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Status Updates posted by Rezzy

  1. Happy early birthday in case I forget

    1. Captain Karnage

      Captain Karnage

      Thank You! Your the first person to tell me that.

  2. If people have noticed I've been less active lately, it's because I've been crazy busy with work lately.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rezzy


      Cool, what's your job?

    3. Nym


      Day camp monitor

    4. Captain Karnage

      Captain Karnage

      NP, I didn't even notice.


  3. Hi, I saw that you decided to follow me.  Anything particularly interesting about me?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tediz64


      So formally speaking then; Hello, nice to meet you rezzy. Also even though you didn't ask, since i know its a re-occurring question you ask since you did it in SF Interviews i'll answer for you. I like the name Rachel. One  of my favorite characters from Friends. 

    3. Rezzy


      Lol, thanks, I rather like the name myself.  It suits me well.

    4. Tediz64


      I could totally imagine Titania's name being Rachel. It fits.

  4. Happy Birthday, hope it's fun

    1. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Thank you, Rezzy!

  5. Very nice new avatar!  Is that a self-portrait?

    1. C. Turtle

      C. Turtle

      Hehe, thanks. :)

      And, sort of. It's the character I use to represent myself, but it's not how I look IRL.

    2. Rezzy


      I see, good job

  6. Hey, I sent you a friend request on Heroes.  I'm Rezzy with the Titania lead.

    1. badatfireemblem


      Ahh sorry Rezzy! I haven't been on Heroes for awhile. Will accept when I have time.

  7. Please don't tell me to smile or say I don't smile enough or I never smile.  I'm not mad; I'm just an introvert, and this is how my face looks.  I wish people could understand.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rezzy


      Nope, I pace all the time and shake my leg if I'm just sitting there.

    3. Res


      I detest being told to smile!

    4. Rezzy


      Yeah, it can get annoying.

  8. I think you skipped quite a few Emperors.

    1. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      I'm only doing a few!

  9. Depression sucks.  I wish I could talk about it without sounding melodramatic or like I just want pity.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SullyMcGully


      Well, just remember that here, you don't have an IRL reputation to protect, and few people here would think less of you for being open about your struggles. Say whatever you want if you think that'll help you.

    3. Captain Karnage

      Captain Karnage

      I wish I could reach out and help you, personally I stopped taking my antidepressants 2 months ago and am feeling a bit better, but not much.

      What I've always done is put myself under a lot of physical stress, I find that an hour of exercise for me helps keep me up for a couple of hours.

    4. Rezzy


      Thanks, I'm feeling a bit better today.  Just one more day until a long weekend.

  10. I've run out of things to do in Heroes, so time to start up my old FE8 playthrough again.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Arcanite



      Eirikas route feels like a snooze, but I guess it's still good to play both

      Make sure you bench Neimi for being a cry baby

    3. Rezzy


      I played Ephraim's more recently, so I like variety.  I think my -Atk curse has carried over, because everyone's been getting terrible Str level ups this playthrough.

    4. Arcanite


      My Ephraim and Erika both capped speed and skill in my last one, eirika had no str or bulk

      Ephraim was the superior lord yet again....

  11. I just realized that Tellius has a disproportionate amount of mature female playable characters.

    1. OliKad


      Titania, Tanith, Sigrun, Nailah... yeah, you're right. At least more than any other FE game, except maaaaaybe Jugdral

    2. Rezzy


      Don't forget Calill.  She's even a mommy in Radiant Dawn.  Lucia might even count as one, since she's probably around 25 in RD.

      I forget the exact ages of the FE4 ladies, but they needed to make them at least marriageable age, since the "technically an adult" Elise excuse is kinda cringy.

  12. I think I found a gray hair tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Captain Karnage

      Captain Karnage

      I'd rather my hair turn grey than what I have now, my hairline started receding earlier this year.

      Atleast it's just a widow's peak.

    3. Rezzy


      @ErrantDShepherd I haven't done that yet.

      @Arcanite I have done that.  Sometimes when you hear a crash, you yell out one of the kids' names, which is a 50/50 chance now.

      @Captain Karnage Don't feel bad.  My spouse is mostly bald now.

      @SullyMcGully Why would you do a thing like that?

    4. Arcanite


      Oh god he's bald

      Who needs hair anyway heh

  13. Oh, hello, I see you've followed me.  Anything about me that interested you?

    1. SullyMcGully


      Nothing more than the fact that the things that you are interested in generally interest me. Rather than scour the forums for interesting threads, I prefer to see what people I am more familiar with are paying attention to. 

    2. Rezzy


      Okey doke, I hope I don't disappoint.

  14. Thanks for everyone's thoughts and prayers earlier.  We had to put my cat to sleep yesterday.  It's tough, but I think it was the right decision, because I didn't want to keep her alive to just prolong her suffering.  If I've been sounding more bitchy lately, that's the primary reason.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rezzy
    3. Nym


      So sorry Rezzy... I also hope she's in a better place.

    4. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      That's so sad... But you did the right thing. My condolences.

  15. Worried about my cat.  I took her to the vet, and she got some fluids, but she might be nearing her last days.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Magical Glace

      Magical Glace

      Poor kitty... It's unfortanate, but Life will be Life I guess, so I'm sorry.

    3. Nym


      So sorry for you Rezzy :(

    4. Rezzy


      Thanks all

  16. Hmm, I thought the FE7 PME was supposed to stream on Twitch today, but it looks like it got cancelled or something.

    1. Captain Karnage

      Captain Karnage

      I thought the livestream was on sunday night, I think he said he was really busy when he responded to me on Patreon 

  17. I understand you've been having trouble hitting things in Elibe.

  18. Hey, honored that you followed me.  Though I'm curious what is interesting about me in particular.

    1. Stephen the Great

      Stephen the Great

      I follow the people with whom I land up interacting the most (I think?). Admittedly, my reasoning is shaky if not nonexistent.

    2. Rezzy


      Okay doke, fair enough

  19. Rezzy

    Happy Birthday to you

    1. XRay


      Thank you. :)

  20. If I remember correctly, you had a vacation about this time last year, when I had my interview.  Have fun!

    1. Julius Nepos

      Julius Nepos

      Your memory is as strong as Rome's mightiest legions.

      Thank you very much! I'm in Rome, so having fun will definitely be easy for me.

  21. Happy Birthday, Birthday Girl!

    1. Anime27Arts


      Thank you so much!

  22. Hey, cool, hand-drawn avatar is back!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rezzy


      I'm the same way, even if my drawings aren't that great.  Pretty much all my avatars have been self-made, except for one someone here made for me a while back.

    3. Anime27Arts


      Exactly! One of my close friends is a really good artist and last year she drew me something and that became my profile picture for a while.  Most of the time it stays something I drew though, makes me feel accomplished. 

    4. Rezzy


      Cool, keep it up

  23. Hello there

    1. Anime27Arts


      Hiya!  How are you? 

    2. Rezzy


      Pretty good, grinding up my Cecilia and trying to put a dent in the Tempest slog.  Tomorrow's looking good, since my Aunt offered to watch the kids for the morning, which should give some time to get stuff done.  You?

    3. Anime27Arts


      Sweet! I've been leveling Mae I just pulled up through the lower level temptest so I can still get some points in.  I'm going to actually try and get the seal this time instead of stopping at the 5* character. I don't have to babysit tomorrow so hopefully I can get a good chunk into my score.

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