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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. Kellam

    Mostly benched as soon as he's recruited I tend to grind much later on if I want to use him. He's just there for the most part.


    She's benched straight away as I always have better units than her and she's just there as plot fodder.


    Awesome crit lines, good solid design, arrives a bit late but not as late as the spot pass characters


    Not even worth having because Nowi or Nah are usually better than she is. Tiki is picked up just because I can.


    Freaking useless as a unit and has the same problem as Sumia off the battle field (Self insulting) Olivia isn't someone I would have on the front lines but rather would keep around as fodder...


    More personality than his mother, Miriel but uses the same infernal oversized words for what is needed. As a unit he kicks ass.

  2. I think I'll weigh in in this as well. I play normal casual because I don't like losing units. So I end up using Chrom, Robin, Morgan, Donnel and Lucina as well as Lissa. Everyone else is usually benched or used whenever they are needed for a specific map.

  3. Yen'fey

    He's there. That's all I have to say for this guy


    A good solid unit if you have both the time and resources to put into him. Can be a beast.


    She's kind of adorable, but the sadistic nature of her isn't doing her any favours


    *Massive parental bias ahead*

    Not only is he the most adorable of the future boys, M!Morgan is the sweetest of the lot (parental bias in full swing here). He looks best with Chrom's blue hair makes the sibling support with Lucina that much cuter just by being him and for the most part he is terror on high noon to any enemy foolish enough to even poke him. He has a great time on the battle field showing the enemies that it's "Gameover" for them and quite frankly I adore the crit/skill lines he says. Freaking best child character aside from Lucina. (Also much, much better than Kana. Regardless of how cute they tried to make Kana, Morgan wins hands down as the best Avatar child) Morgan is one of my go to units in battle and he gets the job done with frightening speed.

  4. I don't see Lon'qu or Olivia on here. I've tended to use them a lot.

    Otherwise, obviously Chrom and Robin for me, the former because he was required, and the latter because they're always rather useful/OP. But also, last time I played Awakening, Cynthia was my avatar's daughter and she got the gold medal for most used/battles.

    Opps I'll add them both!

  5. Sully

    She's tough, has some pretty good supports and I quite like her paired up with Stahl or Donnel. Chrom is alright as well but Lucina loses out on galeforce/classes she needs (mercenary comes to mind here). Other than that I actually like her, I thought the design was alright and she is usually a good unit for me.


    As adverage as he is Stahl has a lot of moments in his supports where he shines well. He is a great unit for me and usually is the easiest to train up and get to awesome levels :D: so Stahl is not so adverage to me.

  6. Libra

    Somewhat relateable and useful as a unit, his design is alright.


    Not a fan of her character wise (the gold digger is a turn off for me) but she does look cool and rocks trickster like no tomorrow


    I like Panne as a Taguel her design is interesting and her backstory relateable


    Forced Tsundare is not cool. Other than that she's a good solid unit regardless of who her daddy is.


    UGH, and that is all I have to say for this guy. Litterally my most hated spotpass unit. Mostly because he's so late that just about all of my other units are better than him by a long shot (*cough Chrom cough*) and Ike isn't really that great to me...(I have a thing for Marth even though I have yet to play the games that actually feature him properly as his own unit...)


    Freaking adorable and the only reason I tolerate Tharja, she makes for a good waifu for M!Morgan (and she's just so cute!) is a good solid unit without galeforce (and the one I failed to get in my first playthrough of awakening :(:)

  7. Gaius:

    He's alright as a unit and I don't really find the "sugar" gimmick that annoying like some people do. He's a great assassin and has helped me out of a few jams.


    Uses the largest words possible to confuse you, surprisingly I understand about two thirds of what she's saying (and Laurent is much easier to understand), the rest I have had to look up and even so the speech isn't fun to work out. Her design as a Sage is pretty cool though, and she makes for a good back up Lissa.

  8. Inigo:

    I hate flirts...and this one is usually benched immediately and almost never used regardless of playthrough. I litterally hate this guy with a passion. He is my least favourite male in Awakening

    [spoiler=However]In Fates Inigo is actually tolerable, mostly because of his support with Peri , but this is irrelevant to the actual thread.


