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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. It looks pretty nice. The colors aren't hard on the eyes.
  2. I don't really know any character named Renard. o-O
  3. Leonard from Full Metal Panic. There's an official translation. Oh yes, and apparently it's official too, the name that is. Google the katakana in a japanese name dictionary or something.
  4. Yes, I've started ripping the still sprites of the mechs as well. (haven't created a page for them yet)
  5. I mean when they translate it to English. The K isn't used in the case that I mentioned.
  6. XD. It's funny how a simple word escaped our heads.
  7. Yeah, and something I realized is that the "K" is rarely ever used in official translations of names with "rica" in them. Yurica, for example.
  8. Generally, people only read story articles after playing through the games themselves at least once. I think you're safe to post as many spoilers as you want.
  9. I guess there's no reason to spoiler it anymore, since the official sites don't really care for it.
  10. http://www.nintendo.co.jp/fe/ankoku_bk/museum/index.html This is rather interesting, IMO. Is Chainey really a dragon race? I never actually knew that. >_>
  11. His official name is Uzumi, so I left it as so. As for number 9, I realized that I put her last name instead of her first.
  12. Finally had some time to work on this.
  13. I used "applicable skills" since it basically means "[appropriate] skills". Or ones that can be used... I changed everything else. I think I'm done, unless I've missed something major. o-O
  14. I tried changing it to "yet". Or...would "although" or "on the other hand" work better. I'm clueless right now, so whatever you think might work. XD
  15. Guy's not really that important, but it's still quite short. I'll try and read the supports that Guy's had and see if I find anything interesting. god, procrastinating on writing my essay makes me do so many things. Otherwise, it was a bit hard to read with all the errors, but I understand what he's trying to say to an extent.
  16. I still think mentioning the chapter names isn't exactly fitting in a "story article". It'd sound a lot better if you used something like, "After Florina thanks Hector for saving her life when she fell off her Pegasus, she blablabla". What chapter it happened is in unimportant. If you want to mention that it happened when they were fighting to take back [whatever that castle was called here], you can, but I suggest you don't; reason why stated before. As for ranting about what happens in all the supports: I think it's a bit too much. Some supports just aren't that important and could be left out without much harm at all. This includes the "juicy secrets" support with Farina and the support with Ninian, which doesn't tell us much about Florina, the character you're writing about. The only one I would suggest including in its own paragraph are those with Hector and Serra. Hector's is self explanatory but why Serra's? It shows Florina's personality quite well. You can create a paragraph relating to Florina's personality and site her conversation with Serra. Use examples from their support to back the details relating to Florina. If you want to use the other supports so badly, find a good topic relating to Florina and do the same thing I mentioned the sentence before this. In the end, the article should be based on Florina. Things that don't help describe her personality, love life, or history are better off not being mentioned at all.
  17. The word before awaken is already plural, so it's incorrect to put an "s" at the end of "awaken". Also known as: the original writing is fine. I do think a topic relating to errors would be nice, though. :o
  18. Actually, you...claimed many main characters and those with deep background stories. All at the same time. I was just thinking it'd be better if you posted one article at a time, with more delayed intervals. It gives time for you to review your writing as well, and for others to do the same since you'll be focusing on making that article. In any case, I'm hoping to claim Volke as well. Sorry if it seems like I'm delaying Geoffrey, but I've been trying to think of things to write for him, and eventually find that those ideas work better for other characters. XD
  19. Yeah, I just used FE8 as an example. It occurs a lot in FE7, moreso than FE8. My opinion would be to include all the facts possible but not taking preference for one specific side. If that means omitting the name of the person he settles down with, or saying something like, "Hector seems to be fond of Lyn, Florina, and Farina and eventually ends up marrying one of the three lucky ladies. They would one day become the parents of a beautiful young girl named Lilina."
  20. Thanks. That helped quite a bit, as I missed a lot of that. >_> As for the script, that'd be really helpful.
  21. It wasn't fragmented, it just didn't connect well. I tried to rewrite it into the third sentence. I decided to use "knows" instead of "realizes" because I assume that they knew that everybody else was turned into stone. This is based on what was mentioned at the end of the info conversation "Innocent" in any case.
  22. For the Zabba line, it still refers to Zabba since Zabba is the one who first heads to Jehanna. Gerik follows shortly afterwards. For the sentence after that, I changed it to "gives Gerik a reason to" Last correction: I tried rewriting it a bit. As for the first correction: I thought it'd be pretty important to have skills, both socially and physically, if they were to become the one in charge. Normally those in charge have those qualities; or should. Too bad the "bad corrupt political leaders" throughout the series ruined it.
  23. If they remake FE4, they should explain the flaws with the holy blood system and why Sigurd is so desperate for pussy.
  24. Meg is technically the only fat female in all of the FE Games. If you know what my definition of fat is.
  25. Summary Stefan is one of the most skilled swordsmen on the continent of Tellius, fighting with the blade Vague Katti. His skills are formidable when he enters battle, however he rarely associates himself with either beorc or laguz. His secluded personality is probably due to his heritage; he is, after all, the product of a lion and a human, marked as a branded. Bio In Path of Radiance First seen when observing the Gallian beast tribe's Lethe and Mordecai, Stefan shows interest in those of the beast tribe. He then decides to tag along with Ike's troop out of curiosity. Stefan catches Ike's attention quickly, causing Ike to ask who the mysterious green-haired man is. Stefan replies by saying that he joined after the battle in the sands. He then remarks that Ike's skill with the blade is unique, yet he hesitates when in battle. Stefan offers to perfect Ike's way of the sword, and Ike graciously accepts Stefan's invitation. Although his skills with the sword belie his true heritage, Stefan is a branded. He shows his grudge towards the laguz by commenting on how they call him "parentless" while conversing with Mordecai. Stefan, instead, prefers to dwell with the beorc, because the beorc, at least, don't deny the fact that they share the same blood. In Radiant Dawn Over time, Stefan isolates himself more and more, eventually only speaking to those that are similar to him. Stefan is persuaded by Lethe and Mordecai to aid in the fight against Ashera, but not before they politely remark that they're happy to see Stefan wasn't turned into stone. Besides Lethe and Mordecai, Stefan also appears before Micaiah, who resembles Stefan in the way that they're both branded. Before the final battle, Yune confronts Stefan and ponders over his mysterious origins. Stefan tells Yune, who is currently using Micaiah's body as a host, about his origins as a branded and how he was treated like he didn't exist when around laguz. He then tells her about the teachings of common folk: union between a beorc and laguz is a crime to the goddess. Yune smirks that she's never heard of such a thing. Stefan ends up laughing manically, to Yune's surprise. Stefan then tells her what he finds funny. He exclaims that all of the abuse, persecution, and isolation happened all over a lie. He ends by asking what there isn't to laugh at. When the fight with Ashera is over, Stefan gathers those similar to him and settles down in their own tiny village. That same little village would eventually become a great country. ______________________________ Again, I would love help on the Radiant Dawn section. XD Oh shizz, I found it: the game script that is. >_> It just doesn't have the part I need right now. http://www.feplanet.net/games-10-scripts
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