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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. You know, I realized that ever since you made that claim earlier in the thread blaming the game for something that was your fault, that there's no point dealing with your arguments most of the time...

    But I'll say that you exaggerate a lot of your points considering you just more than doubled the price.

    It was 79.99.

    If you got it for 150, that's not the game's fault. It's yours for getting ripped off.

    Again, you're making the people that like Awakening more like me, look bad.

    You just literally told someone who thinks 80 bucks for all three paths was a good deal how to feel about their purchase because you might have paid more unnecessarily, or are just spouting out a random unrealistic number for a purchase of a game to make your point more viable.

    You need to review your fact checking skills.

    It was $150 AUD which is accurate given that the Australian dollar was buying not as much American dollars at the time of perchasing the game so my figures are actually accurate, for my country at the time I bought my game as a pre order special edition with all the bells and whistles attached (theme code, art book, metal case etc). And the DLC was more than 20 dollars as well because I got the pack dlc. A cost of which might have been less than getting the dlc maps seperately.

    Also since when did I? Nothing I say or do refects on you so just drop the whinging. It shouldn't matter what other people do, unless you have thin ass skin and can't take people being differently minded so much so that you have to attack them.

    And I don't need to review my facts because I still have the recipt.

  2. You call it putting half the story behind a pay wall. I call it three games for the price of two.

    I honestly don't care about Awakening or Fates' stories. After the first playthrough I just skip all cutscenes. That leaves supports, gameplay, and music. I haven't gotten enough of Fates' supports to really judge them against Awakening's, Fates beats Awakening into the ground in terms of gameplay, and Fates wins in the music department as its soundtrack isn't just a bunch of variations on two songs.

    *disclaimer: despite my vitriol I still like Awakening, I just like Fates better*

    I fail to see how you can say that. You do realise that unless you had the 150+ dollars for the special edition PRE ORDER (which wasn't even worth that much even with the art book etc) and the 20+ dollars for DLC all you have left is two incomplete games that focused soley on gameplay and not characters/story, if at all, now if they had more to the stories of Birthright and Conquest with Revelation adding a little bit, I for one wouldn't have minded that much and might have actually enjoyed the games more. That said I still have some work to do in Awakening so there is that for me.

  3. Then roll with it ;) Severa is a good unit in any case, You may want to pass her down galeforce directly from her mother and tomefaire from her father because her start will be a bit slow (I have one save file with it, even if it's just one of my 'to collect logs' one so it's not going to run in apo or anything) and you'll want to train her a bit. And keep in mind her mag growth will still be... a bit lower than her strenght since she gets

    +4 Skill.

    +3 Speed.
    +2 Strength.
    +1 Magic, Defense and Resistance.
    -1 Luck

    Lifetaker and Sol can make her pretty resistant if you want to throw her in the front line with Cyn. A better mage!Severa would be Ricken!Severa and on the other hand Owain would be a Top Tier character with Libra as father (Probably the best one, as far as I know) If you'll ever considered to switch. That being said, if you're going in because you like the couple (they *are* lovely, I admit it :P) just ignore everything I've said and enjoy your game like I do with my non-optimized pairs :P

    Well the only reason I am not using Ricken!Severa is because that support brings out what I would call the worst of Cordelia. Well that and I don't see Ricken as much of a child like that support makes him out to be. That said I think that he's better off with Lissa for the ending (I am a sucker for their endings) and Lissa's seemed the best with Ricken...or Lon'qu but then I'm bias to that pair.

    Here are the children's matchups:

    ~Chrom!Brady x Libra!Severa
    ~Ricken!Owain x Henry!Cynthia
    ~Stahl! Gerome x Donnel!Kjelle
    ~Virion!Inigo x Vaike!Nah
    ~Gregor!Laurent x Maribelle!Lucina!Morgan
    ~Frederick!Yarne x Gaius!Noire
    I think they'll work in game (and maybe apo I'll have to see)
  4. Actually--yeah, *that's* what is missing. I'm not seeing Lon'qu married to anyone. That seems like kind of an oversight? He looks like he can be a good dad for both Yarne (if you're not getting Yarne the Archer tree for that fat Hit bonus) and, even moreso, Severa. LQ!Severa is a great unit.

    But yeah if you're partial to Cordelia x Libra, roll with it, especially with non-Apo.

    I'm actually trying Libra!Severa. Something about a tomefaire dark flier so she can keep up with Cynthia...

