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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. So a rant that I have, which I've been realizing as of late: I really do not understand this obsession about the "good graphics" of some of the Nintendo Switch games I've been hearing. What the fuck makes them such hot shit anyway when there's already been stuff like this since PS3? Okay, fine, Zelda's actually good considering how the depiction of Hyrule adds to the worldbuilding. But Mario? Fuck you man, you just a polished turd to me when it's just the same her royal idiocy lacking the brain to use her Smash Bros moves against Bowser and at least put up a fight. Or Link's Awakening Remake? Fuck you too - you're no different to the GB original with only a couple of extra content. Even some of the PS games those feels more like some vanity project and a giant timesink sometimes. And I can say this because I've done some rendering work myself for architectural stuff, and they are very time-consuming. And it feels like some of the graphics aren't worth it when I hear bad rumors about shoddy gameplay or poor story etc. For example Final Fantasy 13's cities etc may look cool, but it doesn't feel like if they add anything substantial to the story which I've not been a fan of. The exceptions I've made were Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the modern Persona series, or Yakuza. All of them depict the setting very well, I feel, and adds to the narrative to the game, whether it's the destitute Midgar slums, or the every-day looking Japanese cities of Iwatodai/Yasoinaba, or the brightly-lighted and clastrophobic districts of Tokyo. In all of these cases, it also kind of helps that there is signage that I can actually read too. Another justifiable exception/reason would be stuff like Gran Turismo, FIFA or real-world sports game where the realism (including the high-fidelity graphics) is actually important.
  2. And that's one big reason (alongside with there being no legit way to get the Tellius games without having to pay $$$) why I eventually decided to skip the Tellius duology. A bad case of false advertising.
  3. We could add a few of the starters: Bulbasaur Line: Poisons nearby opponents with Poison Powder. Poison here reduces your speed to, say, half. Squirtle Line: Water or Ice attack that makes you slip, fall off the bike, and slide straight off without any control. Charmander Line: Leaves a trail or line (if Charizard) of flame(s). I'll probably make the Pikachu line as the speed boost instead of Abra. Basically Pikachu can charge/power up the bike in a similar manner to how Ash busted up Misty's bike in the beginning of the Pokemon Anime.
  4. @PerkilatorAt first glance, I thought that male character was Goh in the twitter post.
  5. I've heard there's been some significant performance problems with SV. For those who played did it detract from your experience? Just for the record, I haven't bought SV yet, as I'm still in the middle of Legends Arceus.
  6. I ended up not playing Pokemon BDSP, for several reasons that had well-established consensus (Like, no Hisuian Pokemon + no Sylveon? WTF?), but the chibi artwork I didn't mind too much - that was hardly a dealbraker on a level many people made it out to be. EDIT: Initially I've posted another unopoular opinion, but as I really do not understand why people have been thinking otherwise, I've started a new thread on it.
  7. Now that I'm watching the trailer, it would be super funny and weird if there was a crossover DLC with cast from TMSFE (or holy shit, them with actual SMT and P3, P4, and P5 characters, or alternately non-FE Nintendo characters) appear as emblem characters. One half of myself doesn't want to see it (NGL it's super-ridiculous), but the other half of myself is super curious...
  8. https://serenesforest.net/2022/12/08/fire-emblem-engage-expansion-pack-announced-tour-of-the-somniel-base/ At least she's with Dimi and Claude.
  9. Oh for fuck's sake what the fuck have we been discussing lol??? 😅🤣 On a more serious note: At least it would have been much better if the portrayal was much different. If the main focus was actually on Micaiah, and other important female figures like Sanaki and Elincia, the narrative would have been truly groundbreaking and might even have made RD the absolute gold standard. Anacybele had some discussion about this, and I'm linking that here. I would also have accepted a less drastic change in gameplay. Have Ike return, but actually have him be portrayed as a political pawn by Begnion, and he has to constantly do their bidding, otherwise Crimea is in danger of being annexed. And both Elincia and Ike really hate this, but Ike's skill doesn't extend to politics, Elincia was nearly assassinated numerous times as a implicit threat of what will the Senators do if Ike steps out of line, and their other friends and allies are also blackmailed by the Senators. And Ike and Elincia has to constantly deal with them (at least more cutscenes to make this lack of political power more explicit) and the main soldiers from Begnion they are backing, throwing their weight around. So he has no choice but to participate in the occupation of Daein, while trying to mitigate the damage Begnion is doing. And he gets scapegoated at every turn thanks to propaganda from both sides. The Daeins scapegoat him as someone who destroyed their country, the Begnions (and the Senators in particular) despise him for not putting down the proverbial "GOP-style Law and Order", and Ike's allies understandably also resent him for not standing up to the Senators. Eventually, Ike learns how he can't preserve the peace and can't keep the Begnion chauvinists off Crimea, that so many typical Lords are able to do, because, surprise, real-life politics gets in the way. Disillusioned from all of this, Ike learns the painful lesson of how "the Great Man Theory" just doesn't work at all in Tellius (or in real life), and thus led to disbanding his merc crew and the as-per-canon decision to leave Tellius. Ike is hailed as a hero, but he ends up as a mentally broken and cynical man, he ends up having to break off a number of his friendships while his other friendships have not been the same either. That would have been a good narrative too.
