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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. Any tips for who Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan (+mag -str avatar father) will need as a husband? Morgan is likely going to be a sorc/sage/dark flier. I might want to give her Ricken!Laurent, but is there anyway to further boost her magical damage output?


  2. Any tips for who Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan (+mag -str avatar father) will need as a husband? Morgan is likely going to be a sorc/sage/dark flier. I might want to give her Ricken!Laurent, but is there anyway to further boost her magical damage output?

  3. Ok so I am working through chapter 5 and below is where I am currently at. Being sick is not fun, but I have been improving and am mostly on the mend (at least as far as I am concerned). Pictures will be posted later as I still have to download them onto my computer and re-post them (or just use the play journal feature which I do not want to do :/)

    [spoiler=The Exalt and the King]Chapter 5: The Exalt and the King

    Pre battle notes:
    Chapter 5 is an interesting chapter for a number of reasons. For starters we get to see who King Gangrel actually is and for another, we find out a little bit about why Plegia is "at war" with Ylisse. This chapter is of course the one that adds to my suffering. We won't see it yet, but it does and if I lose a unit, then this whole run is to be scrapped (and I am very much sad to say that Vaike kept trying to kill himself on a risen skirmish so by default I have failed already, although I didn't say without resetting but I am not about to use that loophole at the moment). The beginning of this chapter opens with Emmeryn, Lissa and Chrom (who is newly second sealed I might add) go to begin talking to Gangrel. From what I will condense the conversation is as follows:
    Gangrel more or less demands Maribelle for the Fire Emblem, which Emmeryn is not willing to do. Emmeryn tries to offer a more practical solution and Gangrel turns her down and basically starts a second war with Ylisse that neither side wanted or really needed, even if it was in revenge of the last war. All it says about Gangrel is that he is one hell of a fool. Note to self do not marry this guy at all...unless shipping with Aversa because why not? Digression I know, but the conversation ends with Gangrel's men attacking Emmeryn and Chrom standing up and protecting her.
    Meanwhile poor Maribelle is told by Aversa that she [Maribelle] will be known as the one who distroyed House Ylisse. However just as we think that we're going to lose her, none other than Ricken comes and saves her. I know that there are a lot of jokes out there about Ricken and I am not going to repeat them. I can laugh at him even though Ricken is one of my favourite units. That said saving his friend is a very brave thing to do. It is nice that he takes Aversa completely by surprise and frees Maribelle. While Aversa calls him "little" Ricken quickly gives her a what for with "Don't talk down to me witch!" and some wind magic, that Aversa should have seen coming, although thankfully she did not. The struggle is very much going to be real.
    Battle Prep:
    Units Deployed:
    ~Chloey (Also second sealed, to cavalier to make weapon leveling easier)
    ~Amelia (a special log book unit who is here to stay +mag -str for my fan fiction Invisible Ties)
    ~Arcfire (bought via spotpass)
    ~Bronze Lance (main weapon)
    ~Steel Sword (Second weapon bought via spotpass)
    ~Steel Lance (bought via spotpass)
    ~Steel Sword (bought via spotpass)
    ~Steel Axe (bought via spotpass)
    ~Bronze Lance (main weapon)
    ~Iron Sword
    ~Bronze Sword
    ~Steel Lance
    ~Steel Sword
    Battle Start:
    Turn 1:
    ~Moved Mariblle 4 squares down
    ~Moved Ricken 4 squares down
    ~Moved Amelia 5 squares to to attack the barbarian for 14 damage
    ~Moved Miriel 4 squares up and 1 square to the left to take care of the barbarian
    ~Moved Chloey to support Chrom
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 2 squares up and one square to the left
    ~Moved Vaike 2 squares left and 2 squares up
    ~Paired Stahl with Sully
    ~Moved Kellam 1 square left 2 squares up
    ~Paired Frederick with Amelia
    ~Sully/Stahl stayed put
    ~Plegian barbarian located on the bottom of the map moved towards Chrom/Chloey and Chrom finally gets his first critical hit of the game, "Now I'm angry," he says as he easily dispatches the barbarian while Chloey gives him a nice stat boost
    ~Miriel easily handles the dark mage that comes her way without even flinching
    Turn 2:
    ~Pair up Miriel/Ricken move the pair 2 squares up and one square to the left, switching Ricken as the lead
    ~Moved Sully/Stahl 1 square down and 1 square to the left and took out the dark mage in the bottom corner
