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Posts posted by TheSilentChloey

  1. ...how is this even related to you?

    How are you even taking this personally?

    It was a statement about why taking PM content into a public post (which you just did) is bad.

    Yes, and I can say without a doubt that your reasons were bad for many of those opinions because they couldn't be logically justified.

    There are not many instances by which you can do that.

    For Example:

    You think Fates is bad for many reasons.

    One of those many reasons is you dislike it because you had an accident that was no fault of the game's.

    The opinion that Fates is bad due to your mishap is factually bad.

    You think Fates is bad for the bad price tag of $150 for all three games.

    The opinion that Fates is bad due to that is factually bad because your purchase price was due to your own negligence and not being aware of the actual price tag of the game.

    I'll assume that we all forgot that while I was stating that I didn't like Fates I was able to admire it just as much. I did my research and found that at the time it would have been as much as $200 AUD+ from the game store because they didn't even have the game in stock at that time that I did the pre-order. Usually they lower it down and you might get an extra game or have that amount added to another game. I don't think anyone can rant calmly, even the best of us still have trouble with it.

    Even so I am human, you are human. We make mistakes and thus shouldn't be so judgemental, I don't take things personally...at least not some things. What I do take personally is someone who makes me lose any respect that I had for them by their own actions. For example taking the time to respond to a PM but then in the same token make it so that the other person can not respond to you properly and perhaps help clear things up with you in a manner that isn't akin to being like a child. I'm pretty sure that the mods have better things to do with their time then sorting out people that don't wish to get along with one person actually tying to talk out the problem and the other compounding it with every chance that they get.

    Ah I see, the way you worded it, it looked like a typo meaning "This post used the Australian prices with the Australian currency as reference."

    ...That is completely unrelated to what region-lock actually means.

    Region lock is when, if I take a Japanese cart of, say... the 3DS version of DQVII, and put it into my NA 3DS and the 3DS refuses to play it.

    Preordering DLC, while a rather stupid practice imo, is not anything to do with region lock and is present even in the Japanese version of the game.

    Ah, I see, I guess we have a way forward then.

    While I don't mind pre-ordering things sometimes it's more hastle than it's worth. That could be said for any game and not just Fates.

  2. You must have misunderstood the PM.

    It stated the following:

    I have no wish to discuss anything with you in private because there is no moderation.

    The minute you misunderstand me, you will inadvertently get emotional.

    This was not a statement to continue it in this thread. In fact, both of us could get warned for the drama.

    My statement is that bringing private statements into a public post is that either of us could manipulate what is quoted into a "he said, she said" manner, in which no one can prove who said what.

    Moving on, everyone had that "pre-order" page.

    So, how is this a point against Fates, again?

    Which goes to show how little you know me. I don't ever do "he said", "she said". NEVER. So perhaps you should allow my words to stand, that we agree to disagree on some things.

    Also given that I haven't had to pre-order DLC before I'd say it's a point against Awakening and Fates' collectively. Especially since most games that I have bought had the DLC ready to go or didn't ask for payments until the DLC was offically released so that all you had to do was download it and play to my knowledge. I could be wrong, but I'm not as up to date about games as I would like.

  3. Every region did that.

    It *WAS* a pre-order.

    Dragging PM content into a public post is pretty much very well centered in "jerkish" territory.

    Says the person who doesn't wish to sort things out quietly. I had hoped that a prviate discussion could iron out problems because usually that's all that's needed, especially when it's me (I love typos...not). However you made the the choice to not take that route so here we are arguing in the forum like a pair of children when we're supposed to be adults apparently.

    And I wasn't made aware when I got the game that the DLC was pre-order DLC. Especially considering I was trying to avoid too much spoilers for Fates at that time.

  4. ...Er, what exactly do you mean by region-locking the DLC? The way you phrased it, it sounds like you bought something off another region's e-shop (NA? Japan?) then couldn't play it on an Austrailian copy of the game. Which, the 3DS is region locked entirely without hacking so I don't think that's possible.

