult to injury if Chrom is her father how the hell would she not know what he looks like. All I can say is that I don't like my Cynthia with blue hair because it just doesn't suit her at all. So with that out of the way...tactical notes ahead.

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:

    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey
    ~Pair up Frederick with Sumia
    ~Pair up Lissa with Lon'qu
    ~Pair up Panne with Gaius
    ~Pair up Henry with Tharja
    ~Pair up Amelia with Morgan
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 4 squares left 2 squares up
    ~Moved Lucina 1 square up to acess the convoy for Mire
    ~Moved Lucina 4 squares right 2 squares up
    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 3 squares left 4 squares up
    ~Moved Morgan/Amelia 4 squares up
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 3 squares right 3 squares up
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 6 squares up
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 2 squares right 4 squares up
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 3 squares left 2 squares up

    Turn 2:
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 2 squares up
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 3 squares right 3 squares up
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 4 squares up 3 squares right
    ~Moved Lucina 5 squares left
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 1 square up 5 squares left

    Turn 3:
    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 3 squares right 2 squares up
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 1 square right 2 squares up

    Turn 4:
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick to talk to Cynthia and ended the map

    The heroes of the map were Chrom and Chloey and getting Cynthia was the icing on the cake. Normally this is the map where I tend to lose Cynthia but I didn't this time :XD: I actually got her without her getting injured and/or dying!!

    [spoiler=Chapter Conclusion]So yes, we ended the map by Sumia talking to Cynthia. It was pretty nice to see her reaction and the fact that she starts going through so many emotions at once that we can be left a little confused. But we know that Cynthia is going to be with her family again and she should be just fine :D:

  3. Side Story 12: Disowned by Time

    That's right I'm going for Morgan! Mostly for the fact that I want Morgan shenanigans and the best way to do that is of course to actually get him. The little guy is worth the get because he'll have galeforce. That and well...get ready for an OP Morgan everyone!

    [spoiler=Chapter Notes]So Chrom and the gang decide that the time has come to travel to the Ruins of Time. Now this is mostly because they do not actually expect to get a child here at all, so the premise of this chapter is that there is some sort of treasure. Of course we don't realise that there is an even more prescious treasure. But well...we'll get to the chapter.

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:














    Units gained:

    Morgan :XD:

    Turn 1:

    Morgan notices footsteps and assumes that those aren't friendly and notes that there might be more down the stairs. Unsure of what to do he tries to work out how "Mum would handle this". Don't worry Morgan we'll save you!

    ~Have Lissa use her rescue Staff to get Morgan

    ~Pair up Lon'qu with Lissa

    ~Pair up Tharja with Henry switch for a Tharja lead

    ~Pair up Vaike with Maribelle

    ~Pair up Frederick with Sumia

    ~Pair up Ricken with Miriel

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick up 4 squares

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 3 squares up 1 square right

    Turn 2:

    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 1 square right 1 square up

    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 5 squares up 1 square right

    ~Moved Chrom down 1 square to talk to Morgan. Paired up Chrom with Morgan and reclassed Morgan to cavalier because weapon ranks are needed!!

    ~Pair up Lucina with Chloey, had Chloey attack one of the ruffians and got an item

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 4 squares up

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 2 squares up

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 2 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Lucina 1 square left 3 squares up

    Turn 3:

    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 2 squares up 3 squares right (Miriel gained a level here)

    ~Had Maribelle "rescue" Morgan/Chrom

    ~Moved Morgan/Chrom 3 squares left 2 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Lucina 2 squares up 2 squares right

    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 2 squares left 3 squares up

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 2 squares left

    Turn 4:

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 3 squares up

    ~Moved Morgan/Chrom 4 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Lucina 1 square left 3 squares up

    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 1 square up

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 5 squares right

    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 4 squares up 1 square right

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 2 squares up

    Turn 5:

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 1 square right 6 squares up