    ~Paired up Kellam/Vaike and moved Vaike up 4 squares and switched for a Kellam lead
    ~Moved Amelia 4 squares up and switched for a Frederick lead
    ~Moved Maribelle 1 square up and 4 squares to the left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 6 squares left
    ~Ricken is attacked by the myrmidon and Miriel dual struck and ended the myrmidon
    ~A barbarian went for Ricken and did 4 damage
    ~Mage attacked Kellam
    ~The marked barbarian and myrmidon moved down
    Turn 3:
    ~Ricken attacked the barbarian that attacked him last turn
    ~Seperated Kellam/Vaike with Vaike being moved to the right
    ~Moved Frederick/Amelia 1 square down and 1 square to the right to end the barbarain with the activation of Luna (and have him say, "Pick a god and pray,")
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square left 4 squares up to attack the barbarian reinforcement that appeared last turn that will drop a hand axe when he dies. Chrom clearly wants to match Chloey in the critical hits and has his second of the map, "Your end has come!"
    ~Healed Ricken
    ~Moved Sully/Stahl 2 squares to the right and 5 squares up
    ~Mage goes for Vaike and does 8 damage (looks like Vaike is doing the dying again D: which I really hope that he doesn't)
    ~The myrmidon attacks Vaike for 4 damage and gets killed
    Turn 4:
    ~Healed Vaike
    ~Had Ricken/Miriel attack the mage Ricken takes 4 damage
    ~Myrmidon goes for Ricken and does 8 damage Ricken gains a level. He has the following stats pot level up:
    Str: 4
    Mag: 9 +(7)
    Skill:6 +(2)
    Spd: 6 +(1)
    Lck: 11 +(1)
    Def: 7
    Res: 3
    Turn 5:
    ~Ricken killed the myrmidon
    ~Kellam ended the mage
    ~Healed Ricken
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 3 squares down, 1 square right, 3 squares down again attacking the dark mage Chrom manages a neat dual strike
    ~Myrmidon and a barbarian move down
    Turn 6:
    ~Moved Maribelle 1 square to the right and 3 squares down to heal Vaike. Maribelle gained a level and it was not what I was hoping for. Her stats:
    Str: 3
    Mag: 6
    Skill: 4
    Spd: 6
    Lck: 6
    Def: 3
    Res: 6 (+2)
    ~Paired up Vaike with Kellam
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square to the right and 6 squares up
    ~Moved Frederick/Amelia 1 square up 1 square to the left
    ~Myrmidon attacks Ricken and does 3 damage
    ~Barbarian goes for Kellam and Kellam gains a level
    Turn 7:
    ~Kellam ended the barbarian
    ~Moved Frederick/Amelia to take out the myrmidon with Amelia and her bronze sword, and Amelia gained a level up:
    HP: +1
    Str: +1
    Skill: +1
    Def: +1
    Res: +1
    ~Moved Ricken/Miriel 4 squares to the left
    ~Moved Maribelle 3 squares up and 1 square to the left to heal Amelia
    ~Moved Sully/Stahl 2 squares up
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square up and 2 to the right
    Turn 8:
    ~Moved Ricken/Miriel 3 squares up into enemy range
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 2 squares right and 2 squares up
    ~Moved Kellam/Vaike 2 squares up and two squares to the left
    ~Moved Maribelle 3 squares left to heal Kellam
    ~Dark mage went for Ricken/Miriel Ricken doing an impressive 17 damage
    ~Plegian Barbarian went for Ricken/Miriel and missed Ricken
    Turn 9:
    ~Ended the Dark mage and Ricken gained a vital level where he gained +8 stats:
    HP: 22
    Str: 5
    Mag: 10
    Skill: 7
    Spd: 7
    Lck: 12
    Def: 8
    Res: 4
    I guess that no body will talk down to Ricken now :P:
    ~Made everyone maintain positions
    ~Barbarian hit Ricken and did some damage
    ~Myrmidon went for Ricken and did some more damage but Ricken 1 shotted the myrmidon with ease
    Turn 10:
    ~Moved Maribelle to heal Ricken
    ~Moved Ricken/Miriel 3 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square left
    ~Moved Kellam/Vaike 2 squares left and 1 square up
    ~Moved Amelia/Frederick 5 squares left
    ~Moved Sully/Stahl 3 squares left 1 square up
    ~Left wyvern rider went for Ricken/Miriel Ricken Ricken gained another level up:
    HP: +1
    Mag: +1
    Spd: +1
    Lck: +1
    Turn 11:
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 2 squares right and 3 squares up into the sparkly fort
    ~Moved Ricken/Miriel 3 squares right and 1 square up
    ~Moved Kellam/Vaike 1 square to the left
    ~Moved Maribelle 1 square up to heal Ricken
    ~Orton went for Ricken/Miriel and missed his chance to hit. Ricken killed the boss for 29 damage although Orton didn't care because he states that war will soon be on Ylissean soil.
    Turn 12:
    ~Moved Ricken/Miriel 4 squares up
    ~Kept everyone put
    ~The last wvyern rider went for Ricken/Miriel and missed. Ricken swiftly ended the rider's misery
    Map end.