  5. I did a bit of shuffling of my pairings and here's what I have so far for my planned non apo MaMu run:

    ~Chrom x Maribelle
    ~Lissa x Ricken
    ~Frederick x Panne
    ~Sully x Donnel
    ~Miriel x Gregor
    ~Sumia x Henry
    ~Cordelia x Libra
    ~Nowi x Vaike
    ~Tharja x Gaius
    ~Olivia x Virion
    ~Cherche x Stahl
    ~MaMu x Lucina
    I'm pretty sure that I'm missing someone as a switch (but letting Inigo get bowfaire is too good to pass up). I'm hoping that this set up will lead to some fun. If not, well I tried to get them to work out.
  6. So chapter 24 wasn't as long as what I feared...which now makes Avera's chapter even more concerning...rally bots maybe?

    [spoiler=Story Notes]So this is the point where the shepherds are bought to Origin Peak because Naga apparently thought it was a grand idea to neglect to just put us right onto Grima's weak point and let us get it there, but in her wisest of moments she points out that (again) She doesn't possess the power to end Grima and that Grima is the only thing that can end it. And this is where Chloey comes into the equation. She is "Grima"...and that means she can kill Grima. Which I'm going to point out that the promise not to scarifice myself is not being made here because any tactician knows that one must make sure that all threats are ended. Sorry Morgan you'll just have to wait a little longer to being born.

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]This chapter is brutally simple. Kill/KO Aversa to get to Grima. Mire and Galeforce are going to win the day here...mostly.

    Units deployed:

    ~Chrom (Great Lord)

    ~Chloey (Sorcerer)

    ~Lucina (Sorcerer)

    ~Caleb (Sorcerer)

    ~Morgan (Sorcerer)

    ~Noire (Sniper)

    ~Lissa (Sage)

    ~Lon'qu (Trickster)

    ~Stahl (Sniper)

    ~Sully (Swordmaster)

    ~Frederick (General)

    ~Sumia (Dark Flier)

    ~Tharja (Sorcerer)

    ~Henry (Sorcerer)

    ~Maribelle (Valkyrie)

    Turn 1:

    As Naga says we're going to face a lot of reinforcements and that's going to be nasty. Here we go.

    ~Pair up Noire with Morgan

    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey

    ~Pair up Caleb with Lucina

    ~Pair up Henry with Thaja

    ~Pair up Sumia with Frederick

    ~Pair up Lissa with Lon'qu

    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 1 square right 6 squares up

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 1 square right 6 squares up

    ~Moved Maribelle 2 squares left 2 squares up

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 6 squares up

    ~Moved Stahl/Sully 5 squares up

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb 5 squares up

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 4 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 7 squares up (174 critical hit :XD:)

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 6 squares up

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb 3 squares left 3 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square left 6 squares up

    Enemies tried going for Chloey with Mire and direct attacks to the other shepherds. Critical hits and death followed those that tried to knock us down. Especially since everyone is all over levelled and ready to face Grima. Easily

    Turn 2:

    ~Moved Maribelle 1 square left 7 squares up

    ~Moved Tharja/Henry 1 square left 5 squares up

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb 4 squares up

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 1 square left 4 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square left 2 squares up

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 4 squares right 4 squares up

    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 2 squares right 5 squares up

    ~Moved Stahl/Sully 3 squares up

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb 1 square up

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 3 squares up

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 6 squares up

    Enemy Phase:

    Mostly slaughter, with misses on the Grimleal's side. Other than that Aversa refused to die. So now there's 1 more turn to be had.

    Turn 3:

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 2 squares up 3 squares right and switched for a Chrom lead...and Chrom ends the map :XD:

    Now onto chapter 26, which unlike Fates isn't going to be a pathetically drawn out affair. Lissa and Lon'qu were the heroes of this map.

  7. *Insert evil laugh here*

    What did you really think I was down and out? Well typos asside we're now going on to get Naga's help to beat the living daylights out of Grima...in one damn turn...if I can do that. Two max, perhaps. It's all about placement and fun right? No? Oh well, we're going to meet Naga and that is all that I need to worry about at this point.

    Chapter 24.

    [spoiler=Story Notes]So after Grima decided to awaken using the "other Chloey" like a cheat, we're forced to go to Naga to unlock the power of Chrom's Falchion...and that won't be an easy task concidering that Grima should know to send something to stop us. And yes the damn dragon does send some soldiers after us that is going to have a massive turn count...nice going cheat! Especially since this is going to be a long run...and I hate long runs...