  10. A couple of small one from Carole and Tuesday: Gus Goldman is of Jewish heritage, although he himself doesn't care of the rituals or the holidays. Carole and Tuesday used to attend Sunday church when they were younger, respectively, as part of the orphanage rules and family tradition. Ertegun is of Turkish, Greek, and Balkan origin from the Ottoman Empire days, and his paternal ancestors were Muslim until the secularization of Turkish society during the 20th Century.
  11. To be honest, I think a RD remake should go balance this narrative disparity out thoroughly. At least expanding Micaiah's story, and especially give Ike some character development - mainly stop treating him as some sort of living God, but maybe as someone who struggles having to deal with people who wants to use him for their politically nefarious means, and who actually screws up a plotline or two - would go a long way in addressing the gender narrative disparity. It feels pretty cowardly and insulting on IS's part when it was their more successful attempt at changing up the typical FE story, and it's even feels worse when Ike didn't even salvage the series despite his popularity in Smash Bros. For all its faults, I'm glad that the other Nintendo franchise I regularly play and their audience has much less beef about, say, Cynthia being the Sinnoh Champion, or girl PCs being playable since Gen 2. (Well, maybe except the special treatment of Red, but he also kind of overshadows other male PCs in addition to Leaf...)
  12. So do any of you write fanfics for Poke-Ani? How do you manage to get all the details? Do you just watch all of the episodes? (...Also does this need to be sent to the Pokemon subforum?)
  13. The title should be self explanatory. Here's mine: Kiki's Delivery Service / My Neighbour Totoro / Porco Rosso (Studio Ghibli) So I think some people have heard that the setting for KDS is an alternate timeline for Europe where WW2 did not happen right? And at least one contributor to one of the magazines for University of Florida also suggested that Totoro was also an alternate 1955, also no WW2. Well let me expand on that one: KDS and MNT both happen in the same common alternate universe that branches off from 1910. Here, the Versailles Treaty in World War One still happens, but with some slightly different details. There is also a version of PR, with generally identical stories, but with different backgrounds. The canon version of Porco Rosso is the one with real-life history that includes Nazi Germany and Fascist Japan, and an alternate version takes place in the same timeline with KDS and MNT. Both stories themselves are set in the late 1950s, though with some technology resembling earlier stuff, as WW2 did not happen as it did in real life. Or...it kind of still did, but as a mere whimper compared to WW1. Japan and East Asia in general Japan also didn't become the military dictatorship in this version of the 1930s, though there were close calls. Instead, the 1930s was a restoration and continuation of the Taisho Democracy, due to multiple factors, including a healthier and more proactive Taisho Emperor (he was actually on not very good terms with the military IRL), and a few legislations that got through the Emperor himself backed that weakened the military's influence on the civilian government. His saw his reign up until 1941, and became known for his support for the growing multi-party democracy, and his opposition to militarism. It also helped that while the Racial Equality Clause didn't get passed in the Versailles Treaty, Japan decided to agree with several European countries individually anyway, removing a lot of ammunitions from the nationalists. As such, while Manchuria did kind of became its own thing, it ended up becoming isolated, as the home government in Japan refused to back it up, and the citizens were just as unenthusiastic (at least compared to IRL). Meanwhile, the REC emboldened others living under the various colonies, and while this was hardly the intention of the Imperial Japanese Government back then, became one of the catalysts for decolonization. The Korean War and the Chinese Civil War still kind of happened, but in a series of combined events from the late 1930s to 1944. This one had a three-way-battle between the Comminterns, the Fascists, vs the Allies: Allies: United States, France, Empire of Japan, and their colonial governments, Republic of China, Thailand, Philippines (since 1943) Renegades: Manchukuo Commintern: Communist Party of China, Communist Party of Korea, Communist Party of Indochina, USSR The actual fightings, were a lot smaller and more sporadic than WW2 in real life. There were not as much coordination amongst the Commintern due to the relative lack of good infrastructure and communications compared to the Allies, with the exception being the Communist Parties of China and Korea in the Korean Theatre. The Korean Theatre was in actual fact only took place during 1939 to 1941, with the US and