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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. Ah so now we enter chapter 8. After paralogue 3's success I suppose it is now time for the match ups to be made. We don't have any healers (Lissa reclassed to a Pegasus knight) but we should be able to have some fun with this map. If not well, I tried.

    [spoiler=Story Notes...]Chrom and Chloey are conversing together about the fact that they so far haven't been spotted by the Plegian army and Chrom is beginning to wonder what sort of trap Gangrel is saving for us. Knowing what I know I shudder to think about who or what is going to go down. Worst part of this is that our units are now going to be unable to move as far as I'd like due to the sand which Frederick points out ever so obviously, which will also affect our enemies. We are of course going to have to deal with a fight this chapter so lets get to it!

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:

    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Donnel with Cordelia
    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey
    ~Pair up Amelia with Maribelle
    ~Pair up Frederick with Sumia
    ~Pair up Lon'qu with Lissa
    ~Pair up Nowi with Gregor Moved Gregor 3 squares up 2 squares right switched for a Nowi lead
    ~Moved Maribelle/Amelia switched for a Amelia lead
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 8 squares down
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 5 squares down 3 squares right to take out the dark mage, Frederick made a dual strike for us
    ~Moved Cordelia/Donnel down 7 squares and separated them
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 3 squares right and Lissa gets both a critical hit and a level

    Turn 2:
    ~Had Amelia/Maribelle take out 1 of two dark mages
    ~Moved Nowi/Gregor 1 square up and transfered Nowi to Donnel
    ~Pair up Cordelia with Gregor
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 5 squares down 2 squares right
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 6 squares down Sumia gets lance level B
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 3 squares down and 4 squares left
    ~Moved Donnel/Nowi left 2 squares and improved their relationship

    Turn 3:
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu dpwn 7 squares
    ~Moved Donnel/Nowi 1 square right and switched for a Nowi lead. Nowi deals with the grimleal guy that Donnel chipped last turn and Chloey suddenly realises that the girl is a dragon! Chrom corrects Chloey calling Nowi a manakete. Also that he thought that he'd never see one. Chloey thinks that perhaps we need Nowi's help more so than her needing our help!
    ~Moved Amelia/Maribelle down 3 squares (damn the lack of movement)
    ~Had Gregor/Cordelia take out the myrmidon that attacked him last turn
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 5 squares down and 4 squares right (Chrom is a bow knight) Chloey gets some practice and improves her weapon rank
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 2 squares down 4 squares left

    Turn 4:
    ~Moved Amelia 2 squares down 1 square right
    ~Had Gregor self heal
    ~Had Nowi/Donnel stay out and attack the dark mage
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 3 squares right 2 squares down
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 4 squares down 4 squares right
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 4 squares down 2 squares right

    Turn 5:
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 3 squares down 2 squares left
    ~Used Nowi to attack the dark mage and finish what was last turn. Nowi gains a good level up
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square right to end the map, Chloey getting a critical hit.
    The map ends with Chloey and Chrom as the map heroes.

    [spoiler=Ending Notes]Nowi cries that it is the worst day ever and Gregor tells her that at least the bad guys are no longer going to do anything and Nowi thanks and apologises to him. Of course Nowi states that she is uncomfortable with others outside her age group, but Gregor states calmly that he is closer to her age than the others. Chrom asks if Gregor can take care of Nowi. Of course he is of the mindset that we need to get a move on and save Emmeryn. Gregor suggests that we hire him instead and Nowi needs a place to be. Especially since she was sold as a slave previously. We find out that Nowi's about a thousand years old. As a manakete she will be quite strong.
    Frederick tells us that manaketes are more resilient than humans, and honestly I can say that Nowi needs to grow a bit more first. Thankfully I can help her grow and get her a husband in the same token. Of course this is when the Grimleal come up and once again we get amnesia plot line as poor Chloey has no idea who the Grimleal actually are. We find out that they are worshipers of Grima and want the dragon to return. Which we do not. So that is that.

    So I am now up to Chapter 9...and we all know what is going to happen...D:

  2. I just finished paralogue 3, so here it is:
    [spoiler=Chapter Comments]So rather than go onto Chapter 8 I have decided that I will deal with the farmers as best I can. Namely Pegasus knights are going to be my saving grace this chapter and we all know that it is purely to help increase the chance that the villagers survive. So I guess that I will be deploying my entire team of Pegasus Knight ladies (Chloey, Sumia and Cordelia). And of course we have Sniper Chrom as well to help us out. Chrom will doubtless help us out, but that is how he is. So now that we have my basic comments now we move onto the story of chapter...er paralogue 3. Wow I am damn good at mixing those up D:

    Chap-Paralogue 3 is the first time that we see that risen are actually a problem and a local village has a very unique way of dealing with the problem...i.e they decided that the best idea is to place up barriers to protect themselves from the risen. Dumb on many levels I am just beyond commenting but I will say this; if the villagers showed kindness then it would have been returned to them. We all know that I'll be the first to state that true peace is when the fighting ends for good. Also that village got bad karma so watch it come back and bite them in the ass.