    He's alright as a unit (once you get him going) and I don't mind him that much. I found myself laughing when he was recruited (mostly because Sully kicks the guy in the face :XD:)

  9. Cherche:

    She exists for me. She has however one of the WORST children in the game (Seriously Gerome what the hell is your problem?) I don't mind her design, but she's usually benched in favour of other units


    Yeah he might be a good unit, but I'm not a fan of him that much. His design is alright and he does help Sumia survive so there is that at least going for him. And he makes Cynthia adorable so there's that too :XD:

  10. It could just be that their aging slows drastically as they grow into adulthood, so it takes them thousands upon thousands of years to start actually looking old.

    Hmm I guess this would explain why Nowi and Tiki both look so young. Oh and Nah to an extent (although I always thought that Nah as a half manakete wouldn't have as long a life as her mother because she's got half as much manakete blood)

  11. You're mixing the "units are bad" with "units I dislike" since you pretty much fulfilled the whole "Chrom x MU" shipper stereotype by implying that she has no redeeming qualities as a unit. You literally just said that in your quote:

    Which pretty much shows you already prejudiced it.


    Love Lucina specifically as MU's daughter.

    Attempt to mix unit evaluation of Sumia as absolute trash with personal preferences, possibly due to an underlying reason.

    This opinion sounds so familiar. Like I haven't run into it thousands of times.

    Hell, Sumia x Frederick destroys hard mode on join chapter. Why does it have to be Sumia x Chrom?

    While eclipse on the other hand couldn't make her "the offensive monster that people do", still acknowledging that her averages, join time, and you know... CLASS FRAILTY into account.

    She's a dodge tank, not a DEF tank.

    Your opinion on everything else is valid on how you apparently passionately dislike Chrom x Sumia storywise and personality-wise... but dismissing her as "basically useless with no redeeming qualities and shouldn't ever move" as a unit when she has the innate advantage of galeforce even over MU is pretty much pairing bias.

    An opinion of characterization and role in plot is something that is subjective. But when you drag in stat averages, utility as a unit, and combine it with an all encompassing statement of "only redeeming quality is looks and don't move", people can question the facts you base your opinion off and if isn't some personal beef with a collection of pixels that happens to be a really good unit with your preferred husband or husband's retainer and not anywhere near as useless as Donnel in Lunatic, who your statement would be better suited to.

    Don't even...I don't like the fact that the game forces Chrom x Sumia down my throat (and the fact that Cynthia looks hideous with Chrom's blue hair to me, even if it can be ignored entirely) coupled with Cynthia not even knowing her father (if it is Chrom) that's even worse because ANYONE can call her their "Pega Pony Princess" so that is not the way to tell who is your father! Also just because Sumia can learn galeforce naturally doesn't make her a good unit, there is more needed than just galeforce (and I consider it more supplimentry than important). Add to that she kept keeping RNG screwed on me in almost every playthrough and was so frail she'd end up dead without Frederick's help...and you have part of my reasons for disliking her. Not hating Sumia, just disliking her. So allow me to dislike who I want to for whatever reason I want to.

    God this really has dragged on...:(:

    To focus on the other characters:


    She is alright. Her design is ok and she has some alright supports I just don't tend to use her that much. She is meh to me mostly and I tend to bench her a lot.


    A peeping tom, over confident asshole...at least that what he appears to be in Robin's supports with him. However support him with someone other than Robin and a different picture emerges, a man who is working to be a hero to the streets where he came from.

    So I'm pretty sure that Vaike is alright, I just don't like the peeping tom behaviour. His design is alright I guess and as a unit he is decent enough to use on the battle field.


    Maribelle's son what else is there to say. I usually bench him and that's about it. Brady has a nice design though and his supports are fun to say the least (Severa is the one that springs to mind, as well as Noire's) he's just not bought into battle a whole lot because I have better units that are not stuck in E weapon ranks (the same could be said of Donnel funnily enough, but Donnel is easier to use for me for some reason, perhaps because he can be gotten right after chapter 3 if you want to?)


    Too much of a whinger (which I find uneccessary, ok Yarne we get it you're the last taguel, but please show some spine! As long as you cower in fear you will never know what it is to have a good life!) I find that unless Yarne is on the battle field he's not that fun to be around. He has some ok supports, but he could stand to be less of a whimp and more like Panne. His design is pretty cool though, so there is that going for the boy :D:

  12. *Snip*

    I hope you're not trying to tie in your personal opinion and stereotypical bias to evaluate her as a unit.

