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Everything posted by henrymidfields

  1. Chapter 16: The Hoshido Invasion Part 2: Pirate raiders around Battle vs the Pirates Further interrogation Further promotion Stats upon completion
  2. Binding Blade: Make Bern a bit more relentless instead of basically gradually buckling down to the Allies after Chapter 16. Particularly Narcian would be somewhat more competent. In Chapter 3, the entire Bern army would crush both Hector's and Roy's army, while Roy and his team had to flee and hide from there on. Eric and the traitors would also pick on Roy until Chapter 8, and Narcian and Co ended up cornering Roy at Ostia in Chapter 8. The end of Chapter 8-15 would remain as they originally were. Then Narcian would flee after the liberating Aquleia in Chapter 16, seemingly out of cowardice, when in reality, that was a feint, and he unleashed an arsenal of powerful dragons against the city, razing it as much as he could to deny resources to the enemy, (not unlike what von Cholitz was ordered to do against Paris in WWII) while Roy and Co have to desparately defend the city to survive. Despite Murdock and Brenya's displeasure at what they see as Narcian's incompetence (for Chapter 13-16) and bloodthirst (this version's Chapter 17), Zephyr allows this to happen because, as per the original story, he was intending to hand over the land to the dragons. Unfortunately, this plan gradually unravels as gradually more people back at home finds out and starts to get appalled. By the time Roy reaches Bern proper in Chapter 21-22, the whole empire implodes into civil war as the rebels supporting Guinevere fighting against those supporting Zephyr... In fact, this is what I am thinking of doing when I would finally start writing my Binding Blade/Pokémon XY fanfic sometime in the not-so-near future. (PM me if you want to know more.) Sacred Stones: A more equal division between Eirika and Ephraim's army with you taking control of both, and also have Ephraim his moments of screwing up due to his reckless behaviour. Innes would also have his own problems due to his hostile behaviour -> diplomatic failure/lost opportunity for alliance. Shadow Dragon: A further expansion of why Medeus wants revenge for his species being percecuted. Also, more characters should join in the conversation besides Marth, and Malledus. I wouldn't mind a subplot with Marth x Caeda running through the whole arc. If Caeda is killed in battle, then Marth would have moments of grief. Awakening: Oh for the love of everything good and holy, don't make the countries so one-sided for starters, and have better details in the world-building for seconds. Fates: Make Hoshido starting off the smaller and weaker country, yet gradually becoming more ambitious, evil, and hell-bent on world domination as it grows its strength. And make Nohr as the invading country in the main game, but unwilling and only in it as a last-ditch attempt in self-defense. No, wait, that's my WWII propaganda LP version of Conquest. Fates (a more serious answer): Remove Valla completely, and make Garon a well-intentioned extremist who attacked Hoshido out of desperation of his starving people, while Hoshido have you deal with some rotten noble people playing isolationist politics and status inequality in addition to repelling the Nohrian invasion.
  3. Intermission 3: Keaton Promotion Sorry for another update, but I also forgot that I promoted Keaton after finishing Dwyer's Paralogue too! Here is the footage for Keaton. In concurrence to this promotion, we have decided to present Keaton with a new and better machine gun.
  4. Chapter 16: The Hoshido Invasion - Part 1: Stars and Stripes Forever Whew, well that took ages to prepare... Okay, I'm going to add the main gameplay later. Here is the intro to Chapter 16! Departure Preparation Speeches Cheers from Everyone Set sail...and battle!
  5. Banned for not appreciating 76 Trombones.
  6. Hey, I've noticed your comments on the "Unpopular Opinions for general video games/media" in regards to Pokemon Anime. It has got me curious what you might wanted to have happen if you are the director at TV Tokyo...

    1. saisymbolic


      What would I have done if I were a director? That's a tough one to answer. Also, sorry for not seeing this earlier. It would become a series aimed more for preteens (and older people) and it would be a story about "growing up" seen through the eyes of a more mature, experienced Ash.

    2. henrymidfields


      Thanks for your reply. I've actually wrote a rough draft for a future fanfiction over at the Blogs section at Bulbagarden. It's basically a two-tiered approach from AG onwards - with Brendan, Lucas, Iris being the newbies collecting the badges, while Ash mentors them. (Why they didn't do that in BW onwards at least, I have no idea.) Unfortunately, the Bulbagarden admins are dealing with internet-related problems with the Blogs section, so I can't retrieve my saved entries. I...

  7. I just noticed this now, and actually, for the anime fans at Bulbagarden, liking the Gen 4 arc seems pretty popular actually. (I myself do not know, because I haven't seen the anime in its entirety since Gen 2 finished.) Ditto with the Ash vs Paul thing. Shame that TV Tokyo resetted everything after that, though. One more unpopular opinions: - I watched the 1993 Movie version of Super Mario Bros recently, and it is actually better than the main games in at least one aspect. Mario, Luigi, and Daisy/Peach's personality seems more human to me, and even Bowser was more interesting to watch. (Shame that I can't say the same for Yoshi...)
  8. Indeed, Feldmarschall. By the way, how did you go against Patton? I know that my real-life country should have listened to Yamamoto and not go against Nimitz! Also, any new news for your 20th Century Alternate History that you started writing ages ago?
  9. Intermission 2: Silas Promotion I completely forgotten that I promoted Silas during Dwyer's Paralogue I completed after Chapter 15. Here is the footage of Silas being promoted by Douglas. In concurrence to this promotion, we have decided to present Sila with a new and better light tank.
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