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:

    For those who are paying attention you'll have noticed that there are a LOT of pegasus knights (well 3) and cavaliers. The reason being that this map relies a lot on being as mobile as possible with a couple of stragglers to help keep at least the village protected :/. Of course in this chapter Lissa spots a rescue staff so I'll be pulling the villagers to safety. This will be a test of deathless run...which I have already failed at, but I will continue to try.

    Turn 1:
    This turn is pretty important so I'll keep this short and sweet as best as I can.
    ~Pair up Frederick with Sumia lead moved Sumia/Frederick 3 squares right 3 squares down to attack the javalin wielding knight
    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey leading, moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square down and 6 squares left to take out the only archer of the map...err 1 of 2 archers of the map...^^'
    ~Pair up Virion with Cordelia leading
    ~Pair up Stahl with Sully leading moved 3 squares right Stahl dual struck and gained a level to boot
    ~Moved Lon'qu 3 squares up and 2 squaes left and took out the risen myrmidon taking minor damage.
    ~Moved Cordelia/Virion 3 squares right to take out the risen mercenary
    ~Moved Lissa to rescue the villager in range of our iron lance wielding knight risen (because I switched her starting position with Stahl. Lissa gains a level as well


    Turn 2:
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 7 squares down
    ~Moved Lon'qu 2 right and 3 down
    ~Moved Cordelia/Virion 3 squares down and 4 squares right and we got a Blessed Bow from the village :/
    ~Moved Sully/Stahl 1 square right taking out the knight with a Sully dual strike and Stahl finishing the fun
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 8 squares down to take out the mercenary (see Pegasus knights are awesome!)
    ~Moved Lissa 4 squares right to heal Cordelia

    Turn 3:
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square right 3 squares down to take out the risen knight with a lovely dual strike from Chrom
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 4 squares right 2 squares up to take out the other archer of the map with a dual strike from Frederick, who also gained an A weapon

    level as well.
    ~Moved Cordelia/Virion 6 squares down to take out the risen fighter
    ~Moved Lon'qu 4 squares right and 1 square down
    ~Moved Lissa 6 squares left to heal Lon'qu Lissa gains another level
    ~Moved Sully/Stahl 1 square right and 6 squares down

    Turn 4:
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom to talk to villager 1 had Chloey wait
    ~Moved Sully/Stahl 2 squares up
    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 5 squares left
    ~Moved Cordelia/Virion 5 squares up and 2 squares left
    ~Moved Lissa 5 squares right to heal Cordelia
    ~Pair up Lon'qu with Lissa lead

    Turn 5:
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 7 squares right

    Turn 6:
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 5 squares right to take out the leading risen who simply says "Raaaah". Chrom finishes the risen with a smooth dual strike and Chloey is so close to another level up it is not funny. She did grow nicely during the enemy phases though. And Chrom and Chloey are the heroes of paralogue 3 :P:

    [spoiler=Conclusion Notes]And I saved all of the villagers. I was quite pleased with the results. The villagers are also very happy; a good ending for what was one of the hardest maps that I'd done in the past. Nice to know that I can pass a stage without losing anyone. A nice turn around from chapter 7. Also Frederick asks Chrom why the village locked its gates to the refugees. And Chrom says about the most honest line about the entire thing. The village is very hypocritical.
    Items obtained:
    ~Seraph Robe

    And that ladies and gentlemen is the end of paralogue 3. :XD:
  3. I quite like Chrom personally. Sure he's dense and doesn't have much character in story (at least to some people) but I like him regardless of what others say about him. Chrom is a good man at heart and I think that is what matters the most. There are few characters that I can say with absolute certainty that I like without question. Chrom is one of those guys.

  4. I'd say that Awakening both bought me into the Fire Emblem franchise (was into Pokemon before) and Lucina's backstory was the saddest...plus I don't like seeing her crying because it hurts right in the feels. One of my favourite memories was the discovery of Morgan (though the accidental marriage to Chrom :XD:)

    I believe that this answers any questions


    Anyways as for Gaius!Yarne, I have no opinions with regards to this set besides some class-overlaps. : I


    Yeah I know Gaius has some class overlaps but for this playthrough it can't be helped. I will of course be doing a slighty more balanced and optimal pairings for my Apo team which I will be making mostly for actually getting through apo. I simply want to know what the best skillsets would be for an assassin Gaius!Yarne...and a dreadfighter Vaike!Brady with limitbreaker and galeforce.