    Because she is considered by the community to be one of the best units in the game because she has the uncontested best availability to get galeforce.

    And your "frail" statement seems to only take her DEF into account when Chrom gives her a SPD pair up that pretty much dodges a lot of the lances on her join chapter if you're not playing Lunatic.

    I am taking about my experiences in using Sumia as a unit. She wasn't as great as you're making her out to be, plus I absolutely hate Chrom x Sumia because Cynthia not recognising her father is a little shameful at best.

    As for today's characters...


    He's alright as a unit; his supports are nice and I enjoy the somewhat comical direction they can take (Nah as an example in the english version at least). He's always been a solid unit for me even though he's not my out right favourite he is up there. His design could have been a bit more unique, but he works well enough.


    Dear god if I didn't absolutely love Chrom I would have married this guy a thousand times over!! Henry is without a doubt one of my most favoured units to bring into battle. He has some of the BEST crit lines in the game, and the english version really capitialises on his comical side (and I can relate to Henry on many levels as well so...yeah...). Did I mention that Henry is actually one of my most favourite characters in Awakening besides Chrom, Morgan and Lucina? I'm sure I did. Oppsies :XD:

    Henry's design is actually a long shot better than Tharja's and I like the fact that his dark mage battle model is so unique. Also that if he's a ground unit he has a laugh after beating the enemy. I find that adorable.

  13. Flavia:

    Flavia is one of my favourite late game units, and while she's not the strongest she does have some good supports (M and F!Robin as well as Basilio) although she could have done with more supports and character development aside, I like her design quite a lot. I have found her to be a good unit overall and her VA is amazing :XD:


    The same however can not be said of Sumia I'm afraid, I dislike both her english and japanese voices and her gimmick really ticks me off to no end. Couple that with how frail she is and the lack of diverse supports and you have my most least used and often benched units, save for a certain other unit. I guess the only real redeeming quality is that Sumia looks ok...as long as she doesn't say anything and doesn't move.

  14. If you're going to talk shit about the difficulty in one route for not having grinding and being mind-numbingly hard....

    And too easy in the other simply because you grinded...

    You could, you know... not grind.

    Like how the maps were designed in mind?

    Did you seriously talk shit about the game being too easy and too difficult in the same post?

    You clearly have no concept of difficulty scaling and you blame it all on the game.

    Here's the thing though I didn't grind at all in Birthright or use the DLC and I still found it too easy, so easy in fact that auto battle worked through just about the entire game. Of course I did some picking and choosing here and there with some strategy but not as much as I did on Conquest (the game that I wouldn't dare use auto battle on). Now that could be because I was all burnt out playing Awakening for nearly 280+ hours but I doubt that was the case because those hours were drastically spaced out (mostly on waiting to get to appoinments rather than sitting down and "actively" playing those hours).

    Maybe I don't have a concept of difficulty scaling but I am stating entirely personal feelings on all of this so do actually keep that in mind please. Also I wasn't actually judging Birthright until I played it and I didn't like it after playing it. Also Birthright was not used to fully judge Fates over all. I wasn't "shit talking" Fates at all dear, I was airing out the issues I had with the games I had played.

    Aren't you contradicting yourself here?

    You complain about Anankos being too easy, and yet you love the fact that you can oneshot Grima?

    Because not everyone has their Avatar as Dark Flier?

    And even them Kaze's death is avoidable.

    If you never gave the game a chance, how can you judge it fairly?

    You can't call a game bad if you nevet gave it a chance.

    Are you complaing that they made getting skills more simple?

    That they made things more convenient?

    You complained about RGN screwing you, and yet praise the fact that Dual Guard can screw you?

    Sorry, I'm not picking on you, but you keep contradicting yourself. I have to point these things out.

    Of course not everyone has their avatar as a dark flier I know. I just felt that the avatar's class should be taken into account for that part of the game if they were a flying unit in general. But given that I didn't actually allow anyone to support with my avatar I am to blame a little for what happened, but then that is what happens when you go into a game completely blind and un-spoiled about what happens in said game. In fact I didn't let my avatar get so much as a C rank with anyone in Birthright because I wanted to make it harder on myself a bit more (to the point where my avatar was stat capped as a dark flier by the end of the game because the enemies kept going for her). I cut out all My Castle (from Birthright) use save for buying staves and weapons. I basically had my avatar be a lone wolf the entire game save for the end game where I had Felicia give her a magic boost so she could take out Garron, but that's it.