Japanese Imperial forces pitted against the Chinese and Korean Communists. The former two forces also saw fighting in Indochina to assist the French colonial government. While Japan and her allies won the war against the Korean Communist Faction, it ended up being a phyrric victory for them thanks to the relentless opposition of the Korean Worker's faction, and the subsequent loss of population within Japan's colonial loyalists, and the sheer costs in reconstruction. This ended up stirring discontent both amongst the local Korean subjects who wanted freedom. This time, the Japanese citizens back home, now facing generally less censorship thanks to Emperor Taisho's democratization efforts, were also horrified at the sheer toll and cost. They, alongside with the US Government, who realized how colonialism have been stoking communist fire and was therefore politically unsustainable (and have themselves granted independence to the Phillipines in 1943), pressured the Japanese Government to withdraw and grant independence. Under a lot of kicking and screaming, the Japanese Government complied, with a gradual withdrawal from Korea and Taiwan starting from 1946, with the last remaining civilian and military staff withdrawing in 1951. Because Japan never experienced the destruction of WW2 in this timeline, nor invaded the rest of Asia on her own, (though rationing to a limited extent did occur to stuff like building supplies etc) the Japanese economic miracle happens a lot sooner, and anti-Japanese sentiment outside of East Asia isn't as strong as it was in the actual late 1940s and 1950s. Inside East Asia? That's another story thanks to the widespread fightings and destructions in mainland China and its colonialist legacy in Korea. Internally, Japan managed to more or less evolve into a stable multi-party democracy as with real life. Old habits such as "a good wife and a wise mother" (良妻賢母) being ideal still dies hard, however. On one hand, the military was still seen in a positive light, the Emperor and the State-backed Shintoism was still very much prestigious. But this was offset with citizens that are somewhat more demanding of scruitny and reform, Japanese female nobles being enfranchised since 1937 and other females since 1945, and the Liberal Democrats being not as powerful, but actually being forced to form coalitions with the Komeito and capitulate to demands for reform from a more competent opposition. One such demand was for reforming the Imperial Constitution to officially transition Japan into a constitutional monarchy and disempower State Shintoism in exchange for religious freedom, something which has been gradually increasing traction with the citizens. Europe The Nazi Party did gain some traction in the late 1920s. However, the other parties were happier to cooperate together, and the Nazi Party never managed to get a majority. It also didn't help that a certain instigator got shot and killed in the Beer Hall Pusch, depriving the party of who they saw as a valuable demagogue. Italy did get into fascism since the 1920s, and did do their invasions into Northern Africa. They were only able to annex Libya, however, and it ended up being a phyrric victory for them, thanks to several military blunders as per real life, and especially due to Germany in this timeline not being an ally. The whole situation eventually devolved into the Italian Civil war in the 1940s, with the eventual capture and execution of Mussolini, almost similar to real life. Similarly, Spain's Francoists were less successful, although they managed to secure and split half of the country. On one hand, infightings between the pro-Soviets and pro-Western factions still happened amongst the loyalists. On the other hand, the Francoists were more isolated in this timeline thanks to Germany not being an ally, and Italy's performance being all the more obviously bad that Franco ended up rejecting Mussolini's aid, and the fighting dragged on for longer. Franco decided to cut his losses and call for a truce when Italian Resistance eventually sided with the Republicans in 1944. East Spain which includes Catalonia, Navarre, Aragon, and parts of Castille and Andalusia with Barcelona as its capital, became the continuation of the Spanish Republic. West Spain (the rest of the Spanish historic nations and Spanish Morocco) became an alternate version of RL Francoist Spain, with Madrid as its capital. Finland did still experience the Winter War and the Continuation War during 1941 to 1944, and unlike in real life, Sweden got dragged into the fold as well, thanks both to the lack of Operation Barbarossa working in USSR's favour, and ironically also to Sweden (thanks to, again, Nazi Germany not being a thing here) openly supporting Finland in this timeline. While Koriko, Karikija, and Malmo remained unscathed, Stockholm suffered extensive blockade and bombardment from USSR ships and planes, Uppsala had its share of raids as well, and Gotland Island was annexed outright. In