    ~Moved Morgan/Chrom 1 square right

    ~Moved Morgan/Chrom 1 square right

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 1 square left 3 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Lucina 2 squares left

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 3 squares up

    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 2 squares left 3 squares up

    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 2 squares right switched for a Lon'qu lead

    Turn 6:

    ~Moved Morgan/Chrom 2 squares up

    ~Had Morgan/Chrom take out another enemy

    ~Moved Chloey/Lucina 4 squares up

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 8 squares up to get the chest

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 5 squares right 3 squres up

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 2 squares left 3 squares up 1 square right switched for a Frederick lead

    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 3 squares right 3 squares up

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 2 squares up 3 squares right

    Turn 7:

    ~Had Miriel/Ricken attack the risen that was causing trouble

    ~Moved Morgan/Chrom 1 square left 1 square up

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 3 squares right

    ~Switched for a Maribelle lead and attacked the wyvern rider risen

    ~Moved Maribelle 1 square down

    ~Moved Morgan/Chrom 2 squares right 4 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Lucina 1 square right 3 squares up

    Turn 8:

    ~Had Chloey/Lucina end the map

    Chrom and Morgan got the heroes of the map

    [spoiler=Concluding notes]We got Morgan and the very much deathless part of this run has happened. So now what happens? Morgan shenanigans of course. And we all know that Morgan and Lucina work well together as siblings so stats here we cap!! And yes Morgan was fully capped when I got him. And he still is to boot!

    So we have unlocked the standard C Support of child unit and parents (and Lucina and Morgan have a sibling support get ready for roaches everyone!). I'll tell you about them next time before we go for our next child. :XD: Like I said second seal madness...

  4. I reckon for his proposal the story one Chrom gives to Robin after Chapter 11 was better. Hell I didn't even know about the alternative proposal he could give until I heard about it since all my runs had him paired up long before this event.

    There's that as well. I remember when I first played the game that I missed that proposal. I would have loved to have seen it for myself and it took me a surprising amount of self control not to have Robin marry him to see it happen.

  5. I think that Cordelia's support with Ricken is far worse than Gregor's is. If you wanted to factor in that as well.

    Ok, now onto the most pressing issue for me. What should Lon'qu give to Owain? I have Lissa set to give the lad galeforce but as for what Lon'qu has...well I haven't sorted that out yet. Especially since DLC skills are not handed down (damn it). I will also have to work out what to have the Vaike hand down Brady (again mother's skill is set as galeforce). Is axefaire any good for a war monk build?

  6. He's ok, but I will never understand all those who go all 'husbando' about him.

    Probably because he didn't stand out for you as much as those that see Chrom as a "husbando". I think it helped that his S-Support confession quote was cheesy at best :XD:

  7. I always run Lifetaker as a healing skill. It always triggers when you kill an enemy in your turn and the HP recovery is great overall. With Morgan however I run Aether instead of Lifetaker, but interestingly she seems to always trigger it when she needs health and even crits if she's in desperate need of it. It's weird and amazing.

    That could help, but I tend to get RNG screwed real good. Even with Lifetaker as an option I either don't have it equiped, or the units can't learn it. It'd be fine for the avatar and their children or anyone who can learn lifetaker but Gaius, Lon'qu, Vaike and Gregor can't learn lifetaker and they're the most at risk usually. Also this is a male Morgan run so he won't get aether. So I guess I could run lifetaker for him if I wanted to take a bit more of a risk, but like I said I am a very cautious type of tactician. I try to keep my units out of danger as best I can.

  8. So after some level grinding I have chapter 14 done and dusted. It is of course now time to start going for the children characters. Mostly Morgan because that will lead to some interesting combinations later on (Lucina and Morgan having god-like fun anyone?) and the family being complete. I am thinking of getting a 3DS capture card so that the fun is easier to post, but I am not sure how to go about such things, but if I do get one rest assured I'll be recording the playthrough and others when I get the chance so we can see exactly what I do when I'm going through the game. And a lot of videos to boot. And moving right along to the more important things...

