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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. And that means that their wings are there for no reason? We can pretty much assume that all dragons can fly. But it is true that Ena was riding on Kurth in that one scene.
  2. *enters and leaves* remembers the last time we talked
  3. Do the full-bodies first. :/
  4. Who said I cheated? Checking as in thinking it over. As in using logic. I don't even have FE10 so there's no way that I would be able to check for any of those either. :/
  5. By knowing two, I meant without checking. I'm sure that I got more than 2 correct, lol. :P I lied. I knew 4. bragging rights
  6. Laaaaaaa--rachell? Larchel? Ewww La-ara-chul. That's how I've been pronouncing it. And Physic. I didn't realize that it wasn't Psychic until halfway through FE9(not even in the GBA games).
  7. I knew like 2. D: I tried making logical guesses on the others.
  8. You're already registered, so there's no point.
  9. ROFL. I wasn't even born yet, I think... Or maybe for a few days. The worst FE game came out on my birthday(Sacred Stones).
  10. I claimed Ike. No topics without my permission. Dx In any case, of course.
  11. This game had the sexiest bad guys. I would do all of them. At the same time. Ursula can watch.
  12. Pain and Agony are like recreations of the two bandit weirdos that appeared in FE6 and FE7.
  13. http://www.feplanet.net/index.php?fep=spri...ets&id=2964 bla. puts you on "made me do work" category
  14. That one actually looks pretty good. I don't think the text is needed, though.
  15. That solved your problem then, I guess. ;)
  16. How many fire emblem forums have you been too? It's always like this. :? Member icons are there for a reason. It's meant to separate members from higher ups.
  17. I can't believe it's that big a deal, A_E. o_O
  18. The only hard chapter will probably be the ship chapter.
  19. Makalov does not suit Serenes Forest nicely. :(
  20. I have DSL. And also, to Jyosua: I don't see the point in a bigger monitor, I'd rather get games and a Wii. Almost everybody I know still uses 1024x768.
  21. Exactly, it's the horrible try at 3D art. :( The 3D faces I can live with, but not the battle sprites. And even though I say this, I'll probably end up getting it anyways.
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