    Also I wasn't complaining about Anankos (I hope I spelled it right this time) being too easy, if you read that you are sorely mistaken because I have complained about him before and if you saw what I said earlier I am actually annoyed at how the bastard wouldn't just die already when you beat him the first time (and even then I had to use phoenix mode just to beat him otherwise I'd have gotten a game over more times than I could count because characters would keep missing their attacks and get hit hard despite the grinding I did). It was the same reason that I hated Grima for at first because it just couldn't accept that it lost. Although Grima is no where near as hard as Anankos to actually beat.

    I will repeat what I said earlier, I saved all judgements on Birthright until I played it and I still didn't like it.

    On the subject of Tharja I believe I said I "tolerated her". I meant it. I hate what she does to Noire with a passion. That's a major part of the reason why I hate Tharja so much. That and she's a damn stalker that stalks your Awakening avatar to no end. That is what I hate more than what she does to Noire and the fact that Rhajat does bascially the same thing is a stike out for me :(: I hate stalkers most of all. The experiments on Noire was the final straw for me when it came to Tharja. Like I said before if I want Noire I have to marry Tharja to some poor bastard.

    I wasn't praising that dual guard can screw you. In fact I said that when dual guard screwed you over it was the worst part of Awakening. Sorry my bad for not clarifying the point ^^'. The fun for me is when the dual guard/dual strike happens because I treat it like a not going to happen at all.

  15. Now that I have fully "finished" Fates (all pathways) I can finally make my full conclusions about the game in full. Be warned potential ranting ahead, I am not going to sugar coat this and I need to get this crap out of my system because I am sick of it. Also this will be each version to its own bit with the over all view of Fates vs Awakening being the last point.


    To be fair there was a few things that I actually enjoyed out of Conquest. Some of the characters were alright, the gameplay is a bit better than Awakening's with a few more balanced elements than Awakening that worked well. I found the maps to be reasonably enjoyable; although some maps drove me to distraction to the point of wanting to tear my hair out because a certain Avatar wanted to commit suicide all the time and kept getting RNG screwed the entire playthrough. Lilith's death was pointless, Ryoma's death was meaningless as there wasn't enough time to develop his character and completing Conquest wasn't the most satisfiying thing I have done to date. That said there are things about Conquest I hate, and despite the more popular opinion out there this is mostly personal and doesn't apply to anyone. Unless of course they feel the same.

    I HATE phoenix mode. I don't like being reduced to it because my team likes committing suicide and getting RNG screwed to hell and back. The Avatar included. In fact she was the worst offender of this. It was annoying and there was nothing I could do at the time to fix the problem. So for all those cries of "use DLC" realise that at the time you were all talking about it, sure I'd bought it, but I couldn't use it even if I wanted to save for the Before Awakening map because those maps hadn't been released in my region at that time. And I used Before Awakening because I missed Awakening. And it was the closest I had to my more prefered game, even if it wasn't the same.


    Because I paid for the top notch Fire Emblem Fates pre order I had Revelation before it was released as DLC. Now Revelation did fix some of my issues with Conquest (allowing me to train my units and actually getting certain supports like Kana and Xander as well as Siebert and a mother Avatar) but it added more issues. In the tune of the WORST boss I have ever encountered in Anakos who has to be the most meaningless bad guy I have seen that just won't quit. And that's in comparision to the pathetic thing that is Grima. I thought Grima was my least favourite boss. Nope move over Grima you're actually not that pathetic, Anakos is and that's not what I expected at all.

    And to add insult to injury it added one of my most hated characters in all of the Fire Emblem games that I have ever played (FE13 and FE14)...the Tharja clone Rhajat. I know now that I didn't have to get her and that I don't have to actually marry her father off to anyone, but I foolishly did so and she was the result. Tharja I tolerated because she is Noire's mother and if I want Noire I have to have Tharja marry some poor bastard, Rhajat...no...just no I want to use classic mode just to be rid of her.


