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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. It really depends on what Difficulty you are playing.

    I'm playing Lunatic+ and when it comes to counter :Soldier: ,archers help a lot.

    I'm going to do a normal run (but that said I might do a hard run, we'll see). I almost killed F!MU trying to do a hard run and have been reluctant to go there ever since.

  2. Also remember Chrom has the Chromvoy. If needed you can pry the weapons out of him before Cynthia attacks, then have him get them all back after he gets her on our side. Just be careful.

    I don't use Chrom to get her, I usually have Sumia go after her daughter. I just got Cynthia without her commiting suicide and I also got that damn liar out of the way as well. Thank god for Sorcerer F!MU and Mire with a critical hit :XD:

  3. @MewMewExorcist, I'm looking forward to my future battles, too, since I'll be able to do more interesting things than what I did in this next chapter. Which is the exact same thing I've done in the previous chapters, with a bit more use of Lissa.

    @TheSilentChloey, I'm not sure which is scarier: Mage Virion trying to impress the ladies with magic, or Wyvern Virion with his own small dragon...

    [spoiler=A Death Montage: Chapter 2]


    This chapter opens with us being introduced to more characters: Sumia, Maribelle, and the Vaike. Lissa gets a few amusing quips in at the latter's expense. Maribelle has been worried about Lissa, and Sumia has been worried about Chrom.


    And here the game's "subtle" hints at shipping Chrom and Sumia begin. Don't get me wrong; they're a decent pairing, and I like her a lot once I get far enough in the game to forget her mooning-over-Chrom stage. I just like Chrom and FeMU better. Chrom in-story spends a lot more time working with the Avatar on actually important head-of-state things like diplomatic meetings and battle strategies; and I think it's awesome when they're a couple who can do that. It makes them an unstoppable couple both on the battlefield and away from it, as opposed to just on the battlefield for Chrom's other S-Support options.

    I digress, but it was a choice between rambling about shipping or discussing the merits of Vaike's burping competition.

    Chrom shows up, Sumia falls, and I reflect on how having no feet likely explains balance issues, until I remember that none of them have feet. Volunteers sign up for the mission to Regna Ferox that Chrom explains is going to happen.

    I feel like I'm forgetting someone... Let's see, Sumia, Maribelle, Vaike, Lissa, Chrom and Riza... that's who we've got in this scene. Yep, we're good. Funny, there was this one part of the conversation where they just showed everyone standing around and nobody was talking...


    I'd swear that I won't make any more Kellam jokes after this, but I sincerely doubt that's a promise I can keep.

    As they're setting out to leave Stahl shows up, Vaike finds he's missing his axe, and a bunch of Risen decide they want to have a party at the local creek. Chrom doesn't approve of the party, so the battle begins. Frederick explains the weapons triangle. All well and good, but as usual I'm going to be fighting with Chrom and Riza alone (if possible). I'm sure you've guessed my strategy already: pair Lissa up with Frederick, move everybody out of attack range, and send in the XP eaters. Then smack the enemy with things, heal if necessary, rinse and repeat. Hey, look, I'm already pulling off my preferred strategy.

    This also means that we have one pairing present on the battlefield that I plan to use in this playthrough besides the obvious: Vaike and Sully. I've heard good things about Vaike!Kjelle, like Armsthrift and excellent strength, so I'd like to try her out. (I don't have every parent picked out yet, but I do have a few.) I'd pair them up, but the Vaike is missing his axe so I'm going to leave him where he can grab it next turn. I leave Sully nearby and out of attack range so I can pair them up and send them toward the sparkly tile afterward. That way, if it's a relationship tile, it's useful for once.

    I pair Stahl and Virion, so Stahl can get Virion out of harm's reach toward another part of the map. I put the Frederick and Lissa duo near the left-hand mercenary, pair Riza up with Chrom, and now I'm finally ready to attack.


    After this attack, if the mercenary is still alive (somewhat unlikely, since Chrom has enough speed to double him, enough strength to kill him with a double, and enough chance of hitting to gamble on), that means Chrom will be under attack by both him and the soldier with the lance, though thankfully he's just out of range of the barbarian. Lances trump swords, which means Lance Guy has the advantage. On the other hand, Chrom has enough defense and HP to survive a few whacks.

