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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Only if it's Yukari from Persona 3. Because that at least shows (close-to-)real-life ramifications of why she's like that and how it is emotionally unhealthy for her. Yukari...also having an elabourate, complicated, and fully-fleshed personality on par with most other Persona characters also helps. Actually, no, sorry. Felix from 3H is another one that I actually like. There, people actually call out his behaviour as worst practice to good teamwork, and Felix often has good/valid points about the shortcomings of Blue Lions or Faerghussian society. If anything, given how most of the protagonistic characters of FE are goody two shoes, I actually wish Felix went even further with his jerkass devil-advocate's behaviour. One-note villains are starting to get too boring for me. Validar, Garon, Iago, and Hans especially. But for some reason, I...actually like Valter in Sacred Stones. I don't know why, but I always get a sense of thrill when I see him on the scene. Outside of FE, I never minded the Pokemon villians (which are generally even more one-note than FE villains are), and to this day, I still love Sakaki/Giovanni and his "experience a world of pain" speech.
  2. Shadow Dragon: Oh everything's such a slog without Canto or Pair Up/Rescue... Binding Blade: Chapter 14 and Cecilia. Sophia's sort of okay, because she doesn't have the desert movement handicap, and she at least has story-related justification to be deployed. Why I can't even be given the option to bench Cecilia on Chapter 14, I don't know. The first half of Chapter 15's quite tricky as well. There's a village you need to rush, and one of the bandits to recruit with Lilina, but you can't rush too much because there is at least one enemy that have an anti-cavalry weapon, and they're not exactly pushovers in general. Sacred Stones: None. Everything's too easy. Awakening: The game lacks substance in both story and gameplay aspects. Fates Conquest: The story. OMG. Three Houses Crimson Flower: There are too many triggers/tripwires for reinforcements, and because of skills and battalions, they're no joke. And...is it just me, or are there more cases of infinite reinforcements in this game than in past games? Because I remember even Chapter 22 and 24 of Binding Blade have a limit in the max amount of reinforcements.
  3. More a rediscovery, but if there is an ensemble or orchestra that does orchestral (or orchestral-sounding) arrangements of jazz music right, it has to by Tokyo Kosei Wind Orchestra, and their New Sounds in Brass recordings. In most other orchestral arrangements including arrangements done for Boston Pops Orchestra, the jazz rhythm and improvizations are greatly watered/dumbed down - particularly the strings part where they don't have any swing/syncopated rhythms. The arrangements for Tokyo Kosei, however, keeps much of the jazz idiom intact and have improvisations, so for the most part it actually is jazz music that happens to be arranged for concert band. Here's a list of Youtube clips: One O'Clock Jump - Composed by Count Basie, Arranged by Shoji Yokouchi Glenn Miller Medley (Little Brown Jug - In The Mood - Tuxedo Junction - American Patrol - Moonlight Serenade) - Composed/arranged by Glenn Miller and others, Arranged by Naohiro Iwai Artistry Jumps - Composed by Stan Kenton, Arranged by Naohiro Iwai Night in Tunisia - Composed by Dizzy Gillespie, Arranged by Toshio Mashima
  4. Hey mate. So, which Pokemon games have you played?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. henrymidfields


      How about the Arceus game?

    3. ZeManaphy


      Definitely more excited after seeing Wyrdeer and Basculegion, but going to wait for reviews before picking it up.

    4. henrymidfields


      I wish there would be more of those coming up. Someone over at Reddit did a mock version of other legendaries' versions:


  5. Yeah, including this, Gen 3 was quite a mess. It should have been at least updated to include Gen 2 evolutions. I also loved GSC, and yet I do have to agree with them having the worst kind of growth curve. They could have at least have a stronger version of EXP Booster to make things less painful, aside from the Kanto Gyms being stronger. Either that, or make Rare Candies more easily available post-game so that you at least didn't have to spend hours grinding a new low-levelled Pokemon by the time you go around Kanto. I'll have to ultimately disagree, as there are still a number of games which aren't readily available outside of emulations and which by now have even less QoLs. (Seriously, the Tellius games secondhand prices are just absurd.) I do understand your complaints, though, and I totally agree that IS seemed to have the worst of both worlds with the lacking gameplay and them really dropping the ball with Alm's characterization. They might as well just left it as a VC release. And as I previously mentioned, now that I've played Crimson Flower, the Ike-shilling, and the lack of any further character development to make up for the Micaiah-fake-billing in Radiant Dawn, becomes painfully obvious as well.
  6. Fair enough. I do hope that at least one or two gets the same remake treatment. Japanese isn't a problem, though - I'm a native speaker. I've listened to Three Houses in Japanese (though its an Australian localization), so it's actually good to pick up on some of the mistranslations I otherwise overlook.
  7. Is everything else literally on consoles and handhelds pre-3DS/Wii U/PS4???
  8. If I remember correctly, shadow dragon was more a case of being too faithful, aside from some minor gameplay rebalances. (2-hit RNG, Caeda and her Wing Spear, reclassing)
  9. So rumors are abound on remakes sinces Shadows of Valentia. I'd like to hear your ideas on how you like past games to be remade. Jugdral Remakes - My previous post here would give a good idea of how I'd like the remake to be excecuted. Binding Blade: Tellius Duology:
  10. So I'd like to start playing Sakura Wars 2019. I had some interest in playing some of the games, which is not the least due to the alternate timeline here being one of the few cases where Japan doesn't become the hot mess of a militarist dictatorship in the same year as real-life Japan did, but seemed to have managed to keep retaining the Taisho Democracy. But am I going to miss a lot if I don't have any knowledge of the prequels? I can't really guarrantee myself the time or the chances to play the original games, so I'd like to hear past players if I'm going to miss some cruicial nuances and emotion that comes with playing past entries.
  11. This is mostly hearsay at the moment as I never had a chance to play the game properly, but I always wonder why they just brought Ike in without any sort of character development to make up for usurping Micaiah. I would actually prefer Ike having to go through another set of character development. Make it more like Persona 5 or Three Houses where he clearly now has to deal with corrupt senators, and ended up having to do a lot stuff that he opposed in primciple. Show him, Elincia, and Sanaki interacting with the Senators, and them grumbling behind their backs. And show that Ike got really tired of all of the senators' bullshit and what not, he got massively jaded, both with his own actions three years ago, and the fact that he could not stop the atrocities and oppressions that people he thought were on the same side committed. If this was already shown in some capacity, then make it more obvious that Ike's struggling with that, and that he ended up rejecting the glory out of guilt and frustration. Ideally, also show Micaiah more screentime, and adress the fake billing which kinda tuned me off, especially after playing Crimson Flower and seeing Edie all in her glory.
  12. I don't think so. Aside from the above and maybe romancing Akihiko, Ken, or Shinjiro but those are social links. If you romance them, you can get them to join you in place of Aigis during the March 5 ending on your New Game Plus run, however. I think Yukari, Mitsuru, or Fuuka on the male route is also the same.
  13. I know there are a number of people who know Japanese, and also maybe a few people who are from the country. So who here has been following the news? I know that there soon would be the internal election of the next President of the Liberal Democrats, the current ruling party of the Japanese Government. THe President would become either the Prime Minister, or the Opposition Leader, depending on the General Election results. Now, only party members can vote on that one, but I was wondering if anyone else has been following the talks and debates?
  14. So, I now know that you played Persona 4? Have you played 3 or 5 as well?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. henrymidfields


      Have you got a Vita? If the PS Store isn't already closed, you can get Persona 3 Portable. That one's you can control all of the characters in battle. I'll also recommend playing the female protagonist in that version, as the male protag has no social links with the male members of the party and forced gf romance with all of the female social links.

    3. ping


      No consoles at all anymore :): I'll keep that in mind for a potential PC release, though.

    4. henrymidfields


      Aw, that's a shame. But there might be something as part of the Persona 25th Anniversary (which was just a few days ago). Let's keep our antennas out on the internet.