    Where do I even begin? The fact that it's so mind numbingly easy I played hard mode up to Ninja Village or the fact that I skipped through so much of the story because I was only there to get the game done and have at least completed all of Fates to formulate my opinion fully. I will say this though, Xander's death was the worst part of the game because that did make me cry (perhaps because he's one of the few characters that I like of Fates overall?), as well as Elise. Again Lilith's death was meaningless and Susukaze's was no better, with Flora's being actually understandable but ultimately useless. And the Avatar was a dark flier so why the hell couldn't she have called her pegasus to save them both why the hell did Susukaze's death have to be scripted like that? I had nothing to do with my castle and practically auto battled the way through the entire game. That is the extent of how bad it is, even if I gave it chance.

    Overall vs Awakening:

    I don't mind the PvP but it's ultimately pointless for me. As shadowofchaos so elegantly put it Fire Emblem is a single player game that really doesn't need PvP like Pokemon seems to in order to work and keep you busy for a few minutes.

    It's nice to visit other people to help them out with things like accessories (I give out accessories fyi) or resources to help them out. I enjoyed some of the DLC classes (Witches being my top favourite class followed by Great Lord because female avatar is limited to those classes and the skills are useful. Sad to say that Dark Fliers are pointless in Fates because Galeforce was needless nerfed and to get Ebon Wings is just too difficult for what it's worth).

    The PvP system has made getting skills onto certain children pointless as you can just buy them if you're able to beat the other team that has the skills that you want.

    In Awakening you had to think about who married who to a much greater degree beacuse of what skill you wanted the children to have (Galeforce for the boys for example because they couldn't get it anywhere else except their mother) or what stats you wanted them to make the most of (like Lon'qu!Severa for speed, Ricken!Laurent for magic or Robin!All-child-units for class freedom and skills as well as stats). I will add that the children in Awakening had more of a reason to be near the same age as their parents (time travel) than the children of Fates did. (I believe the term is "shoehorned"? Please correct me if I am wrong I am human after all and I tend to make mistakes) It makes little sense for the couples you make in Fates to have children let alone for those kids to be the same age as their parents. Now if there were a time skip where the children grew up, that would actually be ok because then you would have a reason to have them in the army. Deep Realms? Nah too damned pointless even for fantasy.

    Sure pair ups are broken as fuck in Awakening but that's what made the game so much more fun for me to playthrough. I know when I went up against Grima (twice in one day...follwoing the exact same moves as I posted in my LP) and I got a surprise dual strike the first time, and the second time Chrom landed a critical dual strike that I did not honestly see coming and I expected my avatar to have to kill Grima all by herself with Waste hitting 4 times. And it was AMAZING! I couldn't stop grinning from ear to ear because it was so awesome and so unexpected.

    Of course on the flip side pair ups in Awakening can be equally annoying. For example a unit that is allergic to archers gets killed because his/her partner doesn't dual guard even though they're S-Ranked, or the dual stike that misses four or five times in a row, or the unit that does no damage in the back who won't get the exp that they might need. Or the unit in the front is being trained and dies before they get meaningful EXP to pick up the skill that they need. It was for me the most worrying part of any playthrough. Would my units dual strike or dual guard or both? It was fun.

    All in all Awakening had for me the more likeable music, characters and maps despite the gameplay differences and flaws. Fates seemed to me like half a game with the rest of the story it being held hostage as DLC that if anyone wanted to play it would cost them money that they may not have wanted to spend. Awakening did have Future Past as DLC but you didn't need it to get Awakening's story. You could do perfectly fine without the DLC in Awakening all together if you wanted to. Fates...well like I said you'd be missing out on what is actually crutial story details that you should have gotten through the main game.

    As for the reclassing system no comment. I'd say that both games are about the same in terms of grinding time cost. Although Awakening does it slightly better with EXPontial Growth and the Golden Gaffe as well as having Despoil as a skill option if you don't have the DLC.

  16. Aversa:

    Well Aversa has slowly started to grow on me, mostly because of her spotpass chapter more than anything else. As a villan though...she was underwhelming at best and at worst...well I don't talk about the worst. Because that is a whole can of worms that no one else wants to hear.


    Lissa for me is an excellent healer and usually out paces Maribelle pretty much right away. Sure she starts off weak, but then once she gets going...she gets going good. Lissa is perhaps the easiest unit to train, she's the right mix of usefulness that I enjoy haiving on the battle field and if she's married...oh boy does the enemy need to watch their backs because she will wreck them and Galeforce to do it all again, or save a certain weak as hell unit from dying. I will not say whom this unit is, because they only have themselves to blame for being so weak.