    The mercenary fails to hit Chrom and is successfully slain. I end my turn and await Lance Guy. Lance Guy manages to deal 3 points of damage before Chrom counterattacks. He doubles the guy, resulting in - you guessed it - a dead Lance Guy.

    I have a feeling that this playthrough is going to offer a lot of opportunities for death montages.

    None of the other enemies move, so that's the end of the enemy phase. Miriel shows up after this, bringing Vaike's axe. She's in the space between him and Sully, so it's a simple matter to have her give it to him.


    Am I a horrible person for wanting to see Miriel attempt to follow through on this threat? Not so much succeed; I just would like to see Miriel chasing Vaike around the barracks. Maribelle would end up lecturing them on decorum, Sully would laugh her head off at both of them, Virion would try to propose to Miriel, Sumia would trip over the stuff they knocked over... it would be hilarious.

    Moving on. I pair Vaike with Sully and have her go wait next to Chrom, because that's the farthest her horse can go at the moment. Everyone else is mostly fine where they are, but there's one person who can finally do something: Lissa! Sure, it's a little bit of a waste to have her heal Chrom for three damage, but she could really use the XP. I switch her with Frederick and let her do her thing.

    Now, I really would like to give Riza some XP, and I can position her out of reach of everyone but the barbarian while attacking from 2 range. I send her to attack him. The only way she's going to kill him is if Chrom joins her for a dual strike - she can double him, but it won't be quite enough - but like Chrom she'll survive a hit or two if necessary.

    Chrom does not, in fact, dual strike. The barbarian lives with 1 HP. This does not last long, since, on the enemy phase, he attacks, misses her entirely and gets a third Thunder tome to the face. That takes care of that.

    This also means that Riza gets a level.


    Riza dear, you should really work on your stat growths.

    The rest of the enemies don't move, and so it's my turn again. Sully and Vaike go stand on the sparkly tile.



    Finally, a relationship tile I can use. I made the right decision. And I am somewhat amused at their chat, because Vaike did not, in fact, remember to bring a weapon for once.

    Lissa goes to heal Riza's one point that she's missing from leveling up, and our two XP eaters continue their march toward the boss, one Risen at a time.

    There's a barbarian and a lance-wielding soldier on the bridge, but it's easy enough to stay in the range of only one at a time if I let them come to me. I'll have Riza take on Lance Guy 2.0, and then Chrom can handle the barbarian. I still think the Barbarian sprites look like humanoid mice.


    Lance Guy 2.0 hits Riza for 5 damage on the enemy phase, but her counterattack quickly follows. RIP, Lance Guy 2.0. You will not be missed.

    As usual, the enemy still doesn't think that the party crashers are worth pursuing unless they're within attack range, and therefore it's my turn again. Frederick suggests the auto battle system, for the first time implying that he realizes us common mortals need such things as rest. I'll definitely be using Auto Battle in the future, but this does not suit my current hit, heal, repeat strategy right now.

    Lissa heals the 5 points of damage Riza took. I told you she'd start getting XP in this chapter.

    I put Chrom and Riza within range of the barbarian with Chrom leading - one square to the left of where they were - leave everyone else where they are, and end my turn.

    The barbarian, as expected, pays Chrom a visit with an axe. He misses. Chrom smacks him. Riza follows it up with shiny magic. RIP Barbarian.


    Chrom gets a level.


    Moving to the spot on the bridge where the late and unlamented barbarian stood is good enough positioning to lure out a single mercenary. Riza, I choose you.


    She gets a level. Much better this time.


    Lissa heals Riza's 6 damage - 5 from the mercenary, 1 from leveling up. Lissa levels up.


    From here it's a bit repetitive. Lure out a single enemy, end turn...


    Move to the next one...


    Have Lissa heal as needed...


    Rinse, repeat.


    I take a break from the satisfying death montage to have Riza stand on the level's other sparkly tile north of the bridge. Finally, I get something besides a bow.


    The break doesn't last long.



    Leveling up happens.



    Now it's time to say hello to our boss, the Risen Chief. Hey, I thought he was the boss the last time. His comments on the fight are similar to the previous Risen Chief's.