    So with the end of the map comes the more interesting fun of Maribelle calm Lissa who is crying to see her friend safe and sound. Of course Chloey is there too to speak with Maribelle and somehow manages to gain Maribelle's intial trust as she (I mean me but you know what I mean) saves our young noble lady friend. So Maribelle expresses her gratefulness and we then cut to Emmeryn talking to Chrom and Chloey quietly about having to prepare for war. Something that Emmeryn did not want to do at all. So while Emmeryn states that we need to protect the people of Ylisse there is a little discrepancy here :/ if for example there is a war going down why not make absolutely sure that the Fire Emblem is safe? Or what about protecting the Exalt, or evacuating the people from places that are likely to get hit? That is just my thought on the matter.

  4. For me there are two pairings that "make sense":

    Chrom x F!Robin

    M!Robin x Lucina

    I know that Chrom x F!Robin's supports are attrocious for lack of better words, but when you look at it from the actual story some of the things that Lucina says to M!Morgan (when he is not her brother) and how she talks to F!Robin if said woman is not her mother kind of suggests or at least hints at Lucina at least wanting Robin as her mother.

    With M!Robin I believe that their bond works (if anything he seems quite attached to Lucina :D:)

    And here is what I found from Lucina's A Support with M!Morgan when he isn't her brother:

    Lucina: I see... My own father, too, is fighting with all he has to win a better future. The ties between them are powerful indeed. Heh, so powerful I'm surprised they never "tied" the knot.

    Morgan: Ha ha! There, you made a joke! ... A bit weak, but hey, it's a start. So, feeling a bit better now?
    Lucina: I am, actually. Thank you, Morgan.

    Then we go onto the sibling support C for Lucina and Morgan where Morgan reveals that he doesn't like roaches:

    Morgan: This place is a mess! I really should straighten up more...often... Is that a...AAAAAAAAAUGH!

