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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Values Resonance considering Climate Change
  2. Apply the Silph Scope if available. Otherwise do nothing.
  3. FE6 Binding Blade - Hard Mode Remastered: Enemies will have good AI like Conquest do. Oh so you're thinking you can just park Milady/Perceval in the middle and provoke you enemies with them. Not gonna work, dunce! They'll go after your weaker units instead, unless if they have effective/killer weapons! Enemies will have more Ridersbanes, Killer Weapons, and especially Swordreavers and Swordslayers to prevent you from overly relying on Perceval, ALance, Dieck, and Rutger. Oh, and the Ridersbanes etc will also be supereffective against Nomads and Troubadours and their evolutions, so you'd better make sure Sue, Shin, and Clarine actually dodge. They will actually have Wyvernslayers as well to neutralize Milady and Zeiss. (The in-story reason is that the Bernese have a "kill-on-sight" policy for traitors and subversives, and are equipped with Wyvernslayers to address the potential threat.) Oddly enough, Hammers and Armorslayers would be non-existent on the Enemy's side. You cannot do a follow-up attack on Armor Knights and Generals. This is actually a double-edged sword, as it cuts both ways: Bors, Wendy, and Barth now has a chance to survive. As a partial compensation to the above, there will be extra reinforcements, but not as much as default Hard Mode. As another partial compensation to the above, there would be no Hard Mode Boost...which also means Rutger, Milady, and Perceval are nerfed. Because the usual Game Breakers are completely nerfed, you're forced to rely on other units to complete the chapters. How's that for balance? FE6 Binding Blade - Lunatic: In addition to the Hard Mode Remastered above... Almost all enemies after Chapter 8 will have one of either killer or effective weapons. Existing Bandits, Thieves, and Pirates are located closer to villages. All reinforcements from the default Hard Mode will appear in full. You've got two less turns to clear the chapters leading into the Paralogues.
  4. I'd actually avoid 3H as the first game. As far as the gameplay is concerned, the choices are very overwhelming given that you can reclass anyone into anything (at least on paper), and the gameplay balance isn't exactly the best. I'd also avoid Binding Blade, as they've got a bad case of favoring certain classes and weapons over others. Fates Birthright, Awakening, or Sacred Stones would probably be a better choice, at least for first stints. For some more experience, and if you don't mind the story, Conquest is actually not too bad on Normal Mode (can't say about Hard onwards). It's challenging, but has better balance.
  5. I've also got a possible re-write of the Pokemon Anime which definitely diverges from the last few episodes of Johto. Again, no guarrantees this will happen. Most likely, I'll have to do this without any fillers, and go arc by arc. So I had a thought about an alternate Ash's journey after a discussion with another member in an reddit post who wanted to do a re-telling of Best Wishes. So we know how Ash's skills gets reset every time Ash travels to a new region since Gen 3? (At least until Gen 8, and Gen 6 being a possible exception.) Well I thought what if I could keep Ash in this hypothetical show without resetting his levels once AG arc starts. He becomes a mentor to the next male protagonists who actually now has a anime equivalent. Another thing I'll change from the vanilla Anime is to describe in more detail of how the Pokemon league and Pokemon battle pastimes work. Actual suburbs outside main cities, and actual transportation routes would be explicitly depicted, and Trainer Routes would be depicted as nature reserves. Also, the first four regions from Kanto to Sinnoh would be within the same country, but Unova is specifically mentioned to be a state of an overseas country, and Kalos also another region in another continent and nation. It would be a reconstruction of how geography and urban planning works in a Pokemon setting. Finally some mainline-game-only characters whill appear in this fanfic, such as Will and Karen. I'll have to warn you, though, I'm a bit of an Amourshipper. It's hardly going to be the focus here, but it might come up occasionally, especially in my XY arc, so just bear that in mind. Would there be Pokefans interested in reading this?
  6. Could it partly be that they saw that kids would be watching the videos and wanted to cover their legal skidplates?
  7. To be honest, I'm not too sure whether I should be hyped about seeing a Spanish region of Pokemon, or whether I should be worried that they repeat the rushed development debalce of Sw/Sh...
  8. The montante sword looks really unwieldly! That looks like at least a metre and a half. How heavy is it? And what era?
  9. From my search on Google when I typed "Pokemon Scottish Trainer".
  10. Pokemon Sun and Moon was one that I ended up ditching. Didn't hate the game itself, but good Sothis there are some serious QoL issues here. Firstly, the battles were very laggy for my 2DS, and every input and every sequence seemed to take several seconds each to get through. Secondly, the "call for help" in the one Trial I did was annoying in that it seemed to never end. (Does anyone know if that had a hard limit on the number of occurances?) Finally, thanks to the bigger focus on the cinematics, I had to wait for the cinematics (which took forever) to finish the cutscenes when it's just a matter of button mashing for most other Pokemon game and every conversation took severalfold longer to get through.
