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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. I'm sure there are merits in moderation. And yeah, every country has this mentality to some degree. But Japan has taken this to an extreme in WW2 (to the detriment for everyone involved of the conflict), and whenever Felix calls this out, that's what I start thinking of. (Source: Stories from my grandad.)
  2. Trainers Battles should also differ between Friendly vs Hostile/Evil Team. Friendly would ask you to choose you Pokemon on a predetermined 2-vs-2 or 3-vs-3. Or maybe the opponent would ask you to bring a certain Pokemon to battle. (Say, a Rising Star might ask you to bring a Pokemon they're weak to as they want to experiment their type-counter moves.) And they'll give you prize money (and even EXPs) if you meet certain objectives during battle, or win otherwise. As for Hostile Trainers or Evil Team Members, anything is fair game as per vanilla playthrough. They'll fight dirty, so they should expect you to return the favor.
  3. At least they've gave us a good deal of notice in addition to a generous amount of time to enjoy even after the Switch's release. At least compared to the DS Wi-Fi shutdown. Speaking of, I need to get Radiant Historia.
  4. Is it just me, or does anyone else thinks Glen's "Dying like a true knight" in 3H feels more like Edo-era/WW2 Japan's toxic bushido?
  5. I wouldn't mind a Colonial Unova that deals with the changing of the guards alongside the Pokemon version of the American Revolution. Say, Galarian knights upholding the colonial government of Galar vs the Unovan republicans who wants to usher the land into a new age. Or a Revolutionary Kalos with similar themes. Or a more modern equivalent would feature the following: A Pokemon version of the Vietnam War featuring Lt Surge and the more conservative generation who upholds the 50s American way vs the more anti-establishment hippies and protestors who questions the establishment's narratives (including "capitalism is good", "Unova can do no wrong" etc) and brings the whole patriotism concept into question. And Zekrom vs Reshiram are the theme legends. Or, a Kalosian version of the above events, featuring the equivalent of the May Revolution of 1968, and brings the question of respect within society and family. And Xerneas (symbolizing rebirth) vs Yveltal (death) are the Legends.
  6. Yeah, okay, so it was like that in the first place. I was under the impression that they've changed Alm to be what he was in SoV. Still doesn't change how...very unthematic Alm was in contrast to how the Japanese trailer portrayed the two kingdom and the two gods as. In that case, I'd have to say that they've missed a great opportunity in finishing the job of "modernizing" the story and characters and transferring part of that narrative agency from Alm to Celica.
  7. Wait, they actually got something like below 7-6 on the critic's ratings? I've expected something like this on a spinoff, but for a (semi-)mainline? That's news!
  8. I know this is probably too early, but I ran into the same question in Bulbagarden, and it proved to be a bit of a burning question for me. When do you think, or when would you want a Gen 9 game? My answer as below:
  9. That and also, let's face it - KT already did the main game, so they could recycle the assets quite a bit. It makes sense from an development operation point as well.
  10. Eeeh, I was hoping for something else, but whatever. I might pick it up just for the alternate history shenanigans.
  11. I know stories tend to have a trend of "villains act, heroes react" kind of thing. So maybe FE4 is meant to be a deconstruction of this? Agreed that Lief and Seliph should have some political drama with Thracia. Read a bit of Thracia 776, but it didn't seem to discuss much.
  12. I think Seliph (FE4) and Leaf (FE5) are both having to deal with a constant uphill battle to regain what's lost, yes? As for Sigurd, was his downfall more due to his enemies managing to work against him and exploit stuff that Sigurd didn't know about? I initially thought Sigurd also had the issue of heading into battle headfirst, but it looks more like the enemies being more proactive from Chapter 2-3.