  5. In that case, please leave this thread or STFU because I'm fucking bias. jk But even still, I would argue that Priam is so much better than Chrom that Priam can kick his royal ass any day, any time and any place, thats just the way it is. Also, if you find that his paralogue chapter is tedious, its either because Priam is too good for you or you haven't tried hard enough, so there's that. o3o As for Ike, he is so much cooler than Marth because at least he ain't no royal-bishonen snob, but thats beside the point.

    Wow that is really rude and out of the nature of this thread even if you are supposedly kidding? Even so I still don't like Priam (have read support with F!Robin and ending etc) and to me he seems very lacking as a character (although truthfully the same could be said of Chrom but I just happen to love his confession that much more and find Priam's to be irritating at best). Chrom if given the time of day can beat Priam (like I said Marth fangirl here). Plus from the research I've done on Marth is that he is the nicer guy, but that could be wrong. Of course I am basing this on what I've learned through Awakening and I have seen Ike's recruitment speech (DLC) and I'd have to say that compared to Marth, Ike comes off as condesending (a bit like Priam). Anyway this is a pointless arguement so I'm not going to waste my time trying to convince you otherwise. You like Priam and I like Chrom and that is that :D: so let us instead turn to the more pressing issue at hand:

    Gaius!Yarne and Gregor!Severa and anyone who isn't Lucina and Morgan for the simple reason that I have those two sorted and need to focus now on the other children.

    This is the point where I kind of point out the obvious but I really hate risky strats, I hate having characters down to even half HP. I guess I really want to make absolutely certain that everyone survives without so much as a scratch, selfish I know, but that is how I roll. I want to make set ups for both of them that reflect this.

    I think that I have Gaius!Yarne sorted:






    ~All stats +2 or some skill that will give Yarne some extra boost like swordfaire? Not to sure what to put in for that last slot

    Next Child on my list is Vaike!Brady. I know that I'll be giving him galeforce (because it will help the guy) and probably go for dreadfighter, skills though...I am not so certain. Obviously he'll be spending some of his time as a support for Severa (really like their support and pairing) and some leading. So I guess what he'll need is a combination of skills to reflect that?

  6. Oh, no certainly AT is nowhere near as good as LB, full stop. I included it in my "final picks when you're looking for one more skill" section for a reason. That said, your set and mine, once I factored in LB, were only different in that you used Lifetaker while I used Armsthrift. Lifetaker is great for healing, but gives exactly as much offensive boost as AT: zero.

    All+2 is definitely worth looking at for some characters, but it's vastly inferior to LB. If it gets you over a breakpoint (I believe 69 Spd is one such point?) then it's awesome, better than a Faire by far. But if it doesn't push you past a new breakpoint, it's kind of a meager benefit. Since I don't think Chloe (Chloey there's a y on the end :XD: the tricky letter!) is going to be running deep calculations or heavy optimization, I figured All+2 is probably too fiddly to recommend.

    Yeah, their supports are...silly and don't really reflect the closeness of their friendship, I feel. You see it expressed in everything *else* Chrom and the female Avatar do: they spend nearly every waking hour together, that's bound to create a close connection even if it isn't romantic. And I completely agree that they're a power duo, regardless of whether they get married: even M!Robin and Chrom are clearly Best Buds and Fire-Forged Friends.

    I don't really have a horse in the Morgan hair-color race (that was a weirder phrase than I intended...), for me it just seems imminently natural in terms of story and group dynamics. They're close friends, and unless you're intentionally avoiding the use of F!Robin, they fight together in literally every battle of two different wars. The Avatar consoles Chrom over the loss of his sister; the Avatar is there for Chrom's wedding; the Avatar's first solid interpersonal memory is Chrom's face, with Lissa nearby. Even if you don't think they're "bound by a thread of fate," they're constantly spending time around each other. As I said earlier, even Lucina notices it if she isn't F!Robin's daughter.

    A friend of mine absolutely believes that M!Robin has to marry Lucina. No ifs, ands, or buts.

    I will say that your set for Gregor!Severa seems more in line with my way of playing, although I don't really have much use for armsthrift (yet I may make a good use of that).

    I will add that out of all the possible brides for Chrom, Robin is by far the easiest to marry him either on chapter 11 or before (I can get them married as early as chapter 5 with less DLC grinding as Priam other charcters that you can have to marry Robin) except for Sumia (for the sake of best parent for Lucina).

    M!Robin has to marry Lucina eh? Well that works, especially since the pair works well enough.

