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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. Not a fan of A rank supports (especially Lucina since she has so many good options). Some of the classes are a little off center. Assassin sort of faded out of relevance when you can get 75/69 Spd on hard hitting classes. Sorc usually is inferior to Sage (and everyone who could be a Sorc on your list of classes could be Sage). You have a pretty good supply of Snipers though.

    Just be sure to check which Spd benchmarks you want before you slap on AS+2 when you're deciding on skills.

    I find though the main problem with Sage is that they don't have a 3+ range tome to use and the class looks a little odd on anyone that isn't Miriel, Lissa and Emmeryn. I will take your advice into consideration however.

  2. This is what I'm thinking for my Apo team, it's not final and could do with some work. I haven't listed the skills yet but if I have the classes down then I can work on getting the skills

    Gaius!Noire @Sniper x Virion!Yarne @Bowknight/Sniper/Berserker
    Donnel!Kjelle @Bride x Vaike!Gerome @Hero/Wyvern Lord
    Stahl!Nah @Sniper x Frederick!Inigo @Hero/Paladin/Greatknight/Bowknight
    Lon'qu!Severa @Assassin x Libra!Brady @Dreadfighter/Sage
    MU!Lucina @Sorcerer/Grandmaster/DarkFlier + Chrom!Morgan @Sorcerer/GM or X M!Mu @Grandmaster/Sorcerer
    F!Mu @Sorcerer/Grandmaster x Chrom @Dreadfighter/Great Lord/Sniper
    As for the skills I know everyone is going to need limitbreaker, and galeforce for those that can get it. Asside from that I have a bit of working out to do.
  3. I've been playing around with bond units a lot lately. (Mostly to have some strong units in my main file while I leave all the actual characters at their starting levels due to the fact that I want to do specific re-classes as I level them up in order to set things up a certain way, which involves needing more hero/exalt brands for many of them which can only be gotten through the festival DLCs which STILL haven't come out here and are showing no signs of coming! GAAAH!)

    The modifiers for the bond units is the modifiers of the two "parents" summed up with a +1 to every stat similarly to children, right? (The fact that there is no way of knowing your partners boon/bane without them having both the Corrin and Kanna statues makes it hard to figure sometimes.)

    One thing I have found out is that there is some set pattern to what you get determined by... something... because at one point when I had lost the card from my 2nd copy of fates on my other 3ds due to accepting tons of cards from other castles, when I got the card again and made a couple bond units I noticed they were the exact same ones in the exact same order as the first time I started making bond units with my second game.

    It does seem like the very first bond unit you make with somebody tends to have your respective classes, and ones after that can have seemingly random classes... Is there any apparent pattern to when the unit inherits one or both (and which is the starting and secondary) class after the first one?

    Another thing to note is that the skill a bond unit gets is always comes with the same gender and default name.

    I started a list of which skills come with which gender and name, feel free to add on to it any you know of (If name is missing then I remember the gender but not the name):

    Birthright & Birthright

    Bushido - Male (Renga)

    Pyrotechnics -

    Shuriken Mastery -

    Rallying Cry -

    Divine Retribution -

    Optimistic -

    Competitive - Female (Moegi)

    Nohr Enmity -

    Triple Threat -

    Quiet Strength - Female (Azuki)

    Fearsome Blow -

    Perfectionist - Female (Kureha)

    Pride - Female ()

    Reciprocity -

    Skill +2 -

    Future Sight -

    Swordbreaker -

    Astra -

    Birthright & Conquest

    Forager -

    Miraculous Save - Male (Naoki)

    Vow of Friendship -

    Peacebringer - Female ()

    HP +5 -

    Strength +2 -

    Magic +2 -

    Defense +2 -

    Resistance +2 -

    Demoiselle -

    Gentilhomme -

    Underdog -

    Potent Potion -

    Quick Salve -

    Rally Luck -

    Rend Heaven - Female (Sequoia)

    Heartseeker -

    Bowbreaker - Male (Flint)