  15. The devs might have been better off to at most focus on three routes and repurpose silver snow. That route just doesn't make sense with the rest of Black Eagles siding with the church, and it shares all but one chapter with Verdant Wind anyway - I just don't see the point in playing said route when the only bonus is an S-support with Rhea, which really, could have been added just as easily in Azure Moon or Verdant Wind. Still, I think it's so far one of the few FE I genuinely have been enjoying actually reading through, and I genuinely hope the storywriting could further improve from here. Let's face it people, we're not...everyone who plays FE, but a minority who likes to overanalyze stuff. As for something that I noticed have changed in other parts of the FE fandom, yet I haven't changed my opinion of? I for one, even after half a decade of hindsight, am still glad to do away with the hot mess that is Fates Conquest's story. (I never got my hands on a Jugdral game, and the Tellius games just have some of the worst price-gouging when it comes to actually buying them.)
  16. I dunno whether this is unpopular or otherwise, this could just be 50-50, but Ike's lack of character development in Radiant Dawn, alongside with Micaiah being shafted in Part 4 I have bigger problems with. For the remakes, ideally make Ike the Gotoh and focus on Micaiah's story first and foremost, and keep the narrative viewpoint as consistent as possible. Though maybe this requires fundemental changes with Yune, the petrification etc? If that's not possible without fundementally changing the story, then show how Ike is (and Greil Mercs in general are) negatively affected with all of the politics behind, how the higher-ups manage to strongarm the Mercs to do their bidding, and show how he's powerless outside of battles. I don't think this really requires any more than some changes with the Ike's interactions and not fundementally overturn the plot itself. I'm happy with either, but just stop with this worshippings of some improbably invincible hero.
  17. I would very much prefer a full remake, and I wouldn't mind some story updates in addition to some additional QoLs. Now mind you, most of what I know about the Tellius games are based on hearsay at the moment. Radiant Dawn kinda ended up to be another story for Ike, unlike what IS pretended to bill it as. I'd be more interested to see more chapters with Micaiah and more cutscenes and dialogue involving Elincia etc. Part 4 should focus more on Micaiah especially, and have a fully depicted ending like Ike ended up. If nothing else, give Ike another character development and discovery arc. Show us how he has to deal with the more corrupt governors and officials from Begnion, and how it's making him jaded with the nobility. I'm not sure if that is shown in the games, but even if it is, show more of how Begnion strongarms the Greil Merc to do their bidding, and how it negatively affects Ike. Even show cases where he is outright opposed by the Daein populance for his association with Begnion, how he struggles with politics, and how it taking an emotional toll on him. Show to us, that at the end of the day, his proficiency with the sword just doesn't translate to other stuff required in getting through the next war. And make it clear that while he is celebrated as a Legendary Hero, he ended up losing a lot of himself, and this is why he decided to leave Tellius at the end of the story.
  18. Is it just me, or did anyone else did not like Lucina. I've listed all of the good things I liked about each Lords, yet I really struggled to find anything I like about her. Character traits? I just kinda found her to be too inoffensive in general. On paper, this shouldn't be the case, but for some unknown reason I just fail to relate. Her role in the story? Just never paid attention. I know it was supposed to be a big impact, but it just fails to register unlike the others. Her gameplay role? Didn't care; Awakening is an easy game. Her in Smash? That's actually a dealbreaker for me, if anything. I'm one of the people who absolutely hates Smash Bros - thanks to another certain princess outside of FE somehow being treated as an equal instead of a fucking ditzy idiot she should be identified as.
  19. No, I don't think you misremembered anything. Exactly as you described. It just makes her look like a Mary Stu. I mean, Mitsuru in Persona 3 having to face a misogynistic suitor for her arranged marriage and how that negatively affects her is exactly why I consider her better, even though she's more of a Stu in paper in comparison to Naoto. It shows that sometimes, your capability/ability can still only help so much in a world full of prejudice. I even feel that Naoto should have had a minor (non-plot related) social link in Persona 5 to show just how she continues to be negatively affected by a misogynistic, corrupt, and vested police force in Tokyo. She struggles to find work, everyone openly mocks her, and politicians keep tabs on her to keep her from stepping out of line. If you maxed out her social link in 5, then she is the one that investigates Ren's past guilty conviction and exonerates him.
  20. Has anyone managed to find two of the following in the same artwork? Misty (Pokemon), Caeda (FE), and/or Paula (Earthbound).
  21. Also, a public service announcement to everyone! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, the Geneva Convention does not exist, everyone's fighting everyone else to one-up each other, and war had been a worldwide pastime like all of our "civilized and pious" medieval ancestors have been. Oh and guess what? Popes fought wars too!!!! Isn't that pious and godly of them!!!
  22. Fallen Edie failed to inform Dane Cook the true meaning of B n' E! Other than that, she hasn't done anything worse than others have done. I didn't explain the joke! Don't look below!!
  23. So quite a while back we had questions asking our favorite things in each game we played and make a summary of your perfect FE game based on that list. I'd like your ideal Lord, similarly based on every good thing from every lord or player character from the games you played before. Characteristics, storyline, gameplay, you name it. It could even be a support conversation. Here is my answer as an example:
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