    Lucina: Gods, I've never seen Morgan run so fast! Are we under attack?! Morgan! What happened back there? ...Are you all right?!
    Morgan: L-Lucinaaa!
    Lucina: Breathe, Morgan. Calm down and tell me what happened. You have nothing to fear now that I'm here.
    Morgan: R-r-roach! A roach!
    Lucina: ...A roach? ...As in...a bug?
    Morgan: Not a bug! I love bugs! ...A roach! A huge, freakish nightmare one, with gross, hairy legs... It's HORRIBLE!
    Lucina: You're telling me all of your screaming and flailing was over a COCKROACH? *sigh* I thought the Risen had come. You could have sent the camp into a panic.
    Morgan: AAAAAH! It's back! And it can fly?! S-stay away! Don't come near meee!
    Lucina: Come now, I don't see what all the fuss i—EEEEEEK!
    Morgan: See? SEE?! It's the stuff of nightmares! Now hurry up and kill it! Kill it with fire magic or something!
    Lucina: Oh no—I'm not going near that thing! It's HUGE!
    Morgan: WHAT?! What happened to having nothing to fear now that you're here? How are you gonna win this war if you can't even smoosh one stupid roach?
    Lucina: Those two things are not related in the slightest. And YOU want to be a tactician, right? So figure out how to kill it!
    Morgan: What's to figure out?! Who plans out strategies for killing insects?! Look, you're the older one! You do it! Father told you to protect your little brother, didn't he?
    Lucina: Er, well, I suppose he did... *sigh* All right, I'll...do something about it.
    Morgan: Fantastic! Thanks, Lucina! Three cheers for the once and future exalt!
    Lucina: ...You're a royal, too, you know? It wouldn't kill you to show a bit more spine.
    Morgan: Hey, now's your chance! It just crawled into a corner behind that shelf!
    Lucina: It's too dark. I can't see it...
    Morgan: You should light up Falchion. Then once you spot it, ker-STAB!
    Lucina: Falchion isn't some common pitchfork, Morgan! It's a blade of legend!
    Morgan: Ah ha ha, all right, all right. I'm sorry I... AHHHHH! It's flying again! It's flying!
    Lucina: As formidable a foe as it may be, I won't allow it to set a singly hairy leg on you!
    Morgan: Go, Lucina, go! GET HIM!
    Chrom: What in the name of...? What are you two doing in here?!
    Lucina: F-Father?
    Morgan: Father!
    Chrom: Honestly, you two. All that commotion over a silly insect? What were you thinking?!
    Morgan: Sorry...
    Lucina: I'm sorry, Father...
    Chrom: Just see that it never happens again.
    (Chrom leaves)
    Morgan: Figures he would be the one to get it. He's unshakable.
    Lucina: It's true. Although he was a lot less calm when it came to scolding us...
    Morgan: Aw, are you still down about that? I actually rather enjoyed it. I can't remember the two of us ever getting in trouble like that before. It felt...strangely familiar somehow. Kind of a happy, nostalgic feeling.
    Lucina: Heh. I confess, it did have its moments...

    And in M!Morgan's supports with Noire it mentions that he likes bugs except for roaches and creepy crawlies in his C Support with Noire:

    Noire: Aah! Aiiieee! N-no, stop! STOP! STAY AWAY!

    Morgan: What?! ...That's Noire! Noire, hold on!
    Noire: Morgan, hurry! Heeelp!
    Morgan: What's wrong?! Are we under attack?! Are you all right?! And, uh... Why are you squirming around like that?
    Noire: Buh... B-b-b-buh...
    Morgan: ...Buh?
    Morgan: Hmm? Oh, will you look at that! It's a little red guy with black spots.
    Noire: J-just get it off me!
    Morgan: Aaand...got it! Aww, up close it's so adorable!
    Noire: Augh, stop! Go! Get it out of here! It's crawling all over your hand!
    Morgan: All right, all right, it's outside now. Geez, Noire. I didn't think anyone could be scared of a little ol' ladybug.
    Noire: It doesn't scare you? It was ON you!
    Morgan: Oh, I don't mind. I love bugs!
    Noire: ...All bugs?
    Morgan: Hmm, I suppose there are probably some exceptions. Roaches and other creepy-crawlies that scuttle about in the dark are a bit gross. ...And giant fire-breathing scorpions aren't fun to be around.
    Noire: Even the tiniest of bugs terrify me... Pathetic, isn't it? We're trying to win a war, and I can't even face down a bug.
    Morgan: I wouldn't call it pathetic, but I guess it's better not to be scared if you can help it.
    Noire: I know, right? Morgan, if I... If I asked you to help me get over my fear, would you do it?
    Morgan: You mean your bug phobia? Sure, why not? I'll go collect a bunch of my favorites and show them to you. Once you've seen a whole mess of 'em, you'll be used to it. Problem solved!
    Noire: M-maybe not...too many of them... Er, Morgan? Wait, Morgan, I... Hello?