    [spoiler=Story!]So after much level grinding I have now got some ladies that are in their final classes and have most of their skills set...at least the skills that I'll be making use of. Certain units are not going to be ready and I've been going for the child units (and training their parents so that we can get them all in one go) and I'll start that after this chapter. We at this point of time have Nah and Lucina the latter capping her stats and doubtless being ahead of everyone else. This time we're going to tackle chapter 14. So yes we're finally going to Valm...or at least meeting them at sea.

    Chloey as it soon turns out finds the sea breathtaking, and I am inclinded to agree with her. The ocean is amazing and I've only ever actually been on a boat twice...and I loved it. So yes I do agree with this sentiment. Of course we don't get long to focus on Chloey's enjoyment of the situation as Chrom makes the comment that he's not been on a boat before (how the hell did you get to Carrion Isle then?) and says that he never fancied himself a sea captain. It is at this point that perhaps the most interesting conversation comes to light. We find out that Chrom dies in a fight to sway his destiny killed by someone he trusts...and I do believe we're getting hints of that premonition all the way back in the tutorial...Chloey is someone close to Chrom and we know based on the premonition that something happened to her to make her kill Chrom...but what? Could it be that someone takes control of her and force her to kill Chrom?

    Without much to go on (although I know the answer to said question already) there is little we can do but watch as Chloey suffers a very nasty headache that worries Chrom until she assures him that all is well. We notice that Lucina seems to be worried but not showing it, of course talk turns to Lucina's reason for taking on Marth's name and decides that she'll fight with the name that her parents chose for her. Frederick decides to appear and tell us that we're the underdogs in this fight. As if I didn't expect that. However there isn't much that we can do. Flavia (my favourite Khan) says that the Plegians have given us oil. Hmm let's see, oil can be burnt and we could do a lot of damge if we could get burning oil to the ships (because they're convenently made of wood). As we find out there is no way we could burn the Valmese ships because we don't have catapults with which to send the burning oil at the Valmese.
    My best guess would be since we have half the soldiers just have half the fleet to be used as flaming cannons. Chrom talks about destiny and Chloey corrects him. She states that the shepherds are strong because of their invisible ties. Chrom laughs and says that the salty air is getting to her and Chloey says that's enough philosophy for one day. The plan needs to be worked out and Chrom says that we need to prepare for what is ahead. And that he's glad to be bound to his wife by said invisible ties. Chloey doesn't say anything but she does look serious and Chrom tells everyone that we have work to do.

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:

    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Frederick with Sumia
    ~Pair up Lissa with Lon'qu
    ~Pair up Gaius with Panne
    ~Pair up Henry with Tharja
    ~Pair up Lucina with Chloey
    ~Pair up Chrom with Amelia
    ~Moved Lon'qu Lissa 8 squares right
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 1 square right 8 squares down
    ~Moved Amelia/Chrom 2 squares right 5 squares down
    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 1 square right 4 squares down
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 3 squares left switched for a Frederick lead
    ~Moved Chloey/Lucina 3 squares down 2 squares left

    Turn 2:
    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 3 squares down
    ~Used Amelia to attack the mage
    ~Moved Amelia 1 square right
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 2 squares down 2 squares right
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 1 square up
    ~Had Chloey/Lucina attack the cavalier
    ~Switched for a Lucina lead
    ~Moved Nah 1 square down 2 squares left

    Turn 3:
    ~Moved Lucina/Chloey 3 squares left
    ~Switched for a Lissa lead
    ~Had Lissa attack the great knight
    ~Moved Lucina/Chloey 3 squares left 2 squares up switched for a Chloey lead
    ~Moved Chloey/Lucina 2 squares up switched for a Lucina lead. Lucina gets a critical hit and ends the map

    [spoiler=Chapter's end]Lissa and Lon'qu are the heroes of the map and we now come to the end of the map. And the bit of story that is needed.