    Well put, Sir. Chrom's and Riza's dual strike isn't enough to finish the fellow off, especially since Chrom can't double him. However, he's left with 4 health, and Chrom is at full health since the Chief's axe swing missed entirely, so a simple end of turn is enough to take care of that. His next attack hits Chrom for 4 damage, but this doesn't really help his lifespan any. Last words: "Unnngh...". These bosses get more eloquent every chapter.

    And with that, the stage is complete. I could have told you exactly where I moved Chrom and Riza each turn and what enemies they fought, I suppose, but I figured that a death montage was more fun.


    Nobody but Riza and Chrom has dealt a single blow yet. I would be ashamed of this in any other playthrough. In this playthrough, that's fine, since leveling everybody up will come later. It'll be easier to really grind them up once I get access to Lost Bloodlines 3 for Paragon, though I might do selective grinding before that. Not that I want everybody leveled too much yet, not until I get Second Seals. Otherwise I'll be frustrated that everybody's ready to switch classes without a way to do that.

    Moving on to the next story scene allows us to meet a wounded Pegasus. It tries to kick Chrom in the face, because Chrom hasn't had enough barbarians hit his face with axes yet. Thankfully for everyone who likes flying horses, Chrom does NOT respond the way he does to barbarians, though he does decide that the animal is crazed. Sumia has a nice little sparkly scene showing off that she has an affinity with animals, everyone is in awe, end of chapter.

    Well, that was... probably somewhat boring for you, the readers. It was fun for me, though, because I am easily entertained by Risen death montages and those cinematic 3D scenes. If the things dying aren't really alive, I don't feel bad, and all the weapons and magic are oh so shiny. Somehow Chrom and Riza did not gain another support level - neither did anybody else, though - so that's really all for this chapter.

    Hey, next chapter I get an inventory. That's going to be nice. And shops will be a thing after that, and wireless access. And Sumia as an actual member of the team. I feel as though there's somebody else I get... somebody I'm forgetting about...

    Nope, can't think of anyone. Must be imagining things.

    My god so many Kellam jokes in one sitting :XD: I am not sure if I likes or not :P: I know that he's there :D:

    Also I would say that both versions of Virion are scary!! :P:

  4. @TheSilentChloey, I think I have some ideas on ways to make grinding him less than painful this time around. But he's probably going to be reclassed the moment he reaches Level 10 to something with other weapon options. Or maybe I'll see how he does as a Bow Knight, who knows. At least they have swords.

    @Konnor97, that's an excellent idea. It might wait until I have an overpowered team, but I'd love to see what the auto-battle option comes up with at some point.

    [spoiler=Stop Giving Me Bows: Chapter 1]


    This chapter opens with... you guessed it... more dialogue! Lissa doesn't like camping, likely because hoop skirts do not make sitting on the ground easier. Also the bugs, obviously. On a related note, Chrom and Frederick with their character-building? They should try camping in hoop skirts and see how they like it. Or not, because them wearing hoop skirts would be really weird and somewhat disturbing. Unless you're into that, I guess.

    They have bear for dinner, which is disappointing. Oh, not the bear for dinner part, that's fine. I'm disappointed that the game makers felt that a scene where Lissa gets a bug in her mouth is more important than a scene where someone kills a freakin' bear. I would have loved to see that.

    Also, I'd like to know where the left half of Lissa's skirt went when she laid down.


    "Huh?" is right.

    It reappears once Lissa gets up to go for a walk in the dark creepy forest that apparently has bears in it with Chrom. While bear-killing in Ylisse is such a normal thing that it happens off-camera, I think that most people would call this a Bad Idea. Especially since Chrom is already saying he has a bad feeling. This is how horror movies begin.

    As expected, nasty things show up in the anime-style cutscene and attack the two people out walking in the dark, creepy forest. The nasty things, however, are followed by the ever-fantastic... er... "Marth", who saves Lissa from the Risen soldier who decided to hold his axe above his head for a ridiculously long time so Marth can block it heroically. Nasty things are killed, the cutscene ends, and finally we've reached an actual battlefield.

    But before actual playing begins, there is more dialogue. Frederick is concerned about Lissa and Chrom (no surprise); Riza is concerned that the nasty things are common, and probably plans to move to the other side of Valm if the answer is "yes".

    Now the actual play begins. This time, there are forts placed conveniently near our party. These will be useful, because I again plan to have Chrom and Riza do the fighting, and there will probably no time to get them far enough from the enemy attackers for Lissa to heal them. At least, not unless I want Marth's efforts to be in vain.