addition, a few USSR bombers even managed to bomb Gothenburg in 1944, although this ended up being a long-term diplomatic failure for the USSR. UK and France diverted some of their troops from East Asia (already fighting against the Soviets and their Communist allies) to back Finland/Sweden, and Norway, Denmark, and Poland also started to mobilize their troops and declaring war on the USSR. Others including Germany, Netherlands, and the two Spains expelled USSR's diplomats, and they covertly exercised their neutrality more rigorously against USSR vessels and aircraft, while more often looking the other way on Finnish/Swedish intrusions. Finland had to cede Viipuri/Vyborg and the Karelian region to the USSR, while Sweden was luckier and managed to retake Gotland Island. Nevertheless, the war shook both groups (particularly Sweden, considering she managed to stay out of most wars for nearly a century) of people and prompted both governments to form the Fenno-Swedish Defensive Pact with each other in 1946, which evolved into the Fenno-Scandinavian Pact with Norway and Denmark joining in 1952. On the other hand, the ERC with Japan, the rise of socialism, and the East Asian Civil Wars ended up emboldening the decolonization movement after all. As with Japan, France was dragged into decolonizing Indochina kicking and screaming thanks to the rise of the Communist factions in Indochina and the French citizens back home becoming more opposed to the colonialist policies, and finally, the French Communist Party rising in the polls and growing in threat against the more conservative establishment. France did not even enjoy any of the shortlived victory Japan and China did, as she was forced to withdraw due to the staggering cost of lives and money. Similar trends were also seen with the British and the Dutch colonial empires, as their citizens and subjects grew their attraction with socialism and communism, something their home governments desparately wanted to avoid. Britain ended up withdrawing from India in 1943, while France started her decolonization with a hasty withdrawal from Indochina in 1944, and more gradually in other places during the 1950s. Belgium and Netherlands tried to hold onto their respective colonies Congos and Indonesia, but revolts there in 1955-56, mass protests and general strikes back home from citizens weary of the dragged-out conservatism and baulking at the ballooning military expenditure, and a general opposition from the international community forced decolonization there by the 1960s. France and Germany gradually buried their hatchet during the 1930s and 1940s with the realization that they faced bigger adversaries. Not only the USSR was a looming threat, but there was also the growing economic dominance from the USA, that started to threaten local French and German coal, steel, and motor vehicle industries, most notably during the Italian Wars of the late 1930s and 1940s when US-made trucks, guns, and tanks made their way into the Italian resistance, the Spanish loyalists, and the Allies in East Asia. It also did not help that France had to come to terms with decolonization that USA pressured the former to adopt. The French and German governments went through a series of talks with communalizing their coal and steel productions, leading to the formation of the Franco-German Coal and Steel Community. Independent to them, East Spain and the new Republic of Italy also negotiated their resource sharing agreements since 1944 forming the Italo-Spanish Economic Community. In 1952, with Japanese steel and motor vehicle exports also adding to the economic threat against Europe, France, Germany, Italy, East Spain, and the Benelux nations signed the Rome Treaty that merged the two Communities, and admitted the Benelux nations into the new European Economic Community. USA With fascism not being as popular as in RL, the Silver League would never form. Reforms on the various immigration laws at that time that formerly excluded non-White immigration also got either repealed or reformed into more non-discriminatory aims during the 1930s. Japanese exclusion from US soil was gradually relaxed over time, and done away with entirely in 1939 as a bargaining chip to persuade Japan to participate the East Asian War alongside the Americans. It went without saying that, Japanese-American internment never occurs, obviously because Japan here never became an enemy unlike IRL. All of this ended up with racism and segregation being more openly scrutinized by the end of the 1940s. The recent decolonization and Japan's success as a First World Nation ended up both emboldening the Civil Rights Movement from the late 1940s, and depriving Ku Klux Klan's political influence earlier. While Martin Luther King, TRM Howard, Edgar Nixon, Rosa Parks and other blacks did their part similar to their real life counterparts (except, of course, earlier) an unlikely ally, Senator Joseph McCarthy brought the issue of racial segregation up to Congress. In