    Conquest & Conquest

    Chivalry -

    Fancy Footwork -

    Bloodthirst -

    Rose's Thorns -

    Fierce Rival -

    Opportunist -

    Pragmatic -

    Aching Blood -

    Lily's Poise -

    Misfortunate -

    Puissance -

    Fierce Mien -

    Countercurse - Female (Hazel)

    Collector - Male (Sterling)

    Luck +4 -

    Gamble -

    Axebreaker -

    Luna -

    Birthright & Revelation

    Wind Disciple - Male (Naruto)

    Fiery Blood - Female ()

    Morbid Celebration -

    Lucky Charm - Male (Shoga)

    Noble Cause - Female (Anzu)

    Optimist -

    Sweet Tooth -

    Playthings -

    Calm -

    Haiku -

    Prodigy -

    Natural Cover -

    Evenhanded -

    Camaraderie -

    Duelist's Blow -

    Lethality - Female (Shiori)

    Quick Draw - Female ()

    Shurikenbreaker - Male (Koumei)

    Conquest & Revelation

    Highwayman -

    In Extremis - Male (Caraway)

    Icy Blood - Female ()

    Born Steward - Female ()

    Mischievous -

    Guarded Bravery -

    Fierce Counter -

    Goody Basket -

    Fortunate Son -

    Sisterhood - Male ()

    Daydream -

    Locktouch -

    Good Fortune -

    Malefic Aura -

    Vengeance - Female (Perilla)

    Elbow Room -

    Odd Shaped -

    Tomebreaker -

    Revelation & Revelation

    Healing Descant -

    Perfect Pitch - Female ()

    Seal Resistance -

    Shove -

    Swap -

    Shelter -

    Lunge - Male (Orion)

    Movement +1 - Male (Damien)

    Vantage - Female (Helene)

    Poison Strike - Male (Spiro)

    Strong Riposte - Female (Odele)

    Sol -

    Nobility -

    Aptitude -

    Miracle - Female (Rhoda)

    Lancebreaker -

    Darting Blow -

    Seal Defense -

    I think a few small things that would've made bond units far more worthwhile would've been having them inherit the last two skills from their parents (to compensate for lack of classes), keep access to their starting class line, and have the gender for every skill be random instead of locked.

    Still, bond units can have potential to do some things even better than the story characters, but are generally limited to just one very specific setup per bond unit. It is the fact that logbook shenanigans let them do things like benefit from every statue in Revelation and have maximum movement from boots without needing the statues or the sacrifice of boots yourself that gives them an edge.

    Examples of some very good (and specific) bond units I've made include one that got Lunge and became a Master Ninja with debuff/indirect damage skills and replicate that can move an enemy across a map and wear them way down in the process, a general with countercurse, and one with Miracle/Aegis/Pavis/Lethality/breaking sky/aether skills that can be fearsome alone and make anybody with Nohrian Trust quite fearsome.

    I always save before entering a castle in case a bond unit is formed and if I don't like the result, then I can just reset and visit the castle using a different save to see if a better skill is provided. When it reaches the point where a bond unit is to be made, it will be the next one regardless of what save you use. This can enable you to somewhat control the result (especially if you know the person on the other end and can get them to update their castle with a different save/skill).

    There is one particular bond unit I would like to make but will need much assistance and luck to do: a unit with all 6 breaker skills at once. This would be possible by making one that gets one breaker as a personal skill (except axe/shuriken breaker, meaning Birthright/Revelation and Conquest/Conquest pairing wouldn't work), a starting class that can promote to learn another breaker skill (except axe/shuriken breaker), a secondary class of mercenary (to become both a Hero and Bow knight to learn both axe and shuriken breaker), and inherit the other two. My preference for best stats on this unit would be "parents" that have a boon/bane of speed/luck (the main boon/bane I normally use) and speed/HP to get high speed without any notably heavy hits elsewhere.

    With one or more partners, specific ideas like the above would be quite possible. First comes the hard part of exchanging items (which can happen multiple times really fast if you just visit and leave 30 castles really fast between each visit), and when a bond unit pops up, you just reset and contact your partner telling them to update with a file that is the correct path/class/boon/bane/skill you need (which can be set up within just a few minutes with the right methods) and then pray you get the right skill and classes, and if you don't then either try until you do or experiment (like seeing if your partner doing something like creating another save with the needed path/class/boon/bane/skill might happen to change anything. The more we find out about the properties of what determines the outcomes the easier it'd get.). I'd be up for trying to help make such specific ideas become reality.

