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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. For all we know, they apologized off-screen or something. Who knows. Either way, the point is that your clearly congratulating female Robin for not reacting like his other "sorry excuses of wives" reeks an awful lot like putting down other wives in favor of the female Robin.

    In which case I'd like to remind you that female Robin also threatens to hit him with a rock in the C-support and throws things at him for something that was her own fault in the A-support. None of the others do that in their supports. Best wife ever.

    Which I am totally aware of :/ and I hate those supports and really would haved loved to see IS change those, but they didn't. I would have rather them have been the same as M!Robin with the S-Support at the end. Keep grabbing at your straws because the game certainly doesn't say explictly that the others apologised or not. I will assume that they did not becuase they were too busy with Lucina. Also F!Robin apologises in her A support about the soap dish, while Chrom apologises for walking in on her while having a bath. So you can't say that she gets a free pass. Like I said at least she is willing to note that sometimes there is more to something that what you are seeing.

    That's hilarious, that would be so uncomfortable for the other characters there.

    Yeah I was thinking that. Still Severa looked kinda alright.

  2. She already has Aether too so that takes pressure off. I think it'd be fine. Tomefaire, Galeforce, and Aether are all decent skills.

    I figured that those might be at least three that I can consider. I could even throw Limit braker to a degree I suppose.

  3. Class wise, Morgan makes an exceedingly good Valkyrie in my experience. She'll also probably have a higher luck if you're at all interested in that. Tomefaire is also good to pick up.

    Well I was thinking along the lines of Sage Morgan (again something for that +7 mag) or even having her as a sorcerer. I'm not set though. Tomfaire sounds like a nice skill and I could make it work for a dark flier (increase her range or something to that affect). I am thinking of a tomefaire sage Maribelle!Lucina (because Lucina is more magically based in her caps and it would be a waste to make her a Great Lord and I don't want to do the grinding needed for it to get her caps)

  4. Yeah, I don't entirely blame it on Sumia though. It could have been anyone and she would be just as hated because she isn't the player character, which is why I guess I'm a bit biased against Chrobin. Because of reasons such as most fans I find seem to be unable to let Chrom (pixels!) go for any wife and usually loathe Sumia for being the main choice. And another reason is I see way too much of Sumia in myself to be comfortable with people hating her.

    Also I guess Chrom and Robin's supports rubbed me the wrong way. Fuck you FeMC leave the boy alone.

    .... but this isn't about Chrobin, it's about Sumia and Maribelle. Or, rather, Chrom and Maribelle.

    I -do- think it's due to them not having beta tested it or people not having tried to get them together before playing the game. Though I do wonder... if this doesn't happen for Olivia x Chrom, then does that mean some maniac tried it? And succeeded?

    That is...very interesting to say the least...I think we all know that F!Robin and Chrom's supports are horrible D: there is just no denying it. Still this is providing food for welcome thought.

    No I haven't seen the Sumia conversation in Summer scramble.

  5. do you mean the game's one "suggestion" based on the fact it can't ship the avatar with anyone in particular since they can marry everyone and thus choose a default option to hint that chrom has to get married even though it could be anyone

    Probably. That and the developers most likely decided to make Sumia the "assumed" wife of Chrom. They don't give her that much development as a character at all. I like Sumia's supports with Frederick because she actually shows a depth to her character. With Chrom...not so much. At best the glitch gives us a Yandere Sumia, which could make for an interesting character if she was there for the other scenes as well.

  6. I'll disagree - to me it felt that Lucina and Morgan had everything they needed with mothers and without Chrom's rather lackluster mods. I usually go Chrom x Olivia. It's trickier but I think it's where I've gotten the best Lucina so far.

    And cramps Lucina into fewer classes and options while you're at it. Leaving Lucina to be a Great Lord while you're wasting time with Olivia to get her up to standard in less than two chapters.

    *shrugs* I use +def -luk to balance out Chrom's mods and it works.

  7. As a MaMU player, since I was experimenting with the "Double" (Pair Up) mechanic... the first thing I would imagine you would usually do is what the tutorial card introduces, like I did.

    Which was pair up the first two units that introduce the mechanic... and considering they have one of the fastest support growths in the game...

    The forced marriage happened for me was pretty much the Sumia hug that didn't happen to anyone else.

    I was so confused when Mariabelle didn't get anything like that on a subsequent playthrough.

    Rufurufu is superior gameplay-wise anyway.

    Yeah the game does ship Chromia :P: still I find that I have fun making my own pairs rather than following the game's suggestions.

  8. Oh, actually I was thinking of the game's heavy shipping of Chrom x Sumia, the fact that Maribelle's pretty hard to build support with, and the game's forced marriage in Cht.11. When you're doing beta testing, it's often a good idea to get players who don't know the game inside out, because if something's poorly explained, you're more likely to find out that way. And realistically, the number of people who both want and achieve Chrom x Maribelle on their first playthrough is going to be pretty low.

    ...And it's entirely possible that the player doesn't even know what S supports do prior to Cht.11. On my first playthrough, I just assumed Chrom's forced marriage was a story thing.

    I found Maribelle fairly easy to pair up with Chrom myself. Easier than I expected. Probably because I tend to keep Sully and Sumia away from Chrom and have them both married to someone else.

  9. Uhh … I happen to appreciate that Olivia, despite being upset, was more concerned about Chrom's happiness than hers. And way to pretty much bash every other wife when the reaction they had is still one that a lot of people who thought they were being cheated on would have. Not cool.