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Since there is no point in having my weakest units here, only the most stat capped will do. Sorry Say'ri, Flavia and Basilio, this just isn't your map to shine. Maybe after some DLC I'll have you ready for the end game.

    Units deployed:

    ~Chrom (Great Lord)

    ~Chloey (Sorcerer)

    ~Lucina (Sorcerer)

    ~Caleb (Sorcerer)

    ~Morgan (Sorcerer)

    ~Noire (Sniper)

    ~Maribelle (Valkyrie)

    ~Vaike (Warrior)

    ~Frederick (General)

    ~Sumia (Dark Flier)

    ~Stahl (Sniper)

    ~Sully (Swordmaster)

    ~Lissa (Sage)

    ~Lon'qu (Trickster)

    ~Pr. Marth (Lodestar with Armsthrift, Outdoor Fighter, Ignus, Charm and Solidarity)

    Turn 1:

    ~Pair up Lissa with Lon'qu

    ~Pair up Sully with Stahl

    ~Pair up Vaike with Maribelle

    ~Pair up Noire with Morgan

    ~Pair up Caleb with Lucina

    ~Pair up Chloey with Chrom

    ~Pair up Frederick with Sumia

    ~Moved Chrom/Chloey 4 squares right switched for a Chloey lead

    ~Moved Stahl/Sully 4 squares right

    ~Moved Marth 3 squares right

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 3 squares right 1 square down

    ~Moved Sumia/Frederick 8 squares right and switched for a Frederick lead

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb 4 squares right and Lucina did 88 damage with an Ignus fulled attack!!

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 4 squares right

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 3 squares down 4 squares right

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 4 squares right

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 3 squares right and switched for a Noire lead

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb 4 squares right

    Enemy phase:

    Mostly a joke with them going after Chloey and Noire.

    Turn 2:

    ~Moved Pr.Marth 1 square down 4 squares right

    ~Moved Lon'qu/Lissa 1 square down 4 squares right

    ~Moved Stahl/Sully 3 squares right and switched for a Sully lead

    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 1 square down 2 squares right

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 3 squares right

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb 3 squares right

    ~Moved Noire/Morgan 1 square down

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 2 squares right

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 2 squares right

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 1 square up 3 squares right

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb down 4 squares

    They only went after Chloey...oh and reinforcements...:/

    Turn 3:

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 2 squares up

    ~Moved Noire/Morgan 3 squares right and switched for a Morgan lead

    ~Moved Maribelle/Vaike 2 squares right

    ~Moved Frederick/Sumia 4 squares right 3 squares down

    ~Had Chloey/Chrom stay put and attack the wyvern lord that tried to hurt Chloey last turn. Chloey activates Ignus and deals 98 damage (so missed the crit that would have been even more fun to play with!)

    ~Moved Morgan/Noire 4 squares right and switched for a Noire lead

    And we end the map with Chloey and Chrom as the heroes :XD:

  8. *snip*

    If you are willing to switch... Switch Stahl and Fred, and Vaike and Gregor. This will give Nah Luna (much better in reliability) while keeping AT+Sol, and Gerome will keep Axefaire. Yarne gains Hit+20 for Zerker, and Inigo loses next to nothing from the switch.

    I wasn't planning on giving Nah galeforce. For what it's worth Gregor is the easier father to get for Nah but Vaike seems better choice. That said I am thinking of these as alternatives:

    Miriel x Gregor (the suggested pairing for Laurent)

    Virion x Panne for a speedy bunny

    Nowi x Vaike

    Cherche x Stahl

  9. Here is the list of pairings for my MaMu run that isn't for Apo (although if I can get the team to pull off apo that would be nice, but not needed):

    ~Chrom x Maribelle
    ~Lissa x Ricken
    ~Frederick x Panne
    ~Sully x Donnel
    ~Miriel x Virion
    ~Sumia x Henry
    ~Cordelia x Libra
    ~Nowi x Gregor
    ~Tharja x Gaius
    ~Olivia x Stahl
    ~Cherche x Vaike
    ~MaMu x Lucina
    Thanks :D:


  10. Here is the list of pairings for my MaMu run that isn't for Apo (although if I can get the team to pull off apo that would be nice, but not needed):

    ~Chrom x Maribelle
    ~Lissa x Ricken
    ~Frederick x Panne
    ~Sully x Donnel
    ~Miriel x Virion
    ~Sumia x Henry
    ~Cordelia x Libra
    ~Nowi x Gregor
    ~Tharja x Gaius
    ~Olivia x Stahl
    ~Cherche x Vaike
    ~MaMu x Lucina
    Thanks :D:
  11. I can't think of a single thing Mikoto did any better than Emmeryn.