his words, he cited the necessity in "give the black folks a chance to live a decent life and get the country's shit together" to discredit communism. MLK's "I have a Dream" speech in 1953, the bus boycotts before that, and numerous people who participated in sit-ins, and protests made an increasing number of people to have second thoughts about the existing segregation system. McCarthy's words was one of the tipping points which persuaded the Congress and the Senate to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1955. The stories themselves MNT and PC are obviously set in Japan and Italy respectively. KDS's setting is in Sweden, as the town of Koriko and Karikiya (or Karikija?) is located in. However Kiki's family is half-Japanese, from how her father mentions his surname (Okino, or possibly 沖野). As for the Okino Family, Kiki's dad was a Japanese who was originally sent to Sweden as the branch manager for one of the Japanese corporations (think Sony, Panasonic, Toyota, Honda etc except set in their heydays except in the 1950s). Not exactly happy with the stifling society back at home (It is still 1950s Japan...), he ended up settling in Sweden permanently with his former girlfriend and now wife, a Swedish local. Japanese nationals in Sweden during this time were relatively few compared to in other places, but race relations were generally good between the two. It helped that most of the Japanese nationals were white collar professionals with generally similar work ethic to the Nordic and Germanic cultures, from a country with a government that, while still not as liberal, was starting to become similar to Sweden. If anything, the Swedes had more distrust against the Dutch and the Belgians, labelling them "Brutes" or even "Holdout Fascists" due to the recent colonial uprisings that their governments brutally surpressed. The adventures of the Kusakabe family is set in this alternate Japan, around the same time as KDS with a society that is less prone to the modernization wave than the RL version ended up being. As such, this explains why the majority of Matsugo in Saitama has little of the motorization, in spite of earlier successes of the Japanese corporations. The Toyotas and Hondas of this timeline ended up focusing on exports a few decades earlier. As for Porco and the Piccolo family, they ended up siding with the Italian Resistance in both timelines. In this version, they also aided the Spanish Republicans in different forms. Porco flew with the Republican Army to retake Catalonia from the Francoists. The Piccolos, on the other hand, initially smuggled airplane parts to the same factions, and once Italy became free from the fascists in 1943, openly exported and supplied the Republican Air Forces of both Italy and East Spain. Porco became the hero against fascism in Italy and across Europe, and a documentary radio program was made of his exploits that was aired across the continent.
  14. Wouldn't that be kind of redundant though? When there's already Flamethrower that is also Special with similar BP?
  15. Sorry for the late reply. Nevery really watched that much anime, or read that much manga in general, so I didn't know the exaggeration was the norm. I still think there could have been a better choice in the region for Gen 3, but at least I now see the method. I think Hokkaido actually had the lowest temperature recorded in the country, and that part of the region rarely got above 30 deg Celcius (well at least until climate change of recent years started to really kick in). With the Ainu, it's admittedly still politically hot potato topic, with some people still denying that they were Indeginous. And the Japanese in general really do not like getting into political debates compared to other countries. So while it's not great the Ainu were left out in DPPt, it's not really unexpected. Didn't know about the Ishikari Coalfields per se, although I know of one such town, which is Yubari City, which was one of many cities that contributed to Japan's Industrial Revolution. Unfortunately, it's become the Japanese version, and a version that is even worse than, Detroit, as the city not only previously declared bankrupcy in 2007, but also continues to shrink both in effective urban area and population with no way out. At least actual Detroit in recent years seems to be improving with new investment and business and continuous population increase in its metro area (though not the city proper). Another opinion: The problems with Pokemon graphics for the 3DS isn''t Pokemon-specific. Y'all ever seen how borderline grainy and simplistic Persona Q's graphics (both 1 and 2) is, compared to the meticulous-looking P3-5 under the PS3-5 engines? Or how at least one case of better graphics ended up in performance sacrifice? (There is a relative lack of enemy numbers in 3DS-Hyrule Warriors showing up at a given time in that game, and how the battlefield looks very sparse compared to other Warrior entries and even HW's Wii U port!)
