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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. My current run has Chrom/Avatar; I passed down Veteran and felt it was a very worthwhile choice. But I don't really think Discipline is the best choice for Avatar!Lucina. If you're going to swing through DF and GM, that should get you plenty of Tome training, and having double-digit stats to start with is pretty good to begin with. I had no trouble maxing Lucina's Tome rank before finishing GM.

    Well I read from the Fire Emblem Wiki (not Serenes) that it was best for Lucina to inherit galeforce (as well as Morgan, but that is a given). I am thinking about where F!Robin will be in her training when I get to chapter 13. If she is a cleric at that stage I am more inclined to give Lucina discipline to save me having to reclass as a cavalier. If I have Lucina inherit veteran then that could save me having to go tactician, but I don't think that I can go without tactician Lucina D: espceially since Lucina's so cute as well O.O

  2. I will have to say this because when I first saw it; this piece was amazing. The fact that I keep coming back to this one...well it says a lot. I love how both Robins are back to back. I love how we see not just Robin, but Corrin/Corrina(?) as well. I love how the artist ties everything in so beautifully *happy cries*. I hope that one day I can manage to get my style down pat to look half as good as this one :D:

  3. It's trivial for her to learn discipline on her own, it's WAY harder for her to learn Galeforce. Galeforce will be far more useful towards getting her up while she's briefly below the performance of your best units on the higher difficulties. Just reclass her to cavalier immediately if you want her to learn that. Better yet, reclass her to tactician first for the improved xp and then make her a cavalier.

    Well I doubt that it will be that hard to get galeforce since this run that I am doing does allow from grinding to a degree (heck I'm already doing that with Chrom and F!Robin to give Lucina a head start over the other children and at least give her solid double digit stats) I find getting her tome ranking up without discipline is a pain when I do the essential must that is reclassing to tactician (because I lean towards magic rather than swords in most RPGs where magic is an option). Sure I could give her veteran, but I would lose the potential tome training that comes with the tactician class (and this run is going to be about efficiant class changes for Chrom's children/wife) as well as everyone else.

    Lucina will likely want to do one base reclass before promoting. The good base class skills for ingame are Veteran, AT and Discipline, so she'll want to get one herself (and inherit another unless you think you can reach GF in time, though that's not happening without grinding). So decide whether you'd like her first promoted class to be Grandmaster, Hero or Paladin and then pass whatever that route doesn't get (Veteran is most important, then Discipline). All three will be really good on Normal.

    I actually plan to do more or less what I am doing with F!Robin, which is second sealing to pick up all the base class skills that I need before promoting (including those that are a map by map basis). Here's what I more or less did in my last playthrough with F!Robin:

    Tactician lvl 10 second seal-> Cavalier lvl 10 second seal-> Cleric lvl 10 second seal->Pegasus Knight lvl 10 master seal->Dark Flier lvl 15 second seal->mage lvl 10 second seal->dark mage lvl 10 master seal->Sorcerer lvl 15 second seal->Dark Knight lvl 15 second seal->Grandmaster lvl 10 second seal->Assassin lvl 10 second seal->Sorcerer capped at level 20

    Of course I am doubt that this will work in this playthrough, but that is what I did. I think though in my original playthough I had F!Robin as a Grandmaster when she took on Grima. I don't really remember. And I think I gave Lucina galeforce and swpet up to get Morgan.

  4. So while I am doing a +def -lck avatar run, I was wondering what skill should I pass down to Lucina? F!Robin is currently in cavalier and has the double weapon exp skill (which I find handy because it helps with weapon exp) so I have researched it before is it better to hand down double weapon exp or galeforce? I know that I will be putting Lucina into the dark flier class if I don't get her to inherit galeforce, so there is that.

  5. It's great to see characters in different classes! The artist did a good job at drawing Lucina as a Dark Mage!

    Aww thanks *blushes* I can honestly say that it was pretty much me using about 2 main references (Lucina as Marth and Tharja) that helped out quite a bit with this one.

  6. Henry: "I'm going to kill you!" and "Have some death!" and "Bye, bye!"

    Robin: "Checkmate!", "You're finished"

    Chrom: "Now I'm angry!," "Your end has come!"

    Lucina: "I challenge my fate!", "Hope will never die!"

    Morgan: "Amature!"

    and there are a few more but I don't recall them off the yop of my head.