    Thanks for the reminder of Olivia, but I will point out that she still assumes that Chrom is cheating on her regardless. The fact still stands with regards to his other potential brides as well (Sumia, Sully and Maribelle). All of them except Robin jumped to conclusions. I know that it is human, but it is the wrong way to go about it especially if you think someone is cheating on you. Also none of them actually apologises for doubting their husband who clearly loves them. At least F!Robin said to Chrom that she trusts him and asks him to explain what is going on. No one else did. They all cried cheater without asking or at least questioning what was going on. It seems pretty shallow and petty to me, even if you thought some one was cheating on you.

    In my defense, it looked like you were serious.

    O.O Me, serious? Well I hate to say this but I tend to not be and jokes are not easily picked up :P:

  10. F!Robin's facial expression in that scene suggests to me that she IS jealous and angry. She's just doing a better job of not blowing up in Chrom's face.

    Which shows that while she might be jealous, she's willing to hear Chrom's explaination. Unlike those other sorry excuses for wives that he can have who all scream "You cheated on me, even though we have a baby together!". I know from the script of chapter 13 that all of them; save Robin are not willing to hear him out and explain the situation that their future daughter is having a moment with her lost father. F!Robin gets brownie points for keeping her cool.

  11. I've been playing FE since FE8 first came out, but I suppose I'm not the BEST strategist in the world despite this.

    One part of the issue is that almost nobody comes with vulneraries, so you have to use Lissa more. Except that leaves her open for attacks. :|

    The other part of the issue is how slowly game mechanics unlock. You can't even visit any shops until after chapter 3.

    Turn off slide guides in the options menu. That way you almost have full access to most of the gaming mechanics (Pair Up etc). It should help.

    If not make sure you are watching the enemies' skills and ranges like a hawk and keep Lissa as far out of that range as possible (hard I know, but I have it down pat in normal). I find that having the way blocked to her by your units has its merits. I find that while I've only ever done normal; those things still help (I did try hard on chapter 1, and my Robin took a beating and almost died because I refuse to do what is known as Frederick emblem because Robin and Chrom miss out on vital EXP).

    Another idea is to play out all possible strategies in normal mode then use the best possible ones on hard. That is my current goal before Fates comes out in my area.

  12. I can't help iiiiiiiiiit. Dumb things drive me nuts. I have been known to ragequit certain animes because of their stupidity. lol.

    That being said, I actually had to make a new file and make Chrom marry Maribelle after the original sumia topic, just to see this glitch. It was weiiird.

    As someone in the original topic said, YOU'RE DRUNK SUMIA. GO HOME.

    Yeah I saw it after I had Chrom marry Maribelle myself (which is why I started this thread ironically enough). All of the looking up of said glitch, just made me think of one thing:

    Sumia is just too hurt if Chrom marries another woman (in this case Maribelle) to let Chrom go, so she follows him around staring at him all the time hoping that he'll notice her, all while plotting to kill Maribelle or something. I know that thread had Sumia thinking of baking a pie with nails...so it is likely. Unless Sumia's married then it is screwed up big time.

    You must not watch much anime then.


    I watch anime and don't dig stupid things either. So really it is a matter of opinion and not to be taken as absolute fact.

  13. It was a joke. Lighten up. They probably forgot to patch it up if anything.

    And you ruined said joke -.-

    it still bothers me that Nintendo has never given Awakening a patch

    It would be nice if they did. Maybe give some characters better supports (I'm looking at you F!Robin with your infamous C-A Supports) and get rid of the Sumia glitch...on second thoughts I kinda like it. It does make for some interesting story oppotunities. Yandere Sumia does have its merrits...

  14. Sumia isn't going to stab Maribelle, if anything, she wants her for herself.

    I highly doubt that. Like I said the game ships Chromia, not Marimia. Seriously though, it seems to me like Sumia is glaring at Chrom for not marrying her.

  15. Well if you're just playing through story mode it doesn't really matter - I use Donnel!Yarne a long time ago. Can't remember how he went, I don't assume it was too good though. Donnel has a bad habit of hurting kids more then helping... a shame since his hair color is so good on everyone. Especially Nah and Kjelle.

    It is a shame. Really Donny needs something to make him worth while in the late game and some good caps!

  16. Nothing. It isn't that Yarne is bad, it's that the Taguel class is just a really bad class with bleh caps. But a good Yarne are the usual - Stahl, Virion, Lon'qu, Vaike...

    Stahl's taken in my F!Mu run...I think that I may have Donnel or Kellam left for Yarne (horrible options I know D:) on my F!Mu title (depending on Nowi I could go Donnel!Nah but it is up in the air). For M!Mu though I think it is worth a shot since I only have Stahl, Kellam and Donnel left...although I did want to try Donnel!Yarne...hmm...I guess I'll have to save Donnel!Yarne for another playthrough. Everyone else is married off already.

    [spoiler=M!Mu Pairs for my current playthrough]

    Chrom x Maribelle

    Lissa x Lon'qu

    Frederick x Sumia

    Kaleb (M!Mu) x Lucina

    Sully x Gaius

    Miriel x Ricken

    Cordelia x Virion

    Tharja x Henry

    Gregor x Nowi

    Cherche x Vaike

  17. Not trying to sound rude/offensive/super invested in pairings, but there are people who like Chrom/Sumia. Granted, less than Chrom/Robin, but there are people. I'm probably reading too much into this I'm tired I'm sorry

    On-topic though this glitch is hilariously creepy and I'm really surprised there is no fic about it lmao

    And I pulled a damn typo. What I meant was that not all players ship Chromia ugh I hate typos.

    Still though why have the glitch in the first place? I would like to see that fic...*pictures a yandere Sumia scaring Maribelle into asking Robin to 'subtly kill Sumia through a stategy' because Maribelle desperately wants to keep Chrom or something to that effect* it could make for an interesting interpritation of Sumia's character as well as Maribelle's.

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