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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. I changed the ones you mentioned and for the last one, I just changed the "Gerik" at the end to "he".
  2. http://www.feplanet.net/games-10-chapters-infoconvos/81 http://www.feplanet.net/games-10-chapters-infoconvos/82 http://www.feplanet.net/games-10-chapters-infoconvos/83 Apparently FEP had the information dialogues. >_> Whoopsies for me as I never check there. XD I'll update the first post once I finish reading them. Apparently it is obvious that people are being turned to stone. Funny thing though that it's Tibarn's army. EDIT: I fixed it up. If there's something wrong, feel free to point it out still. XD EDIT2: More changes, including how Geoffrey brought Amy to Elincia.
  3. I was wondering about the confirmed endings and stuff. Like, for example, Tethy's ending with Gerik and all as shown here. For FE8, since it's possible for multiple endings, do you think we should consider all options and generalize their feelings? Like perhaps saying that "Tethys has a liking for Gerik" or "Tethys has shown her feelings for Gerik and Ike when she..." without forcing it onto them. An example of forcing it onto them: "Tethys and Gerik are an ITEM"
  4. I said "Obvious" for the second sentence, assuming that Ike's army knew about the fact that people were turning into stone. Apparently, it's just my bad knowledge of the story. XD When exactly does Amy appear before Ike's army and what exactly does she say? When I wrote it, I assumed she came to Ike's army after he had already found out that people were turned to stone.
  5. It's an error the translators made, which gave her pegasus two names.
  6. Summary Gerik is a well built man who takes pride in the scar across his face. He is the chief of his own mercenary group, taking charge of Ewan, Tethys, and Marisa. As the chief, he must have applicable skills; in Gerik's case, his skills are the ability to understand a woman's feelings, keep the young motivated, and also to provide a shoulder to lean on for his friends. Others around Gerik see him as a likable man who emphasizes his care for his companions. Bio Gerik became a mercenary on a whim. His friend, Zabba, had expressed the joy he would have in becoming a mercenary, and would one day leave for Jehanna to fulfill his dreams. Gerik, not wanting Zabba to get hurt, would eventually follow him and join the same guild Zabba had joined. One day, Zabba is killed in action. Gerik had lost the reason why he became a mercenary in the first place. However, interacting with other people and becoming friends with them gives Gerik a reason to continue his life as a mercenary in hopes of not allowing them to share the same fate as his friend had. It is revealed in one of Gerik and Saleh's conversations that Saleh had killed Zabba. Gerik tells Saleh that he had thought of avenging Zabba's death, but fighting alongside Saleh had allowed Gerik to respect him. Gerik forgives Saleh for killing Zabba by telling him that he trusts him, as that's his job as a friend. Gerik's scar is his pride and yet he doesn't like telling others about it. However, when Tethys asks, Gerik states that he got it as a novice, while he was so confident in his abilities that he thought nobody could best him. To his surprise, he was crushed effortlessly under the strength of a mysterious knight. The knight had spared his life due to the expression of fear Gerik had exerted. Gerik believed that the scar was his punishment for being full of himself and his own skills. Tethys, however, sees it in another light. She makes him realize that he wouldn't have met her or anybody else, for that matter, if he were dead. She tells Gerik that he should see through the past pain, and look at what the life the knight had spared was able to experience because he was still alive. Gerik lets his fears calm and tells her that he'd be able to sleep soundly from then on. As for his life of romance, Gerik has two ladies that seem to be more important than the rest: Marisa and Tethys. After all, it is due to these two women that he decides to settle down, instead of leaving behind his life as a mercenary. ____________________________ Multiple endings are hard to write, without favoring one side over the other at least. >_> Hopefully I didn't screw that up.
  7. Alright, thanks for the info. I'm 50% sure of everything that happens in FE10. XD Will go update the first post.
  8. Eltoshen


    Gamefaqs is really your best friend. Or use the data on serenesforest.net. The answers to most of your questions can easily be figured out that way.
  9. If there's anything wrong, you can point them out to me. XD
  10. By RL(real life) human proportions, it'd be big. By fire emblem style, it's just right.
  11. They aren't. it's the member group that counts. EDIT: lol, wtf I'm a hatchling now.
  12. That's because anything above a hatchling doesn't have flood control turned on for their member group/title.
  13. Holy frick, I can post now. is hoping that this hiccup didn't kill the article I had written in Story Articles since I didn't save a backup
  14. There's a reason why the show is called "Crack Gay-ass" you know. It's a show with humor and shows you how much the little things you do or say can fuck up your life.
  15. The face size looks fine (if anything, it'd be bigger, not smaller). And the peace sign looks fine as well. I put the fingers between her mouth and compared it to myself, and the proportions look the same.
  16. If you don't use facebook like everybody else does, then your reaction seems kinda natural. Nobody uses email these days, figuratively speaking, to update their "statuses" or give invites.
  17. Finally got some of the remaining Martian Successor Nadesico Jovians.
  18. Actually, his right arm is kinda missing, if you look again. http://www.feplanet.net/sprites-archive-character-body10/128
  19. Oops, I typo'd. I meant to put "Hiver" to match the rest of them.
  20. Alright, updated list below. Newer ones added at bottom. http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/8873/srtwnames2zg8.png
  21. Okay, I'll go add those in. Once I learn what happens to Largo's arm, I'll add that in too.
  22. Wow, that Pit...A+. I love how you did the wings, though, if I had to choose one thing to comment on. Same with his hairor two.
  23. Summary Largo is a huge man of muscles who strides around shirtless, choosing to wear only a pair of shoulder guards so he's able to show off his body. The rest of his clothing, his pants, his shoes, and his cape, all seem to be made out of some sort of animal skin. He has the ability to entertain others while keeping them happy as his personality is a rather giddy one. Largo does have a problem retaining his memories, though, so he uses a notebook to write down his thoughts. Bio Path of Radiance Largo makes his first appearance one to remember. He wanders to the campground where Ike had stationed his troops and, on his way to find the general, he sees Ike walking around. Largo asks Ike to take him to the commander of the army as he offers his skills as a "World Class Berserker". Ike reveals himself to be the general of the army, causing Largo to burst out laughing. Before Largo can belittle Ike's title any further, Calill shows up and confirms the fact. Largo is left embarassed, and he apologizes to Ike for capping on him. During a conversation with Tauroneo, Largo reveals his plans to open a pub one day near his hometown, Begnion. When asked what he would name it, Largo comes up with rather interesting names including "Savory Pies And Stuff" and "All You Beorc And Laguz Come On Down And Get Yourself A Meat Pie Pub". In the end, he decides to name it "Calill" as Tauroneo advises him to name it after the one thing most important to him. As to where he would eventually open the pub, Largo ponders over opening it in his hometown, Begnion, or some other country. In Radiant Dawn Sometime after Queen Elincia is restored to the throne, he opens a pub, as promised, but in Crimea, not Begnion. He also adopts a daughter, Amy, after marrying Calill. Eventually, Calill would go and help Queen Elincia's army fight Ludveck's army, leaving Largo to care for Amy. Sadly, Largo is unable to help, as his right arm was injured badly. Amy is eventually picked up by Geoffrey and brought to Elincia. It seems Amy is oblivious as to what happened to her father yet your army knows that Largo was one of the victims of Ashera's judgement, which turned him to stone. Largo is restored to normal after Ashera's defeat, however, thanks to Yune. __________________ Okay, so you can tell the Radiant Dawn part is a mess, but maybe you can help me out by filling me in on things I've missed and/or stated inaccurately.
  24. Regarding the correction above me: It should be "King Ashnard's" with the '.
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