    At the very least, Mikoto could have done something like Corrin and try to convince both kingdoms to unite and fight Anankos, curse notwithstanding. I mean, Arete was in Nohr, right? No mention of the two working together? She does even less than Emmeryn, besides that emotion shield thing around Hoshido's borders, I guess.

    Also, we know Mikoto far less than Emmeryn by the time she dies, and Corrin somehow reacts to a practical stranger dying by immediately going Super Saiyan, compared to the Awakening cast who basically went through the five stages of grief? (slight exaggeration but you get the point)

    I felt some emotion in Emmeryn's death, not just from me but believable emotion from her siblings as well. Mikoto dying felt like Intelligent Systems were going through a checklist as fast as possible to give a reason to choose a side. I dunno, everything involving her felt hollow to me.

    This is why I don't mind Awakening's story as much as I hate Fates'. Mikoto is just pathetic and you're expected to care about her in less than two chapters...maybe even three.

    Sure Emmeryn isn't perfect either, but in Emmeryn's case it was the only way to end the war (in her mind at least). As well as the fact that you get a full seven chapters to get to know Emmeryn directly while she has at least a chapter where she's spoken about. That is a lot more than I can say for Mikoto.

    So then why the fuck does Kamui/Corrin get so upset over someone he/she barely knows dying for him/her. Sure there would be some guilt but not to the extent that Fates wants the player to believe.

    As for Awakening's story. I liked it. The characters are charming, likeable and there is a whole lot less fanservice in Awakening than Fates. The children characters were done right in Awakening. It could have been done better but for what it is the story is nice and I have fun going back and playing it.