    Chrom tells us that the general has fallen and that it's time to put our master plan into action. It's time to ram the Valmese fleet with our own ships. The soldier painics and Chrom tells us to jump at the last moment. Once safely on another ship we turn to see that the sea itself is on fire. This is the point that Frederick is most pleased. Because we know that there is a pyro in that heart of his :XD:. Of course Flavia has her praises and everyone talks about talking on Valm. Because the smoke and death is enough to deal with at this point in time.

    And that is that. Chapter complete...now to get Morgan...

  9. Sometimes will save you, it just a skill better than other. You not need always have half hp, just when you are, you have a chance to kill your enemies without take damage. Attack is the best defense.

    I play more defensively so that is why I don't like vantage, far better to have full HP against enemies that could kill your units if they have less health. I've lost a lot of units just because they didn't have enough def/hp. Not a risk I would make ever again.

  10. ^ Depends exactly what you are going for. Remember the hardcore optimisation recommended in this topic is for overkilling apotheosis.

    Here are my comments on the pairings from an optimisation standpoint:

    1) Chrom x Maribelle isn't that great. Lucina does get +2 Magic, but it comes with several downsides such as 1) Less speed (especially notable when Lucina mothers Morgan), 2) Cynthia no longer gets her best father, 3) Brady doesn't get one of his best fathers (although Chrom isn't bad). 4) Chrom is a forced deployment so having a great s-rank is nice. Sumia is very, very close to child quality due to her inherent skills, while Maribelle isn't.

    2) Ricken x Miriel is normally a waste unless you are FeMu marrying Laurent for the highest +MAG Male Morgan. Ricken makes the best Luna sage Owain, Inigo and even Dark Flier Severa. Gregor is typically used with Miriel as Laurent barely cares who his father is and Gregor is low priority.

    3) Fred isn't a bad father for Yarne, but Stahl/Virion are top tier and Libra/Henry the tier below due to the accuracy boosts they provide (via archer and dark mage lines)

    4) Vaike x Cordelia is fine if you want to run Hero Severa. LQ, Virion, Stahl and Ricken are other considerations depending what you want to run.

    5) Nowi x Gregor is fine. Nah's father is generally unimportant and Gregor does much the same that Vaike (her normal father) does.

    6) Lissa x Lon'qu is a really bad pairing for optimisation purposes. Priority #1 for Owain is getting a proc, which Lon'qu doesn't offer. Ricken/Libra are his typical magical parents, Stahl if you really wanted to go physical. This frees Lon'qu up to go to Severa or Brady.

    7) Virion x Cherche is a bit unusual. Typically the best support class for physical non-galeforce males is berserker so you marry Cherche to Henry (best), or Gregor/Vaike (backup). Virion does give Gerome some nice options for running Warrior support which is sometimes better than berserker (if the lead doesn't require speed, which is rare), but best to keep Virion for someone who uses him better (Severa, Brady, Yarne).

    8) As for your 2nd gen pairings, the one recommendation I would make is to pair Nah with a galeforce husband (Inigo, Owain, Brady). You will find that Nah x Gerome is very weak compared to all your other pairs as Nah is always a poor lead. She can either hard or soft support her galeforce husband which makes her more viable. Of course if you aren't ever really looking to deploy Nah or Gerome, this is fine.

    1~ No you're wrong Lucina gets a +3 magic modifier if she's Maribelle's daughter and gets dual support + which Sumia doesn't give at all. Lucina can also get the Pegasus knight class line as well as mage class line. Go and actually look that up. Also Chrom is not Cynthia's best father, Frederick gives her more modifiers. I should know I looked that up. Please check your data again.

    2~No Ricken!Laurent is not a waste. He gets a good magic modifier and has a good use for Luna. Ricken!Laurent is my go to Laurent

    3~ And? I will use Frederick here because Panne doesn't give Yarne wyvern rider and there are some much needed skills from that class line

    4~ Lon'qu's taken, Stahl is Severa's worst father from what I have heard. Plus Stahl!Severa has the worst hair colour apparently, so even asthetically Stahl is the worst.