  17. Walhart:

    One of my most disliked characters out of FEA. I don't mind his crits but that is about all. (He's not entirely useless but I almost always bench this guy in favour of other units *like Chrom*)


    Hmm this is going to take a while.

    Lucina's character is charming. She goes through such pain that I can relate to and it just makes me all the more determined to help her stop Grima. She is someone that I have developed a soft spot for who I would help irl if she ever needed it to me she is well written and enjoyable to follow in Awakening.

    Lucina's design is perfect and suits her quite well, at least in my eyes. And as Robin's daughter Lucina is a force to be wreckoned with. She always performs well regardless of the classes I use for her and even if she isn't Robin's child she does make an exceptional mother for F!Morgan (so long as Chrom doesn't marry the generic maiden). I find of all the child units Lucina is the one most likely to take out the most battles of all the child units and can easily beat out almost all of them.

  18. I know that I haven't updated in a while, but here's the low down. I have been playing through Birthright of Fates (and got up to chapter 10 on hard mode because it was supposed to be easier than Conquest) and then I set about collecting the "extra" spot pass charcters because I needed to do some training on certain units that were left behind and I felt like getting them. Of course very basic strategies applied in getting them. From the use of rescue staves to outright racing across the map with Chloey and Chrom to get said characters. All in all it was a lot of fun trying to get things done...and then there was the trip to the doctors and almost two weeks in bed...and well procrastination happened. Sorry to those that wanted to see the end of this run! I will say that I did a test run and got Grima killed in 2 turns. However this will be the actual one so lets see how this goes shall we :D:

    [spoiler=Story Notes]It's to be expected that we have to face off with Grima and there are two choices that I am presented with. Either let Chrom "kill" Grima to let Naga put the fake dragon to sleep or I kill Grima and it never comes back again. You can guess what I might choose, but I will leave that as an unanswered question because I want to. Sorry again but you'll see what I chose when I get to the MaMu run because I just want to have something that's a surprise.

    So before we begin Grima decides that it's a really good idea not to kill the Shepherds but take them down to 1 HP in order to prove how pathetic that the bonds of the Shepherds are. Then because I stand up to it I get knocked out and almost lose hope when...I hear the voices of the Shepherds calling out to me to fight back against Grima and fight I will!

    [spoiler=Tactician's Notes]Units deployed:
    ~Chrom (Great Lord)
    ~Chloey (Sorcerer)
    ~Lucina (Sorcerer)
    ~Morgan (Sorcerer)
    ~Noire (Bow Knight)
    ~Caleb (Grandmaster)
    ~Libra (War Monk)
    ~ Olivia (dancer)
    ~Lon'qu (Assassin)
    ~Lissa (Sage)
    ~Tharja (Sorcerer)
    ~Henry (Sorcerer)
    ~Maribelle (Valkyrie)
    ~Vaike (Warrior)

    ~Virion (Sniper)

    ~Cherche (Griffon Rider)

    Turn 1:

    ~Pair up Chrom with Chloey

    ~Pair up Caleb with Lucina

    ~Pair up Noire with Morgan

    ~Pair up Olivia with Libra

    ~Pair up Lissa with Lon'qu

    ~Pair up Tharja with Henry

    ~Pair up Virion with Cherche

    ~Pair up Vaike with Maribelle

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 8 squres up to attack the Grimleal sniper on Grima's left

    ~Moved Lucina/Caleb 6 squares up and attacked Grima

    ~Moved Chloey/Chrom 7 squares up to attack Grima and chose the Waste tome...Chrom dual strikes and Chloey crits with "Time to tipe the scales!"

    Map finished in 1 turn with Chloey and Chrom as the Heroes of the Map :D:

  19. They know. They shitpost stuff like this a lot.

    How sad. And here I thought that there weren't people like that here.

    Where is the Morgan Option? Why aren't we talking about the most precious woman in the army when we are supposed to be M!Avatar?

    My baby for best girl, no matters who the mom is!

    Oh, well, voting for Maribelle because she's equally awesome.

    Of course Morgan is awesome! Although she is a little sadistic for my tastes I think she's still pretty cute :D:

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