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Everything posted by Eltoshen

  1. I read it. I'm not going to say anything until I read the first article. If his writing is worth something, we'll find out.
  2. I went with Jyuli since that's what I found when I searched it up, XD
  3. Ryoko freaked me out. >_> I thought it was Jun or something when I first saw her. Can anybody help me with this girl? ジュリ/Giuly(?) It's the girl with the pink glasses below.
  4. :P I'll search for the rest manually later...hopefully I'll find them. And Lapis is from Nadesico Prince of Darkness, so it's only natural you wouldn't recognize her. Look at Akito and his weird headgear in any case.
  5. Actually, her name is Rune/Lune, but her name is often spelled "Renais" and I think it's semi-official, :/
  6. Not really. I don't think they have anything to do with each other.
  7. What the fuck is PAL? Sorry, I'm kind of slow in that department. In any case, the FFXII boxart looks pretty good, actually.
  8. Fixed those that you mentioned. I know that's Akito right there, so you can ignore him if you want.
  9. This reminds me of a time when I got my GameCube. We were heading out for vacation, and I couldn't bring my GameCube, so I just brought the games instead. XD I ended up spending the whole car ride reading through the instructions and whatnot.
  10. Uh...is it just me or did anybody else find to be really easy to beat? I just sent in Aless with the Mistoltin to do a critical, and Sigurd finished him off with the Tyrfing. o-O
  11. Yeah, XD. Since he's basically involved in every little thing... Maybe I'll just include parts about his background and his aggression towards the Black Knight (since that seemed really important). And some major events that involved him personally, I guess.
  12. I like that version, actually.
  13. I don't think that warranted a warn. :/ That's just my personal opinion. You can't exactly punish somebody for breaking an "unwritten rule". Sure, you can lash at them for being stupid, but in the end, it's all just your personal morals. If he had posted somewhere else besides FFtF, I think he'd definitely deserve a warn, but in this case he didn't do something as stupid as that.
  14. Woah woah woah, I think your latest full-body is the best one you've ever made. I really like how well you designed the staff, as it seems so symmetrical.
  15. Depends on where you live. At my school here in Northern California (near San Francisco--actually, it's quite far from San Francisco, but that's probably the closest place you'll recognize), the asian population rate is well...33%filipino and 22%asian. Yes, filipino's get their own category. There's that many. And most of the girls I know are pretty. I'm not even kidding. There's this one Korean girl who looks just like BoA.
  16. I wouldn't think that it'd be Aless, since his nickname is the "Black Knight". Plus, he doesn't even make an appearance in FE5, IIRC.
  17. Jamka and Brigid 1st gen, no competition for Faval second gen.
  18. "The people suffered greatly within his dark grasp." "in" sounds more like they're literally inside his hands. "old body" sounds awkward. "original body" or "age-old" body are more descriptive, and sound better. "His efforts were futile, as the pair, with the aid of their companions, managed to destroy his body entirely, therefore ensuring his death." It may seem weird, with the commas, but the ending you had before was choppy. Mainly the "ensuring he could never again return". Overall, it was really nicely written, though.
  19. Spot on, that's exactly what I meant. It doesn't matter since I prefer guys. :X
  20. I'd like to claim Geoffrey and Largo if possible? I already have much of Largo's written as it's a lot shorter than Ike's. Oh my god, Ike's is painful. XD
  21. Well, that princess of Conote seems to be a likely candidate for holy blood, if you think about it.
  22. Alright, thanks. I'll change Abel soon. Also, I know that Kite is Kazuma but I stuck with "Kite" since that's what the kanji reads whenever you see him use that sprite (aka from that point on).
  23. The identified characters are all listed on the site. http://lastsr.net/srtw/portraits.html Also, may I ask that you don't hotlink any images on the site? My bandwidth isn't that great. :o Linking to the images works a lot better, as it doesn't use up my bandwidth.
  24. Obviously, since everybody has a personal preference. You better be mad at this, since you'd get laid a lot more if this wasn't the case. I generally prefer tanned skin. And blonde hair is okay, too. But white people, you know those "ruffskin" whites. I generally don't get turned on by them. :/ Now, my opinion on girls, rofl. Slutty = disgusting. I like girls that are smart and don't take pride in their "hotness". They must be "hot" though. :P AKA, there are few.
  25. I basically ignored the last part since I don't see how the Blagi Sword has anything to do with the topic, since it isn't classified as a heriditary sword. It's more like a blessed sword.
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