  7. Hex and Anathema won't work at range, so if you're worried about Hit then Hit+20/Prescience work much better. The main advantage of using Hex/Anathema are that you can have them anywhere on a pair, or even on a nearby Staffbot, and they work for both the lead and the support. Hit+20/Prescience both offer a much bigger boost, and always activate regardless of range.

    In theory then you could have everyone that have the dark mage class line with anathema and hex (though I am tempted to go for just hex or anathema never both at once) that could support for a main sorcerer with prescience or hit +20...that would be an interesting strategy. Especially since I like hitting at a distance with minimal damage to my units.

  8. Mire missing shouldn't be too much of a problem- supports boost Hit, and all that. If you want to see a slightly more practical issue with Mire, check out that video that keeps floating to the top of Apotheosis YT searches (the one by Omegaevolution)- he drops a kill due to forgetting to re-equip Morgan's Brave after Mire-chipping something.

    That sounds like something I would do *rofl*. That said would something like hit +20 be worth while with a mire user or would the combo hex anathema be better?

  9. I'd say that perhaps you could give Morgan/Robin the Lord class if they are the same gender as Lucina/Chrom with a buddy seal :XD: just for pure fun of course! That said I think a marriage seal would have been nice (then Chrom could reclass into every gender permitting class if he married F!Robin :XD:). Or Sumia getting cavalier from Sully as well as myrmidon...I smell a vantage + vengace combo Sumia with buddy sealing if that were possible O.O

  10. An understandable accident though--the Avatar and Chrom have every reason to be close regardless of the former's gender. The two of them got married in my female Avatar run by the end of the third or fourth chapter, it was ridiculous.

    Alright. Some of these will pretty obviously lead to children geared for certain focuses (Ricken!Owain will be geared for magic, frex). Are you flexible on your Avatar's stats? Because -Def is usually the preferred choice, so +Str/-Def might be better. Beyond that, many of these pairs seem decent. I would of course defer to Czar_Yoshi, Radiant head, or other much more well-versed users.

    Sounds good to me, and that's a commonly-recommended pairing anyway (since it gives Noire Galeforce, and Gaius's stats are pretty good for any Noire).

    A bit unfortunate that, since Lon'qu is a good dad, especially for Severa. The super-dark hair is a bit surprising compared to her red-haired official art, but I found the Lon'qu/Cordelia supports oddly compelling, and Severa will receive both an interesting selection of classes and huge Skill and Speed (+6 each!). For completeness, your unpaired fathers are Lon'qu, Kellam, Libra, Vaike, and Donnel; your unpaired mothers are Miriel, Maribelle, Cordelia, and Olivia. Presuming you want to get all the children, that means you'll need to pick (or remember, I guess?) which one won't get married, because you'll need exactly four dads.

    Of the four other dads: Donnel can no longer pass Peg Knight to a daughter that wouldn't get it normally (Sully, Tharja, and Nowi are already taken), so you should use him carefully, only where that Luck boost is really worthwhile (probably Brady, definitely not Severa). Libra is your best remaining Magic dad, with Henry and Ricken already taken, but that also means using him as father for a magic-leaning child, i.e. Brady or Laurent, will do almost nothing for that child's class pool, as the former gets only Dark Mage and Sorcerer and the latter gets only Priest and War Monk. Kellam is generally reviled by the community--he is Worst Dad--so I can't in good conscience recommend him for anyone, but he gives Laurent a not-terrible Mag (+4). And finally Vaike is your best +Str dad, so you almost certainly would want to use him for Inigo or Severa.

    Aw, don't beat yourself up--shit happens. For most children, inheritances are based on either lack of access, or on convenience to you. For the first, Panne gets Wyverns but doesn't pass them down to Yarne, so if he doesn't get it from his dad, Panne should pass one of those skills down (obv. this doesn't apply to you, since Fred!Yarne does get Wyvern Rider). But with Gregor!Nah, for example, you should pass down a Barb-line skill; your choices are Wrath, Axefaire, Rally Strength, and Counter. She could be a Rally unit (Strength, Magic, Skill, Heart, and your choice of Luck or Res?), a supporting War Cleric with Axefaire, or just about any class using Vantage+Wrath. Counter's probably not worth it.

