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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. Nothing new added to the list since I basically got them all. That chapter had...a lot.
  2. Then why is it called the "BEO" sword? >_>
  3. Except for the fact that Fergus and Delmud both are sons of Beowulf... Besides, why would you be carrying around some random person's sword? That wouldn't make any sense.
  4. Thanks, guys. I didn't add everything since I still need to find the kanji stuff. EDIT: Here's the newly updated list. Ignore the ones that are already added, since they're only there for kanji purposes. http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/664/srtwnames2kn6.png
  5. Mwahaha, you should applaud me. I found out a character's name just by looking at their kanji. レビン: Le-b(v)-n: Levin Also... 本田: BenTai(Mandarin). I've heard my parents call the "Honda" car brand by that name. XD Here's part of the master list I have ripped and need names for. http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/4089/srtwnames2lc8.png Linked for size. If you know any, tell me, so I don't have to do manual work, XD. Row7, #1: Yukina(ユキナ) Row9, #1: Yán(ヤン) Also, can anybody spell out this katakana using letters or something? フクべ
  6. I think it's the hair. Long hair gets in your way. She got smart and chopped off those locks and went into badass dragonslayer mode. ; ) Also, Namie Amuro, did you miss the point of the topic?
  7. The only laguz kings/queens are... Nailah of whateversheowns Deghinsea of Goldoa Tibarn of Phoenicis Naesala of whateverheowns and...Caineghis of whateverheowns. Holy crap, I haven't played FE9 in a billion years. And I'm unsure about this... Lazoriah of Serenes(?) My favorite is still Tibarn, with Caineghis close behind.
  8. lol, a bunch of upgraded people in chapter 20~. Whatever that orange armor stuff is, it's amazing. <3 A few I'm too lazy to search for right now...
  9. I know you asked for a review of this earlier, but I hadn't gotten around to it and nearly forgot. If you'd still like one, here it is. XD As for why I wrote "a" before lance knight and duke knight: You either put an article(a, an, the) there, or you capitalize lance knight and duke knight. e.g: "He promotes from Lance Knight to Duke Knight." or "He promotes from a lance knight to a duke knight." In purple: The first sentence is a run-on. Or...not really but you dragged it out way too long. Split it into two sentences if necessary. I'll try something out... "Fin is a man who grows a lot during the course of his life. He goes from being a young knight to a father figure, eventually becoming one of the leading liberators of the Thracian Peninsula." I put "Cuan and Ethlin", since he's basically their little slave bitchknight. The "scolded for being cold towards women": when exactly did this happen? Maybe giving an example of when it occured might help broaden the topic, since it seems like an unfinished idea. I still think it's rather canon that Beowulf and Lachesis are lovers, and that Lachesis had sex with Fin for Nanna, but yeah. :P I only said city because town sounds so small... I left most of it alone, though, since there isn't anything really wrong. Some parts sound a bit clunky though, and forced. In purple: I'd suggest using Seisen no Keifu, but you can use that, I guess? Just note that it's "Genealogy of Holy War" not "Geneaology of Holy War".
  10. 8) Yeah, seems like his name is nine-ten-nine. Or ninety-nine. In Chinese, at least. >_> Or is he using a codename?
  11. Oh, okay. In that case, you'd just want to rewrite it a bit. "Leanne replies saying that she knew, as the forest told her everything."
  12. http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/3466/slashqr0.png http://img338.imageshack.us/img338/981/slash2hk7.png http://img72.imageshack.us/img72/9315/luciaqf9.png I think the Lucia one has the best quality. It's weird how the colors look okay when you watch the video, and then become distorted when you pause it inbetween.
  13. "...Leanne that there's no way he can ever forgive Begnion, and he says that she wouldn't know anything since she was asleep the whole time." Even if you're writing in present tense, Reyson's still talking about the past, so you should probably use "wouldn't" instead of "doesn't". I can't exactly understand this. Does the forest tell her? Or did she know before the forest told her? I'm just going to be really picky since you have literally no errors. "...where Leanne is being held captive, she is rescued by a mysterious soldier." pronoun antecedent issue. A pronoun modifies the noun before it. If you left it as is, the "she" would be referring to "Greil's Mercenaries". :P Two "battles" used in a sentence. I've went ahead and struck something out to make it simpler. :o I didn't read the Radiant Dawn part since I don't want to be spoilered. Yes, I have yet to get a Wii. ;-;
  14. The only thing I notice is that you switch back and forth between "Linde" and "Linda" a lota bit, lol. "Later, the Akaneian League, led by Marth, marches to the Kingdom of Akaneia to free it from Doluna's grasp." I killed the comma after Akaneia and changed marchs to marches. It's hard to notice at first. That sentence has a sexual innuendo. You usually don't discover people. Maybe dead people and/or mummies but not little girls. XD Maybe "meets"? "from now on" -> "from then on". As long as it kinda makes sense, I don't think it should matter that much, XD.
  15. I went ahead and did what you suggested, Rei, since I was considering leaving it as the "Ryu" form anyways. And it turns out her name was Aqua, lol. And there we go... :3
  16. Ignore below, just for future reference. Thanks, I'll see if I have another compiled list soon.
  17. If you want, I can go cap a picture of the hanging...? I already have it downloaded. Just tell me what part you want or something.
  18. Eltoshen


    Funny how I had this fixed when I reviewed it earlier, XD. My idea: After Celice conquers Ganeishire, Levin leaves Yuria in Celice's care and travels across the continent to gather more information. I don't get what you meant by "view the standing". It doesn't sound right, either.
  19. Considering that his parents had both Major Narga and Baldo, it makes since why the third minor blood didn't get passed down.
  20. I think that line 2 number 1 is Maria Grace Fleed, but I'm not positive. Correct me if I'm wrong? Relena looked like a guy, which is why I didn't recognize her, rofl. Thanks, again. I got a lot of them clarified. Next list?
  21. Thanks. I ended up finding the word after a million conversions. XD I did some more updating (mostly finding the japanese symbols). Next batch?
  22. Okay, will go check them out. :3 As for Blessfield, yes, it is. However, I remember his in-game sprite has his Japanese name listed as one or two symbols, without the "field" part included. XD I'll AIM you for help first, and then post the ones that you don't know here. Also, yes, using NO$GBA. It doesn't have layers though, which is quite saddening.
  23. Thanks for the info. I've managed to scrap the Japanese symbols off of google translator. I had to use my Chinese dictionary to search for some words I didn't know, though. XD (aka eye primeval: it's more like pupil-of-the-eye primeval) http://lastsr.net/srtw/portraits.html 12. For GekiRyuJin, all I got was 龍神 (RyuJin). What is "Geki" in Japanese? I can barely read the word on the sprite, so it's hard to search. Thanks for everything else, though. I managed to find the symbols through a bit of fumbling around. XD Ready for the next set? Also, if anybody wants to give a crack at the ones earlier that haven't been translated, or you want to point out an error, please tell me.
  24. Can I post this here? Since it involved sprite ripping and the like. In any case, for those who remember my little thread over at FESS, I was ripping character portraits from Super Robot Taisen W. However, I need help translating the names, in order to upload them. I'll go slowly, and give a few characters at a time. You can tell me their names by rows. I'd love if you provided the series they came from as well, if possible. Super Robot Taisen W Portraits Also, just in case anybody was interested... Original Generation Portraits Original Generation 2 Portraits Super Robot Taisen A Portraits Well, to start it off... Names and series anyone?
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