    So here is the set up I am thinking of for Gregor!Severa while I'm waiting to get limitbreaker:

    ~Obviously galeforce


    ~ Vengence



  7. FeMU x Priam FTW because I'm fucking bias and nothing is going to stop me from getting Priam!MMorgan!

    You've said that a lot so we kind of know that already. And I'm not a fan of Priam!Morgan either, too much effort has to go into getting him (litterally last chapter of the game to unlock spotpass chapters on the map as well as gaining the 18 or what have support points on top of that which require grinding either through DLC or using paralogues) which is the biggest turn off for me. Same goes for any spotpass characters that you can marry your avatar to. Heck I'd marry Tharja to Robin before I'd marry a spotpass character (and I don't like Tharja's supports with either Robins). Or the child characters (who could/would probably take a while to do the same thing and I like having all of the children avaible as quickly as possible). I'd say that it is more personal reasons that I feel that way and I never really went for Priam. 1 because his chapter is a pain in the ass to do and 2 I think Priam and Ike aren't as cool as Marth...and I'm kind of a Marth fangirl...*hides*

  8. I admit, I probably have an irrational love for Armsthrift. This set will provide a more well-rounded character.

    Well, going purely by the numbers, Vaike!Brady has unfortunately low modifiers for both Str and Mag (only +1 each)--he ends up being not strong at anything, which isn't great, though it does mean his Str and Mag are only 4 points apart as a DF. However, skill-wise, he has everything he could want: Galeforce, Aggressor, Luna, Axefaire (or Tomefaire), and of course Limit Breaker. The class's provided Pair Up bonuses aren't bad (Str/Res +5, Mag/Spd +3, counting support level but not base stat bonuses), though not quite as optimized as Berserker would be (Str +7, Spd +5); the +Mag is a bit of a waste, but that's the price you pay for Brady being versatile like that.

    I have no direct experience so I can't really say how it works in practice, but in theory it's fine. Not gonna rock anyone's socks off, but it shouldn't disappoint you either.

    As long as he works out I should be fine :D:

    Chrom and Female Robin are the best pair-up. They have hilarious, meaningless supports and meaningful conversations in-story. Robin is naturally going to feel attracted to him, as far as she can remember, Chrom was the first person she ever saw. They are a power couple who can easily defeat any enemy when together. Their children are even more powerful. Morgan looks great with blue hair and Lucina is an awesome sister for him.


    Blue haired Morgan is one of the main reasons that I pair F!Robin and Chrom, another being that Lucina gets every gender permitting class and can get Ignus. And I don't want to break that family appart. Funnily enough that's why I marry M!Robin to Lucina...blue haired Morgan :XD:

  9. On 3/8/2016 at 8:43 PM, xXHoshiHeartsXx said:

    :XD: Nice!! I'll have to see how I go when I get to redo this one!! Sometimes drawing from pure memory is hard! Which is why I have an entire folder on my computer full of reference images and that was part of how I managed to pull off MU in the cover that I did



    I'll admit though that Chrom needs some work, but every piece is a learning experience. At least he looks kinda like Chrom *laughs*.

  10. Armshrift is one of those skills that can only be useful for preserving weapon usages. Other than that, I would recommend against having it as part of your main set (especially with any -faire skills).

    For my Gregor!Severa @ Hero, I have it with: Axefaire, Vengeance, Galeforce, Lifetaker, and Limit Breaker.

    Did the set up work alright? I think I want Sev up front (probably) to do a double galeforce with Vaike!Brady. I still have to get limitbreaker, but that shouldn't be too hard right? Also what is Vaike!Brady like as a dread fighter?

  11. Just keep drawing. I find that when I browse through deviantArt and see all of the talent, it can either be discouraging or inspiring. Every artist is different, but the truth is the same for everyone. Practice makes perfect.

    Very true that is. I have been at work for a few years and I think (though I am not completely convinced) that I have imporved in the time that I have been drawing...

    Well this is one I did in 2011, not the best mind you but it was sorta like the character I was trying to draw :XD: I still laugh at the effort because I'll have to go back to it one day...


  12. The Position of Units mostly.

    That is something I tend to struggle with myself (afterall I did lose Cordelia to an archer and had to reset). A better idea would be to hit the A button on enemies that could hurt your weaker units (which makes a red area) and take note of their range. Of course that doesn't always help, but it can be useful.

  13. Yeah, Lancebreaker is your friend with Yarne, regardless of dad. Assuming you keep him in the back as support most of the time, you'll prioritize passive benefits: Swordfaire and Lucky Seven stand out among his options; Sol and Astra (his two procs) won't be necessary if he's mostly in the back. Gamble isn't a bad choice since we're looking for filler passives, and while running two breakers isn't great, Axebreaker is among the better remaining purely-passive choices. All the other things (more or less) require him to spend *some* time in front, which is probably unwise.