  12. I agree with everything you stated here, and I also liked Awakening far more than Fates. In fact, I just finished an Awakening file a few weeks ago and am now on chapter 22 of Conquest, and I can confidently say that Awakening was a more fulfilling experience.
    Fates (oddly enough) felt much more limited than Awakening. I felt more restricted in how I could level up and reclass my characters, despite there being more seals available. I just wasn’t having as much fun playing around with my unit’s classes and stats, and wasn’t all that eager to see them grow in their new classes either. Overall, I don’t like the characters in Fates nearly as much as Awakening. Sure, Awakening has a fair share of tropey characters, but they at least have motivations, internal conflicts and actual reasons to fight for you. In Fates, your army consists of people who fight for you because of their obligatory loyalty to their masters, or for literally no reason at all (Keaton and Kaden, don’t you guys have a tribe to lead or something? Why do you suddenly want to get involved in a war that literally has nothing to do with you?) In Fates, the cast felt so uninspired.
    I feel like I was the only one who really enjoyed Awakening’s story. Sure, it’s not The Last of Us or Bioshock level storytelling, but it was very enjoyable for a Fire Emblem game. There wasn’t a time where I questioned a character’s actions, and I felt their goals and motivations were believable. Fates story is just absolutely abysmal and probably the stupidest thing I’ve ever slogged through. It desperately tries to make sense of three incomplete storylines that are so dumb I have to skip all the cutscenes whenever I play. I was so beyond excited for Fates’ story too, because the choice was such an interesting concept. But by making the choice so black and white with one being the obviously good side and one being the blatantly bad side, they ended up failing so hard at an A+ concept that could have been presented with complex political tension and grey morality. You can’t give players a choice when one is wrong and the other is right, that defeats the entire purpose of having a choice in the first place. Instead, what we get is brick-for-brains Corrin who would rather sacrifice an entire innocent nation under the heel of his (obviously) evil adoptive father because he’s too much of a coward to stand up to him. It makes playing the game so difficult sometimes.
    I also was interested in the idea of contrasting classes between Hoshido and Nohr, but I don’t really like Hoshido’s classes. I didn’t enjoy fighting them, nor did I enjoy playing as them. I don’t know, it just felt kinda random to me, the eastern aesthetic doesn’t really fit into a Fire Emblem game IMO. Actually, Fates doesn’t even really feel like a Fire Emblem game to me, but more like a spinoff. There is no world building to be had, and the aesthetics of Nohr and Hoshido, while they can be perceived as refreshing, don’t feel very Fire Emblem-ey. It was made too contrived and complicated to have all of Hoshido’s classes added, as I felt they were exactly the same as previous classes in the franchise but reskinned with a Japanese theme. I also hate how the Japanese inspired nation is pure and innocent while the Western nation is aggressive and belligerent. I just can’t get over that. Also, Corrin’s dragon is the ugliest Arceus I have ever seen.
    Ah yes, the weapon system. Another thing I totally agree with you on. Though nobody else seems to agree, I really can’t stand the weapon system. Weapons have so many complicated stat detriments and boosts that I can’t keep track. I’m already trying to organize my units on the map, I don’t need more complications with my weapons. I miss the more simple and straightforward weapon system of Awakening and previous titles, as this new feature was trying way too hard. (Also, magic users in Fates are worthless. They hit heavy, but are way too fragile. Mages are some of my favourite units, but I could barely use them in Fates).
    Oh god, the kids. The deeprealms are so beyond stupid; I couldn’t believe how little time and thought went into the kids mechanic. Honestly, one of the biggest problems with Fates is that it wants to be different from Awakening, but it’s also afraid to let it go. The children were so poorly implemented in this game that I would have been completely fine if they didn’t include them. Either that, or have a big generational timeskip, with the parent characters aging during a ‘peace era’ between Hoshido and Nohr and having the children grow up then. It might even help the children get involved in the story. Marriage was also kinda pointless as the pair up system was tweaked with Attack Stance and Guard Stance, so you can control when your ally will attack the enemy or shield you. While I liked being in control, it really made marriage seem like it only existed for the children. The kids in Awakening were also far better developed, while the kids in Fates were as shallow as a puddle in July.
    The world map also really bugged me. It took me ages to actually figure out where Nohr and Hoshido were on the map, and the menu navigation system made it feel so restrictive. I loved the world map in Awakening because you had free reign to traverse an open world, it made the continent feel large and grand. The lack of worldbuilding in Fates also doesn’t help this fact, as I think the Fates universe has one of the most uninspiring settings in the entire franchise.
    The soundtrack of Fates is phenomenal. I don’t think there’s a track I don’t like in this game. Oddly enough, though, I find the maps, while challenging, lack soul and visual detail. A lot of the environments and textures are bland and don’t feel as immersive as Awakening’s levels, and there were far more memorable maps in Awakening compared to Fates (for example, Chapters 9, 10, 16, and 23 in Awakening were far more memorable than anything I played in Fates). I have a feeling that the uninspired setting and plot had something to do with my enjoyment of the level design, since I'm the kind of person who can play a game with meh gameplay but a stellar story and love it (PMD Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky comes to mind).

    Considering this is what I was trying to say about Fates vs Awakening; it's quite rude that I got "attacked" for what is personal opinion, even if I was ranting and not being as calm as I needed to be (which unfortunately for me is all part of the issues I face on a daily basis). No matter, I won't hold grudges because that's a pointless thing to do.

    Fates is so bland that I litterally have gone back to Awakening without hesitation because at least my favourite classes are awesome and I have Mire to work with. My currently deathless (until chapter 7) Normal Casual run has more hours of entertainment than Fates has and Awakening litterally cost me less than Fates did. Sure some people think that I'm one of those "poisonous cooked up" newcommers by FE Veterans, but in truth I gave Fates all the chances it needed and the points I made still stand because they are valid even if others are too busy trying to invalidate my opinion which no one has to agree with.

    Awakening implemented child characters far better than Fates, had a better reclassing system, had absolutely AWESOME Sorcerers that were viable and amazing and weren't the stupid glass cannons that are Nyx or any other magic user reclassed into this class. Awakening had an option for Sorcerers/Dark Mages to make strikes at a distance so they didn't have to be on the front lines to be tacticially viable in the Mire tome like the longbow for archers. Now sorcerers have nothing except magic...and Nosferatu but even then it's not that great and their caps got nerfed from what I have heard.

    Galeforce was nerfed and made pointless. As well as making Ebon Wings a nightmare to get if you wanted to have more than two Dark Fliers from the Ebon Wings you were given. It was a nightmare map that I (and probably a lot of other people) failed more often than necessary and caused endless frustration to just to get through Royal Royale even once (so far I haven't made a second success of the map and I was using Elise...the easiest royal to use). At the very least they should have allowed your game mode to directly affect the difficulty level all of your DLC and not just one or two maps, clearly IS didn't think about that one.