    She gets paired up with Frederick again, and I make him wait by a fort. Chrom and Riza are also paired, and I have Chrom go wait in the same fort.


    They are first attacked by the barbarian, who hits Chrom for 1 damage. Chrom hits for 10, and is joined by Riza, who takes him out with the Thunder tome. They are then attacked by the mercenary, who lands a somewhat damaging blow on Chrom. Chrom fights back and hits for 12 damage, which is almost enough to take the mercenary out, but not quite.

    The other Risen move closer, and this is where Sully and the ever-difficult-to-train Virion show up. For some reason, there's only two times I've found myself appreciating the guy: whenever I'm laughing at him being kicked or threatened by various women, or in his supports with Olivia and Inigo (I did this pairing once for the hair color; that's the time I trained him and was miserable, but I thought his supports with Olivia were cute. I also thought that his conversation with Inigo where he realizes that the kid is just like him is hilarious). I can't tell, though, if my usual annoyance with him is due to his... interesting... personality, or the whole he's-a-pain-in-the-neck-to-keep-alive thing because everything that's not an archer swarms him.

    Sully says that putting her boot through his face is the punch line of the joke that is Virion, and proceeds to do so. Once again, I am disappointed. If she'd put her fist through his face instead, that would've been even more of a punch line. I'm not mean enough to pair her up with him, so I just send them both out enemy range. Virion asks to be kept out of harm's way when I move him. Not even Lissa asked to be kept out of harm's way, and she just has a staff to defend herself.

    Chrom is healed by the fortress, and now a total of five enemy soldiers are in range to attack him.


    This isn't as bad as it sounds. Chrom has a 97% chance of taking out the mercenary with his next hit, and at 8 defense he'd be safe if the 8-attack archer shot at him a million times. The fighters each have an attack of 11; but they're carrying axes and therefore Chrom has the advantage due to the weapon triangle. The other mercenary has 9 attack. The point being that, even if every single one landed a blow, Chrom would be more than fine afterward.

    Riza could probably use the XP, but with the Veteran skill I don't need to worry about her gaining levels as much as Chrom. I'll also have better chances to level her in Chapter 2, where all the enemies stay stationary until someone is in attacking range. Therefore, I leave Chrom as the lead attacker and have him attack the almost-dead mercenary.

    Before I do that, I send Frederick to investigate the shiny tile above Chrom and Riza. His relationship with Lissa improved. Yay.

    As expected, Chrom kills the mercenary. Also, he gains a level.


    I've seen better.

    It's the enemy phase now. The archer moves in first, and shoots at Chrom, causing no damage whatsoever. Next, the upper fighter goes for Chrom; he swings and misses.

    I love it when axe-wielders go for Chrom.


    The next fighter also misses and has the exact same fate as the first. Chrom achieves weapon level D. The other mercenary goes for Chrom, also manages to miss, and Chrom takes him out with some help from Riza.


    I could watch Chrom murder Risen all day - and have, frequently - but this is getting a little repetitive. Although he has 98 XP toward the next level, Riza needs some love as well. Besides, there's another sparkly tile in the other fort, and I do love sparkly things.

    Chrom's too lazy to walk all the way to the next fort, so I have the two of them wait beside it with Riza in the lead position, out of range of the boss but still in range of the archer. I also move Freddybear and Lissa out of enemy range, because the archer's more likely to go for the guy without a ranged attack than the squishier Tactician who can attack back.

    Sully and the joke are out of range, so they can stay where they are. I end my turn.

    The archer attacks Riza and deals 2 damage, because again, squishy. (I like that word.) She throws a ball of lightning at him, and Chrom runs across a remarkable amount of distance to smack the guy in the face.

    This means the archer is very dead. It also means that Chrom has another level. Good man.


    Strength, defense and HP are always welcome.

    The boss moves closer. At 18 HP Riza can take any damage he deals, so I'm not worried about her. Plus, the convenient fort right next to her will heal her on the next player phase if necessary.

    Before I move her, I check on everyone else. Sully and Virion are still out of harm's way (and will unfortunately fail to get any XP during this battle), and Fred and Lissa would be out of range even if the boss spontaneously hopped on a flier. I move Riza to the sparkly fort. She can attack with her range from there, so I have her do that.

