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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. As the title says. As a Japanese, I...actually don't like J-Pop outside of isolated exceptions. I grew up with mainly American popular music during the 90s, and I like to keep connected with the rest of the world, and J-Pop not only feels very derivative and uninspired (both with the lyrics and the musical styling), but it also makes me feel isolated. This doesn't include Enka or those with more traditional stylings, though. They actually feel like their own things originating from Japan, and I appreciate that. There's also that I grew up playing in a concert band and playing/listening to classical and jazz/latin (both Japanese and elsewhere), and learning that there is actually stuff outside of popular music. Like, one of my favorite artists is Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra which performs many quality concert band music, and one of my favorite Japanese composer is Toshio Mashima who created quality original compositions and jazz arrangements for said Orchestra.
  2. The original Super Mario Bros movie that came out in the early 90s. Yeah, some of the non-human characters were too grotesque. Yeah, there's a lot of stuff that got changed from what was the Marioverse back then. But Mario, Luigi, and Peach/Toadstool were actually fun to watch as heroes. The latter two in particular I actually wanted to root for in contrast to how they feel like outright pathetic jokes in the more recent video games (or at least anything after Smash Bros Meelee).
  3. Mozu seems more like a modified Est. She comes a lot earlier than most Ests (I recruited her right after Chapter 7 in Conquest), and she's also easier to raise, thanks to Attack Stance allowing Mozu to safely participate in battles, the relatively low-hanging EXP fruits resulting from this, and the Pokemon BW-style EXP scaling throughout Conquest allowing her to level up even quicker than she already does. Otherwise, she'll fit the archetype - I found that if I reclass her into an Archer/Sniper, she's got good growth, at least in stats that are harder to come by in Conquest, such as Skill (she's the only one with a consistently nigh-guarranteed hit in my LP, not to mention how busted her crits were).
  4. Would that also be the modus for the CIA if we use actual organizations?
  5. Would TWISTD come close to being terrorists? Well, putting aside the nukes, they seem to be doing mostly assassinations to various people (as well as misdirection with more bio-fantasy versions of false flags/impersonations).
  6. It's also not the most logical to rope out infantries from said tiles, when infantries camping out in forests like guerillas are actually a thing. Or passing through the Ardennes. It also doesn't help when even online guides don't make them clear where these zones start and end. I was kind of lucky with Binding Blade, as the Japanese paper-based guides are generally great at showing where exactly those zones are on the map (and thus helping me plan to how I can bypass them). FE Wiki and Kawaki-Chatei don't do the same thing.
  7. A dystopian depiction of US Space Force in the 400th Century.
  8. Last time I played I've ferried units using the proverbial airlifters to bypass a few spawn areas, including one on the route right after the starting area. Still wasn't as better as I hoped though, due to deceptively small areas ground units can access, but it did its job of keeping the turn count under 30. (Ground units can't access Deep Forest tiles and there are a lot in this chapter.)
  9. A Disney-unfriendly power struggle and corruption story.
  10. It's a sci-fi vigilante noir all right. This is a thread-compliant version of Botswana's story and its rise to being one of Africa's most successful nations. I also strongly recommend watching a longer version (click link to thi Youtube Clip).
  11. Oh wow, Batman's got some brain damage. Surely he'll recognize who is the Joker and who isn't. So, from 2:48 to 6:45, introducing the main story of the Toyota War battles between Chad vs Libya! (If you're further interested, I'd recommend watching the entire thing. A good story of decolonization of Africa at the beginning, and a conclusion of how Toyotas dominate modern guerrilla warfare in Northern Africa and the Middle East.
  12. What would be your tentative opinion on Three Hopes? I've been curious about that game, actually. Mind linking me to the relevant Twitch/Youtube channel?
  13. Here's a civil war scenario which I previously posted: So a story that combines both Japan's modern social problems with well, any sort of pre-Industrial aesthetic. And especially an endgame chapter that is more mundane and requires some objective other than "overpower the giant dragon/monster/superhuman" for the gameplay difficulty.
  14. As the title says. I'm doing this as a sister thread to cipertul's Any games that you really wanted to like but just couldn't? I was planning to buy Pokemon BDSP, and I'll still get it, as I haven't played DPPt yet. But I'm not all that enthusiastic anymore. Mainly because of apparently how very little update in anything BDSP got (aside from HMs being done away), whether its the regional Pokedex (Seriously, no Gen 5-8 Pokemon that appeared in Hisui?!), the graphics and especially the region map (It's just DPPt's map in pseudo-3D), story or worldbuilding (C'mon, at least Let's Go Kanto had new protagonists, Mega-evolution stones, and Mina!). Honestly, you might as well just create a Virtual Console for the GBA and DS and just port DPPt. While I'm still looking forward to Persona 5 and Strikers, I'm not exactly enthralled with the complete absence of Naoto, the Shadow Operatives (or at least Mitsuru), or and Chie in P5 proper or Strikers. For those who do not know, Naoto and Chie are from Persona 4, and the Shadow Operatives are from Persona 3, and they teamed up in Persona 4 Arena. Persona 5 has a plot that has much bigger attention from the in-universe public involving corruption of the police force, which Naoto (a detective) and Shadow Operative (also under a police administration) are accustomed to. Yet, Atlus missed an storywriting opportunity by bringing said past veterans in. I was trying to find a way to experience the story of Radiant Dawn, but now that Three Houses is here, I ended up losing what little interest I had. See my previous posts below for more info: The ridiculous price I keep getting from EBay also does not help either.
  15. Look out, it's Star Fox: The Musical!!! So, from 1:27 to 5:12, introducing the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05! (5:13 and onwards is the epilogue of this show.)
  16. Some sort of bata version? The below video, from 2:00 to 5:50. (Before 2:00 is the introduction, which I think many of us already know, after 5:50 are the credits.)
  17. Awesome mustaches! All right, all right, here's a shorter one!
  18. No wonder why @Shaky Jones didn't find any LPs for that challenge. It already sounds as sadistic as a Fire Monotype challenge in the Pokemon Sinnoh games that isn't Platinum, and I've neither played that nor Thracia 776. EDIT: Actually no, Fire Monotype probably doesn't sound as bad, try Pokemon Emerald with a Ditto!
  19. Isn't losing Lifis AND access to Dagda's chapter a bit ridiculous though? There should be another way for that if IS ever does that kind of Lunatic Mode. Or an exception if we do this as a challenge.
  20. Values Resonance considering Climate Change
  21. Apply the Silph Scope if available. Otherwise do nothing.
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