  13. Okay, I do have to admit I've gone a bit overboard. Leaf and Eliwood are good cases in things not going so well at all, I get that. And this is probably not much of a problem in single-lord games. But it still doesn't change that narratively, Male Lords had a pretty good run overall in telling their story, particularly in cases where we have a game with a supposedly double-billed pair of Lords. We still only really had one case of Female Lord with her own story without any interference from a Male Lord. And the few other times there was a Female Lord, she's not really allowed much agency, whether for narrative purposes or in-story, compared to her male counterpart. And this is despite that ads supposedly portray the double-billed games as such, despite the fact that they aren't. It's usually the Male Lord comes in to bail her out, or shaft her narratively by portraying her in the wrong etc. Edelgard in CF is arguably the exception, but that's it. Is it too much to ask to keep reversing the past general trend that is increasingly problematic? I mean Samus has been a thing since the 90s. We had female protagonists in Pokemon since Gen 2, and female Champions since Gen 4 (and Cynthia is much beloved by the fandom). Persona had a female protagonist in 3, although sadly one of the head creators kinda disowned her and thus 4-5 didn't see a female protag. I've given you Anacy's thread as one example. Here are a couple others below which discusses the disparity. I mean, do me and yourself a favor, and either read the relevant posts below, or do a search on FE Female Lords, Mary Sue, or Gary Stu in the in-forum search engine. The discussion comes up every now and then. I'm not the only one who thinks the gender-based narrative double standard in supposedly double-billings like the Radiant Dawn is a real and actually-existing problem. "Women good, men bad." is a gross oversimplification, and I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't dismiss my (and a number of other member's) concerns as "dishonest". Sunwoo's post also mention the problem in the particular reply. And this one has some posts talk about Mary Stu vs Gary Stu with FE Lords/protagonists and also discuss some of the narrative double standards that come with them:
  14. To this day, I've never understood why on earth Alm was made to be an invincible hero without the flaws to contrast Celica with character development to boot. If Celica was also another superwoman, then at least I'm glad there isn't the double standard, but she isn't. Celica may as well not be a protagonist, and worse, the whole contrasted pair theme gets botched (Zofia vs Rigel (or peace vs war) thematic dichotomy), which was the point in the original game. I'm dreading the possibility that Sigurd might end up becoming Alm 2.0 and be another invincible flawless hero, and go against the entire point of the first part of Genealogy/FE4. It's something that I've been thinking about as the Nintendo DIrect approaches and the possibility of the FE4 remake surfaces. Am I thinking stupid/paranoid? Quite likely. In fact I hope I'm proven wrong, but considering how IS seem allergic with writing flawed (or struggling) males heroes in more modern games (Dimitri finally being an exception (whether partial or in whole may be up to debate but still)), I'm not too optimistic with this. Anyone else have similar opinions?
  15. Russia would be the closest in terms of geography and climate with Ilia, and it still didn't prevent them from spreading agriculture (and later industry) into Siberia. Russia's cold didn't prevent her being an Empire in the 19th Century, and a superpower in the 20th Century. Admittedly she had to rely on food imports from the USA in the 20th Century, but this was more a case of mismanagement by the Communists (poor staff management, and farming methods that were unsustainable), and World War 2 for the 1940s, than cold land per se.
  16. A Persona 5 port onto Switch would be nice. Persona 3 would be better as a remake though, as the default version (MC route) has a lot of stuff that now feels clunky in gameplay terms. At the very least, I'd like a new version of MC's Social Links with Junpei, Ken, and Akihiko as actual SL partners. Also, MC-to-female social links should have a platonic route. And of course, the FeMC route should be portrayed in its full 3D glory, with her version of The Answer. While I'm cautiously looking forward to a FE4 remake, I just hope they won't make Sigurd another invincible male hero like they did to Alm in the Valentia remake. I'm not too fussed with other changes for this possible remake (and I'd welcome some QoL), but the aforementioned is something FE really needs to get rid of.
  17. Are there stuff similar to Gen 6-7's horde battles? Or is it more healing items are much harder to come by?
  18. I haven't played it yet, but I heard that the levels aren't as be-all end-all as they are in the rest of the mainline games? Apparently underlevelled opponents can still hit hard if their moves are supereffective?
  19. Speaking of sexism: 1. For the love of Sothis and everything good and holy under her, enough with the double standard slapped on the stories with Female Lords. Now this is something that Three Houses have gone in the right direction. If nothing else, I like the fact that Dimitri faces setbacks and consequences like Micaiah and Celica did. And I believe this is the first time since Sigurd where a male counterpart actually faces in-universe problems he needs to deal with. And unfortunately, this was something that was missing with both Ike and Alm. On the flipside, the CF route of 3H features Edelgard with a bigger sense of agency with her story, unlike how Micaiah and Celica's story gets hijacked by their male lords. Anacybele mentioned this sometime ago when she discussed how Tellius prevented the female lords from being protags in their own right. Silver Haired in the same thread mentioned how RD's story would be improved if the story was more about Micaiah, Elincia, and Sanaki, or "[a] trio of female leads, exploring the difference in their mindsets and how they rule and how they respond to situations." Many mention how 3H has an incomplete story, but I don't know. People consider Tellius to be the gold standard in story-writing, but I think its still has cut corners like the above example (especially Ike just being Superman instead of, you know, an actual person limited by the politics and physics of the FEverse), or the lack of actual character-building supports (esp Dawn Brigade), and a portion of the story being cut in the localization. 2. Make Male Lords not-Superman. This is related to the above, but also for the love of Sothis, why on earth did it take until Dimitri to actually write a male Lord that isn't an invincible Superman? Or more acurrately, why are male heroes returned to, and stayed infalliable in-story after Sigurd and until Dimi?? If actually featuring Micaiah in what is supposed to be her game wasn't an option, then at least Ike really should have gone through another set of character development. Make him have to negotiate Crimean and Begnion, and have him realize that his past heroic actions doesn't always translate well, and that he's at the mercy of the Senators or else. Give him another actual story for him to have a good hard look at himself, and make him more wary of the supposed allies he's working with. Or at least make all of this more obvious. Same with Alm: he should actually face consequences and undergo character development like Celica did. Otherwise we might as well just contend with Alm's story as a single route, and forget about the supposed divide between Zofia vs Rigel. Alternately, I wouldn't mind if the next male lead was more like TMSFE's Itsuki or Persona's Yu/Minako and actually backs off to let the other characters shine. Actually, now that I think about it, much of Persona's story is moved forward by other characters. Three Houses part 2 has a bit of that, with non-Lord units having more conversation lines in cutscenes than most of the game prior. I wouldn't mind that either - it would make it more obvious that waging war is a team effort, and this too would portray the Lord less as a be-all, end-all. And if the extra script required to account for possible permadeth means having to wait 5 years instead of 2-3, I actually don't mind that. I'll write the rest somethime later.