    Before the battle actually begins, the Risen Chief has something to say about it. I think he's a relation of Gerrick.


    Riza attacks for 10 damage, and Chrom hits for another 10. This isn't quite enough to kill the fellow, and Riza gets attacked for 4 damage. The scene ends, and I can see what the shiny tile was.


    ... Fantastic. The gods of gaming have a sense of humor.

    Since I don't want anyone else to do anything because Chrom and Riza are dastardly XP hogs, I end my turn there. The Risen Chief, of course, attacks again. He misses this time, and Riza gets the kill. In the spirit of Gerrick's last words, the Risen Chief's are "Nnh...aaagh..." which is actually a perfectly appropriate thing to say after a ball of lightning to the face.

    Also, Riza levels up. Don't worry, after I start actually grinding I won't post a picture every single time somebody gets a level.


    She also has 73 XP toward the next level. This is why I let most of the enemies go for Chrom; Riza does fine with just a few enemies in the beginning.

    And with that, the battle ends.


    More dialogue follows. Marth apparently soloed a bunch of Risen by 'himself'. What a coincidence, as the XP hog duo just did the same. It's almost like they're related or something. Anyway, Marth says some mysteriously vague things about the future and walks away, because communication in fantasy is overrated. I mean, a "Watch out for the gray-skinned dude" or "Don't go to Plegia, there be dragons" would be too many spoilers, after all.

    After this, Frederick reminds us that we must make haste to the captial, because we definitely didn't get the message when he made us forsake warm beds and good food for camping in the forest. He also seems oblivious to the fact that it is the middle of the night and some people might want sleep.

    I'm sure he's happy that we are immediately teleported to the capital afterwards, where we meet Emmeryn the Exalt. I think she's one of the good guys; she's wearing a halo and everything. It turns out that Chrom and Lissa are her siblings and therefore royalty. Somehow, Riza is surprised by the fact that they are not literal shepherds, despite the nice clothes, nice weapons, armor, and the fact that not a single sheep has appeared so far. Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you Ylisse's new strategist.

    With this, the chapter ends. However, support convos are unlocked, and to nobody's surprise, Riza and Chrom have a C level awaiting them. Lissa and Fredericks' sparkly tiles apparently weren't enough for a C support, which is fine.

    In case you are wondering, this is not something you should probably ever say to a woman:


    Even if she's tomboyish, don't say that. Actually, especially if she's tomboyish, because if she gets mad about it she's the most likely to put a boot through your face.

    Honestly, I prefer MaMU's supports with Chrom. I find FeMU's a bit... painfully awkward. I still like the pairing because I like their relationship during the main story, and because I'm used to a blue-haired Morgan now, and MU Lucina is OP... but I really wish they'd kept the FeMU's convos the same as the MaMU's, at least for Chrom. It would have been fairly easy to write an S support based on them; the whole bromance thing they've got going on would've translated pretty well to romance here.

    I quickly move past Chrom putting his foot in his mouth so much that his breath permanently smells like boots, and that's it. Until Chapter 2, anyway.

    For the record, I know I'm not doing anything really cheap or lazy yet, besides playing on Normal. Nor will I in the next few chapters. Just wait till the Outrealm opens up, though; then the real fun begins.

    Hehe, yes, reclass asap. I tend to do that myself (Mage Virion/WyvernRider Virion for kicks) he's not so squishy then :D: Though he is a joke to train and level up.

  5. Paralogue 9- Cynthia is so frustrating to recruit.

    I can agree with you there! She was super annoying to get. It took me almost an entire week to get her. That and she kept dying by killing herself by attcking Chrom or Sumia :/

  6. Sounds like a lot of fun :D: I look forwards to seeing what you untimately chose. Personally I'd have a team of Morgan and Chrom and then all girls. No need to sideline one of the best guys out there :XD: (Plus I love Morgan and Lucina! so it would be a win-win)

    I changed my playthrough by altering my F!MU's ending class. That or seeing how many enemies she could take on and end on a map by herself :D:

  7. Well, Sol isn't exclusive, and it won't help you much either if you're already invincible. I'd go with Underdog since if you stay in Manakete, it'll always be active for promoted Lv.10+ enemies.

