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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Okay...here's Three House Marianne...as a Pokemon Trainer! EDIT: Forgot to nominate the next one. Leon from Pokemon, or Claude from 3H. Bonus points if both are in the same artwork.
  2. Thanks for reminding me of that one. Couldn't help cracking up with Voltorb's electocution either. Can't believe how some of the stuff were so cheesy back in Gen 1-2!
  3. Not enough sushi rolls and Lickitungs -10/10 lol jks. Nice dramatic reading 8/10
  4. So now we know Pokemon Stadium 1+2 is going to be ported onto the Switch, now is a good time to talk about the cheesy minigames! Ironically, while I've played the GB(C) main games, I've never had a chance to play the N64 Stadium games. But I was interested enough to check out the minigames on Youtube. And oh my gosh, so much cheese available! I can't really say how the minigames are like because I've never played them, but I couldn't help myself giggle seeing Sushi Go Round and the Lickitungs' hilarious voices and flailing around with the hammy Japanese Itacho calls. Nor I could restrain myself from Clefairy's dance class with the hilariously outdated female teacher glass from the headmistress Clefairy and the constant "Fairy! Faairy!! Faaairy!!!" calls. So do you have memories of playing the Pokemon Stadium minigames? What was your favorite?
  5. This thread from the same subforum actually made me think about the realism question. And I wonder if realism in stories can actually be detracting, unpleasant to watch/read, or otherwise be a detriment to the story. Now, I'm not talking about obviously detracting cases where there is a rare case of realist physics/biology in what otherwise plays like Looney Tunes like this example (though that example can be a good story in a dark way). Or, say, an episode which features a more realistic drama when the rest of the series features zany comedy (say, maybe a serious and non-comedic episode about violence and bullying in Malcolm in the Middle - but even those can be good special episodes if done well). Nor I am talking about realism interfering with gameplay, like how logistics often get ignored for better gameplay experience for generally good reason. I'm talking about cases where the movie, book, or video game is consistently played realistic (and/or serious). Is there a point where realism becomes too much for people and just becomes unpleasant, no matter how serious the story is meant to be? Are there cases where the realism applied (be it whether from current or historical events) becomes a turnoff? I'm looking for both graphically and non-graphically portrayed examples.
  6. I'm pulling a twist...it's...Hilda from both Fire Emblem and Pokemon! Irida from Pokemon (bonus points if the artwork involves an FE crossover)
  7. Nice contrast between the gentle song vs the disturbing story/10
  8. Actually, this thread reminds me recently of one example I...really didn't like. I warn you, it's a pretty hot take: It's Unova from Pokemon BW. Unova from BW1+2, is frankly, a mess in worldbuilding. If there was a region that introduced separate countries, it really should have been Gen 5. Unova should have been a more American/NYC-looking region, like how Earthbound did with Eagleland. This felt like there were too many reside Japanese references (though, okay, later Gens still had them to a lesser degree), like the Clerk NPCs when I could have seen lookalikes of the Wolf from Wall Street or Donald Trump, or that aspiring investor Eddie Murphy starred in Trading Places, or God forbid the Kami Trio when I could have seen the Bird Trio (which at least is implied to migrate, looks generic, and has zero plot relevance to Kanto other than them happening to be there) visiting the regions in different seasons. Or stuff looking too generic like the buildings in many cities in general and Castelia/Opelucid in particular when the former could have been the historical brick walkups with Neo-Renaissance (stuff similar to what McKim Mead and White built) or Art Deco highrises like Fourside in Earthbound, and the latter could either be Old Town Philly vs Silicon Valley, and other towns resembling closer to Onett, Twoson, or many other places that resemble the Everytown, USA setting.
  9. This is actually: A fairly serious post than most Something that I say in favour of both Dimitri and Edelgard, and Against another male protagonist but anyway: Fallen Dimitri didn't shaft Fallen Edelgard (at least not outside of AM) and he certainly didn't shaft Mad Micaiah either like Insane Ike did.
  10. Compared to when most FE games I remember before that didn't even have any additional dialogue aside from supports, during recruitment, and maybe just before the final battle? (And sometimes not even that for stuff like the DS remake for Shadow Dragon.) Yes, I believe it is going towards the right direction. Of course, as you pointed out, we want something meaningful. I haven't played 3 Hopes yet so I'll have to take your word on that one.
  11. The gamplay for Conquest is quite good. I think aside from 3H's battalions, a lot of Conquest's system should be added into remakes of past games, particularly Binding Blade to better portray Roy as the tactician. The story...yeah. At least it was good for a laugh. And for some World War 2 Pacific Theatre shenanigans I did in my LP to make Conquest's story more bearable.
  12. You can just watch one of the Youtuber's LPs. As LoneStar mentioned, Fates's story is kind of controversial (and I dare say lacking nuance), particularly Conquest. I'm currently doing this for Pokemon Platinum (courtesy of PurpleRodri), and it seems to cover all of the essential points of DPPt's story. Keep in mind, however, there may be minor plot points that you may miss. In my example above, I had no idea about Shaymin's backstory with Floaroma Town in the game until another member in this forum pointed out to me.
  13. As a person who thoroughly and unironically enjoyed dodgetanking in FE thanks to Binding Blade? They can NEVER be too good! Never ever! 😁 Long live dodgetanking~🎵!!!