    5~Gregor can hand down a male exclusive skill so there's that. He's not entirely useless :/

    6~Lon'qu gives Owain speed though, which helps him keep from being doubled. A little more important I would think. Owain also gets Astra and that is a proc, even if Owain can learn it himself.

    7~I tend to use Virion to give Gerome bowbreaker with the purpose of keeping Gerome a Wyvern Rider/Wyvern Lord.

    8~I'm going for a story perspective here. I could easily switch out the pairings but I haven't figured out yet who works best as in terms of the story I'm working on/playthrough stats to see if I'm getting decent in game returns.

    These are more or less on a story front this isn't my apo team. That will be posted later when I get to them. I have to make a few notes yet before I announce the team for rating. That however is going to be a F!Robin x Chrom apo team. I will have to do a MaMu later.

  11. Here is a planed list of pairings for my +Mag -Str MaMu run:

    ~Chrom x Maribelle (Magical Lucina)

    ~Lissa x Lon'qu

    ~Sully x Donnel

    ~Miriel x Ricken

    ~Sumia x Henry

    ~Panne x Frederick

    ~Cordelia x Vaike

    ~Nowi x Gregor

    ~Tharja x Gaius

    ~Olivia x Libra

    ~Cherche x Virion

    ~MaMu x Lucina

    ~Laurent x Morgan

    And the others are subject to change if cases are presented:

    ~Inigo x Kjelle

    ~Yarne x Noire

    ~Brady x Severa

    ~Owain x Cynthia

    ~Gerome x Nah

    That should be the list I have so far. I am not sure if I missed anyone, but if I did please let me know :D:

    Is this list alright?

  12. Here is a planed list of pairings for my +Mag -Str MaMu run:

    ~Chrom x Maribelle (Magical Lucina)

    ~Lissa x Lon'qu

    ~Sully x Donnel

    ~Miriel x Ricken

    ~Sumia x Henry

    ~Panne x Frederick

    ~Cordelia x Vaike

    ~Nowi x Gregor

    ~Tharja x Gaius

    ~Olivia x Libra

    ~Cherche x Virion

    ~MaMu x Lucina

    ~Laurent x Morgan

    And the others are subject to change if cases are presented:

    ~Inigo x Kjelle

    ~Yarne x Noire

    ~Brady x Severa

    ~Owain x Cynthia

    ~Gerome x Nah

    That should be the list I have so far. I am not sure if I missed anyone, but if I did please let me know :D:

  13. I prefer change class to get usefull skill like vantage, armsthrift, anatema, discipline or moviment+1.

    Vantage is very usefull when enemy try kill this unit because you can attack first so you can kill enemy before he can hurt you or heal with sun or aether.

    Armsthrift after you hit 50 luck you can use powerfull weapon without reserve, like reforge grass weapon, cheap and powerfull.

    Anathema help add hit chance and crit chance against enemy within you range, it's little but can change from hit and not hit.

    Discipline help you level weapon rank which add damage and hit chance.

    Moviment+1 can help reach enemy or village, just little advantage about positioning.

    I'll assume you mean Sol there. I also don't like to put units in unnecessary danager and Vantage to me is far too risky. Especially since there is too great a chance that Sol won't activate at all and then units are in danager of dying.

    +Move is alright, but I wouldn't want to rely on it too much, again for tactical reasons.

  14. Given the results on the poll that I posted, I will now reveal the fruits of my labour,

    [spoiler=Chapter Notes]So given the pool as to whether or not I go for Nah and I have decided that given that I am going for a manakete build Nah that it's best for Donnel to hand down underdog. And Nah should be easy to get once I take out the enemies. For that Chloey and Chrom will be the most important members and it will allow for training of other units and the kids should be able to grow with a bit of help.