    This is all I'm going to say on the matter. I've already outstayed my welcome :/

  5. Arranged marriage probably. She probably didn't have a choice.

    Or maybe Validar was actually a good husband when he wasn't thinking about religion. With Robin being such a perfect vessel and everything, Validar may have gotten a bit busy.

    It's possible.

    On a side note there was a fan fiction out there that suggested that Robin's mother was a very bright sort and that Validar thought she'd be perfect (to produce Grima's vessel) but she said no to his initial proposal so he threatened to murder her entire village if she didn't marry him. Including her parents or something to that affect. She basically was forced into marrying him to protect her family (and by extension her friends). Intially she rejected Robin and took him/her to spite Validar. Of course somehow Robin gets tactician training between being taken away from Validar and being found by Chrom and the shepherds.

  6. On the other hand, as you actually bring it up...

    Validar being the adoptive father, because I imagine cult members giving up their child to the leader would be seen as a "heroic" sacrifice, which could have the genetics required for the resurrection of an Evil Dragon...

    would explain every instance of all the hair colors, no matter what you pick at the creation screen.

    And give the single-handed most frightening theory yet. That and maybe it could explain why Robin's mother got afraid about their fate...well could be the same if she were Validar's actual wife as well...(as to why anyone would marry Validar is beyond my understanding *shudders*)

  7. Children don't always inherit their hair color from their father. FeMorgan gets her hair color from her mother.

    If Morgan is an exception to the rule, why can't the Avatar be one as well?

    That is what I was think myself. It could all be down to the avatar's mother that gives them their hair colour and not Validar. Granted Robin looks nothing like Validar. If anything Aversa looks closer than Robin.

    That said the theory makes no sense when Robin is said to be "bred" implying that Validar is their father.

  8. Getting Nah or Yarne is not the main problem, it's surviving the paralogues.

    Those forged weapons in Nah's paralogues with the Mire Sorcerer.

    The Yarne's paralogue is less hard but still frustating no matter which side you choose (and you should totaly fight both sides)

    Of course, it's not that hard for both if you team is like already strong (like when you are around chapter 20) and not direcly after chapter 13 like I'll always do.

    Edit: Idk why but I sound like if I'm giving you an advice which is not the case.

    I thought we were talking about it :XD: but I will keep what you said in mind when I go for Yarne and Nah, most definately!

  9. So I would want to pass down something that the child character can't really class into on their own right? Like I've heard of people passing down Galeforce to Lucina, yet with all the mothers except Sully, she can learn those with the inheritance herself. Is it just to make it easier to get earlier without grinding?

    It is basically to make your life easier and save a lot of grinding later on by handing down Galeforce to your girls (if their mothers can learn it themselves).

  10. Nothing really shameful about playing casual mode (specially if you want to do risky moves like me).

    Classic is really if you are really either good at this game or if you reset each time someone die ( you could have choose classic since this kinda what you're doing no?)

    Good luck if you plan to do children paralogues like Nah or Yarne.

    The plan is simply to complete normal/casual without the loss of a unit...any unit. Only when I succeed at that will I allow for classic mode (because I don't want to re-set, and I don't want to lose units). Yarne and Nah should be fine. I have done those paralogues before though I will admit not deathless. Nah's was a case of using the rescue staff from a healer while Yarne's was a try to pack movement as best I can to get to Yarne.

  11. You should beat up a really weak Spotpass team a few times (try FE6 -> Wolt or FE9 -> Mist). They give 50 Renown each, you can very quickly and easily get enough Renown for the early rewards. The Second Seal is particularly helpful, and the Levin Sword, Celica's Gale and Beastkiller are cheap and good too.

    IR actually is one of the more advanced DLC maps, it's listed as 4 stars of difficulty in the Outrealm Gate DLC shop. While it does scale with difficulty, a map full of promoted units, on a timer, with your team split up and all the enemies with really strong weapons is nothing to sneeze at.