    For other characters, like Fred!Yarne, there are no skills you can't get if you're willing to do some grinding, so it's more a matter of what would be easier or more useful to you. Discipline, Luna, Lancebreaker, and Quick Burn are all good for Fred to give Yarne. Any kid that can inherit Armsthrift or Despoil gets decent benefit (saving/making money). Also, consider skills that are useful, but come from classes that really, really aren't useful. For example, Renewal is a great HP-restoring skill, if that matters to you...but for a Mag-heavy character (like Brady), that means slogging through a Str-based class for 15 levels. Passing down Renewal means you never need to take War Cleric to get its biggest benefit, which is nice. So consider whether skills you already have (or can easily get) will save you some time grinding a poorly-fitting class, too.

    Er...I'm kind of confused. Miss Morgan? Do you mean Morgan's sister (since Morgan will be male if the Avatar married Chrom), or do you mean Morgan's wife?

    The thing with Galeboys, as I understand it, is that it's not as big a deal to get a second Galeforce proc as it is to add Galeforce to a pair that wouldn't have it otherwise. So it's better to have (say) Gregor!Nah supporting a Galeboy and Lucina (with GF) supported by (say) Laurent, than it is to have Gregor!Nah/Laurent and Galeboy/Lucina.

    Highest +Mag bonus is Mage/Sage at +4. Dark Mage and Sorc give +3. Assuming A/S support and 30+ Mag, that's 4+2+3 = +9 for Sage, vs. +8 for Dark Mage/Sorc. The other big reason for taking Sage over Sorc is Rescue staves, because repositioning your units is always valuable (and if "Miss Morgan" has GF, you can both attack *and* reposition units).

    I meant F!Morgan from my M!MU play through (I guees that is easy to miss O.O). Since this is useful information not just on my M!Robin run, but my "re-incarnation" F!Robin run :XD: I know the main reason I have a dark mage preference is Mire although that can easily miss and may not get the kills I'm after it does provide valuable chip damage that should in theory keep me reasonably safe, if not then I will have at least 2 1st gen and 1 2nd gen sage to deal with that having rescue staves on hand (Lissa and Miriel 1st gen as well as Laurent for the 2nd gen too bad I can't really recall the pairings D:). It is also too bad that Aversa doesn't get the mage/cleric class line then she could be the ideal unit (shadowgift allowing for dark magic while having rescue staff abilities is something that I need but can't have D:) that or Robin not being able to have shadowgift when they can clearly use dark magic :/ again for the dark magic sage which would be really nice. Alas we can't have it so I will just have to make do D:

  11. You know I married Sumia with Henry in my first awakening playthrough. Of course that is because Chrom was taken by F!Robin (a total accident I must admit). I plan of course to do a playthrough to follow my very first one complete with pairings of old. Here were off the top of my head the pairings I had:

    Chrom/F!Robin (+Def/-Mag or it should have been +Str/-Mag but meh)



    Sully/Stahl? (I am not so sure on this one, but it seems more than likely given how much I adore their supports and still blush at Stahl's confession to Sully every time because it's so darn cute!)




    Now then in light of the fact that I killed Gaius and Tharja I will be pairing them up in this run for the sake of what would have happened had I known that I could have recruited them. So my next best question is who would I have had left over? I think it would be Kellam and Libra since I don't think I used Lonnie that much after I got him (and again in the spirit of the original run to go with who would be the most likely pairings). So my main question is (of course) if I did give skills to the children (galeforce for the galeboys of course) which ones should their fathers give them? I know I'm in for RK Morgan *snickers* but what should I have the others inherit. I ask this because I flat out do not remember what I did in my first run (which got deleted :/ damn I'm an idiot).

    Also on another front thinking about it some more if Miss Morgan is a DF then who if she's married is the best mag boost? May or may not go for a galeboy, but I am not entirely sure. I mean I was thinking sorcercer as her finishing class to see how she goes (I don't have lb yet D: damn not having DLC that is needed). I have a thing for dark mages...

  12. Perhaps because Henry isn't actually a spy and was presented as an ally rather than the enemy like Tharja.

    Also don't forget that it was someone who was close enough to the Avatar (and I doubt that Henry would be that close that early on in the game...especially with how long it takes to build support) to know that they didn't touch the Fire Emblem. From what I saw of the game there are quite a few generic spys running around and that it could very well be possible, as well as Grima seeing what is going on in the present through their connection to the avatar.

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