    So with that said and done, now we move onto the next point of business. Getting Nah will be fairly difficult to say the least, but she SHOULD be able to be recruited without trouble.

    [spoiler=Tactician Notes]Units deployed:

    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Lon'qu with Lissa
    ~Pair up Chloey with Chrom
    ~Pair up Ricken with Miriel
    ~Pair up Cherche with Virion
    ~Pair up Donnel with Nowi
    ~Pair up Panne with Gaius
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 8 squares down 1 square left to rescue Nah
    ~Moved Anna 5 squares down
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square right 5 squares down
    ~Moved Virion/Cherche 4 squares right 1 square down
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 6 squares down
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 2 squares right 2 squares down
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 4 squares right 2 squares down

    Turn 2:
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 1 square right and 3 squares down to talk to Nah
    ~Pair up Anna with Nah
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 6 squares down switched for a Chloey lead and gave Chloey a mire tome
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 5 squares down switched for a Chrom lead
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 6 squares down
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 5 squares down
    ~Moved Virion/Cherche 5 squares down switched for a Cherche lead
    ~Moved Nah 6 squares down Anna gets both a critical hit and a level up
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 3 squares down 1 square left switching for a Lon'qu lead

    Turn 3:
    ~Moved Chrom 6 squares left
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 4 squares down 1 square left
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 5 squares down
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 6 squares down
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 7 squares down "rescued" Gaius/Panne
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 5 sqaures down 1 square left
    ~Moved Nah/Anna 3 squares down 2 squares left

    Turn 4:
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 3 squares down 3 squares left
    ~Seperate Nah/Anna
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 4 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 2 squares left
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 6 squares left
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 1 square down 4 squares left
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 2 squares down 3 squares left

    Turn 5:
    ~Moved Nah 4 squares left
    ~Moved Anna 6 squares left
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 6 squares left
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 1 square down 4 squares left
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 4 squares left
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 5 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares left switched for Chloey lead
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 4 squares left

    Turn 6:
    ~Had Chloey end the mire wielding sorcerer
    ~Switched out Chloey for a Chrom lead
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 5 squares right
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 1 square up 4 squares right
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 3 squares right

    Turn 7:
    ~Moved Anna 7 squares left
    ~Moved Miriel 4 squares left
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 5 squares left
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 5 squares left
    ~Moved 1 square down 3 squares left
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 5 squares left
    ~Moved Nah 5 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares left

    Turn 8:
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square right 2 squares down
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 5 squares left
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 6 squares left
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 4 squares left
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 5 squares left
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 5 squares left
    ~Moved Nah 4 squares left

    Turn 9:
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 5 squares down 1 square left
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 2 squares left 3 squares down
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 6 squares left
    ~Moved Anna 6 squares left
    ~Moved Nah 5 squares left
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 4 squares left
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 4 squares left
    ~Moved Cherche 5 squares left

    Turn 10:
    ~Moved Anna 2 squares up
    ~Moved Gaius 3 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square right 5 squares up
    ~Moved Nah 4 squares left
    ~Moved Lon'qu 3 squares down 2 squares right
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 1 square right 4 squares up

    Turn 11:
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 4 squares right 2 squares up
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 3 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 3 squares up 3 squares right
    ~Moved Anna 4 squares up

    Turn 12:
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 1 square up 5 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 6 squares right
    ~Moved Anna 3 squares right
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 3 squares left 3 squares up
    ~Moved Nah 6 squares up
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 5 squares up
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 3 squares up
    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 2 squares up switched for a Lissa lead

    Turn 13:
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 6 squares up
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 5 squares right
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 7 squares up
    ~Moved Anna 6 squares right
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 6 squares right

    Turn 14:
    ~Moved Miriel/Ricken 5 squares right
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 8 squares left 1 square down
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 2 squares up
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 3 squares up 2 squares right
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 6 squares right swapped for a Chloey lead
    ~Moved Nah 6 squares right
    ~Rescued Nah with Cherche