    For Fred, Luna actually isn't that important- it'll activate rarely because he's not getting a lot of Skl in a hurry, and it won't have much of an effect since it halves enemy Def and it takes a long time on Normal for enemies to have much Def. On the whole, you'll see a better damage output from Wyvern's Str+2. Unless you just like seeing Fred yelling crit quotes, in which case it's very nice.

    I think Nyna is also pretty weak too. She usually gives javlins and mends when you shop from her team I think.

  12. After much DLC grinding I am now at the point where many of my units are hitting second seal/master seal level :D: Chloey is not as OP as I would like, but we have another tactician who is very special! I had unfortunately Vaike determined to die on a risen skirmish which would not have gone down well in classic mode D:

    Of those that are second seal ready we have:

    ~Lon'qu at the highest with a level of 13

    ~Sumia the first to reach level 10 of my combat units

    ~ Stahl level 10

    ~Miriel level 10 thanks to Frederick's help

    ~Virion level 10, again thanks to Frederick

    [spoiler=Support Up Dates]Since the last update I now have 4 S-Support couples:
    ~Chrom x Chloey
    ~Frederick x Sumia
    ~Stahl x Sully
    ~Lon'qu x Lissa

    I figured that this will be the last update before I go into chapter 5. I will now have to work out who to deply for chapter 5 (and make use of said units). Let's see how I go on the actual chapter where my troubles begin shall we?

  13. If the game can be solo'd on Hard by Chrom, I don't think you have to worry about experience hogs on Normal - my favorite use of Frederick is to get Dual Guard+, SS to Griffon Knight, and turn him into a ferry. Assuming you give him some levels every now and then, he'll serve you well for a LONG time! That being said, if you don't have room/just don't like him, that's fine. . .but he's NOT a waste of time from a strict numbers perspective!

    I'd recommend doing some skirmishes - they'll teach you a bit more about positioning, as opposed to just being OP and letting the AI sort it out. It'll also give you an idea of who you want to bring with you, and who can warm the bench.

    As for Second Seal/Master Seal, Czar_Yoshi gave you some pretty good generic advice. The general rule is that unpromoted units gain experience faster than promoted ones, and that there's certain unpromoted classes that have skills that just aren't worth it (KNIGHT I AM LOOKING AT YOU). If you want all the green numbers, and quickly, Second Seal through unpromoted classes (I like waiting until level 15+, but it's up to you, since you're probably not losing a giant number of level-up stat points by using the SS at 10), then Master Seal once your stats are as high as you like (that's 20+ for whatever powers attacks and Speed, on Normal).

    If, and IF you want to improve (and don't mind asking for help), that's fine - feel free to ask for help on specific chapters (or make a topic with your progress, if you forsee multiple chapters being a pain), and post stuff like the stats of the important units, and you'll probably get a decent response. However, please give the suggestions you get a shot, even if they seem totally different to what you're expecting!

    I have tried some of the skirmishes (there was one that kept killing Vaike no matter what I was trying *glares at the mages*).

    I don't mind Frederick per say and he does get some use (backing up Sumia mostly). I didn't quite word out what I meant properly I think. Bascially I tend to give Fred some EXP as I go from chapter to chapter if I need to deply him, but I don't want to use second seals on him until I have a steady supply, (either through Inigo/Severa/Chapter 16) as my luck with Anna is not always the best and I want to make sure that when I go for chapter 13 that Chrom and Lucina's mother (in this case Robin) are at the highest possible stats so Lucina can keep up with the other children. Frederick does get my undivided attention when I have the second seals (I tend to level units up as pairs I have found) and gets a lot of reclassing etc on Golden Gaffe and EXPonetial Growth. The problem is that I can't get him to learn Luna fast enough (I think he was level 2 the last time I played damn getting sick!) and there are others that I tend to deply more to grow.