    So, pure passive Gauis!Yarne @Assassin : Lancebreaker, Swordfaire, Lucky Seven, Gamble, Axebreaker.

    If you decide you want him to get some time in front, drop Axebreaker for Astra (put that Skl to work!), and if you're concerned that that might get him killed, drop Gamble for Sol (conflicting procs, but if survival is a huge concern it's all you've got).

    For Gregor!Severa, I'd swap Sol for Lifetaker. Unless you have a lot of trouble killing enemies in one attack (which would make Galeforce useless too), Lifetaker is a straight-up better option--it can get you 100% healing every round when paired with Galeforce. It also avoids the problem of conflicting procs.

    If you have access to Limit Breaker, always put it on every character's list. Grinding up the manuals for it (and the stat growths) may be tedious, but there is literally no better passive skill in the game. Period. +10 to all stats is insanely good--10 extra damage with all attacks (compounded by procs and crits), higher hit/crit/avo/etc., getting Armsthrift and Vengeance to a 100% proc rate, far greater chance to double enemies...because it does everything stat-wise, it does everything important effect-wise too. I had thought you didn't have it, which is why I wasn't including it.

    If you do have LB, I'd give Gregor!Severa @Hero: Limit Breaker, Axefaire, Galeforce, Armsthrift, and Vengeance. Any damage you take just becomes more fuel for the fire. Lifetaker is a valid alternative to Vengeance if you really need the healing, but I should stress that HP are just like they are in most other games: as long as you still have 1, it doesn't matter how many you have. (In fact, running with Vengeance as your damage-boosting proc, the less HP she has, the better this Severa will do!)

    Incidentally, with LB in play, Yarne can change as follows:

    Assassin: Limit Breaker, Lancebreaker, Swordfaire, Lucky Seven, Gamble (if supporting; use Astra if he's going to lead the attack more often than 'almost never').

    Should you get access to the Dread Fighter class, Aggressor would absolutely displace Gamble, as it's a fantastic passive skill (it's equal to the base damage boost of Limit Breaker). If, for some reason, maps reliably start taking more than 7 turns to complete, you can drop Lucky Seven for Axebreaker (or Gamble, if you have Agg available).


    I think some useful general ideas for skill sets might be in order. Not that it's bad to come looking for advice on them--that's what brought me here, too! But there are just a handful of things to keep in mind that will get you straightforward, competent skill sets--perhaps not the very ultra best, but perfectly adequate for most players' needs (especially in for-fun runs).

    Long story short, there's a loose preference list for all skills characters can have. Galeforce and Limit Breaker sit at the top. Everyone that *can* get them, should. Two moves and two actions a round is an insane boost, but not everyone can have it; LB is unisex and makes everything you would want to do straight-up better: more procs, more hits, more Dual Guards/Strikes, more damage, more healing...literally more *everything.* Below that, Aggressor is wonderful for all male units, but especially for those that will mostly sit in back supporting, because it's a passive damage boost.

    In the next "tier," below the first but still important, is proc skills. These have limitations that the very best passive skills (counting GF as "passive") don't: they have a priority list, they may not always hit, and they're useless for units in the back of a pairup. The in-game priority goes like this: Lethality > Aether > Astra > Sol > Luna > Ignis > Vengeance. That is, Vengeance is the lowest-priority skill, so if you roll for it AND any other skill e.g. Astra, then only Astra will take effect. However, their order of in-game priority doesn't have much to do with which is best. Lethality guarantees kills, but procs very rarely (Skl/4% means no better than ~18% chance) and is useless in Apo, so few people will recommend it. On high-level maps (like Apo), enemies have very high Def/Res--which means Astra (lots of low-damage attacks) is less useful than Luna (one high-damage attack), even though Astra has higher priority. In terms of Apo strength, from best to worst, it seems most people go for: Aether > Luna > Ignis > Vengeance >= Astra, though since Aether and Ignis are heavily restricted (Chrom, Lucina, and Lucina!Morgan, and Avatar+children, respectively) most characters are only looking at Luna > Vengeance >= Astra.

    Once you have a proc (or two, if the stack is worthwhile e.g. Aether/Luna or Luna/Ignis) on a unit that will play in front, the remaining skills should be key basic passives. A core Faire that you'll use a lot (e.g. Tome for Sages), a useful Breaker (e.g. one that counteracts a weakness), and/or a hit/avo booster (e.g. Lucky Seven) or enemy hit and/or avo reducer (e.g. Anathema). For units that will spend most of their time in the back (esp. non-Gale units), you want to focus on heavier support and ignore procs completely. Any of the Dual [Thing]+ options are good, but Dual Support+ gets special mention, as it's a Hit/Avo/Crit booster for the *front* person.