    Turn 15:
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 6 squares right switched for a Chrom lead
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 1 square up
    ~Moved Anna 7 squares right
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 9 squares right

    Turn 16:
    ~Moved Anna 1 square up
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 6 squares up
    ~Moved Nowi/Donnel 2 squares right 2 squares up
    ~Moved Miriel/Donnel 3 squares up

    Turn 17:
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares left
    ~Moved Anna 2 squares up and 5 squares left
    ~Moved Nah 5 squares up
    ~Moved Gaius/Panne 5 squares up
    ~Moved Cherche/Virion 5 squares up
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 6 squares up

    Turn 18:
    ~Moved Anna 7 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 6 squares left
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 9 squares left

    Turn 19:
    ~Moved Anna 3 squares left 3 squares up
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 4 squares up
    ~Rescued Anna with Lissa

    Turn 20:
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares right
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 5 squares up
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 1 square right
    ~Moved Anna 7 squares up

    Turn 21:
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 9 squares right "rescuing" Chrom
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 2 squares right 1 square up

    Map ended with Chrom and Chloey as the heroes

    [spoiler=Closing Notes]Chloey and Chrom ended the map and now I have access to second seals...:XD:
    It sure is nice to the second seals that I need. Now to have the weaponry to match. All in the growth of the units to make stronger babies.

  15. If you think the chapter became too hard you can get second seals, if not you can continue without.

    It's not about the chapter being too hard it's about units that aren't going to grow any further that need it. The chapter is fairly easy, however certain needed units are not up to scratch and could easily die even with the best tactical work.

  16. Hello all I am debating whether or not to get Morgan/Nah or go to the next chapter (14) given that I have been doing a lot of DLC grinding and have Lucina and a few other characters in desperate need of second seals should I go for the second seals or snap on ahead for the sake of story...(I need second seals anyway but I am not so sure)

  17. OOOOH totally forgot about that class bonus part and the caps... it wasn't as simple as I figured ...

    Sorry about that...

    That's ok I noticed that Lucina came home with 12 points of magic :XD: it could have been higher, but you got quite close to her stats that I wound up with :D:

  18. Now for the slightly important stats of Lucina:

    HP: 57

    Strength: 26 and capped

    Magic: 12 (grr damn your low magic Chrom! Although I guess you're not magically inclined)

    Skill: 28 and capped

    Speed: 30 and capped

    Luck: 31 and capped

    Defence: 29 and capped

    Resistance: 18

    So these are the stats that Lucina ended up with (Chloey did some magical growth for me) and I really dislike Chrom's lack of growth in magic, but I understand it as well. I wonder what a magic asset avatar would do to that magic growth?

  19. Ah yes, chapter 13 the one in which Aversa creeps me out with her somewhat smug tone that makes me want to hurl everytime I hear it and it seems that Chrom shares my sentiment on the matter being quite surprised to see her there. Of course she makes him uneasy to say the least knowing that she's served Gangrel...

    But I digress. Talk turns to Validar and the fact that obviously he's Grimleal. And so too is Aversa...funnily enough. As if I'd not have guessed that before.

    [spoiler=Chapter notes]

    So we meet Validar who is of course the same bastard that tried to kill Emmeryn way back in chapter 6 and Chloey and Chrom killed his ass. Of course it's not surprising to see Chrom has a slightly negative reaction, but as Validar talks to Chloey I get chills down my spine everytime I hear his voice. I also like how Chrom's reaction here is to try not to draw attention to his tactician and try to explain what he's trying to wrap his head around. And the funny thing is that Chloey doesn't have an answer to Chrom's question/response to Validar. Chloey asks Chrom what to do and Chrom tells her to keep her guard up and stay close. And this is the part where Grima decides to show its face...which is ironically the same face as...you guessed it Chloey!!

