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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. How would one turn off layers in NO$GBA? If it isn't possible using that emulator, are there any that allow you to?
  2. I was thinking that could be true to an extent, but some people don't exactly know how to critique a sprite as they don't have the skills needed to do so. Most people have to ability to tell if something is aesthetically attractive or not, though, and can tell when something is good. Besides, it prods the designer into telling them that people are actually checking your sprites out.
  3. Except purple isn't a darker shade of pink...that would be rose or magenta... Maybe it has to do with your moniter(okay I give up on spelling this word correctly as I hardly ever use it). Oh, okay. :3
  4. Even after seeing your work on every Fire Emblem forum I've been to, I don't think I've said how much I love your work with designing the hair in your sprites. :o It's always something interesting.
  5. That battle animation is surprisingly interesting and a nice change. The Pelleas sprite has pretty hair. I think it looks a bit clumped near the right side of his face, near his ear, though.
  6. Do you have any idea who Grimmjow is? From Bleach? i can't say how long i've been dying to see a mug of his... But in any case, your most recent work doesn't fail to impress. I can clearly tell it's one of your best works as well. I still don't know how the original character looks like so you'll have to stick with an "awesome". ;D
  7. And yet, you aren't even a royal yourself, and this doesn't exactly even apply to you yet. :/ In any case, since there's so much complaint, it might be smart to remove the color altogether. Besides gray is really light and hard to see. I don't get how purple can make somebody so turned off, though.
  8. Uh...Purple is the color of royalty, so it'd definitely make a lot more sense for them to be purple than gray. :/
  9. And it probably takes a horribly long time to actually make the pages, maybe? XD
  10. I remember making a topic like this at FEP. Lemme go copy some stuff over here. Duke Knight(Cuan) -> Master Lord Princess -> Master Lord Priest--female(can use light magic) -> Valkyrie(or whatever it's called; basically a mounted healer who can attack with fire, wind, thunder, and light) or High Priest. Swordfighter(Arya) -> Swordmaster or Female Hero(can use axes, I believe) Holyn -> Forrest(aka hero) or Forrest Knight Beowulf -> Forrest(aka hero) or Forrest Knight Jamka(Hunter) -> Sniper or Warrior
  11. It''ll be rather interesting to watch two boards merge. :o
  12. Was this the blue IF version of Serenes Forest?where I was member#3? XD
  13. Seems like an interesting choice, in any case. Good luck!
  14. And in my opinion, it's stupid that it exists.
  15. Just what I was about to say. Google takes care of a lot, thankfully.
  16. I think bad grammar is a lot more annoying than a stretched page... :/ And we're allowed to advertise in our signatures?
  17. Once you max around 3-4 stats, you can bonus exp the character. They will always gain three status points(and never, in a maxed stat).
  18. Sorry, I assume everybody on this site is a guy(and I'm right around 90% of the time). LOL. Kinda like how I assume most of the iconist at LJ are woman.
  19. I think Fox meant something like he'd be laughing if Jeigan ended up with good growths this game making him more of an "Oifaye" than a "Jeigan". But, since it didn't exactly quote anybody, the idea could easily be lost.
  20. The thing with this chapter is that it isn't hard, but the other chapters before it are way too much of a breeze. You tend to just move your units and not think because you're used to the 10+ chapters before it which let you do the same. XD
  21. Well, I remember the site had him listed but VincentASM was just messing with us.
  22. Nergal was able to forget that he had children. It wouldn't be unreasonable if he forgot he was a half-dragon.
  23. Yeah, seriously. No site compares to Serenes in terms of enjoymentanything. I find myself reading the articles on your site when I could be watching anime or something.
  24. I always thought tanks were things that could take a lot of beating, not something that dodges them. So speed tank is more like an oxymoron.
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