    If, after working through all of that, you still have a slot or two open? Then we get into the mass of situational skills. Pass, for instance: useful for archer units on maps with lots of enemies, but otherwise kinda meh. Deliverer: bonus Mov is always nice, but it's distinctly less nice than killing things better most of the time. Armsthrift: Great skill for saving forged Brave weapons, but doesn't actually make the character 'better' per se. Not very many characters will reach this point, though; non-GF Manakete Nah is probably the only one, since she won't get 3 of the 4 'always take this' skills (not male so she can't get Agg, no GF, Faires are useless for Manaketes), and she may not have access to any useful proc skills

    Healing skills also fall into this category; as long as you survive, it doesn't matter how much HP you end the map with. This is a lesson I struggled with early on--I hate feeling like my units are a single shot from death, even if they aren't ACTUALLY going to die.

    You'll note that the above ignores the existence of particular offensive combinations, like VVW. This is intentional. Such things are rare and, often, a bigger risk than the consistent benefits provided by the recommended stuff above.

    And for a TL;DR summary:

    Give GF, Limit Breaker, and Aggressor to all units that can get them.

    Give one proc skill to every unit fighting in front; consider giving a second in some cases, especially with Aether. Preference order: Aether, then Luna, then Ignis, then Vengeance/Astra. Avoid all proc skills for support characters that will always stay in the back (e.g. non-Galeforce spouses).

    Give one easily-used Faire to every unit, except Manaketes and Taguels (who get no benefit).

    If a unit has a particular weapon weakness, consider giving them the associated Breaker skill.

    Fill remaining slots with passive benefits like hit/avo bonuses, such as Lucky Seven/Outdoor Fighter/Dual Support+, or enemy debuffs like Anathema.

    If you STILL have slots left after looking over all of that, you can choose anything you think would be useful on a case-by-case basis.

    Anyway, hope that's helpful.

    Yeah I only just recently got the R and R maps plus a few other DLCs that allow for Bride, Dreadfighter and Limitbreaker. I am thinking that Yarne will be mostly leading depending on who his lovely lady will be (also want to make the best of his stat boosts).

    Also yes, very helpful :D:

  14. So after finishing chapter 7 I am now able to do two maps. Paralogue 3 and chapter 8. I am leaning towards getting my suffering out of the way and doing paralogue 3 before I swing to do chapter 8. I will try to make a deathless chapter although having lost Cordelia to an archer (casual mode, but still a loss and reset required) I will have to re-think my playing style again :(: I am at least glad that the second attempt was deathless however I am going to have to make extra sure that no one dies again. I know that pegasus knights will be the most useful units come paralogue 3 because this will be about make the villagers get out of the map alive. I won't actually premote Cordelia and Sumia yet until I play base class reclassing as I don't need them to get levels as badly as Chrom and Chloey (for obvious reasons). I have done some outer realm training and now have Chrom as a sniper, and will have to make him grow some more to get to bowknight. Of course I will have to make sure Lucina heads though bowknight as well since she'll need bowbreaker if I am going to do pegasus knight training with her.

    Here are a list of the married pairs I have so far on this run:

    ~Chrom x Chloey

    ~Lissa x Lon'qu

    ~Frederick x Sumia

    ~Sully x Stahl

    ~Vaike x Maribelle (as far as I know these two are on their A support)

    ~Miriel x Ricken

    ~Panne x Gaius

    Part of me is actually pleased that this will work out nicely and is following the run that was deleted, and another part of me is eager to see this run completed. I would like to appologise for the lack of images for the last few chapters however it pains me to say that I am having internet issues that so far have put a real damper on this playthrough. I will however try to get as much of the playthough listed up as I can.

    Thank you everyone for following this whacky playthough. Who knows I might just post a few other playthroughs for fun :XD:

  15. I'd say keep playing. Also if you are finding specific chapters hard feel free to ask people who have played the game before.


    The best adivce I can give is to play the game with an open mind. Characters will give you hints here and there so keep an eye out. The best example I can think of is Virion explaining that archers are best at a distance while Sumia kindly points out that its best to stay clear of archers if you are a pegasus knight...and I know that was how I lost Cordelia in chapter 7...