  14. To be fair, the support system was probably the only viable method in characterization in an anyone-can-die game series for a long time. But, yeah, I'd like to see it evolve to better reflect character development, when Casual mode is now a thing (and we'll probably save scum anyway). Do you think more characters should interact in the main story instead? I can at least see this should absolutely happen with remakes where the story is already done. Earlier games like all of the (S)NES games that don't have any support conversations should all have more characters speak in the main story. I'd love to see Roy, Lilina, and Marcus discuss war throughout the chapters in a New Binding Blade situation. Or Elphin and Percy/Doug. Maybe some combinations could have story-based events as the conditions for support levels. Three Houses was at least a step in the right direction in this regard with at least in-house members speaking more often in-story. Others, I'd like to see more flexibility with the script, and maybe some more flags with how certain scripts are triggered. Persona seems to do this with some of the Social Links, (for example certain extra characters not appearing after/before a certain date). Maybe in 3H's case, Bernie won't freak out as much in her C-supports if there are at least 2-3 B supports done with her male partners. Or Takumi/Oboro in Fates are more cordial towards their Nohrian support partners (maybe not Niles...cause he's...Niles) in their C-support after, say, Revelations Chapter 19.
  15. Fallen Dimitri promises that he will make Fodlan great again. He'll also build a bigger and better wall against the Almyrans and make them pay for it. Fallen Dimitri also is considered scandal-free (DUDE! IT'S TRUE, I FUCKING SWEAR TO GOD!!! HE REALLY DIDN'T GRAB THAT ^#$@%&!!!!) while Fallen Edelgard is mired with scandals of e-mail investigation from the Fodlan Bureau of Investigations. Fallen Dimitri is literally Lysandre, who will make Fodlan beautiful again! Fallen Dimitri is a friend for religious worship, including the restoration of the sanctity of life! Fallen Dimitri won the election fair and square! We need to stop the stealing of the votes by Fallen Edelgard and Corny Claude!! Fallen Dimitri for the 47th President of the United States of Fodlan!!!
  16. Fallen Edelgard IS literally Cyrus, who wants to create a new world order of communist enlightenment devoid of emotion, religion, and romanticism! Renegade Rhea on the other hand is literally Lysandre who wants to create a renewed old world order of traditional and religious fascism. lol
  17. No, rather, I want to see an improvement on the Tactician Lord, that is Roy. Something that isn't game-breaking on its own, but strengthens the army through enhanced supports and other area-of-effect boosts and leadership skills/stars for allies.
  18. A bit late to the conversation, but I've actually wrote one down as a plot-idea excersise we had that is both based on Maria Teresa's history and also on the current situation on Japan's imperial succession. Alongside a couple of other things. I'll see my past posts and try to find it. EDIT: Here it is. I know Fates is considered to have multiple dumpster fire moments (a commonly-held view which I agree with), but Pokemon Legends Arceus, another fictional version of a pre-modern Japan setting (well, at least the closest thing we have for the Pokemon series outside of Pokemon conquest) did a good job, so the aesthetics themselves aren't the problem. In fact, why not a story that features a late 18th-early 20th Century "changing of the guards" type of story with a conflict between a declining group of nations such as expies for Spain, Italy (Yes, I know Risorgimento is a thing, but let's face it, WW2 Italy's laughingstock meme exists for a reason.), Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, or China, versus emerging ones that are expies of USA, UK and France (Yes, for once let's prioritize actual France instead of the cheese-eating-surrender-monkey version.) and their modern colonies, Germany, or Japan? And steampunk being the theme? And in this FE!Japan/FE!China's case, how traditionalism vs modernization or Europeanization plays a role in the conflict? Though I'd still rather incorporate TMSFE, Persona, and SMT characters into my Poke!Japan in my Pokemon x Fire Emblem x Atlus story than Fates characters lol.
  19. Fallen Edelgard set off Giratina's frenzy and opened up the rift at Mt Coronet. She then battled Deranged Dimitri and Corny Claude which caused evil lightning across Hisui and cause further frenzy with all of the noble Pokemon across the land. Finally, she made Cyrus crazy a few generations later in modern Sinnoh.
  20. "Pokeballs were just invented and people were still learning how to throw them at things. So Pokemon would kinda...wreck people."
  21. I'm of the opposite opinion. Remakes should be encouraged more in general, especially when Virtual Console and other equivalent archives are now things. I was disappointed to see very little extra content in general (and story expansion/modernization in particular) for Link's Awakening. And all that for AU$80 (even accounting for inflation, it's above AU$50-60 per game copy that I've paid ten years ago) when I can go to the 3DS's VC version for a fraction of the price. Ditto with Pokemon BDSP which could have benefited from Platinum's improvements, addition of Pokemon introduced in Legends Arceus, and some extra story content that ties the two games even better. The Mario 3D collection should also have either been a VC release or at least an update in graphics alongside, that one at least has three games for one price. I also say release the Tellius games as a VC port as well, in addition to a remake that improves/expands Micaiah's (and maybe Sanaki/Elincia's) story alongside some gameplay rebalancing. Experiencing a bit of Three Houses actually killed the lessened interest I had in the duology thanks to how ridiculously expensive the original copies are.
  22. Metal Wolf Chaos for the former and 3H Azure Moon for the latter
  23. No sorry, it was Three Houses/Hopes, specifically CF/SB vs AM/AG.
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