  20. To be honest, I'm not all that fussed with Byleth as is - though not ideal. Ideally, I wouldn't mind some more customization, and maybe show a bit more expression when s/he answers. Point taken about Byleth's suprisingly ignorant moments. I think they can be reframed easily, though. As for exposition for the monastery, maybe Jeralt can reminisce in his thoughts, or mention the exposition in passing with Alois, Hanneman/Manuela, or Rhea. Or Leonie too, instead of explaining to Byleth as if the latter was a five-year-old. As far as gameplay is concerned though, I've never thought Byleth would be bad in the in-chapter battles. I mean, this is news to me. In tier-lists for Maddening gameplay in the Three Houses reddit page, Byleth's usually at the top of the list thanks to how busted Enlightened One and SotC are. Say what you want about Byleth's surprising lack of knowledge, but lack of gameplay utility isn't considered to be her/his flaw. As someone who enjoyed Persona 3-4, those protagonists were also not much of actual protagonists, neither customizable avatars either. So I guess I'm used to that? And please don't get me started in how Conquest bends over backwards and forwards in acquitting Corrin from unintentionally invading Hoshido. Or Kris hijacking Marth's story. (Or, even, how Ike hijacks Micaiah and Elincia's story and has a cardboard character development in a game that really shouldn't have one.) At least Byleth and her/his team faces actual consequences with their decisions to stay with their house, and people out-of-house actually oppose the team. And don't constantly whinge about it.
  21. I kind of have to disagree with a straight re-port for Tellius. I'd really like the story to be fixed so that Radiant Dawn isn't another glorified Ike Emblem, but actually builds up more on Elincia and especially Micaiah. Anacy made a good discussion about Elincia in particular in the link below, and to be honest, I really have to side with her after how many needed wrinkles they've added with the Three House Lords. Ike not going through another character development (struggling to come to terms with the bigger politics outside his mercenary group is something I like to see), and Micaiah and Elincia being shafted is one I found to make the story look glaringly unfinished. At least add extra chapters that focuses on the latter two and add actual support conversations - only then I would say Tellius is complete. https://forums.serenesforest.net/index.php?/topic/91993-ana-does-a-character-study-elincia/&tab=comments#comment-5904281
  22. I'd prefer that. Maybe battle between law-abiding citizen trainers would be no Trainer's items. You don't see this in trainer battles in the anime, manga, or the semi-real-life VGC, so maybe this is official International League mandated rules. Items should still be fair game against wild Pokemon (just to spare the extra gameplay hassle if you're trying to catch that Pokemon) or Evil Team members (who are lawbreakers and would themselves would probably cheat anyway). Trainer matches could be made more difficult, with the above and maybe a limit to the number of Pokemon. I'd also wouldn't mind having the option to continue your journey onwards after a loss to a Trainer on a Pokemon route, provided there's some form of penalty alongside having to pay up, and an opportunity to re-challenge. I'm still in the middle of Balloonlea in SwSh. I'm looking forward to test out some of the Double-Battle moves and sets once I get clearance to Raihan's Gym, and tbh, I wish Double Battles were an option for more Gym battles, or even more trainers outside of Battle facilities.
  23. Fuck, this is one of the biggest reasons why I hesitate to start playing the Tellius games - well, apart from the PAL versions of the games being in short supply and costing an arm and a leg. Granted, I haven't played the game in its entirety, so maybe we do need Ike in all of the chapters he appears. Nevertheless, what's been mentioned by the more informed people here in regards to Elincia, Micaiah et al being shafted really don't give me a good impression. Especially after playing as Edelgard (and Female Byleth) in Three Houses. I'm Japanese, and I'm ashamed at just how stubborn some people (including myself and my own family at times) are in regards to gender roles, and more generally just how reactionary the country in general has become, even amongst the pressures from the international community. This is also the big reason why I want to see a possibly remake. And it's even worse considering Ike in Smash failed to save the series, and as some people previously mentioned, Ike didn't seem to have the same level of character as Elincia (or any other major character) when the setting/worldbuilding clearly called for it. At least I would have liked to have seen him having to come to grasps with the complicated politics or something. Also mind-boggling is when the same publisher haven't had a problem with Samus kicking ass.
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