  16. Assassin is a good choice, as it gives nearly identical stats to Taguel, but adds bows. Berserker is favored for supporting guys with Str-based girls, as it gives a juicy Str bonus, throwing axes, and high Spd. Swordmaster sacrifices Str for Skl, but since Gaius!Yarne is better in the back, the extra proc chance is largely wasted (and even if he does go out front, his ranged options are limited to Levin Swords, which he isn't very good with, or Ragnell, which will run out if you don't have the Regalia DLC.) I'd go for either Assassin or Berserker, they both make decent use of the modifiers Gaius passes down.

    Gregor!Severa doesn't look bad; I don't have enough experience to say it's good, but the stats look more or less reasonable. A first Faire is always desirable, and Axefaire means getting that bonus even with indirect attacks, so I'd definitely go for that. The only really competitive alternative I can see is Wrath, as Gregor!Severa can get the full VVW triad. But you've presented yourself as a more cautious/conservative player, one who doesn't care for the risky business required for VVW, so Axefaire seems eminently appropriate. So for her overall set, you'll probably want something like GF, Axefaire, Astra(/Veng), and then a couple of utility skills like DSp+ (if her beau doesn't have it), Anathema, Armsthrift, etc. Swap out one for Lifetaker or Sol if you find she needs healing.

    If I did go for assassin Gaius!Yarne what skillset would work? I'd likely have lancebreaker and sol (and beastbane is not going to be of any use here) at least as a starting point.

    I was thinking of Gregor!Severa having this set up:




    ~ could have anathema or vengence or limit breaker even


    Not the best set up, but it could theoretically work? I haven't tried it before myself.

  17. I saw your Dark Mage Lucina in the Scribbles contest. I like the style because it reminds me a little bit of Picasso.


    With all seriousness though I do have a lot to work on in terms of improvement, although the same can be said of any artist. :XD:

  18. I had my Gregor!Severa passed down. But to be frank, Axefaire is the only male-exclusive skills worth passing onto for certain daughters (i.e. Henry!Cynthia via Great Knight). Otherwise, I can't really recommend any other skill choices though.

    Edit: Also incase if anyone is wondering why this topic is slow, its probably because everyone is playing Fates by now...so yeah... <_<

    Henry!Cynthia can't get Great Knight :/ that sounds to me like hacking was done, especially since Henry doesn't give cavalier and Frederick doesn't hand down any male exclusive classes.

    Also not everyone would be playing Fates. I have pre-ordered the game but it's still not avaiable here is Aus so no not everyone is playing Fates as you put it. I believe that the main thread users are palying Fates, or potentially doing something else. Fates shouldn't be used purely to explain a slow thread as there could be other reasons.


    Also thinking of giving Donnel!Nah underdog for a bride/Manakete build. At least that is the main plan. I think I will give Severa axefaire, so I'll have to second seal Gregor, but hopefully should be worth it.

  19. The biggest changes that I know of is that Henry was more of a neglected child rather than the comic relief that he is in the english version. And Chrom says "damn" rather than "gods" when he is defeated by an enemy...at least as far as I know :P:

  20. Welcome to what is the next chapter of Fire Emblem Awakening the Chloey fails version. After a fair amount of level grinding and support grinding, I am now well on my way to having fun with this run. Of course both Chrom and Chloey have used the last of the second seals, Chrom into an archer and Chloey into a pegasus knight against my better judgement. This is the simple reason that I want both Chrom and Chloey to have good stats when we get Lucina (both will be in their first promotion by that stage and hopefully Lucina will get double digit stats...). This time I am not going to comment on the story because well we have the script for it and you can easily replace names...at least if you wanted to. So story notes are going to be minimal. That said I will start this by saying that I have (for the most part) been working within the Golden Gaffe map so I will have plenty of gold for whatever is needed.
    And now we come to my tactician notes, which for this post will be fully notes.

    :XD: Got ya! Why would I ditch story notes when it's so much fun? Alrighty so we travel with Chrom, Lissa and Frederick who are all obviously leading the convoy with Emmeryn some where in the middle/back of the main force. Chloey has reclassed to Pegasus Knight and Chrom has gone into the archer class, so when he master seals he'll be a sniper, which won't be any time soon D:
    We of course have Frederick and some guy who wasn't present in the previous chapter (chapter 6 for those of you who are paying attention) and we find out that he is supposed to be a friend of the House Ylisse...except he seems damn shady to me, but we don't get a chance to say that as the Plegians decide that it's a great time to start a fight with us.