    So poor Chloey has a doppleganger that litterally shakes her and the shepherds up. Especially Chrom and Frederick. Too bad we don't see our Chloey as well. That would actually be interesting to see her reaction. However we don't get much time to ponder on what is going on.

    It isn't until later that we find out that Chloey is unble to sleep because of what happened and she's trying to figure out how there are essentially two of her. This is when Validar decides that playing with Chloey's head and trying to make her turn to Grima (as if I would) and Chrom interrupts him and Validar leaves a shaken Chloey. Of course Chloey can't really tell Chrom if said doppleganger is real or not. Chrom supports Chloey and gives her the resolve that she needs to get her work done.

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:

    Unit gained: Henry

    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Henry with Tharja
    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey
    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 5 squares up swaped for a Henry lead and gave him a mire tome to play with
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 6 squares up and ended Henry's archer friend
    ~Moved Chloey 4 squares up to take out the risen chief
    Chloey and Chrom won the map and I have made a chapter 13 record of beating it in one turn :XD:

    [spoiler=Ending Notes]So Chrom takes a quick breather and a risen assassin appears and who appears but "Marth" that comes to Chrom's aid...even though Chrom is strong enough to deal with it himself and would have taken 0 damage.

    And "Marth" gets caught out calling Chrom father and reveals that she is actually none other than...Lucina?! But how is that possible Lucina is still a baby back at the palace that we were forced to leave behind because of the Valmese causing trouble...unless...Lucina is from the future! Which is crazy but as the Lucina before us explains it's true. She and some children from the past came to the future to help save the world from Grima.

    And now we come to the fun part, Lucina seeing her mother again. Chloey doesn't believe it at first but then she sees that it is indeed Lucina. At first her concern is the baby, but Lucina explains that she is from the future and she has proof because she carries the future Falchion. Chloey asks Lucina what happened in her timeline and Lucina explains that Grima is woken up again and that all of the shepherds are dead. Lucina explains that she came into the past with others but she and the others became separated and Lissa (who somehow appears) says that we'll help her find them.

    After all of that it's time for Lucina to actually meet her mother properly. Chloey is of course very proud of Lucina and says, "Chrom and I are truly blessed." and Lucina thanks her mother...a little awkwardly until Chloey tells her that she would rather be called mother by Lucina and the young woman has a touching and much needed moment with her mother. Of course if you've been follow this run you'll know that Chloey is smaller than Lucina. However it is clear that no height difference will stop Chloey giving Lucina a much needed hug.

    Now for the slightly important stats of Lucina:
    HP: 57
    Strength: 26 and capped
    Magic: 12 (grr damn your low magic Chrom! Although I guess you're not magically inclined)
    Skill: 28 and capped
    Speed: 30 and capped
    Luck: 31 and capped
    Defence: 29 and capped
    Resistance: 18
    So with this in mind it seems that Lucina has a good start! And now the part that we've all been waiting for Lucina's reclass into the tactician!! Veteran and discipline are the skills that will set her up well for her reclassing fun and tomes are the game here! This is especially needed for Chapter 14. Mages are what we need and Lucina can do anything like her mother.

    So now I will move onto the next chapter, but first I will reveal the married couples who have a child paralogue:

    ~ Chrom and Chloey have unlocked Side Story 12

    ~Stahl and Sully have unlocked side Story 8

    ~Vaike and Maribelle have unlocked Side Story 7

    ~Ricken and Miriel have unlocked Side Story 14

    ~Gaius and Panne have unlocked Side Story 13

    ~Gregor and Cordelia have unlocked Side Story 10

    ~Frederick and Sumia have unlocked Side Story 9

    ~Lon'qu and Lissa have unlocked Side Story 5

    So I'm missing Noire's and Gerome's Side stories. Not bad for the support grinding I've been doing via DLC. Which I have been doing since the moment that I could because I find supports very important to help my units in battle. The fact of the matter is that supported units have saved each other when they really needed it.

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