    Pair ups were fixed up sure but I prefered Awakening's pair up system; broken as it was, mostly because nothing is more thrilling to me than seeing my avatar make that unexpected dual guard or dual strike helping out his or her team mates. At least that is how I see it...

  13. The short answer is that Donnel's mods are absolutely terrible, while Gaius' are excellent.

    Kjelle can live with Donnel's mods thanks to her mods, as a Hero/Paladin/ 69 spd WL, while Noire takes Gaius to give her Galeforce, and is usable as a Levin Sword DK to use her magic, or as a BK.

    Giving Kjelle Gaius as a dad makes her much speedier, allowing her to rock 75 speed WL or even General. But it screws Noire over.

    Donnel!Noire is generally seen as worse because of her limited choices with Donnel as her father. She has 2 faires, and no easy way to make use of her magic, unlike Gaius!Noire. Although she could make a decent Bride/Sniper, I think it's her best role.

    The last option is GF-less Noire, which plays similarly to Nah, married to a Galeboy. The're quite similar, but Noire having Luna to begin with gives her quite a few more options. A Tomefaire dad will allow Noire to use her magic. Gregor is a decent option-not in very high demand, and giving her Astra. I've also heard of Vaike and Frederick on her. Typically Sniper and Bride are used, but depending on the mods, you could get something out of BK.

    Actually from what I read Gaius!Noire is meant to be a front line sniper not a bow knight so she can take advantage of long bows for apo. Could be wrong about that though.

  14. The thing is that Owain and Inigo are the most popular male children characters and Severa is the most popular non-lord female child character in the Awakening cast according to the official Japanese popularity poll back in 2012 (the one that decided which characters get fanservice CGs).

    Similarly, Cordelia and Tharja are the most popular non-avatar first generation female characters and Gaius is the most popular first generation male character that isn't a lord or the avatar according to that same poll, hence they got character expies in Fates.

    TL;DR: It's more fanservice for Awakening poll winners not named Chrom and Lucina.

    [spoiler=What REALLY happened; minor Hidden Truths spoilers]


    And we have the messed up world that is Fates. I am somehow not surprised about that. It just goes to show how lazy IS can be sadly.

    That spoiler though...

    It doesn't even matter about Chrom and Lucina needing fanservice inputs either way. Before Awakening and Lucina's amiibo did just that!

    Plus, as I remember reading somewhere, it was decided it had to be second gen characters to bring over.

    Honestly, I'd've been fine with seeing Priam again so we could get character some more development going on but... I guess that's out of the question...

    I wonder how it would have gone with Priam in it. I don't particularly like him, but he'd be more understandable than the child character trio :/.

  15. I have used Donnel in my current run only for an underdog Manakete Nah.

    Suffice to say I'd rather go for Donnel!Kjelle and give Nah Gregor and have Gaius father Noire (who needs him more than Kjelle anyway).

    I can see how difficult it would be to raise him the required levels to make him useful, but I somehow (through sheer dumb luck) managed to squeeze 3 level ups in his chapter on Normal mode and the babying wasn't even worth it...even with aptitude.

    That said I don't particularly mind the pot on his head, I think it looks kinda cute actually, but I can see too why some people don't want to bother with him as he is a royal pain to train.

  16. This is very confusing to say the least. From a story perspective, Why Owain, Inigo and Severa? Why not Lucina and the other children? Or why not the Shepherds? I know that it is fan service but that shouldn't be a legitimate reason or an explaination. I really think IS dropped a ball when they went the route of fan service to be perfectly honest.

    Also as far as I would tell, Owain Severa and Inigo would have to at the very least tell their parents that they are on an adventure so that they don't worry so much. Sure they're not the same as the ones that they lost in the ruined future, but they would still care about them enough to say something like that! At the very least!

  17. Pretty sure that those three come from the future where their parents are dead. In Selena's support with Subaki she mentions that her mother passed away some time ago.

    Which I believe the OP was talking about. Of course we all know that if future Lucina isn't married at the end she leaves after telling her infant self that the infant will have the better future.

    Honestly I'd say that they'd notice the three had gone. I would however think that those three wouldn't leave without saying something at least.

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