  16. I also remember Misty in the OS anime talk about how she wanted to travel to France. The anime's novelization witten by director Shudo even mentioned real life countries and indirectly even Japan's history during and right after World War 2 as a background plot point for Vermillion City. Also, @vanguard333, to further elabourate, Gen 3's region lacked the equivalent for Shimonoseki and the bit sticking out from Honshu (that should have been where the battle facilty/resort was), and I remember reading from Japanese game mag sources of the time right around RS's release that Hoenn's region is... I think far away, or even detached from Johto/Kanto as some tropical region when Kyushu isn't that much hotter than the rest of the main Japanese archipelago. Kyushu does gets below 10 deg C during January and February, and Fukuoka even gets snow! And sure, they do have 30+ deg days, but so does the rest of Japan. The hottest temperature recorded in Japan was actually somwhere in Akita, far up north. Compare that to Hawaii, Saipan, or Queensland where winter or snow (well, at least outside of very high altitudes) are almost completely absent outside of some rare freak event.
  17. I have had a strong preference with the real-life based worldbuilding that Pokemon (or at least the Japanese original) started with, for example: Inazuma-American Lt Surge, or allusion to the real world and its events like the Columbia Shuttle. It felt mostly unique for its time with the other RL-set game being the crazy-dark Shin Megami Tensei...which I only started getting interested enough to possibly overcome the grimdark setting and possibly purchase a game after knowing that for nearly two decades. And I did not like how RSE ended up getting rid of this real-life based worldbuilding. I never understood why the real-life references and setting had to go out of the window and make the series feel...like generic modern. If they wanted to create a tropical region far away from Kanto or Johto, what eventually became Alola could have been the Gen 3 game. Or Guam-Saipan, or Brisbane-Sunshine Coast-Cairns in Queensland, Australia, all which were frequented by Japanese tourists (and migrants for Hawaii). Or even Florida thanks to Orlando and Disneyland being another fairly well-known destination for Japanese tourists. Even implying that Hoenn wasn't an isolated island but actually part of the Kanto-Johto mainlands would have been better. Another thing I really didn't like was Unova's region design. I really had a hard time putting this into words, but I now understand why. Because Earthbound, another game I played, did America better with Eagleland. Unova in BW1+2, on the other hand, felt like there were too many residue Japanese references (though later Gens still had them), like the Clerk NPCs when I could have seen lookalikes of that Wolf from Wall Street or that aspiring investor Eddie Murphy starred in Trading Places. Or Arceus forbid, the Kami Trio - fuck, I hated that so much, because they just looked out of place. Was there really nothing they could use from American folklore for at least one of the legendaries?? Like Bigfoot, or the Jersey Devil, Mothman, or King Kong??? Again, Earthbound had a number of enemies and other characters that referenced fairly common stuff we see in stereotypical Americana. Or stuff looking too generic or otherwise out-of-place like the buildings in many cities in general and Castelia/Opelucid in particular when the former could have been the historical brick walkups with Art Deco and McKim-Mead-White-style highrises like Fourside or Ellay in the Earthbound series, and the latter could either be Old Town Philly vs Silicon Valley, and other towns resembling closer to Onett, Twoson, or many other places that resemble the Everytown, USA setting. Or even having Ghetsis as a career politician that carries out an insurrection a la the January 6 instead of some out-of-place Euro-monarch. I can't believe it took all the way until XY to start having regions actually based on, and looking like, overseas, and starting to imply Gen 1-4 as what used to be recognized as Japan. It's for this reason why I have preferred Gens 1-2 and 6 onwards.
  18. I've never thought about this, but I fully agree, now that you mentioned. At least I'd like to see some capture mechanic as an alternative and a post-game conversation where if a certain unit is alive and present, then they'll speak to the former enemy and either make amends or otherwise negotiate. Otherwise the enemies get sent elsewhere and you lose the chance to recruit them. There's no reason why a makeshift cell or holding area with guards cannot be a thing for POWs to be temporarily held while they await being sent to a more permanent location.
  19. F-Zero would be the one I know and have actually played.
  20. Fallen Dimitri (and Fallen Edelgard too for that matter) is not guilty of false advertising unlike a few other male leads.
  21. Here's Mercedes...as Nurse Joy! Leaf/Green from the Kanto Pokemon games
  22. What kind of competition was that??? And for something more political and less Pokemon...
  23. You might want to have a look at this TAS run then, it goes for nearly six and half minutes lol. (From 7:10 to 13:40)
  24. Okay Medieval Risette, you off to horny jail! Notice: Some family unfriendly content from Youtube involving the Pokemon Outlaw Romhack
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