    More than likely I will make use of what Czar_Yoshi suggested because that actually helps with my current situation (and I am hoping it works out). I was planing on maybe growing my combat units out to level 20 at least in their base classes (not so much the healers, but Lissa and Maribelle will do most of their growing as combat units and switching out their classes is kind of a must...but then I lose healers unless I play the cleric Robin card). I also plan to make the 1st reclasses to be base classes to level 10 (like Chrom and Robin for example being reclassed to cavaliers) and reclassing them to get class skills. I think there is another second seal come chapter 8? 9? not so sure on that and will have to look it up! That second seal will doubtless help things (and getting renown as well *sighs*)

    I believe that was why I was posted "Redoing a Normal Awakening Run." for the specific reason that there is a point where I start losing units/or can not clear a map without allies falling and everything falls apart on a strategical front (usually around chapters 5, 8/9 paralogue 2/3/4) D: I'm pretty sure that I have been posting stats as well as some position stuff.

    That said there are a lot of things that I have learned thanks to everyone on SF and I can say that a good 100% of helpful advice has been utalised in some form or another when I do a playthrough, whether it is pairings or skillsets for example. I know that I can sound a little uptight sometimes (and I do apologise for that D:) however that by no means is an indication of if I am or am not utalising advice that I recieve here on SF. It also doesn't mean that I don't consider said advice. Sometimes I am either already using it and it could be redundant (e.g Dwlr's number 2 suggestion) or that I have already done a pairing and can't change it (e.g Suggestion to use Gaius!Noire when I've already married Tharja to Henry/another husband in the current run). That doesn't mean that I won't try the advice, it just means I can't use it in my current run and will likely try it out on my next one.

  14. You haven't beaten the game even once? The Second Seal costs so little, it's impossible not to have enough after a single playthrough.

    I did and have cleared the game before but then I deleted the files by accident D: and that was when I discovered that renown rewards existed *cries*

    1) For normal you don't really need to even attempt to min/max, Freddy can even be a good unit experience sucker that he is and all, though if you want to actually use him for the campaign I'd recommend Second Sealing him into a basic class to make him easier to level after he's learned Luna.

    2) I'm going to assume that's supposed to be "one" not "non" and am going to go from there. Getting everything you want on a unit can be time consuming, chances are you're going to fill in stat gaps just getting skills in each class so not maxing out your level before Second Sealing is most likely going to save you some time. That said if you have a lot of non-promoted skills you want for whatever reason then you should consider rushing to get characters that don't have basic class skills (or at the very least not a lot of basic class skills) you want and get them good enough stats to beat Rogues and Redeemers 3 that way the characters that you're going to be Second Sealing from basic class to basic class can use Limit Breaker and continue to gain stat points in a category that they might otherwise hit the stat cap on. Depending on how many advance class skills you're looking to obtain on those characters in might not actually save you any time so you have to look at what you want in the end to see if it's worth it. (For instance Gaius will prolly hit max speed during his time spent in a basic classes, but in the end Limit Breakering him during that time prolly won't make much of a difference, but Children characters that can get passed some skills might not need to pick up a lot of skills for themselves so Limit Breaker on them early can save you some time not that they're terribly difficult to max out or anything mind you, but time saved is time saved.)

    3) It varies on when it's best to promote, it depends on how the RNG has treated you and where you're stats are like has already been mentioned promoting early on a unit that has more or less hit their caps in multiple stats is going to let you start filling in those stats quicker otherwise it's easier to level a lower level character.

    4) If you have all the DLC and you don't care about being leveled Lost Bloodlines 3 isn't terribly difficult has 2 to enter, gives Paragon and has a decent number of enemies for when you do hit the point where you get 8 Exp per kill regardless what you kill.

    5) To further save time, classes that can use staves should be saved for last since using Rescue (when money isn't an issue) will end up giving you more exp than kills and you can use them whilst you're using kills to train somebody else.

    1~ Sure waste a second seal on someone I don't use in normal is a sound idea :/ the most I have Frederick for is to support Sumia not get into the main fray and do the fighting while hogging EXP I can use on other units :/ that was something that I learned not to do very early on the hard way I might add.