    Oh! Thank you! I think that this will help me nicely!

  8. For Counter to do anything, you need to both be getting hit and taking damage, and that shouldn't happen with a Manakete, especially on Normal. Once you're ground to the max, I'd expect most enemies to be at 0/0 listed damage/Hit.

    Is Sol a better option then?

  9. Aptitude for in-game growths (though this isn't great for long-term/post-game because of infinite levels), or Counter for tanking.

    I think that once I cap stats that I won't really need Aptitude, but it would be a nice skill to have that's for sure! Counter would suit my strategy a little bit as well since it could potentially do some good damage and help with easy kills (at least I hope so).

    Underdog would be quite useful for Nah during Manakete or Bride builds as well, for an extra amount of hit/avoid. Should come in useful if you choose to grind her to max stats in her Manakete class!

    I'll have to see how Nah goes, as I am pretty sure that having her as a manakete would be an interesting choice. I suppose that Underdog coupled with swordbreaker would be nice, and even throw in bowbreaker while I'm at it (which I will do for Falcon Knight Cordelia because archers...) I will have to look into it a bit more :D:

  10. Yes, she can be part of a double Galepair. They'll be a little low on power but it should work out.

    :D: Sweet :XD: I am glad that I will have something to get her using when I get to her.

    Question of a similar sort, with Nah I tend to hand down swordbreaker (from Nowi because wyvern slayers are so ugh with damage) so what skill should I have Donnel give her apart from male exclusive skills of course. Are there any specific ones that are recommended that she get from him or should I just grind for them and give her the male exclusive?

  11. If you're running Donnel!Nah, it should only ever be for Galeforce. Everything else about her reeks, so not using her one redeeming quality seems like a pretty big waste.

    I was thinking a dual galeforce pair. Nah gets a couple of kills or something like that. It is something I run with Chrom!Morgan and F!MU!Lucina. My main question is can Nah run with that sort of set up (pairing up with a gale boy) with a "double galeforce" or not really?

  12. AT = Armsthrift.

    I did it because it seemed okay in theory, and also I had already used up all of Nah's good dads.

    Thanks for that :D:

    Ah I see. That would be a pain then D:


    Is Donnel!Nah any good as a support unit at all?

  13. I have a Donnel!Nah, but not even sure what to do with her. The problem is she can't make much use of GF because of no offensive procs and bad caps. It should be fun to steamroll in-game, but will probably bench for Apo.

    Kind of wish I went with Vaike...Deliverer can replace GF, and she gets Luna.

    So then what did you end up doing with Donnel!Nah then? Aside from Apo did she need a lot of grinding or not that much?


    There aren't that many good ones, she's pretty bad. You could try running Tomefaire Valkyrie- unpaired with LB, she can double capped Assassins and Swordmasters, I guess. She's got Deliverer to help get around, so make sure to use that. She also gets 100% AT with no boosts whatsoever, which could be very nice depending on your situation.

    AT? I am not familiar with the term many apologies. So a Tomefaire Valkyrie is a reasonable strategy rather than a Manakete?


    I am making an in game achievement with Lon'qu :XD: he's almost lvl 20 swordmaster and fully capped stats. I don't know what skills to use for him (but I am thinking of astra/lethality combo) I just thought that I would share it becuase this is a first for me. I haven't managed to get MUs to do this :D:

  14. but Noire can't learn Lancefaire if she is fathered by Lon'qu..

    True, but it all depends on the strategy that you are using. She doesn't learn Lancefaire from Henry either, but I like her to have a bit more mag (and why not take advantage of Tharja's mag mod?) and make her some sort of mnagic user (either a sorcerer or a valkyrie either would work by my guess)

    I would like to think that Lon'qu!Noire would be a more physical unit with options that doesn't (as far as I know) take advantage of Tharja's mag...as far as I know anyway.

    Any helpful strategies for Donnel!Nah?

  15. I don't like animal cruelty :(

    Who would like to be cruel to animals? Technicall it isn't animal cruelty because Yarne is half human...and Taguel are humaniod beings. But yes, I think that F!Morgan being sadistic is something that M!MU should fix and right away. There is no worse a tactician than one who is sadistic to their allies :/ I would certainly be telling her off for it and perhaps an equal punishment for it.

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