    I think that this needs to become a thing. Although it won't be easy to do that's for sure.

  4. Use horde encounters, Exp Share and a move that hits all opponents like Rock Slide or Earthquake.

    Best Suggestion: Get an Ursaring with Sweet Scent, Rock Slide and Earthquake. Find the Pokémon that provide the right EVs and go nuts. It's still Genocide, but it's quicker than Super Training.

    But, yeah, ultimately the idea isn't bad. Especially if you and a friend work together to get perfectly planned Bond Units by lining up the Avatar's Boon and Bane on both files whilst also planning the classes in advance too.

    Heck, since Bond Units use Avatar customization variables, you could even plan their appearance.

    It's possible. I've had a few dark mages. I didn't know about the inability to buy skills for a bond unit, but I do now.

  5. Hug the Eevees

    Literally doing nothing but adding glasses doesn't make them suddenly not Robin. Not enough changed for it to not be.

    Here are the changes, which you SHOULD have noticed that are there none the less no matter how hard you're trying to discredit them:

    ~Eyes are blue not brown

    ~No fringe

    ~No hair clips

    ~Different clothing underneath the coat

    ~Altered the facial features and style

    ~Altered the colours of the coat to suit my tastes

    ~Made her look older than the base Robin that was used

    I really don't see how you couldn't notice that my avatar isn't Robin.

  6. You should really check the tone of your posts, as you sound pretty snarky while missing what they meant entirely.

    Limited buy items aren't purchasable from other's My castles. Only infinite amount items.

    Those include rescue and status staves which the originally quoted person said "you could go online". But the person you quoted said those cannot be obtained that way.

    And yes, technically you can visit other people's castles via streetpass/homepass.

    Then you're taking the wrong tone from my post for no reason.

    Somehow I thought that the rescue staffs were able to be bought. My bad.

    I hasten to add that there are not enough Fates players where I live so streetpass is redundant for me.

  7. Not sure if I've already said this considering how long and old this thread is, but something I always liked about Awakening was how you could buy Rescue staves. I dunno, it was broken but it was so much fun and it did add to the strategical depth rather than subtract from it (I mean, even without it, lowmanning was going to be a thing anyways sooooooo...).

    The same way you forget a bad date; lots of alcohol.

    I think that's what makes it fun.

    I was thinking of something witty to say and I'm sure I'll think of it again...ah right on cue...

    I am the sort of person who might enjoy new gameplay features, might like new challenges, hell might even like the new characters, but there was a crutial difference between Fates and Awakening for me that I have to point out...that most people are likely going to hate me for it.

    Think back a bit to the first time you started to play Awakening/Fates. Without everyone breathing down your neck about one or the other. Chances are you might have enjoyed Awakening, gotten all the references to past games and most importantly HAD FUN.

    Now for someone that has come from Pokemon and their version exclusive crap, I don't like Fates, because I've already had to deal with not being allowed to get certain pokemon because I didn't have the "right" version. That is still a thing and I know it's to encourage people to trade and what not, but it is still frustrating. And Fates pulled the version exclusive crap. Forcing players to buy two (or three or the special edition) games to get the full story.

    Awakening was the game (asside from Pokemon Conquest) that seriously opened my eyes to Fire Emblem as a franchise. I would not have known that FIre Emblem was even a thing if not for Awakening. I'll admit the fourth chapter of the game was the most frustrating part until I actually figured it out (some two years later from when I got the game because I'm special like that). And after that I actually had fun with it. Even now when I pick up Awakening it's to have fun. Something that isn't happening in Fates.

    To me Fates is a chore. I've played through all three pathways and the only things that was actually worth while was some of the supports, some music and my castle. Although I did ban the use of my castle and grinding in Birthright as well as supports to make it more challenging for me without losing characters (I would have killed the Hoshian army a hundred times over as well as Corrin).

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