    2~ Yes I mean non healer as in those units that are not healers but are combat units like Lon'qu, Miriel, Virion, Stalh, Kellam etc. This is not a discussion including Lissa and Maribelle. And no I am not going anywhere near more advanced DLC maps when I can barely beat Infinate Regalia properly. That is what I have The Golden Gaffe and EXPontial growth for :/ they allow my units to gain levels and when they're high enough on their mag/str/def/res I just auto run the maps. Seems pretty time concerving between chapters when I have a good supply of second seals which at chapter 5, you don't have a supply of second seals to spare let alone master seals :/

    3~ And I don't know that? Serious as I said before: I don't know if I should second/master seal my units or max out their levels. Add to that I have a unit who is over level 10 and second sealed Lissa into a troubadour and will likely second seal Chrom x Robin when they are at level 10 because base class skills and all. I think though that I will likely have to wait for the second seals and make sure that if I do get units up to level 20 to give them a seal priority when I get the seals.

    4~ 8 EXP? Are you kidding? There is no way that my units would be at that point. EXPontial Growth and Golden Gaffe give my decent enough rewards as it is. Far better to have too much gold then not enough, which reminds me that usually once I get everyone to their final classes more often then not they are stat capping anyway.

    5~ What am I dumb? Then again I guess you don't know my style of playing. Seriously check out my playthrough or some choice comments I have made in the pairing thread. If not then I'll say it here:

    My healers are the quickest to level up in my playthroughs. Lissa easily gets to level 10 before chapter 4 (if I am seriously focused) and in my current F!Robin playthrough (which we are discussing btw), she was second sealed to Troubadour during Donnel's paralogue just before Chrom killed the boss. I am the sort of person that will heal up the tiniest (aka 1 point of damage/level up damage) on my units. So you can bet that my healers will be just fine at reaching their levels and goals without a damn rescue staff I might add :/

    This is also the point where I tastefully add I am hopeless at the game and can't clear it without losing units (and/or Chrom/Robin) on Normal so anything you deem as "easy" could very well be near impossible for me to pull off. Hell I was stuck on Chapter 4 for almost 2 bloody years on my first run through the game because I kept losing either Robin or Chrom :/ and you say that LB3 is easy :/ easy for you no doubt, but you can't speak for me, so I suggest you keep that in mind.

  15. Ricken is really bad, is there any reason in particular you want to train him? If you do, he'll want a support to help with his durability.

    If you want to save Inigo, go for Severa instead. Unless you're using Vaike!Severa, neither of her parent inheritance matters.

    You will get one guaranteed early Second Seal from Renown. Robin can make the best use of it, so you may want to prioritize her levels.

    I'm going for Ricken!Laurent so massive support grining and training ahead. Once I get Ricken to level 5 he's usually alright (although I just need to get him going first).

    I'm not sure who to use as Severa's father (may do Gregor!Severa)

    I don't have enough renown yet D:

  16. Not Robin x Olivia, Olivia x anyone- you just need to unlock Inigo's Paralogue and beat it to gain access to a Second Seal shop (well before the one in Cht.16). You can also get them from Nah and Severa's Paralogues; Severa's is the easiest if you're concerned about difficulty.

    I assume all five of those are still in their first classes? You're probably best off promoting all of them at 20, with the possible exception of Miriel who could go to Troubadour if you really want another healer (or to be able to raise her without taking up combat exp).

    Many thanks :D:

    I usually do Libra x Olivia although I usually want Galeforce on Ini and that would take a while D:

    I'm not up to chapter 5 yet in this current run, so I may just have to juggle as best I can (Lon'qu is the highest at level 13 at the moment) I will have a tough time getting levels for Ricken when I get him...

    It's not like I can have him be free-ranged...yes I went there because I find said joke funny and I like Ricken :P:

    I think if I have Miriel support him that would/could be helpful for him and leave Maribelle free to play heal everyone. I am more likely to second seal Chrom and Robin (both to cavaliers because double weapon EXP is nice and I need it on Robin if I want to raise her weapon rank) and use my last one either to go pegasus knight or second seal Lucina into tactician (with double weapon exp being handed down by Robin)

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