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Given that this map has wyverns, archer Chrom is going to have a lot of fun...if I can get him to them...and we have Cordelia to blame for joining us this chapter as well. At least she's got some training on her and starts at level 7. And growing her shouldn't be too difficult...although trying to get her hitched will be fun, especially since her husband doesn't come until chapter 8. Yeah this is going to be a while for rapid support builder me :XD:
    Units deployed:
    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Chrom/Chloey with Chloey leading (for now)
    ~Pair up Maribelle/Vaike with Maribelle leading
    ~Pair up Frederick/Sumia with Fred leading
    ~Pair up Gaius/Panne with Panne leading
    ~Moved Donnel 1 square to the right
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 1 square down and 2 squares right
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius down 1 square
    ~Pair up Lissa/Lon'qu with Lissa leading
    Turn 2:
    ~Moved Lissa to heal Maribelle
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 2 squares right and 2 squares up
    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square right and 1 square up, switched for a Chrom lead
    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 2 squares up and 2 squares right
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 2 squares up and 3 squares right
    ~Moved Donnel 2 squares up and 2 squares right
    Turn 3:
    Cordelia arrives and rapidly announces that we will have Plegian reinforcements to our rear. Phila seems surprised that Cordelia has left her post on the border, however as we'll find out she was told to...and it's not the best thing either D:
    ~Moved Chrom 1 square to the right to take out the wyvern rider and Chloey dual strikes for us
    ~Moved Lissa 2 squares up and 2 squares left to heal Maribelle
    ~Used Maribelle to attack the barbarian that attacked her last turn
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius up 2 squares and 1 square right
    ~Moved Cordelia 1 square up and 2 squares right
    Turn 4:
    ~Cordelia attacked the wyvern knight and ended him nicely
    ~Moved Donnel up 1 square to have Cordelia pair up with him next turn
    ~Moved Lissa 1 square left next to Chrom and had her access the convoy to heal Cordelia with a physic staff
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 4 squares right
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 1 square up and 2 squares right
    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 3 squares right
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 1 square down and 1 square right
    Turn 5:
    ~Used Lissa to heal Maribelle
    ~Moved Cordelia to pair up with Donnel with Cordelia leading (she needs the exp)
    Turn 6:
    ~Moved Cordelia/Donnel 1 square up and 2 squares left
    ~Moved Lissa/Lon'qu 5 squares right 1 square up
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 5 squares left
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 6 squares left Panne got a dual strike and Gaius both dual struck and guarded
    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 5 squares left
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 2 squares down and 5 squares left
    Turn 7:
    ~Moved Lissa 5 squares left and healed Cordelia
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square right
    ~Panne/Gauis to end the wyvern rider that attacked Cordelia
    ~Moved Cordelia/Donnel 3 squares right and 2 squares up
    Turn 8:
    ~Had Lissa heal Maribelle
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square up
    ~Cordelia attacked the theif and Donnel dual struck
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 1 square up 4 squares right
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 1 square right and 1 square up
    Cordelia was killed by an archer so I had to start all over again. This is why I can't go to classic mode :/ or even go for hard mode come to that. So yes this is the worst chapter and now we begin again:
    Turn 1:
    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey
    ~Pair up Vaike with Maribelle
    ~Pair up Gaius with Panne
    ~Pair up Sumia with Frederick
    ~Pair up Lon'qu with Lissa
    ~Moved Donnel 1 square to the right
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 1 square down
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 2 squares right 1 square down
    Turn 2:
    ~Swaped for Chrom and ended the archer
    ~Moved Lissa to heal Maribelle
    Turn 3:
    Codelia arrives and we now have to change what happened before
    ~Pair up Cordelia with Donnel and switch out for Cordelia
    ~Moved Lissa up 3 squares next to Chrom and get the Physic Staff
    Turn 4:
    ~Moved Cordelia 2 squares right and 1 square down
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 3 squares up and 2 squares left
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square up
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia up 1 square
    Turn 5:
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square right
    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 2 squares up and 2 squares right
    ~Moved Cordelia/Donnel 2 squares up and 3 squares right
    Turn 6:
    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike down 1 square to attack the thief
    ~Moved Lissa to heal Maribelle
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 1 square down and 2 squares left
    ~Moved Cordelia/Donnel 6 squares left
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 2 squares down 3 squares left
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 1 square down 2 squares left
    Turn 7:
    ~Moved Lissa to heal Cordelia
    ~Moved Cordelia/Donnel 2 squares down and 1 square right
    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 3 squares left
    ~Moved Panne/Gaius 2 squares right
    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 2 squares up and 1 square right
    Turn 8:
    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey back 1 square
    ~Moved Cordelia 5 squares right and 2 squares up
    Turn 9:
    ~Moved Lissa to heal Cordelia
    ~Moved Chrom 5 squares right
    ~Moved Cordelia 4 squares up and 1 square left
    ~Maribelle killed the thief and ended the map

    :/ And the deathless part of the run is very much not happening.
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