    (also, Rey, did you mean "note" instead of "not" in the first line after you quoted my post?)

    I had the aus version but because the DLC wasn't "released" in my region I couldn't play it. It's like pre-ordering the DLC I suppose.

    Also because someone decided that I "fling" insults. I don't. I wasn't trying to but there are some things that are better left out of the public eye because the ridicule isn't worth the hassle.

  5. *Snip*

    Didn't notice that current location is listed as AUS? Wouldn't anyone with half a brain actually go "AUS? Oh she probably means Australia, maybe I should ask her over PM to be on the safe side."

    And that you are getting involved in crap that again doesn't concern you is really grating. You've done it enough times that quite frankly I am sick of trying to bother being poilte to you anymore. I specifically said if anyone had issues to PM me. So really the only person who is currently at fault is you.


    If you still have a problem then PM me, don't derail the thread and waste everyone's time.


    I have to try to remember them now...


    Lady's Man - +2/-2 damage dealt/taken when paired up with a female unit.


    Hidden in Plain Sight - +20 avoid when in a space without terrain effects.


    Tutored Strength - When he levels up, higher chance of leveling up the boon of his supporting unit.


    Yay! Blood! - Heals 50% of HP after getting a crit.


    Bookworm - +1 damage dealt for each tome in her inventory.

    I like Henry's :XD:

  7. It's more so because some of your justifications of personal opinions aren't based on reasonable things.

    Most people, including myself, agree with you that Awakening is more likable and the superior option in story. We also agree with you with certain gameplay aspects in which Awakening is superior.

    However, you have criticism of the gameplay aspects earlier in the thread were also called out by people other than myself for unreasonable and illogical conclusions. Most of all, a reason you dislike fates for a reason that defies all form of logic.

    That's why you have the reputation you have in this section of the forum.

    An uninformed opinion is generally something that doesn't work well with a medium of discussion. Not because this forum or its members can't handle personal opinions like you just implied. We've been fine for years before Awakening. And we had things like Radiant Dawn to clash about.

    So, please, save the victim card for another day.

    For example, the post above outlines a very nice, solid criticism about Fates' lack of cohesive vision and the price tag, without doing any exaggeration, which you are notorious for.

    What comes to mind is the price tag you presented in AUD. Not only do you make the mistake of not clarifying the value of the currency you have, you also failed to do research on why the price was inflated in your country. Which was your own fault when criticizing the game with that point. It damages your credibility and brings doubts in your fact checking to form your opinion.

    And once again you butt in where you didn't need to.

    I did rectify most of my mistakes by mentioning that it was AUD (which you ignored by the way) in my original post. Don't try pulling crap please.

  8. Awakening has a fair bit of plotholes, even excluding the obvious plotholes with Archanea/Jugdral/Valentia, there's stuff like Panne saying her mother died when she was a baby, and she never knew her(Yarne support). Or her claiming her taguel mother raised her, and taught her not to hate humans(Ricken support).

    I believe over all Awakening is better than Fates in terms of story. Fates just...well didn't sit well with me for various reasons.

  9. I am putting it there as a source to confirm that what I said is true if someone else wants to confirm it.

    Since that would be pretty much taking my word for it again if I did the word for word translation on mobile.

    It's pretty much the same thing without the "I'm sexy, I control men. Except him, he's not a real guy" omitted.

    Just take it at face value. He's just meant to be ugly and creepy.

    Which is what I thought of him in the first place even without what Aversa said in the english version.

  10. I think you're taking someone's comment too literally.

    As for Iverse/Aversa's comment:


    Yes, I promised him the Plegian throne in exchange for the Emblem... He jumped at the offer! Well, as much as the fat little piggie could jump... Men are all the same. Learn their ambition, and you have them by the Oho... Well, perhaps Excellus was a bit different in that respect...

    Her "control men" sexy gimmick is more exaggerated in English in that regard. That was completely added in about that bit about him being different.







    Like I said I didn't even notice that much. Also translation please because not everyone understands Japanese. That would be appreciated very much.

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