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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. A thing that both Awakening and Fates could have done is included the DLC music into the Sound Test once you've downloaded the DLC, not unlike how the Super Smash Bros. sound test updates to include the new DLC tracks.

    I didn't realise that was a thing! O.O I know that they have the Records Hall in Fates where you can listen to the music that you've unlocked from each playthrough of Fates, but I hadn't heard of that being possible in Awakening (having gone to youtube to look up the soundtrack to hear it). Where do I need to go to find them on Awakening?

  2. Seconded. Kellam gives a lot of Defense, which isn't really useful for anything (Apo or not), on top of a Spd penalty, which again is hurtful whether or not you're wanting to do Apo. Kellam!Gerome picks up the Thief and Knight lines, which really only means he gets Assassin and Great Knight out of the deal, and only the former is worth actually sticking to (GK gives Luna, but Gerome is best used in the back where proc skills don't matter).

    Conversely, Vaike!Gerome gets all sorts of nice things. 2 more Strength (highest Str he can get), the Barbarian class line (so he can Zerker support, which is the best there is), a net +3 Spd (Kellam = -2, Vaike = +1), and any reduced stats are in things that won't matter for the physically-inclined, in-the-back Gerome (he can't get hit there, so Def/Res do literally nothing, and as a Zerker he doesn't care if his Mag drops). You even keep the Thief line, so you still have Lucky Seven (an acceptable substitute for Hit+20, if every fight is 7 turns or less).

    Vaike!Gerome basically wins over Kellam!Gerome in every mechanical way. Better stats, better skills, better classes. In fact, Vaike is probably one of the best fathers Gerome can get; Gregor and Henry are also really good, but Gregor is usually better used elsewhere (e.g. Laurent), and Henry is often needed if Sumia doesn't marry Chrom (as you, TheSilentChloey, have already done.)

    I see thank you for your insight. I will have to work out the child pairings now :D: And that's going to be a whole world of fun...(insert sarcasm here)...

  3. Serenity and Sorrow are probably the most relaxing pieces to me. A tranquillity of which I struggle to fall asleep without.

    Speaking of music, I find that I like both Awakening and Fates' in that regard (although I do have a clear preference for Awakening, Fates' music is a close second). Mostly though I find that music tends to go over my head a bit... :(: unless I get the time to play through each song.

    A shame I haven't had the chance to play the older games, but if they're anything like Conquest then there is little point in me trying. I scraped through it and even then I am willing to bet that I would without a shadow of doubt (no matter how hard I try not to) lose every single unit of the army. I am that bad...when I'm going in mostly blind (with story spoiled to hell). It's taken me three or more years to get a deathless and resetless (almost) run in Awakening on Normal mode. I've gotten Fates to the point where I can clear the first seven chapters on all three paths on hard mode classic. So I suppose I have learned something. I still don't like Fates that much though.

  4. Ah, beg pardons. For your list there: Virion!Yarne, LQ!Severa, Stahl!Nah, and Gregor!Laurent are almost certainly your best choices, though you could very easily swap to Gregor!Nah and Stahl!Laurent and still do well. They give similar classes and similar stats (Gregor gives 1 more Skl), though Gregor!Nah can get Axefaire which might make running Hero a worthwhile choice. I don't think I know enough about the game to really recommend which to choose, so listen to whatever other advice you get.

    Inigo, by being a galeboy, is the stronger choice as an active character, naturally. However, if you can get a Gerome that has Berserker (sadly, you can't get both Berserker and Archer), he's an acceptable supporter; this requires Henry, Gregor, or Vaike. Inigo is better even as a support, though, simply because he already has Barbarian, and can thus pick up Archer from any of several fathers (Virion, Stahl, Chrom, Ricken), and some of them make him good for Sage support as well (Virion and, especially, Ricken). Inigo just has a really solid, versatile kit that many fathers can enhance easily. It's hard to go wrong with Inigo, which makes not using him probably the only "wrong" thing you can do, but you could still survive it.

    As I've said before, building for anything--whether Apo or not--allows lots of interpretations. It's more or less like a budget exercise. You need to meet a certain quota, and you have more than enough "materials" to get there. So you can take some less-than-optimal choices here and there, and you'll still be okay, because there's a large margin of error. But every time you choose something weaker than you could, you're cutting into that margin. Too much, and you can't reasonably do what you want to do. The margin of error for simply winning the game is very, very wide, to the point where I'm not sure it's possible to screw up so badly that you can't win, except on Lunatic or Lunatic+. The margin for Apo is a lot narrower, so doing things like neglecting a powerful unit (like Inigo with most fathers) in favor of a significantly weaker unit (like Gerome with most fathers) is risky--potentially acceptable, but you're gambling that that choice won't hurt enough to cost you the victory.

    That's alright! I am at fault here because I didn't quite make it look like a one verses the other. Hmm... well this is what I have so far (a bit more fleshed out than before) for my apo team (noting that Gerome doesn't really matter as much because he's not likely to be used for Apo)

    Chrom x +Mag/-Str F!Robin
    Lissa x Ricken
    Sully x Donnel
    Miriel x Gregor
    Panne x Virion
    Cordelia x Lon'qu
    Sumia x Henry
    Maribelle x Libra
    Tharja x Gaius
    Nowi x Stahl
    Oliva x Frederick
    Cherche x Vaike or Kellam
    I still have yet to work out the child pairings but they should be fairly easy based on what I have learned so far. However that will only be once the parents are sorted out.
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