  11. I've just heard this from a friend, so I don't know how much of it is true. Is it the case that there's also some domestic opposition within Russia in regards to this live conflict round? I know that there were over a thousand people who marched and protested in Moscow a few days ago. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/2/24/ukraine-crisis-hundreds-detained-in-anti-war-protests-in-russia
  12. Forgot a couple more. I'm just going to write one more: Persona 4: Not so much the game itself, but one of the characters and her arc that I initially had high expectations ended up very disappointing. It's Naoto. Her SL was just lacking in the mysogyny and women career narrative. Mitsuru's had a sexist fiance that made fun of both her and FeMC. ...Haven't played P5 yet so my appointed jury is still out...but I heard Sae had to deal with institutional sexism in her workplace. Naoto lead us on a similar path in scene where Yu and Co confront Naoto's shadow, yet didn't show any of that in her narrative when she could have. Instead there's just some episodes of her doing a wild goose chase courtesy of her grandad. Not only this, but she also has fewer flaws in her character compared to others (or maybe she hides it well), and the seeming lack of struggles and flaws she exhibits in the main story feels like she's comparatively a Mary Sue. I know that there have been accusations from the fandom that Naoto was transphobic. Initially, I thought their accusations were preposterous (and I still think their opinions are mistaken), but seeing the thematic inconsistency of her character arc and the very little attention the arc showed (they do some tell) on workplace sexism and gender-role-motivated prejudice, I now think that Atlus is partially responsible for not showing a consistent and intellectually and socially challenging story. Naoto's Social Link actually feels almost insulting to be honest. And this is coming from a fellow Japanese. I'm about to write up a re-telling of Persona 3-5 (also as an Mock LP-Fanfic) after I finish my Fates Conquest Mock LP-Fanfic, and one of the things I am going to change is Naoto's Social Link, in its entirety. In an effort to address both the thematic consistency and the apparent lack of continuity between 4 and 5 (which I will elabourate in a later post when I have time), I will write her as a former direct victim of Kamoshida from P5, and entirely reinterperet her desire to be a detective to ultimately bring Kamoshida to justice (for both herself and others), and to protect and empower other women. As for her being depicted as a guy, this is not only due to the sexual discrimination she faces, but also as a holdover from her past attempts to keep herself from attracting Kamoshida's attention. And opposition from sexist members of both the Inaba PD and the wider community (both in Inaba in P4 and in Tokyo in P5) will be depicted in this.
  13. It probably didn't help that there were a lot that effectively had "horsebane", and they could get through both terrain and enemy units. I personally wasn't too annoyed by it, but I did think it was kind of cheap.
  14. Agree with the story, but what made you not like the gameplay?
  15. I'm assuming you didn't like Conquest's story and Revelation's both? Just for the record, I facepalmed the former's story so much myself. The DS Wi-Fi shutdown soured Pokemon Black 1 for me thanks to a key component of the game being effectively taken away, and effectively putting a live time limit onto my Dex completion. Didn't help that it kinda came out of nowhere at the time and the shutdown being scheduled unusually earlier than many supports and services on Nintendo device after or before the DS. The other thing about BW is that the depiction of the Unova region is either a mess or generic in its city/locale designs, unlike how Earthbound's Eagleland felt actually American. Castelia City for example could have looked like an 1900s-1920s Art Deco skyscraper district not out of place in Batman, but just looked like a generic skyscraper. Opelucid City could have looked like a contrast of Old Town Philly vs Silicon Valley instead of something that sprung out of Mesopotamia vs a Tron-looking city.
  16. Ending: Part 1 Takumi’s Surrender Ending: Part 2 Tour around Tokyo Provisional release. Mock-footage pictures coming soon.
  17. @vanguard333 Interesting! So the whole idea of knighthood was in debate. Japanese bushido didn't really have this during the Edo era, I don't think.
  18. I was wondering how come I only had to fight Hilda and Claude in my CF run, even though I didn't recruit everyone from the GD class... That explains it. I must have been lucky in who I recruited from GD. But then it begs the question of what Raphael and Marianne have been doing during the war phase... I think Hanneman also disappears from the game entirely if you don't recruit him, even in CF. As for unrecruited Manuela, I think she gets automatically recruited in CF, not sure in VW/SS. Anyone else confirmed this?
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